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Showing 1 - 20 of 775 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( noble tirey cr...
Showing 1 - 20 of 775 results

  • 242THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYGraham, Maria H. 2 P, ha Sullivan

    taught one year at Bucktown beforegraduotion

    1928-1929 ot home, notteaching.Granek, Florence, B. S.

    ha Terre Haute,2160 Crawford St.

    1928-1929 at home,not teaching.Graves, Edna Louise, 2IG, ha Indianapolis, 1908 Boulevard Place

    taughttwo years as substitute teacher at Indianapolis and one year at Walden University, Noshville, Tenn. before graduation

    1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Greene, Je Royd, 2IA, ha Terre Haute,603 South 14th St.

    1928-1929 teacherindustrial arts, Winston-Salem, N. C.Greenlee, Catherine, A. B-, ha TerreHaute, 2521 Garfield Ave.

    1928-1929teacher of English, Woodrow Wilson,Junior High School, Terre Haute.Grider, Annadell, B .S., ha Brazil, RFD 2

    pa Gary

    taught three year3 in a one-room school

    one year in a two-roomschool and three years in high schoolteaching mathematics, Staunton

    1923-1929 teacher in junior high school,Gary.Grider, Martha Fstella, 2IG, ha Brazil

    pa Villa Grove, 111.

    RFD 2

    taughttwo years in grades before graduation

    1928-1930 teach .r English, Villa Grove,111.Griffin, Beulah J., 2P, ha Rosedale

    taught one year Lyford, Parke county

    one year teaching music in grades atLyford, before graduation

    1928-1930teacher of second grade, Lyford, Parkcounty.Griffin, Mary, 2P, ha Terre Haute, 128South 1-lth St.

    taught primary grades,Harrison township, Vigo county, eightyears hofoie graduation

    192S-1929teacher of first grade, Harrison township, Vigo county.Grube, Edna G., 2P, ha Burns City

    1928-1929 teacher elementary grades,Iurns City.Gruver, William Hardy, A. B., ha TellCity

    1920-1921 taught grades, Java,S. D.

    1924-1926 taught high school,Tell City: 1926-1928 teacher of science,hio

    h school, West Lebanon

    1928-1929principal hiv

    h school, Judy ville

    1929-1930 engaged in insurance business inWilliamsport.Gummere, Norma Catherine, R. S., haClay City

    pa New Ross

    1923-1925taught rural school, Clay county: 1925-1926 taught grades, Boswell

    1928-1930teacher home economics and English,New Ross.Guthrie, Caroline Meglemre, 2IG, haBedford, 27th and I St.

    taught fiveyears in Bedford schools before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher of reading andEnglish in fifth and sixth grades, Bedford.Gwaltney, Iona, 2IG, ha Poseyville

    1923-1924 taught in grades, Cynthiana

    1921-1928 teacher grades, Poseyville.Hackett, Madolin, B. S.. ha Terre Haute,1131 South 11th St.

    pa Newport

    1928-1929 teacher of music and art, Vermillion township

    consolidated school, Newport.Hale, David Jones, B. S., ha Terre Haute,812 South Sth St.

    pa Hebron

    1928-1929 teacher of chemistry. Central HighSchool, Evansville: 1929-1930 teocher ofEnglish ond science, Hebron.Haley, Ruth Pentecost, B. S., ha TerreHaute...

    1928-1929teacher of home economics in grades andhigh school, East Glenn

    1929-1930graduate student, Indiana University.Halloran, Mona, B. S., ha Terre Haute,2025 North 13th St.

    taught seventeenyears in grades in city schools, TerreHaute

    1928-1930 teacher grades, Collet School, Terre Haute.Hamm, Lucille C, 2IG, ha Brazil, Hen-drix Street Road

    1916-1918 teachergrades, Perth School, Dick Johnsontownship

    1918-1919 teacher grades.North Mine School

    1925-1930 teachergrades, Sugar Grove School.Hamman, Lillian, A. B., ha Syracuse

    1909-1915 teacher rural schools. Kos-cuisko county

    1912-1920 teacher grades,Syracuse

    1920-1922 teacher Green HighSchool, Syracuse

    1922-1929 teacherLatin, English and history, SyracuseHigh School.Hammond, Mairie L., 2IG, ha Shelburn

