234THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY204 Worthington Apts, Ft. Wayne: 1924-1925 teacher, rural schools, IndianSprings
1925-1926 teacher primarygrades. Burns City
1926-1927 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1927-1929 teacher, HarmarSchool, Ft. Wayne
1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.Wegerly-Daniels, Mrs. Naomi, 2IG, pa601 South 19th St., Lafayette, taughttwo years in Warren county and threeye...
1927-1930 teacher of grades,city schools, Lafayette.Wellman-Dial, Mrs. Helen J., 2IG. haCloy City
pa Box 292, Lawton, Okla.
1924-1926 teacher grades. BowlingGreen
1926-1927 student Indiana StateTeachers College
1927-1928 teacher,home economics, high school, Coalmont
1928-1930 teacher home economics. FortSill, Junior High School, Lawton, Okla.
fi. S. Indiana State Teachers College,1928.Weils, David, B. S.. ha Montgomery
pa Crawfordsville: 1927-1929 teacher ofmathematics, physical education, Nashville
1929-1930 teacher mathematics,Crawfordsville.Wells, Thelma, 2IG, pa 2330 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute
1927-1928 didnot teach
at home.Welsheimer, Edith L., A. B., pa Gallup,ri. M.
1928 teacher of mathematics andEnglish, junior high school, Gallup, N.M.
for complete information, see classOf 1923.Wert, Katherine, 2IG, pa Kokomo
1927-1930 teacher of primary work, Kokomo.Wesin, Lettie S., 2P, po 190 S. E.Third St., Linton
1909-1913 teocher ofgrades, Linton
1925-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1927-1929at home, not teaching.West, Kathleen, 2IG, pa Coatesville
1927-1929 teacher of grades five and six,Coatesville.Whaley-Shepherd, Mrs. Thelma K., 2P,ha Dugger
pa 332 North Court St., Sullivan
1922-1924 teacher of grades, Center School, Cass township, Dugger
1924-1928 teacher of grades, Dugger
1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married to R. M. Shepherd.Willis, Thelma, 2P, ha RFD E, TerreHaute
pa Richmond
1927-1928 teacherof primary grades, Seelyville
1928-1930 teacher primary grades, Richmond.Wilson, Esther, A. B., pa Riley
1925-1930 teacher of English, Riley.Wilson, Flora Anna, B, S., ha Wingate
1920-1921 teacher of grades, Hillsboro
1921-1925 teacher of grades, Mellott
1925-1927 student, Indiano State Teachers College
1927-1928 teacher physicaleducation, Lafayette.Wilson, Hazel, 2P, pa Clinton: 1927-1929 teacher of primary grades, Helttownship school, Clinton.Witty-Hale, Mrs. ...
ha 921 North 7th St.,Terre Haute
1925-1926 teacher of English, Carthage
1927-1928 teacher ofEnglish, Toledo, 111.
1928-1930 notteaching, homekeeper, married to DovidJones Hale.Wolf, Eva L., pa Attica
1927-1929 teocher of intermediate grades, Attica.Wolfe, Lillian Lidikay, 2P, ha George,town
1927-1928 teacher of primarygrades, Greenville.Wolff-Kline, Mrs. Elizabeth L., A. B., pa1921 Maplewood Place, Louisville, Ky.
1927-1928 teacher of English and Latin,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute
married March 3, 1929to Morris M. Kling
not teaching, home-keeper.Wood, Ina L., B. S., ha Zionsville
1927-1928 graduate student, Purdue University. West Lafayette
1928-1929 did notteach
at home because of illness.Wood, Mrs. Louise D., B. S., pa RFD D,Box 135, Terre Haute
1904-1905 teacher of grades, Fullers Station, NewYork
1904 graduated from CohocsTraining School, Albany Teachers College
1905-1906 teacher of grodes, Mohawk View, New York
1906-1914 teacher of grades, McKinley School, Schenectady, New York
1914-1916 recreationwork, community dances, playgroundwork, mothers clubs, Schenectady, NewYork
1915-1919 did not teach
1919-1924 teacher in Boys Vocational School,Terre Haute
1925-1930 teacher of socialstudies, Gerstmeyer Technical HighSchool, Terre Haute.Wray, Nina, 2P., pa 2146 Crawford St.,Terre Haute
1911-1918 teacher in Mt.Zion School, grades, Crawfordsville
1915supply teacher, Newmarket
1925-1926private instructor, Rose Home, TerreHaute
1926-1927 student, Indiana SlateTeachers College
1927-1929 did notteach, at home.Wrightson, Katherine, B. S., pa Brazil
1926-1927 teacher of physical education,Y. W. C. A. Crawfordsville
1927-1930teacher of physical education, Brazil.Yegerlehner, Roscoe, B. S., pa Clay City
1923-1925 teacher in rural school, Claycounty
1925-1927 student, IndianaState Teachers College
1927-1928 teacher of science, mathematics, highschool, Petersburg
1928-1929 teacherof mathematics and science, Clay City
graduate student, Indiana University.Zachary-Reed, Mrs. Verlee Mary, 2P, pa2917 West 60th St., Chicago, 111.
1927-1928 teacher of elementary grades, Sullivan
1928-1929 homekeeper, marriedto Donald Reed in 1928.Zeitler, Edna H., B. S., pa 1455 Tippecanoe St., Terre Haute
1927-1930 notteaching, at home
for complete recordsee class 1924.Zimmerman, Ernest L., B. S., pa 2687First Ave., Huntington, W. Va.
1912-1916 teacher in rural schools
1916-1917 teacher of mathematics, highschool. Burns City
1917-1918 teacherof mathematics and science, Birdseye
1918-1924 teacher of commerce, mathematics and science, high school, KenDavis, subdivision of Indianapolis
1924-1927 teacher of commerce, Crawfordsville
1927-1928 teacher in Technical High School, Indianapolis
1928-1930 supervisor of commercial education, supervising two senior and fivejunior high schools, Huntington, W. Va.CLASS OF 1928Abrams, Charles B., 21G,...
taught twoyears, Sullivan county
four years SugarCreek township, vigo county: 1928-1930teacher grades, Whitcomb Heights,Sugar Creek township, Vigo county.