42THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYat home in Terre Haute
1927-1929teacher in commercial department Mechanic Arts High School. St. Paul, Minn.
received A. M. degree from WabashBusiness College, Terre Haute
attendedPalmer School, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
tookextension work in University of Minnesota.Servies, Edgar M., pa Colfax
1896-1897teacher district school, Jackson township,Boone county
1897-1900 principal highschool. Advance
1900-1906 principalhigh school school, Jamestown
1908-1910 clerk C. & E. I. R. R.
1910-1911principal high Bchool, Advance
1911-1921 county superintendent of schools,Boone county: 1921-1926 principal highschool, Jamestown
1926-1930 principalhigh school, Colfax.Shirley, Cora, pa 655 Third Ave., TerreHaute
1899-1903 teacher, English,three and one-half years at Alexandria
1903-1929 teacher, reading, junior highschool, Terre Haute.Sneil, Bertha, nr.Stewart, Mary, nr.Stimson, Mary, pa 1003 South 3rd St.,Terre Haute
1899-1901 teacher in thegrades, Terre Haute
1901-1910 assistantLatin teacher, Wiley High School, TerreHaute
1910-1916 vice principal and deanof girls, Wiley High School
A. M. University of Wisconsin, 1910
1927-1929dean of girls, Wiley High School, TerreHaute.Shults-Shock, Mrs. Blanche V., pa 700North 7th St., Lafayette
1900 1904taught grades, Indianapolis
1904-1929married, at home, not teaching.Stwalley, Ella, nr.Thomas, Sadie, pa Denver, Colo.
1890-1302 tiiught grades at Alexandria
1902-1904 taught grades at Indianapolis
1904-1905 taught Indian school, White-river, Ariz.
1905-1917 taught gradework, Denver, Colo.
1917-1929 chairman social science department, SkinnerJunior High School, Denver, Colo.Turner, R. Quinn, nr.♦Vehslage, Anna, deceased 1905
nr.Vinzant, Charles Edward, la Kentland:1899-1903 principal of schools, Anderson
1903-1908 superintendent ofschools, Dunkirk
1908-1909 A. B., Indiana University
1909-1916 superintendent of schools, Kentland
lr 1916.Walker, Ernest G., nr.Webb, Edgar, pa 393 seventh Ave., NewYork
1899-1900 principal of ward school,Vincennes
1900-1904 principal of highschool, Williamsport
1.904-1911 publisher. Daily and Weekly Ledger, Attica
1911-1914 manager for E. P. Duttonand Company, Publishers: 1914-1928agency assistant for Equitable Life Insurance Society of the United States,office ...
1928-1930 director ofunit managers training offices NewYork
president Indiana State TeachersCollege Alumni Association 1927.Webster, Lewis B., pa 2410 North 7thSt., Terre Haute
1900 assistant inphysics and chemistry, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1900-1901 principal of schools, Bridgeton
1901-1907 working in post-office, TerreHaute: 1907-1930 teaching botany, WileyHigh School, Terre Haute.Weills, Olive, nr.Welch, Ella, nr.White, Isaac D., p...
taughtthree years in Parke county before graduation
1899-1900 teacher, St. Bernice
1900-1901 teacher, Silverwood
1901-1904 attended Purdue University, Medical College
1904-1929 practicing medicine in Clinton
received M. D. degreefrom Purdue in 1904.Williams, Oscar Harrison, pa Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, O.
1899-1902superintendent of schools, Windfall
1902-1903 principal of departmentalgrades, Elwood
1904-1905 principalhigh school, Alexandria
1905-1903 headof department of history and civics inhigh school, New Albany
1908-1914critic teacher, history, School of Education, Indiana University
received A.B. from Indiana University in 1905:M. A. from Harvard University in 1912
1915-1917 critic teacher, Indiana University
1919—1924 state inspectorteacher-training
1923-1924 associateprofessor, Depauw University
1925-1928 professor education, DePauw University, Greencastle
received Ph. D. degree from Indiana University in 1923
member of Phi Delta Kappa
graduateclubs, Indiana and Harvard Universities
Indiana School Mens Club
1928-1930 professor of education, Ohio State University, Columbus,O.Wilson, Clarence B., pa Aurora
1899-1901 principal of schools, Dillsboro
1901-1908 cashier State Bank, Dillsboro
1908-1930 cashier. State Bank, Aurora
attended Moores Hill College in 1888.Wilson, Lola, nr.Winn, Lola Moss Deardorf, nr.CLASS OF 1900Baxter-McLemon, Mrs. Elizabeth, nr.Brount, Willis M., nr.Bl...
1900-1901 supervisor ofmusic, Princeton
1901-1906 supervisorof music, Brazil
1905-1929 supervisorof music, Ithaca, N. Y.
teacher of summer session in Cornell University andauthor of several texts on music.Burke, Samuel, nr.Caldwell, James H., pa 16 Erwin Block,Terre ...
1900-1901 teacher in highschool, Elwood
1900 student Universityof Chicago
1901-1902 principal highschool, Plainfield
1902-1903 teacher ofLatin, high school, Cayuga
1903-1905principal high school, Cayuga
1905entered Indiana University in fall
received LL. B. degree 1907
1907-1929attorney-at-law, Terre Haute.C.em, John D., la 1916 Vigo county
lr1916 farming in Vigo county.Coar, John R., la Fort Wayne
1900-1904 ward principal, Elwood
1904-1911ward and junior high school principal,Shelbyville
1911-1922 ward principal,Fort Wayne
1922-1928 supervisor intermediate and grammar grades and mathe-mtaics, Fort Wayne
attended Universityof Wisconsin summers of 1907-1908-1909-1910.Cole, Charles A., nr.♦Collins, William J., received M. D. degree: deceased
nr.Creek, Viola, nr.Cunningham, Elizabeth, la 2106 E. St.,Bakersfleld, Calif.
1900-1903 teacher inintermediate grades, Russellville
1903-1908 teacher of primary grades. Rose-