    RFD 1

    1928-1929 department work,Jackson township, Sullivan county.Harr.montree, Ruth E., 2P, ha Logan-port, 2029 George St.

    pa 1928-1929teacher primary grades, Freeland Park.Hanen, Ivan, B. S., ha Hagerstown

    1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Haney, Audrey Floy, 2P, ha Cory

    1928-1929 teacher in grades, Cory.Harijer, Wima Welch, 2P, ha Georgetown, RFD 2

    pa New Albany

    taughtgrades in New Albany township twoyears

    first grade in New Albany publicschools thirteen years before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher of first grade.New All.anv.H^rhaugh, Gladys, 2IG, ha Clay City

    1326-1927 taught McGregor School,Lewis township. Clay county

    1927-1929tvacher in Porter School, Clay township,Owen county.Hardesty, I vo, 2P, pa RFD 1, Lyons

    1925-1929 teacher grades, Marco.Hargrove, Blanche, 2P, pa Patoka

    1928-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Patoka.Harper, Lavina Marguerette, 2IG, haIndianapolis, 2019 Cornell Ave.

    1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Harris, Charlotte, B. S., ha Terre Haute,1003 South G% St.

    1928-1930 teachingmusic and English in Bloomingdale.Harris, Evangeline E., B. S., ha TerreHaute, 1501 First Ave.

    1926-1929 teacher of music, Washington and Lincolnschools, Terre Haute.Harrison, Cecil Clifton, 2IG, ha Corydon

    1923-1929 taught in Harrisontownship, Harrison county.Hart, Louise N., 2P, ha Garrett, 601East Keyser St., 1928-1929 teachinggrades, Riley Building, Garrett.Har...

    taught one year Jackson townshipschools, Parke county, before graduation

    1928-1930 teacher of grades, Raccoon township school, Bridgeton.Harvey, Eva M., 2IG, ha Tangier

    taughtin rural school three years in Granttownship, Vermillion county, Illinois before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher ofrural school, Grant township, Vermillion county, 111.Harvey, Vesta Blanche, B. S., ha TerreHaute, 650 Lafayette Ave., taught inthe ...

    1928-1930 teachingfirst grsde, Deming School, Terre Haute.Hassenplug, Mabel Celesta, 2P, ha Rochester, RFD 8

    taught four years Whip-

    Indiana State University Archives
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  • 234THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY204 Worthington Apts, Ft. Wayne: 1924-1925 teacher, rural schools, IndianSprings

    1925-1926 teacher primarygrades. Burns City

    1926-1927 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1927-1929 teacher, HarmarSchool, Ft. Wayne

    1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.Wegerly-Daniels, Mrs. Naomi, 2IG, pa601 South 19th St., Lafayette, taughttwo years in Warren county and threeye...

    1927-1930 teacher of grades,city schools, Lafayette.Wellman-Dial, Mrs. Helen J., 2IG. haCloy City

    pa Box 292, Lawton, Okla.

    1924-1926 teacher grades. BowlingGreen

    1926-1927 student Indiana StateTeachers College

    1927-1928 teacher,home economics, high school, Coalmont

    1928-1930 teacher home economics. FortSill, Junior High School, Lawton, Okla.

    fi. S. Indiana State Teachers College,1928.Weils, David, B. S.. ha Montgomery

    pa Crawfordsville: 1927-1929 teacher ofmathematics, physical education, Nashville

    1929-1930 teacher mathematics,Crawfordsville.Wells, Thelma, 2IG, pa 2330 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute

    1927-1928 didnot teach

    at home.Welsheimer, Edith L., A. B., pa Gallup,ri. M.

    1928 teacher of mathematics andEnglish, junior high school, Gallup, N.M.

    for complete information, see classOf 1923.Wert, Katherine, 2IG, pa Kokomo

    1927-1930 teacher of primary work, Kokomo.Wesin, Lettie S., 2P, po 190 S. E.Third St., Linton

