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Showing 1 - 20 of 1,174 results
Search Results - (( low price e ar...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,174 results
Plaque with the following inscription, To the memory of Chauncey Rose, 1794-1877, Founder of Rose Polytecnic Institute, this Tablet is erected as...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
View of a gold palque with the image of Eugene V. Debs, his name and the date 1919.
Eugene V. Debs Museum
Woven grass plaque or flat basket with a man and labrynth design in black. Design was to represent mans journey through life. Probably ...
Native American Museum
Photo of a plaque of the innagural address of Charles O. Thompson, First president of Rose Polytechnic Instiitute. - 5 - Faculty...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
This article describes the friendship between Terre Haute native William Washington Wash Williams and the author O. Henry. Williams is known as...
Vigo County Public Library
This article presents a long list of reasons why Terre Haute was a desirable place to live in 1893. The article was originally printed&...
Vigo County Public Library
View of a plaque with a image of Eugene V. Debs and the quote: I would rather be jailed a thousand times than once betray...
Eugene V. Debs Museum
View of a sliver toned plaque which bears the image of Eugene V. Debs and the word Debs.
Eugene V. Debs Museum
A plaque etched into the Sullivan County Courthouse, Sullivan, Indiana
Erected 1926, Architect, John B. Bayard, Vincennes, Indiana, Contractor, Walter R. Heath, Greencastle, Indiana
Sullivan County Public Library
A stone plaque etched in stone which is embedded in the Sullivan County Courthouse, Sullivan, Indiana.
Sullivan County Court House Commissioners; Ward Engle Prest, Percy Wolfe, W.H. Poston, Alaska M. Carter Auditor, J.W. Lindley County Atty....
Sullivan County Public Library
The inspiration for making this book came when we visited the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA in April of 2013. We went to se...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
Picture of the plaque on the outside of the Scottish Rite building in Terre Haute, Indiana. The plaque was placed at the dedication cer...
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. Valley of Terre Haute, Indiana. Building committee for remodeling of cathedral. Work commenced and completed 1957. Ded...
Vigo County Community
A tribute to Foley Hall, whose cornerstone was laid in 1860. Foley Hall was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985&...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Plaque presented to S. T. Cy Proffitt by the Wiley Hi-Y. The wooden plaque features the outline of a young man in bronze and the...
Educational Heritage Association
This is a color photograph of the plaque in memory of Donna Britton in front of the Parke County Community Foundation on Market Street&...
Parke County Public Library
This is a color photograph of the dedication of the Alberta Butler local history and genealogy room at the Parke County Public Library ...
Parke County Public Library
A black and white photograph of John Wade and James A. McKenzie, Sr. holding up a cake at the dedication of the new Seelyville Fir...
Town of Seelyville
A petition by John McJunkin and a number of inhabitants of the said county to place a ferry where John McJunkin is settled on the&...
Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
View of a tablet at the Isaac Walton ponds.
Izaak Walton League. This rearing pond donated by Beecher Cromwell, April 24, 1932.
Vigo County Historical Society
A memorandum that states that upon the 8 th day of April 1809 Joseph Truckey a free black man of the county aforesaid and Henry...
Early Vincennes, 1732-1835