Search Results - (( from carl grou...
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Showing 1 - 20 of 187 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( from carl grou...
Showing 1 - 20 of 187 results


    1927-1930 principal, high school,Shelbyville.Lover, Clarence, nr.McClanahan-Campbell, Mrs. Gladys, paPimento

    taught one year in countryschools, Vigo county

    two years in Pimento and three years in Farmersburgbefore graduation

    1915-1916 teacher ofgrades, Clinton

    1916-1917 teacher ofgrades, Muncie

    1917-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married in 1917 to Ross G.Campbell.McClerney, Adelia, pa Evansville

    taughtprimary grades at Summitville beforegraduation

    1915-1917 teacher of primary grades, Evansville

    1917-1929 criticteacher, first grade, Evansville.•McCloud-Scott, Mrs. Pearl Ethel

    1915-1916 supply teacher, high school, Amo

    1916-1917 teacher, Mooresville

    1917-1922 teacher, high school, Martinsville

    1922-1927 married, at home, not teaching

    deceased 1927.McDonald, Louise, ha Indianapolis

    nr.McElroy, Lilia Ruth, ha Evansville

    1915-1920 teacher of grades, Evansville

    1920-1924 teacher of grades, Gary

    lr 1924.McFall-Small, Mrs. Rose, A. B., 141 y2Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    for complete information, see class of 1912.McFarland, Claude O., A. B., ha Elon

    1915-1916 student, University of Chicago

    1916-1917 instructor in geologyand geography. University of Cincinnati

    summer of 1917 assistant in geographydepartment, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    lr 1917.McKeever-Jensen, Mrs. Helen F., pa 2219Crawford St., Terre Haute: 1915-1919teacher of city schools, Terre Haute

    1919-1928 not teaching, homekeeper,married to Otto Jensen.McQuinn-Ward, Mrs. Lenore Babcock, A.B., ha Toledo, Ohio

    1915-1916 director,Sandusky County Normal School, Green-spring, Ohio

    1916-1917 teacher of algebra, Greenspring, Ohio

    1917-1918county normal director

    1918-1923 received A. M. and Ph. D., University ofMichigan

    assistant in zoology department^ University of Michigan

    1922married to Henry T. Ward

    lr 1923.Mackell, James F., A. B., pa RFD A,Terre Haute

    for complete informationsee class of 1912.*Madden, Mona G., ha Princeton

    1914-1915 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1915-1918 teacher of grades, Francisco

    1918-1923 teacher of grades, Princeton

    1923-1924 did not teach because of poorhealth

    deceased.Maehling, Hildegarde, pa 1357 3rd Ave.,Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher at McKeen School, Terre Haute

    1916-192 3teacher in grades, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 critic teacher, Voorhees School,Terre Haute: 1926-1930 teacher, McLeanJunior High School, Terre Haute.Medsker, Sylvia, pa E. Lansing, Michigan, B...

    1915-1918 elementarygrades, Sullivan county

    1918-1927 teacher of home economics, high school, Sullivan county

    1927-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, Michigan State College, East1 ansing, Michigan

    received A. M.,Teachers College, Columbia University.Melton, Charles E., pa Walnut, Illinois

    1915-1917 teacher in high school, EastChicago

    1917-1918 teacher in highschool, Ottawa, Illinois

    1919-1920 Culver Military Academy, Culver

    1920-1921 teacher in high school, LcMars,Iowa: 1921-1929 superintendent ofschools. Walnut, Illinois.Melton, Monroe, A. B., pa Normal. Illinois

    for complete information, see classof 1911.Mercker, A. M., A. B„ pa 720 S. 22ndSt., Quincy, Illinois

    1915-1918 supervisor of industrial arts, high school.Peru: 1918-1929 teacher of mechanicaldrawing, high school, Quincy, Illinois.Michael, Mr. Joy E., ha&#x...


    1915-1916 supervisor ofmanual training, Bremen

    1916-1924manual training, Huntington

    1927-1929teacher of industrial arts, Huntington.Miller, Carl N., pa 1920 S. Center St..Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher in highschool, East Chicago

    1916-1930 insurance business, S. C. Miller & Sons, sixmonths in army.Moery, Otto E., A. B., pa 1421 N. 7thSt., Terre Haute

    for complete information see class of 1908.Montgomery, John E., pa DeKalk, Illinois

    1911-1915 teacher in New Winchester, Hendricks county

    1915-1917teacher in Tobinsport

    1917-1919 teacherin Arcadia

    1919-1920 teacher in Burlington, Illinois

    1920-1929 teacher inDeKalb, Illinois, student, Chicago University 1919-1921 and 1923.Mooney-Foltz, Mrs. Alma, pa 306 N. 3rdSt., Clinton

    1913-1914 teacher of grades,Clinton township schools before graduation

    1915-1916 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1917-1922 at home, not teaching