    1909-1913 teocher ofgrades, Linton

    1925-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College

    1927-1929at home, not teaching.West, Kathleen, 2IG, pa Coatesville

    1927-1929 teacher of grades five and six,Coatesville.Whaley-Shepherd, Mrs. Thelma K., 2P,ha Dugger

    pa 332 North Court St., Sullivan

    1922-1924 teacher of grades, Center School, Cass township, Dugger

    1924-1928 teacher of grades, Dugger

    1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married to R. M. Shepherd.Willis, Thelma, 2P, ha RFD E, TerreHaute

    pa Richmond

    1927-1928 teacherof primary grades, Seelyville

    1928-1930 teacher primary grades, Richmond.Wilson, Esther, A. B., pa Riley

    1925-1930 teacher of English, Riley.Wilson, Flora Anna, B, S., ha Wingate

    1920-1921 teacher of grades, Hillsboro

    1921-1925 teacher of grades, Mellott

    1925-1927 student, Indiano State Teachers College

    1927-1928 teacher physicaleducation, Lafayette.Wilson, Hazel, 2P, pa Clinton: 1927-1929 teacher of primary grades, Helttownship school, Clinton.Witty-Hale, Mrs. ...

    ha 921 North 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1925-1926 teacher of English, Carthage

    1927-1928 teacher ofEnglish, Toledo, 111.

    1928-1930 notteaching, homekeeper, married to DovidJones Hale.Wolf, Eva L., pa Attica

    1927-1929 teocher of intermediate grades, Attica.Wolfe, Lillian Lidikay, 2P, ha George,town

    1927-1928 teacher of primarygrades, Greenville.Wolff-Kline, Mrs. Elizabeth L., A. B., pa1921 Maplewood Place, Louisville, Ky.

    1927-1928 teacher of English and Latin,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute

    married March 3, 1929to Morris M. Kling

    not teaching, home-keeper.Wood, Ina L., B. S., ha Zionsville

    1927-1928 graduate student, Purdue University. West Lafayette

    1928-1929 did notteach

    at home because of illness.Wood, Mrs. Louise D., B. S., pa RFD D,Box 135, Terre Haute

    1904-1905 teacher of grades, Fullers Station, NewYork

    1904 graduated from CohocsTraining School, Albany Teachers College

    1905-1906 teacher of grodes, Mohawk View, New York

    1906-1914 teacher of grades, McKinley School, Schenectady, New York

    1914-1916 recreationwork, community dances, playgroundwork, mothers clubs, Schenectady, NewYork

    1915-1919 did not teach

    1919-1924 teacher in Boys Vocational School,Terre Haute

    1925-1930 teacher of socialstudies, Gerstmeyer Technical HighSchool, Terre Haute.Wray, Nina, 2P., pa 2146 Crawford St.,Terre Haute

    1911-1918 teacher in Mt.Zion School, grades, Crawfordsville

    1915supply teacher, Newmarket

    1925-1926private instructor, Rose Home, TerreHaute

    1926-1927 student, Indiana SlateTeachers College

    1927-1929 did notteach, at home.Wrightson, Katherine, B. S., pa Brazil

    1926-1927 teacher of physical education,Y. W. C. A. Crawfordsville

    1927-1930teacher of physical education, Brazil.Yegerlehner, Roscoe, B. S., pa Clay City

    1923-1925 teacher in rural school, Claycounty

    1925-1927 student, IndianaState Teachers College

    1927-1928 teacher of science, mathematics, highschool, Petersburg

    1928-1929 teacherof mathematics and science, Clay City

    graduate student, Indiana University.Zachary-Reed, Mrs. Verlee Mary, 2P, pa2917 West 60th St., Chicago, 111.

    1927-1928 teacher of elementary grades, Sullivan

    1928-1929 homekeeper, marriedto Donald Reed in 1928.Zeitler, Edna H., B. S., pa 1455 Tippecanoe St., Terre Haute

    1927-1930 notteaching, at home

    for complete recordsee class 1924.Zimmerman, Ernest L., B. S., pa 2687First Ave., Huntington, W. Va.

    1912-1916 teacher in rural schools

    1916-1917 teacher of mathematics, highschool. Burns City

    1917-1918 teacherof mathematics and science, Birdseye

    1918-1924 teacher of commerce, mathematics and science, high school, KenDavis, subdivision of Indianapolis

    1924-1927 teacher of commerce, Crawfordsville

    1927-1928 teacher in Technical High School, Indianapolis

    1928-1930 supervisor of commercial education, supervising two senior and fivejunior high schools, Huntington, W. Va.CLASS OF 1928Abrams, Charles B., 21G,&#...

    taught twoyears, Sullivan county

    four years SugarCreek township, vigo county: 1928-1930teacher grades, Whitcomb Heights,Sugar Creek township, Vigo county.

