THE NORMAL ADVANCE185CICERONIAN.Three more alumni of the school, Messrs.Oberholtzer, Cullins, and Cahal, were electedto associate membership last month.Mr. and&...
Prof. Baxter
Messrs.James, Cain, Lanning, Schorling, Winkler,Schoeppel, Wood, Hillis, Smith, Thompson,Schockel, and Campbell. Miss Schockel wonthe prize for ladies high scor...
Vice-President, L. C. Campbell
Secretary, CharlesLimp
Treasurer, Loris Julian
Parliamentarian, H. H. Stodghill
Chaplain, Guy Bogart
Sergeant-at-Arms, Lotus Brennen.The Daedalians will debate the Forum,April 16 upon the question, Resolved, ThatUnited States Senators should be elected by&...
Edgar Webb, Vice-President
Jesse A. Wood, Treasurer
Lee Troth,Corresponding Secretary, and H. C. Milhol-land, Secretary.A list of rooms for boys is now being madefor use at the beginning of th...