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Unionville High School, The Graphic, 1949, Page 30

Description: GRADE FOURFIRST ROW: Left to Right: Jackie Fielder Fritch, David Leon Chambers, (with¬drawn), Patrick Jay Goen, Richard Earl Merriman, Teresa D. Ellis,Evelyn May Skirvin, Henrietta Dell Robertson.SECOND ROW: Charlotte Maxine Wampler, Theodore Austin Skirvin, Evelyn DeloresHenderickson, Erma Sue Fishel, Janice Kay Rosenbaum, RussellHubert Polley, Donna Kay Chafin.THIRD ROW: Phyllis Joan Baugh, Bonnita May Richards, Paul Robert Huffman,James Russell Richardson, Alvin Leroy Fleener, Richard WilliamBrosman, Clayton Pitcher (withdrawn), Nialetta Pitcher (withdrawn).FOURTH ROW: Iona Long (Teacher). Individual: Clifford Earl Harden.A LITTLE GIRL’S COMPOSITION ON EGGSThair iz a good menny kinds ov aigs. Mi pa sez ime a bad aig, but mommie sez yucan’t most always beleve what pa sez, an i think this is a good chance for me tu obay mimommie, az the Sundy skule teecher sez little girls must du. Mebbe i am a bad aig, butmi pa is a ole rewster, fur Tommie Jones, thats mi bo, sez he is, an ide beleve Tommieif i died fur it. It’s mity funny how girls beleves whot the boys sez. Wimmin duzent beleve that way ennyhow, all ov them don’t after tha air marryd; fur i here mommie expressin her douts tu pa verry frequent indede. When aigs gits old tha carry a offul smelwith them whairever tha go and tha go a long wais in most familys. Evyers kind ov fowllais aigs. Jo, that’s mi bruther, sed the fowels the base ball players nox don’t, but i saytha du, fur i here the boys tawkin all the time about givin thother side “guse aigs”, an ifthe fowels don’t la’em, what duz, ide like tu’no? Mebbe the bats, but whuevoer heard ovbats aigs ? Bats fite like uther burds, but a bat ain’t a burd and don’t la aigs. A guse aigiz the largest domestik aig an’ a duk aig iz grene onto the shel. Hen aigs iz nice to fri, anhatch little chickens out ov. An oysterich aig iz az big az a gallon buckit, bu it don’t hava ball onto it an hoops. Al fethered animals iz hatched out ov aigs excep* allygaters an*tertuls an* thoas kind ov trash. Mi sisterz bo woar allygaiter butes thother nite, an wheni ast him whot he pade fur them he blusht red an’ sed he didn’t remember. I wunder ifhe pade fur them atall. I gess he’s a bad aig. I hear pa sa he’s going to crak his shel ifhe don’t sta way an let mi sister aloan.GRADE THREEFIRST ROW: Left to Right: Carole June Richardson, Phyllis Ann Wampler, JudithDarlene Chambers, Janet Dian Chitwood, Karen Sue Richardson, RobertPhillip Thompson, Charles Eugene Saunders.SECOND ROW: David Raye Huffman, Carolyn Sue Sullivan, Mary Audrey Ludwig, JerryMorris McClung, Mina Mary Durnal, Alberta Cecilia Hupp, DonaldEdward Christy, Geneva Lou Sluss.THIRD ROW: Norma Jean Simpson, Donald Joseph Spriggs, Philip Otto Martin, PhilipRobert Young, Billy Wayne Moore, Tommy Joe Fleener, Lois LouiseDillard.FOURTH ROW: Mrs. Lucille Powers, Mrs. Iona Long, (Teachers).INDIVIDUAL: Russell Lee Terrell.YOUNG HUNTERMrSe Powers, an elementary teacher, asked her pupils to name the four seasons.Jerry McClung’s answer: “Squerl, rabbit, ground hog, and pold cat seasons.”30
Collection: Unionville High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.