    1922-1926 teacher of grades, FairviewPark School, Clinton

    1926-1927 principal of grades, Crompton Hill, Clinton

    1927-1928 principal of Fairview School,Clinton

    attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, spring terms of 1925-1927.Moran, Dorothy, pa Bedford

    tr 1914-1919 principal, department school, Bedford

    1919-1929 principal, junior highschool, Bedford.Morrill, Clinton, A. B., pa 45 N. RitterAve., Indianapolis

    practicing law in Indianapolis

    for complete information seeclass of 1910.Mullins, Virgil R., pa 2215 S. 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1910-1911 teacher of elementary grades, Swayzee

    1911-1912student, normal school, Marion

    1912-1914 teacher of mathematics, and English, high school, Swayzee

    1914-1925superintendent of schools, Summitville

    1925-1930 director of extension, placement and alumni secretary, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    graduatestudent, Columbia University, graduatestudent, Indiana University.♦Nesbit, Grace Lois, ha 1902 N. CrossSt.. Sullivan

    1915-1916 teacher of mathematics, high school, Nashville

    1916-1918 teacher of science, East Chicago

    deceased 1918.♦Nichols, George Otha, ha Morocco

    1915-1916 superintendent of schools, Otter-bein

    1916-1918 superintendent ofschools, Pittsboro

    1918-1919 superintendent of schools, Brownsburg

    1919-1921 superintendent of schools, Morocco

    1923-1924 principal, high school, NewAugusta

    1925-1926 principal, We3t Lebanon

    1927-1928 graduate student, Indiana University

    deceased 1928.Nickels, Willard E., pa Lawrenceburg:1915-1927 superintendent of schools, Fulton

    1927-1929 principal, Bright School,

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The Precinct Committeeman was a Democratic Party newspaper from Marion County, Indiana. The collection includes September 7 to October 23, 1934....

    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY35CLASS OF 1898Adams, Lorena, nr.Amiss, Anna, ha Huntington

    nr.Anderson, John F., nr.♦Asbury, George B., ha Bringhurst

    1898-1903 superintendent of schools,Flora

    1903-1904 principal high school,Franklin

    1904-1909 superintendent ofschools, Indiana Reformatory, Jeffersonville

    1909-1911 principal of schools,Bringhurst

    deceased 1913.♦Battin, Charles E., nr.Blaser-Taber, Mrs. Etta Anna, la Seattle,Wash.

    taught in Seattle, Washingtonschools before marriage

    no recent report.Bodemer, Lena, ha Apt. 37, Wyandot,Indianapolis

    taught in Plainfield from1898-1900

    in 1900 became teacher ofelementary grades in Indianapolis

    taught for more than twenty-five yearsin Indianapolis public schools.Bond, Arthur E., la Forest

    since graduation served as superintendent in several Indiana cities including Farmers-burg, Michigantown, Young Americaand Forest

    1928 principal of schools,Forest.Boulden, Harriett M., ha Frankfort

    taught six years in Frankfort beforegraduation

    1898-1910, teacher in Huntington

    1910-1929, sold childrens literature and Florida real estate

    attendedBradley Institute, Peoria, Illinois andColumbia University.Bower, David S., nr.Browder, Carrie Tweed, ha 4163 Central Ave., Indianapolis

    1899-1901 assistant professor Indiana State TeachersCollege

    1901-1927 teacher public schoolsIndianapolis

    1902 graduated from DePauw University

    attended Herron ArtInstitute 1914-1915 and Butler and Earl-ham Colleges 1908-1916

    died Oct. 31,1927.Brown, Edna, pa 631 South 7th St., TerreHaute: student, John B. Stetson University

    taught in Elwood and Newport

    1928 reference and periodical librarian,Indiana state Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1928-1930 at home.Brown-Lambeth, Mrs Minnie F., nr.Buck, Cora, nr.Carver, Dora E., la LaCrosse, Wis.

    lr1916 teacher in LaCrosse State NormalSchool, LaCrosse ,Wis.Clarke, William F., la Minot N. D.

    lr1913 head of department of pedagogyand practice teaching, State NormalSchool, Minot, N. D.Coffee, Nettie E., nr.Cohee-Beisel, Mrs. Ella, pa Waveland...

    taught until 1906

    married Reverend F.J. Bcisel, Methodist minister

    1906-1929not teaching, homekeeper.Cenley, Sarah Elizabeth, la 132 NorthOak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111.

