THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY21on Educational Revision
1921-1923 president of Missouri Federation of WomensClubs
1924-1926 lecturer for women
1926-1928 state field secretary, NorthCarolina Branch National Congress ofParents and Teachers.Nelson, David W., lr 1916 superintendent of schools, Bakersfield,...
1893-1894 primary teacher, Anderson
1894-1898taught in the schools of Vigo county
1898-1929 homekeeper.Norwood, Grace, ha Indianapolis
taughtfor a number of years in Indianapolis
no recent report.Odle-Campbell, Mrs. Anna, taught inClinton at one time.♦Oliphant, W. A., attended Indiana University, deceased 1906.Plasket, Samuel B.,&...
1898-1901 principal of schools, WestNewton
1901 student in Indiana University, received A. B. degree
1901-1904principal of Central School, Kokomo
1902 student in University of Chicago
1904-1913 principal of Central School,Kokomo
1910 student at University ofChicago
1913-1929 principal of ClaySchool, Fort Wayne.Preston-Canine, Mrs. Effie, pa 319South Washington St., Crawfordsville
1893-1897 taught in Waveland
1897married David A. Canine and was homekeeper until 1910
1910-1925 taught ingrades of public schools, Crawfordsville
1925-1929 retired and living inCrawfordsville.Randolph-Emerson, Mrs. Jennie, pa Cyn-thiana
taught one year in grades andtwo years in high school in Indiana
1897-1929 married in 1897 and livingon a farm in Gibson county.Rothert, Martin W., la 915 West Creigh-ton Ave., Fort Wayne
1894-1903 principal of high school, Boonville
1904-1905 principal of high school, Edinburg
1905 teacher of German, high school,Fort Wayne
A. B. Indiana University1896
A. M. 1904
lr 1905.Scholl, Joseph Hiram, pa Milton
18931894 principal of schools, Brownsburg
1894-1897 superintendent of schools,Milton
1897-1898 student at IndianaUniversity
1898-1904 superintendent ofschools, Carthage
1904-1924 superintendent of schools, Rushville
attendedColumbia University summers of 1908and 1910: 1929 superintendent of schoolsat Milton.Soloman, Emma, nr.Stewart, Lena M., nr.Strain, Harry G., nr....
principal high school, Clinton, fora number of years. Attended IndianaUniversity
accepted position in FirstNational Bank of Clinton and in 1910was made president of bank, which position he held until the time of his ...
married to Charles VanMetre of Muncie.♦Walsh, Mary V., ha Terre Haute, 131North 12th St., taught continuously inthe schools of Terre Haute ...
teacher of English in the Woodrow Wilson Junior High School 1927-1928
attending summer school, Indiana StateTeachers College at the time of herdeath, 1928.Ward, Anna R., ha 399 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass.
1893-1898 teacher ingrades schools, Edinburg
1898-1901student in Indiana University
1900-1902 teacher of English in BloomingtonHigh School
1902-1909 teacher of English in high school, Anderson
1909-1916 teacher of English, Riudge Technical School, Cambridge, Mass., head ofthe department
lr 1916.Wharry, Laura, ha Tipton
deceased1895.Wilson, Elizabeth, ha Peru
taught inKokomo a number of years after graduation.Wilson-Guthrie, Mrs. Susie P., nr.Wooiley, A. C, la Alexandria
1893-1895teacher of grades, Kokomo
1895-1906tr acher of mathematics and science, highschool, Summitville
1906-1910 teacherof mathematics in high school, FortWayne
1910-1928 retired and living ona farm, attended Indiana University1895-1897
A. B. degree 1897.Wooiley, Austin L., la 6655 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
1893-1898teacher in city schools, Kokomo
1898-1902 teacher in city schools, FortWayne
1902-1905 principal of Bright-wood School, Indianapolis
1905-190.!with the McMillan Publishing Company, Chicago, 111. j 1909-1928 with theOhio Match Company: retired Aug. 81,1928 on account of health...
graduatedfrom the Indiana University in 1897,A. B. degree.♦Worsham, J. I., deceased.Yoder, A. C, pa 113 South 5th St.,Goshen
1893-1901 principal, high school,Vincennes
1899-1900 attended IndianaUniversity, A. B. 1900-1902 attendedRush Medical College, M.D., degree:1902-1929 practicing physician and surgeon, Goshen.Yoder, Peter ...
1893-1894 student in Indiana University, received A.B. degree
1894-1896 student and instructor in chemistry in Indiana University, received A. M. degree
1896-1897 student at University of Chicago
1897-1898 teacher of physical science.State Normal School, Mankato, Minn.
1898-1899 teacher of chemistry, Duluthhigh school
1899-1901 student at University of Gottingen with Europeantravel during vacation
received Ph. D.1901
1901-1907 associate professor ofchemistry in Utah Agricultural College.Experimental Station
1907-1908 traveland agricultural study, Hawaii, Orient,Australia and Europe
1908-1910 research chemist, Louisianna Sugar Experimental Station
1910-1913 assistantchemist, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C..
1913-1916 sugar cane technologist.Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
1926-1929 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.Zartman, J. V., nr.