THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYmarried Mr. Elijah W. Lloyd
1909-1910in July, after Mr. Lloyds death, wentto California for years rest
1910-1911teacher at Indiana Girls School, Indianapolis
1912-1916 teacher, Spellman Seminary, Atlanta, Ga.
1915-1923 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute
1923 retired onpension in Terre Haute
1923-1925 supply teacher in all grades, Terre Haute
1925-1927 visited in Georgia and California
1927-1930 at home
not teaching.Terre Haute.Lindgate, Eva, nr.Morgenthaler, Frederick, ha Grandview
engaged in the teaching profession inschools of Indiana for a period of fortyyears
served as superintendent ofschools in the cities of Jasper, Hunting-burg, Grand View and Rockport
nowretired and living in Rockport.Nesbit, W. R., ha Sullivan
taught schoolin Sullivan county for several years
1886-1891 superintendent of schools Sullivan
since 1891 practicing law in Sullivan
1902 appointed postmaster andserved until 1907
lr engaged in the lawbusiness.Nethercutt, Milo W., ha Christopher, 111.
Ir 1916 minister of Indiana and Illinoischurches.Suter, C. F., nr.Taylor-Smith, Mrs. Marion, nr.♦Thompson, George W., ha Columbus
lr1902 supervisor of drawing and writing,Columbus.Wisely, John B., ha 1247 North 10th St.,Terre Haute
graduate Normal School,Valparaiso
graduate Indiana State Teachers College
Michigan University
A.B. 1890 and A. M., 1891, Indiana University
graduate student. Harvard University, one term 1900
graduate student.University of California, one term, 1917
teacher in rural schools, Owen county
principal city school, Terre Haute
headof department of English, State NormalSchool, St. Cloud Minn.
member offaculty. University of Minnesota summer school
professor of English andtrustee of loan funds, Indiana StateTeachers College.Ulrey, Albert B., pa 1435 West 23rd St.,Los Angeles, Calif.
1890-1891 taught inNorth Manchester College
1892-1891instructor in zoology, Indiana University
1894-1899 professor of biology,North Manchester College
A. B., Indiana University, 1892, A. M. 1894
instructor biological station, Indiana University summers of 1896 and 1897
studied abroad summer 1900
studiedRush Medical College 1900-1901
1901-1930 professor of biology, University ofSouthern California, Los Angeles, Calif.CLASS OF 1886Asher, T. N., nr.Austin, Maynette, nr
deceased 1888.Baker-Daniels, Mrs. Anna, pa Pasadena,Calif.
lr 1928 teacher of English in thehigh school at Pasadena, Calif.♦Berry, C. D., ha Wabash
principal ofSouth Wabash School for Beveral years
student at Indiana University at timeof his death 1893.Bowman-Bowman, Mrs. Violet, pa Hillsdale Home, RFD 1, Massilion, Ohio
taught five years before graduation
1886-1888 teacher of grades, Elkhart
1888-1890, married and taught at Serena, 111.
1890-1928, homekeeper in Serena, 111.
Massilion, Ohio and Chicago111.
lr 1928 residing in Massilion, Ohio.Burdick-Puidue, Mrs. Bertha, nr, deceased 1888.♦Clark, Ella E., ha Terre Haute
taughttwo years after graduation
deceased1888.Clifford, John Foster, la Connersville
1886-1888 principal of graded schools,Ewing
1888-1889 superintendentschools, Paoli
1890-1891 student, Indiana University
graduated from IndianaUniversity 1891
1892-1901 associateprincipal high school and assistant superintendent schools, Connersville
1901-1915 salesman in clothing store, Connersville: 1908-1910 vice-president Universalis! Convention of Indiana incorporated under the state laws for ...
1916-1926 commercial salesman.Connor, Orville E., pa 205 South 19thSt., Richmond
from time of graduationto 1891 superintendent of schools, Can-nelton and Kentland
1891 became supervising principal in Terre Haute schools
1911 elected principal Wiley HighSchool, held this position continuouslyuntil retiring in 1926
now living inRichmond.Cox, Josephine Morva, pa 715 N. La-fontaine St., Huntington
from time ofgraduation taught in the elementarygrades in Newton county and in Huntington
in 1898 received A. B. degreefrom Indiana University
taught twoyears in the Peru High School
1900-1916taught history in the Indianapolis publicschools
received M. A. degree from Indiana University in 1902
engaged inthe teaching profession for a total ofthirty-six years, eight years in thegrades and twenty-eight in the highschool
now retired.Cox-Lindley, Mrs. Mary E., pa AlvaOkla.
lr 1928, at home
not teaching.Dale, Lincoln Ormsby, pa 11 Putnam St.,Buffalo, N. Y.
also 6673 Keith Ave.,Berkeley, Cal.
1928 engaged in realestate business
1928-1929 head of Automatic Electrical Recorders, Ltd., 1719Metropolitan Bldg., Toronto, Canada.Duvall, Samuel, pa 1924 North 7th St.,Terre Haute
1886-1891 taught schoolin Vigo county
1891-1892 received degree of LL. B. at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mich.
1892-1930 practicing law in Terre Haute.♦Farnhan-Bollinger, Mrs. Alice, nr.Gard-Rettger, Mrs. Minnie, pa 638 Walnut, Lower West, Terre Haute...
taughtschool for only a few years
marriedDr. L. J. Rettger of the faculty of Indiana State Teachers College.Griffin-Webb, Mrs. Mary, pa 362 WestSecond St., Riverside, Calif....
lr 1926 notteaching
at home in Riverside, Cal.Hawley-ODell, Mrs. Elizabeth, la 600Davis St., Evanston, 111.
taught one yearin country school and one year as assistant in high school, Conneaut, Ohio before graduation
1886-1894 teacher inhigh school, Jefferson, Ohio, in Spokane,Wash., and in Kingsville, Ohio
1894-1928 married
owner of chain of foodshops.McRea, Lizzie B., ha New Albany
taughtseveral years in Elkhart
now at homein New Albany and not teaching.Millington, Emma, ha 1411 Lincoln Way