    lr 1928,teaching in Oak Park, 111.Costello-Morris, Mi s. Mary Terese, haGrass Creek

    nr.Crawley, Chas E., la Greencastle

    lr1928 mail carrier in Greencastle.Cromwell, Henry, pa 1512 South 8th St.,Terre Haute

    superintendent of schoolsPaxton from 1891-1900

    1900-1901 principal of ward school, Brazil

    1901-1907storekeeper gauger, 7th district

    1901-1917 internal revenue service

    1917-1919government meat inspector


    1921-1929 teacher of mathematics in McLean Junior High School

    attended Indiana University in 1899.Davis, Lewis E., nr.Denny, Catherine, pa 503 South 13% St.,Terre Haute

    teacher of primary gradesin public schools of Terre Haute from1898-1916

    1916-1930 assistant supervisor domestic science, public schools,Terre Haute.Dinsmore, Eva, nr.Dixon, Mamie, nr.Dobbs, Effie Frances, pa 330 Seuth 6thSt., Terre&...

    taught two years before graduation

    1898-1904 assistantdrawing teacher, public schools, TerreHaute

    1904-1929 at home

    resigned in1904.Doyle, Lillian, ha 210, The ArdmoreApt., Indianapolis

    lr 1928 teacher offirst grade, Indianapolis

    deceased Dec.1928.East, Helena, nr.Eisenman, William ,nr.Elrod, Raleigh Morris, lr superintendent of schools, Ligonier

    deceasedSept. 6, 1916.Ensminger, Katherine, pa 913 Elm St.,Shelbyville

    taught four years in theShelby county schools before graduation

    1898-1900 teacher of grades, Elwood

    1900-1930 teacher of civics, mathematicsand history, city schools, Shelbyville

    attended Indiana University summers of1905-1915.Flanagan, Mary, reported to be livingin Seattle, Wash.

    nr.Freed, Theodore J., pa Olney, 111.

    taughtat Dana from 1898-1900

    1900-1929minister Christian Church, Olney, 111.♦Freeman, William H., lr 1928 secretary-treasurer and general manager. Town-send Freeman Co., Indianapolis...

    deceasedJan. 23, 1928.Garrigus-Redmond ,Mrs. Harriet, nr.George, Chester M., pa Rushville

    taughtone year. Franklin county, before graduation

    1898-1900 principal of high school,Wheatland

    1900-1910 principal of highschool. New Salem

    1910-1921 countysuperintendent of schools, Rush county

    1921-1929 practicing law in Rushville

    elected prosecuting attorney for the 65thJudicial Circuit of Indiana, Nov. 1926

    attended Indiana University, 1901-1902.Gillespie, James W., pa Broad Ripple,Indianapolis

    from date of graduation to1904 principal high schools at Winchester, Stilesville and Lizton

    1904superintendent of schools at Avilla

    1908-1910 superintendent of schools,Kingman

    1910-1916 superintendent ofschools, Odon

    1916-1921 superintendentof schools, Lyons

    1921-1929 teacherinBroad Ripple, Indianapolis.Giltner, Emmett E., la 85 Grant St.,Yonkers, N. Y.

    taught four years incountry and grade schools

    1916-1930chairman, department of social science.New York Training School for Teachers

    A. B. Indiana University, 1904

    M. A.Columbia University. 1907.Goshorn, Martin R., pa Indianapolis

    1898-1899 superintendent of schools,Ashboro

    1899-1903 superintendent ofschools, Clay City

    1903-1909 in hay andgrain business

    1909-1912 in hardwarebusiness

    1912-1915 elected county commissioner of Clay county: 1915 re-elcetedcounty commissioner of Clay county andwas also engaged in farming and stoekraisin...

    1926-1929 with state conserva-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • An employee newsletter

    MIRRORVOLUME 3, No. 3 MARCH, 1951Charles City Plant SuesFE For Strike DamagesDUBUQUE, row A-A suit to re­cover$122,815 in damages result­ing...

    Business & Industry

  • An employee newsletter.

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 4 MAY, 1950South Bend PlantsObserve Industry­EducationDaySOUTH BE D I D.-Thursday,April 20, saw the idea of the 3R&...

    Business & Industry

  • An employee newsletter.


    Business & Industry

  • An employee newsletter.

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 8 SEPTEMBER, 1950H. F. DONAGHER D. A. HIMESD. A. Himes Retirement Announced;Un . rr . 11-u·n·-u-9Ln:..r-&...

    Business & Industry

  • An employee newsletter

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 3, No. 4 APRIL, 1951Premiere Showing ofFilm AttractsOliver2,000 PeopleMcCord Named NPAFarm Equipment DirectorVANDALIA, ILL.- Adverse weath ...

    Business & Industry

  • An employee newsletter.

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 9 OCTOBER, 1950President McCord Greets General IkeBLUE ISLAND, ILL- A. King McCord, president, The Oliver Corporation, g...

    Business & Industry

  • The April 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The September 2004 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of ...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The September 2000 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of ...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • An employee newsletter.

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. S JUNE, 1950Directors Elect Phelps BoardChairman; McCord PresidentSOUTH BEND, IND.-lmportant action was taken in May by&...

    Business & Industry

  • The July 1998 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library