    Indiana State University Archives
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  • Managers promote campaigns; Stemen utilizes role as his first step toward Student Government Association president; Wiese, Zuniga keep Tietz Slat...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • 170THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYteaching, homekeeper, married.Elrod, Edith R., 2IG, ha Coatesville

    pa271 Belleview Place, Indianapolis

    1922-1929 teaching grades at Indianapolis.Engleman, Delia, 2IG, ha 211 Lewis St.,Hammond

    pa same

    lr 1928 teachingin grades, Hammond

    mr 6-7-29.Evans-Wagner, Mrs. Victoria, B. S., ha2201 South 6% St., Terre Haute

    la3405 Gate Place, New York City

    lr1928 teaching at Scarsdale, N. Y.Fleener, Ray E., A. B., ha Little York

    pa Petersburg

    1922-1924 teacher history and athletics at Butler

    1925-1927teaching at French Lick

    1927-1930teaching science tand coaching, Petersburg.Flood, Georgia S., A. B., ha 1125 South7th St., Terre Haute

    pa Evansville 1922-1929 teacher of Spanish and Latin, Central High School, Evansville.Freitag-Sahm, Mrs. Anne, 2M, pa 121/.Kent Ave., Terre Haute...

    1922-1923teacher of music, Bainbridge

    1924-1926teacher of music, Prairie Creek

    1926-1929 married, not teaching, at home.French, Findley, B. S., ha Riley


    1922-1930 teacher of industrialarts in Emerson High School at Gary.♦Gillespie, Katherine, A. B., ha 420North Lafayette Blvd., South Bend...

    deceased Sept. 24, 1926.Greanleaf, June L., A. B., ha 2218 Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1930 teaching Latin in Wiley High.School, Terre Haute.Greer, Emath Bell, 2IG, ha 1204 ElizaSt., Fort Wayne

    pa 2153 North ArsenalAve, Indianapolis

    1922-1923 teacher ofgrode work at Seymour

    1924-192 9teacher of grade work, Indianapolis.Grenard, Hazel, 2M, ha Hillsboro


    1919-1920 music and domestic science, New Richmond

    1920-1922music and domestic science, Rosedale

    1922-1923 music and domestic scienceMace

    1923-1924, music supervisor,Fortville

    lr 1924.Griffith, Helen Mary, 2IG, 2 East PearlSt. Washington: pa same

    1922-1930teacher of elementary grades, Washington.Grogan, Anne Patricia, 2IG, ha 344 Central Ave., Whiting, lr 1923 teaching elementary grades at Fort ...


    lr 1923 teaching grades, TerreHaute.Hamilton, Allen T., B. S., ha Danville

    pa Bloomington

    1922-1930 industrialarts supervisor, Bloomington.Hampton, Charles, A. B., ha 621 North7th St., Terre Haute

    pa Muncie

    1922-1923 principal Burns City

    1927-1930history department, Muncie.Harris, Ernestine R., 2IG, ha 1501 FirstAve., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1923grades, Burnette, School No. 8.

    1923-1924 student Indiana State Teachers College

    lr 1924.Hill, Thelma, 2IG, ha 201 Riggs Ave.,West Terre Haute

    pa same

    did notteach before graduation

    1922-1923 teacher of grades, West Terre Haute

    1923-1924 saleslady

    1924-1929 teacher ofgrades, West Terre Haute.Healey, Margaret, 2IG, ha 1429 MarketSt., Logansport

    pa 830 North EuclidAve., Dayton, Ohio

    1921-1929 socialscience, Jackson elementary school,platoon organization, Dayton, Ohio.Hirth, Albert S., A. B., ha Linton

    paKilbourn, Ohio

    1922-1927 mathematics,coaching at Raub

    1927-1930 instructormathematics and supervisor mathematicsOhio Wesleyan University, Delaware,Ohio.

    M. A. degree Columbia University, summer 1929.Hoberg, Minnie, A. B., ha Terre Haute

    pa 1323 South Center St., Terre Haute

    1911-1915 teaching grades, Terre Haute

    1915-1916 student in University of Wisconsin

    1916-1921 teaching fifth grade,Terre Houte

    1921-1922, attending Indiana State Teachers College at TerreHaute

    1922-1925 teaching history injunior high school at Terre Haute

    1925-1929 not teaching, Terre Haute.Holladay, Maude, A. B., ha Monticello

    pa 3 Main Arms, South Bend 1922-1929 teacher of home economics, SouthBend.Hoiler, Carl Wise, A. B., ha Terre Haute

    pa West Terre Haute, RFD A, 1918-1920teacher in the Midlothian High School,Richmond, Va.

