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017_New Middletown Mill

Description: This mill at New Middletown was erected in 1910. Fred Uesseler purchased the machinery and erected the mill. John Uesseler and Oscar Foster operated the mill until 1917, when Uesseler took over Fosters interest. John Uesseler died in 1934 and his widow sold the mill in 1935 to William Kannapel, who two years later sold it to Frank Keisler. Around 1946 Leonard J. Combs purchased the mill, and in 1950 he sold it to brothers Maurice, Paul and James Kochert, who also owned and operated the Lanesville Milling Company. The mill continued operation into the late 20th century. Unfortunately, a devastating fire destroyed the 1910 building in 1987, at which time it was operating as the New Middletown Feed Mill. Prior to this 1910 structure, two other mills operated in New Middletown. Philip Heckelman established the first known mill in the area, and in 1880, Frank Ordner and Anthony Kannapel Sr. established the New Middletown Flouring Mill. This mill burned in 1908, and the Uesselers constructed the mill detailed above on the same site.
Origin: ca. 1940
Created By: Albert Wallace
Collection: Mills of Harrison County
Copyright: This image may be printed or downloaded by individuals, schools or libraries for study, research or classroom teaching without permission. For other uses contact:
Geography: New Middletown, Harrison County, Indiana
Subjects: Mills

Further information on this record can be found at its source.