A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
The Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore GuerinFor information about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, contact Sister Barbara Doherty, coordinator of the Offic...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Commencement Program
One Hundred and FifteenthCommencementofRose-Hulman Institute ofTechnologyMay 29, 1993Commencement ProgramPrelude ............................................................................. .... ...
contents, DAY OF SERVICE FALL 2011 Hugh BakerRegional Advancement Director2. Mary BarrVP for Communications and Marketing3. Michael DeVasherAssistant VP fo...
Abdelkader-CurrytestingoupatienceWhat is your biggest pet peeve?by kathy watsonFire alarm testing during a test at school.And, being sober at a party&...
Original caption on front: Magic City Council no. 221 A-U-K and D of A. Juvenile Dept. Most Excellent Queen Mrs. Annie Shoecraft. May...
This compound object replaces the single object black and white xerox copy in the collection. The single object was deleted and the descript...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...