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Showing 1 - 20 of 1,067 results
Search Results - (( from james liv...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,067 results
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
Potrait of James L. Robinson (ca. 1905), a physician in Wheatland, Indiana. Dr. Robinson practiced medicine in Wheatland from 1895 until...
Knox County Community
The June 8, 2019 episode of Hoosier History Live, entitled German freethinkers in Indy.
Hoosier History Live
The November 30, 2019 episode of Hoosier History Live, entitled James Whitcomb Riley: Before he was famous - encore.
Hoosier History Live
The August 22, 2020 episode of Hoosier History Live, entitled Womens suffrage in Indiana: the myths.
Hoosier History Live
The March 14, 2020 episode of Hoosier History Live, entitled Earliest years of Indiana basketball.
Hoosier History Live
The May 30, 2020 episode of Hoosier History Live, entitled Tamika Catchings, history maker: encore.
Hoosier History Live
In 1937, James Kershner was twelve years old. In this interview, Mr. Kershner recounts the memories of that 12 year old, forced with hi...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
Girard Vorgang was one of the young men who worked the boats during the 1937 flood. He and his friend rowed supplies into Jeffersonvill...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Marriage license for James L. Robinson and Alice Jane McGarrah issued on November 20, 1895 in Gibson County, Indiana. After the wedding the&...
Marriage LicenseState of Indiana, Gibson County, S.S.To all who shall see these presents, Greeting:Know ye, that any person empowered by law ...
Knox County Community
Program and speeches for Indiana States fiftieth anniversary in 1920.
Indiana State University Archives
A proof sheet of 3 photographs of a damage to the HOP car shop taken after an igloo explosion at Indiana Army Ammunition Plant in&...
Clark County Collections
Register of Negroes & MulattoesKnox County, IN June 1853 – June 1858The index in the front of the Register of Negroes & Mulat...
Knox County Public Library
Fisher recalls meeting a fellow soldier, James L. Winders, who is from New Albany and lives on Reno Avenue. They shared stories of Colg...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Two scenes depicting a restaurants with curbside service. In the top scene, a sign instructs customers to sound their car horns for service....
Image Access WideTEK 25
Sound horn for service. Yowoo. Honk-onk. Onk. Eek. A wo ah. Inconsiderate of his neighbors, his community, his help, business and himself is...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
The Lavona Marie Harvey Papers consists of two scrap books that contain newspaper clippings from various sources that depict the students of ...
Indiana State University Archives
Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,...
Indiana State University Library
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Commencement Program
One Hundred and SixteenthCommencementofRose-Hulman Instituteof Technology11 a.m., May 28, 1994Shook FieldhouseCommencement ProgramPrelude .......................................................
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library