009_People around loading platform, McCartys Mill, ca. 1898

Description: The individuals in this photo are standing around the loading platform of George McCartys Mill. They have been identified as follows (left to right): Frank _____, Baker Beanblossom, Laura Rowe Miller, _____ Winders, _____ Beanblossom, and Sallie Rowe Beanblossom. McCartys Mill was located along Buck Creek in Heth Township. It was built ca. 1852 on the foundation of what had previously been Squire Boones Mill. Boone (1744-1815), brother to famed pioneer Daniel Boone and a prominent frontiersman in his own right, settled in the area in 1804 near a cave with a large spring that flowed into Buck Creek at the bottom of a bluff. In 1809, Boone built a large stone grist mill, believed to be the first in the county. The mill did not depend on the creek for water supply, but used the swift flow of the spring to turn the wheel. Squire Boone deeded his mill and farm to his son Isaiah in 1812. After operating the mill for a time, the younger Boone sold it to Peter Mauck, and the Mauck family ran it for several years. The original mill burned in 1852 and a new one was built on the same site. It is this mill that George McCarty purchased in 1872. The McCarty family owned the property for over seventy years. In the 1970s, the property became part of The Squire Boone Caverns and Village historic tourist site. The mill was reconstructed in 1980 and continues to rest on the foundation of the original Squire Boone mill built in 1809.
Origin: ca. 1898
Source: http://cdm17251.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p17251coll20/id/20
Collection: Mills of Harrison County
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/CNE/1.0/
Copyright: This image may be printed or downloaded by individuals, schools or libraries for study, research or classroom teaching without permission. For other uses contact: genealogy@hcpl.lib.in.us
Geography: Heth Township,Harrison County, Indiana
Subjects: Mills

Further information on this record can be found at its source.