THE NORMAL ADVANCE173ing out boldly, said: Call to mind the times
when heroes in hall talked often at mead,
boasted at table concer...
now may it be known who is bold. I will make
known my nobility to all, that I am of a great
iribe among the Merci...
to me is
that grief most intense, for he was both my
kinsman and my lord. Then he went forth,
mindful of feuds, so that ...
now our chief lies dead, our earl upon the
earth, it is incumbent upon us all to encourage
one another, warriors to the con...
because here on the field, people become
separated, the phalanx is broken: may his at¬
tempt fail that he here put to flight...
but I shall take weapons, spear and
iron. Full angry he advanced and fought
swiftly, despising flight. Dunnere, the old fel¬
low, ...
the retainers, the grim spear-bearers, be¬
gan to fight fiercely and prayed God that they
might avenge their lord. The hostage began...
he was of the hardy
tribe of Northumbria, the son of Ecglaf
name was Ashford. He wavered not in the con¬
flict, but he hurled arrows swiftly
now he shot
on the shields, now he pierced a warrior, every
little while he wounded some one so long as he
was able to ...
none the less he had accomplished that
which he promised his lord when he boasted
earlier to his chief that they should either ride...
the seamen ad¬
vanced, war raged
oft the spear pierced
through the doomed house of life. Then Wistan,
son of Thurstan, went forth, and fought
against the enemy. He...
slaughter fell upon the
earth. All the while Oswald and Ealdwold,
both the brothers, exhorted the warriors, their
friendly kinsmen praying ...