    1922-1923 principal highschool. West Terre Haute

    1923-1929superintendent of schools, West TerreHaute

    1929-1930 principol, ConcannonHigh School, West Terre Haute.Holies, Hobart, A. B., ha Ft. Branch

    pa Culver

    1922-1923 not teaching

    1923-1924 assistant principal at Culver:1924-1929 principal of high school andhead of English department at Culver

    graduate student of Columbia University.Hudson, Burgess, A. B., pa Crawfordsville

    1929-1930 district sales managerStandard Oil Company, Indianapolis, forcomplete record see class 1918.Hunt, Edgar J., A. B., ha Terre Haute

    pa 1135 Hulman St., Terre Haute

    1920-1921 teacher of science, Brazil HighSchool, Brazil

    1921-1922 assistant professor of science, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute

    1922-1923 studentIndiana University

    1923-1924 studentmedical college, Indianapolis

    1925-1926assistant professor of physiology, Indiana State Teachers College

    1926-1927student Indiana Medical College, Indianapolis, M. D.

    1927-1928 interne. CityHospital, Indianapolis

    1929-1930 practicing medicine, Terre Haute.Hunt, Marcus, A. B.

    ha RFD B, TerreHaute

    pa La Cross

    taught two years,Vigo county before graduation

    1922-1925 principal high school, Stillwell:1925-1926 principal high school, Monterey

    1926-1927 teacher, mathematics,Lawrenceburg: 1927-1930 teacher .history and mathematics, assistant principal, high school, LaCrosse

    attendedUniversity of Chicago summer 1924 to1929, working on A. M. in education.Hunter, Mrs. Essa Coffman, 2IG, haWashington

    pa Paris, 111.

    1912-1914teacher grades. Bowman

    1914-1915 teacher grades, Petersburg

    1915-1919 substitute teacher, Washington

    1919-1920teacher grades, West Washington

    1920-1925 teacher grades. Washington

    1925-1926 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, B. S.

    1926-1929 teacher artand English, high school, Paris, 111.

    1929-1930 at home, not teaching.Irons, Minnie L., A. B., ha Rockford,111., 331 Forest Ave.

    pa 522 Abbott Rd.,East Lansing, Mich.

    1923-1924 studentColumbia University, New York, N. Y.,A. M. degree

    1924-1930 home economics education, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigon.Jackson, Inez, A. B., ha Osgood


    Indiana State University Archives
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  • An employee newsletter.

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 8 SEPTEMBER, 1950H. F. DONAGHER D. A. HIMESD. A. Himes Retirement Announced;Un . rr . 11-u·n·-u-9Ln:..r-&...

    Business & Industry

  • Chart of navigation routes for Fort Wayne, Indiana established following the 1964 river cleanup program.

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    History Center Digital Collections

  • An interview with George Bere who was age 33 at the time of the 1937 Ohio River Flood. At the time he worked at his brothers&...

    Jeffersonville Township Public Library

  • Pieces of commercial sheet music from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Arthur L. Smith, closed his auto repair shop during the flood and volunteered himself and his boat to rescue people trapped by the floo...

    Jeffersonville Township Public Library

  • Pieces of commercial sheet music from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These...

    Indiana State University Library

  • 16 years of age at the time of the flood, Warren Volmer recounts his experiences helping his father, helping the Red Cross deliver coal...

    Jeffersonville Township Public Library

  • An employee newsletter

    VOLUME 2, No. 11 DECEMBER, 19506/ al.L t~ me44a.<rU ea~ t~ meanuu; a./ e~,none u ump~ M bi.ue ...

    Business & Industry

  • Songbooks from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is apart of the Historic Music Collections. These are collections of songs&...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Pieces of commercial sheet music from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Sheet music from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These individual pieces were&#...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Pieces of commercial sheet music from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Sheet music intended for performers and artists as opposed to the general public from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which ...

    Indiana State University Library

  • A selection of commercial sheet music featuring Irving Berlin as either composer or lyricist. This part features 375 titles dating from 1907 ...

    Indiana State University Library