56THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYteacher of grades, Sullivan
taught history several years in Sullivan HighSchool
deceased Oct. 26, 1925.Fuller, Harriet E., 515 North 8th St.,Terre Haute
1903-1904 teacher of primary grades, Muncie: 1904-1924 teacher of kindergarten and primary grades,Terre Haute
deceased 192 6.♦Gardener, J. Harvey, taught a numberof years
county superintendent of Casscounty at one time
deceased.Hammond, Oscar H., la Los Angeles,Calif.
weather survey work in California
no recent report.Harris, Robert Charles, pa 44 0 DowningAve., Ft. Wayne
1903-1904 principalhigh school. Keystone
1904-1905 superintendent, Elnora
1906 received A. B.from Indiana University
1906-1907principal high school, Loogootee
1907-1908 teacher of physics, Crawfordsville
1908-1912 superintendent, Cannelburg
1913 received M. A. degree from University of Chicago
1913-1914 principalhigh school, San Juan. Porto Rico
1914-1917 teacher of mathematics and physics.Manual Training High School, Indianapolis
1917-1922 teacher of physics,high school. Ft. Wayne
1923-1929 principal, South Side High School, FortWayne
graduate of Chicago UniversityA. M.Head-Van Duzen, Mrs. Nellie, pa 1731Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo
lr 1928 auditor, Moffat Tunnel Company.Hessong, John B., pa 6130 Ashland Ave.,Indianapolis
1903-1906 teacher of mathematics, high school. Broad Ripple
1907-1908 manager of the city department,the Indiana News Company, Indianapolis
1909-1910 stock clerk of the Van CampPacking Company, Indianapolis
1913-1916 secretary of the Mogantown Packing Co., Morgantown
1927-1930 principal John Strange School, Indianapolis.Hessong-Rowney, Mrs. Stella, pa 47 Bal-ston Road, Schenectady, N. Y.
lr 1928at home and not teaching.♦Hester-Copeland, Mrs. Margaret, haSwayzee
deceased.Hoffman, M. Antoinette, pa 822 Ohio St.,Terre Haute
1903-1904 teacher in cityschools, Worthington
1904-1927 teacher of English and history, city schools,the last year at Sarah Scott JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute
1927-1930not teaching, at home, Terre Haute.Hogue, Rolla M., Summer, 111.
taughtin the grades and high school, Knoxcounty, before graduation
received A.B. education, Indiana University in 1910
A. M. Indiana University 1913
extensionstudy from Indiana University wintersof 1923-1924 and 1924-1925
1924-1927taught history at Sumner, 111.
1927-1929 superintendent, Sumner, 111.♦Inman, Grace, ha Terre Haute: taughtat the Howard Sandison School, TerreHaute, at time of her death.Jackson-H...
1901-1908teacher of grades in Indianapolis
1908-1929 not teaching, homekeeper, married.Kitch-Graystone, Mrs. Dessie pa 303East Market St., Huntington
lr 1928married to Dr. Wallace S. Graystone,not teaching, homekeeper.King, Florence, nr.Lammers, Minnie Bertha, pa 1940 North7th St., Terre Haute...
1903-1907 teacherin the grades, Terre Haute publicschools
1907-1908 attending IndianaUniversity, A. B. German
1908-1912teacher of German, Wiley High School,Terre Haute
1912-1929 teacher of commercial subjects, Garfield High School,Terre Haute.Lawrence, Mabel M., pa 1744 West 25thSt., Los Angeles, Calif.
1903-1904teacher in Pierson township schools
1904-1913 teacher in McKeen, Rea andFairview schools, Terre Haute
1913-1930 principal, Chatman Avenue School,Los Angeles, Calif.Leonard, George R. Dr., pa 4435 NorthWinchester Ave., Chicago, 111.
principalStrole High School, Strole, before graduation
1903-1905 assistant instructorchemistry, Indiana University
1905-1908 student, School of Medicine, Indiana University, M. D. degree 1908
1908-1929 physician and surgeon, Chicago,111.Martin, John Nathan, pa Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa
taught ten years inpublic schools .country and town ofBowling Green and two years at CenterPoint before graduation
1903-1904student, Indiana University
1905-1906teacher of science, high school, Shelbyville
1907-1909 teacher, science department, Manchester College
1909-1910student at University of Chicago
1910-1912 state teaching fellowship at Indiana University
1911-1929 associateprofessor of botany, Iowa State College,Ames, Iowa
received A. B. from Indiana University in 1907
Ph. D. degreefrom University of Chicago in 1913.Mattox, Ellis M.t nr.Mayfield, Arthur T., pa 2363 NorthMeridian St., Indianapolis
1903-1908taught at Odon, principal high schooland superintendent of schools
1908-1928 practicing law with offices at 617Peoples Bank Building, Indianapolis.McFerrin, Earle Edwin, pa 806 New CityTrust Building, Indianapolis...
received A.B. and LL. B. at Indiana University
since 1910, practicing law in Indianapolis.Mering, Emma, ha Terre Haute, nr.Miles, Francis W., pa 4620 StratfordRoad, Ft. Woyne
1903-1907 supervisingprincipal, Laurel School, South Bend
1907-1922 supervising principal, Jefferson School, Ft. Wayne
1922-1929 manager, business property department ofHilgeman and Schaaf, Realtor, Ft.Wayne.Mitchell-Stoppe, Mrs. Grace, ha TerreHaute
nr.Navotney-Fisher, Mrs. Teresa, la 6410Glenwood, Chicago, 111.
1903-1909teacher in grades, Terre Haute
1909married to W. H. Fisher of Chicago,at home, not teaching.Neel, William Finley, pa Brooks ton
1903-1907 superintendent of schools,Sharpsville
1907-1908 student, IndianaUniversity, received A. B. degree in1908
1908-1911 superintendent ofschools, Akron
1911-1929 superintendent Brookston
A. M. Indiana University.Orr, Walter T., pa Wayne, Neb.
1903-1905 principal Westland High School,Westland
1905-1906 principal CarthageHigh School, Carthage
1906-1907 superintendent schools, Carthage
1907-1909 student Indiana University, springof 1909 student, Edinboro, Pa. StateNormal: fall 1909 student, Westchester,Pennsylvania State Normal