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Search Results - (( times sales vi...
Showing 1 - 20 of 373 results
One typed page including photograph; biography of Donald Paul Jennings, esteemed educator and coach.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown heroes who have made a difference.Don Jenningsn esteemed educator an...
Vigo County Historical Society
One typed page including photograph; biography of Howard Sharpe, Indianas all-time winningest high school basketball coach.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.Howard SharpeOn the...
Vigo County Historical Society
One typed page including portrait; biography of Stewart Ray Red Faught, one of the nations most innovative college football coaches....
WABASHP R OFIA hometown h heroes who h difference. A seriies of ttributes tto h f ib t t h have made a diff dVALLEYL E S...
Vigo County Historical Society
One typed page including photograph; biography of William Sylvester Hollard, esteemed coach and school administrator in Houston, Texas.
WABASHP R OFIA hometown h heroes who h difference. A seriies of ttributes tto h f ib t t h have made a diff dVALLEYL E S...
Vigo County Historical Society
Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,...
Indiana State University Library
One typed page including photograph; brief history of Gerstmeyer Technical High School in Terre Haute, Indiana.
WABASHP R OFIA hometown h heroes who h difference. A seriies of ttributes tto h f ib t t h have made a diff dVALLEYL E S...
Vigo County Historical Society
One typed page including photograph; brief description of the Wabash Valley Basketball Tournament.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.Wabash Valley High...
Vigo County Historical Society
One typed page including photograph; biography of Elmer Oliphant, the greatest athlete ever produced in the Wabash Valley.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown heroes who have made a difference.Elmer OliphantThough his name is...
Vigo County Historical Society
————Promising frosh teambuilds base for 84-87The 33-member freshman footballsquad ended its 1983 season with arecord of 1-5-1.Coach Ted...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
ifI JiWalter Gray has coached the footballteams for six years, and during thistime the wrestling team for one. Bothsquads have improved. In ...
University High School
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SKIBOSFIRST ROW: Darrell Humphrey, Rodney Sowder, John Kelley, Wallace Miller, Kenneth Kirkman.SECOND ROW: Coach Sparks, Russell Perry, Larry Smith,...
Smithville High School
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iron(ContestsIn the fall, Coach Walter Gray had his usual large turnoutfor football, 58 boys. The team, which produced 23 letter-men, played ...
University High School
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Mmmmmy- ■■ -■-■-■■ ■■■ ■■-^yr-r—— until ..M-i.d...Golfers Tee for ForeThe 1961 Bloomington Hig...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
TENNIS TEAM . . .First Row: Richard Robertson, Jim Zimmerly,Richard Loshbrook. Second Row: Greg Myers,Coach Keith Rhoades.Racketeers Rebuild TeamThe...
Bloomington High School
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The Bloomington Panther football team completed the season with a record of 7 wins and 3losses. The Panther gridders gained 3317 yardsthis s...
Bloomington High School
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StSLIon the riseFreshman Ronald Schneider had been playing tennis since the age of four with his fatherand Coach Ken Hydinger (former Indian...
Bloomington High School South
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tiShClose guarding by Jasper is all in vain as Fergie drives through to score.Throughout the SeasonCoach Keith Rhoades and hiscagers compiled a...
Bloomington High School
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BASKETBALLBASKETBALL■ he 1930-31 basketball team began their pre-season training long before the close* of the football season. The early weeks...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Susan Marvin concentrates on performinga perfect balance beam routine.Front row: Alethea Jacobs, Susan Marvin,Jessica Maynard, Michelle Webb, Dawn Patterso...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
——,<F f xGymnasticsUHS began its tenth sport in the school year1962-63, quite an achievement for a schoolof our size, with the c...
University High School
No subjects listed