Search Results - (( main ave _ peo...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,309 results
Search Results - (( main ave _ peo...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,309 results
This is a black and white photograph of several 1920 era automobiles parked along a dirt road next to a tree-lined creek. Just visible&...
Parke County Public Library
Photograph of five men in front of three cars in Sullivan, Indiana, ca. 1920. The building in the background has a sign for Ford A...
Mr. Stivers & boys, Sullivan Monument Company, on back of photograph.
Sullivan County Public Library
Front view of a postcard which has an image of three people caroling under a streetlight outside a front door.
The lanterns are lighted, the carols are sung; Good will to the old, good cheer to the young.
Vigo County Historical Society
Front view of a postcard which has an image of a log home inset into a red circle with a bough of holly. There are people...
A merry Christmas
Vigo County Historical Society
Front view of a postcard which has an image of two people walking down a snow-covered road into a sunset.
I wish you a Christmas merry and bright, A heart that is peaceful that is light
Vigo County Historical Society
Ever worry your parents will run out of money before giving allowances? In a similar way, some people worried the government was spendi...
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis
Front view of a postcard which has an image of a black sketched bee with the word won on its back in the left hand corner....
We are all going to the Lighthouse Mission this Tues evening Feb. 22 come with us
Vigo County Historical Society
A young girl, possibly Barbara McWethy, prays next to her doll. The other side of the card has Seasons Greetings / from our house&...
Indiana Album
Delaware County Fairgrounds was located at 810 Wheeling Ave. (now 1210 N. Wheeling Ave.).
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Muncie Microcosm of America
One printed card which has a black and white photograph of Mordecai and Elizabeth McDowell and Fred and Virginia Spencer and a a short&...
Knox County Community
Front view of a postcard which has a banner on the left side with 2 soldiers and a woman dressed in red, white and blue and...
Let floras rarest banners wave and fold about the soldiers grave. 1861-1865
Vigo County Historical Society
Front view of a postcard which has an image of a blimp with a group of people gathered underneath of it. The blimp reads Drink...
This card shows the Goodyear Blimp Reliance NC-14-A taking off on an extended trip throughout the eastern part of the United States, to ...
Vigo County Historical Society
This photo has a note handwritten on the back reading Wreck on Southern R. R. and 1/25/09. The photo is taken from across a...
New Albany Historic Photograph Archive
The wreck of a Southern Railroad train on 1-25-1909 is the focus of this snapshot. It has a note handwritten on the back reading &...
New Albany Historic Photograph Archive
This snapshot shows a group of people surveying damage of a railroad accident. Two passenger cars are seen that have derailed. This photo...
New Albany Historic Photograph Archive
A group of people are seen viewing the wreck of a Southern Railroad train on 1-25-1909 in this snapshot. It has a note handwritten ...
New Albany Historic Photograph Archive
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Peddle, Juliet Architectural Drawings
A group of people view the aftermath of a train crash involving a train from the Chicago, Indiana, and South Railroad. One of the ...
Indiana Album
Collective Memory is an interactive public art project created by Oring that she hopes will be used on college campuses in teaching about...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection