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Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( first price ho...
Showing 1 - 20 of 336 results

  • Mills, Betsy 127, 247, 249Mintz, Cara 118Mintz, Paul 93, 127, 250Miracle, Cassie 105, 184, 246Mitchell, Jessica 127Mitchell, Josh 118, 231Mitchner, Br...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • Image of the Paul Dresser Birthplace after its move to Fairbanks Park.

    Vigo County Historical Society

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE23was held at the home of Miss Sarah Swihart.Pearl Burns entertained the Alphas on theevening of August 5, at her home...

    Leader, Marian Sammis

    Secretary, Blanche Elliott

    Treasurer,Sue Jaques.For the first good time of the term, theAlphas had an informal spread at the home ofCarabelle Greiner on the evening of...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The December 1998 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library


    1918-1930 teacher industrial arts,mathematics, coach Worthington.Nickel, Marguerite I., 2P, ha 1340 Buckeye St., Terre Haute

    pa Brazil

    1928-1930 teacher grades one, two, ZellerSchool, Brazil.Noel, Zelpha Gladys, 2IG, pa 259 N. W.K St., Linton

    taught grade five. MainBuilding, Linton, five yeors, before graduation

    1929-1930 at home and notteaching.Obanion, Anna Louise, 2P, pa 118AVest 5th St., Madison

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades Broadway School,Madison.OBanion, Frieda Jane, 2IG, ha 205North Sheffield Ave., Indianapolis


    taught rural schools, Elwood,one year

    Indiana Masonic School,Franklin, two and one-half years

    1928-1930 teacher grades, five, six, Tipton.OBrian, Zelma Anna, 2IG, pa 220 Ogdon St., Washington

    taught elementarygrades, Bogard township, Washingtontownship, Daviess county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grade three,Longfellow School, Washington township,Daviess county.OConnell, Cecelia Ann, B. S., pa 43South 12th St., Terre Haute...

    1929-1930teacher primary grades, Sandison School,Terre Haute

    for complete record seeclass of 1927OConnell, Nell M., B. S., pa 48 South12th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher fourth grade, Davis Park School,Terre Haute

    for complete record seeclass of 1915.OConnor, Nora, B. S., pa Montgomery

    1911-1930 teacher grades, English, highschool, Barr township, Daviess county.Overpeck, Frances L., B. S., ha Rosedale

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930 teacher physical education, Roosevelt HighSchool, East Chicago

    for complete record see class of 1923.Overpeck, Lester Paul, 2IG, pa NorthTerre Haute

    1925-1930 teacher elementary grades, Burnett.Owen, Pearl Thompson, 2IG, pa 506South 6th St., Terre Haute

    1914-1926teacher grades, Evansville

    1926-1929student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 not teaching,homekeeper.Paddock, Harriett L., pa 430 North Center St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute.Parker, Frank E., B. S., ha Amo


    1929-1930 teacher mathematics, physics, physical education, Idaville.Park, Lilburn Foster, B. S., ha Dexter

    pa Elizabeth

    taught rural schools. Perrycounty three years

    1927-1930 teachermathematics, history, Elizabeth.Parks, Allen, A. B., pa 1428 South 13%St., Terre Haute

    1924-1930 teacherLatin, history, Booker T. WashingtonSchool, Terre Haute.Parks, Grace I., 2IG, pa 920 East 6thSt., Huntingburg

    taught rural schools,Dubois county, two years before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher intermediategrades, Huntingburg.Parks, Ophelia, A. B„ ha 1428 South13% St., Terre Haute

    pa Orangeburg

    S. C.

    1929-1930 teacher commerce,South Carolina A and M College, Orangeburg, S. C.Patton, Madeline, A. B., pa Oakland, 111.

    taught rural Bchools, Edgar county, Illinois, two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Oakland, 111.Payne, Thirza Lelia, B. S., pa RFD 6,Brazil

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching

    for complete record see classof 1926.Pay ton, William E., 2IG, pa 205 NorthFirst St., Clinton

    1929-1930 teachergrades, Scots School, Clinton township,Vermillion county.Peckham, Ruth, 2R, Lucerne

    1926-1930teacher primary grades, Lucerne.Persinger, George Carl, B. S., ha Merom

    pa Culver

    1929-1930 teacher commerceCulver Military Academy, Culver.Peter, Agnes Philomena, 2IG, pa RFD1,Tell City

    taught rural schools, Anderson township, Perry county, five years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherelementary grades, Anderson township.Perry county.Pfeifer, Edna M., 2P, pa RFD 10, Lafayette

    1926-1930 teacher primarygrades, Montmorenci.Pfeifer, Louise M. C, 2IG, pa West Lebanon

    taught grades, Warren county,two years, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher grades three, four, Marshfield.Phillips, Jessie Mae, 21G, pa 407 VanBuren St., Gary

    1929-1930 teacher elementary grades, Gary.Pierce, Teenie Marie, 2IG, pa RFD 3,Box 392, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacher grades, Honey Creek township, Vigocounty.Pigg, Dolan B., B. S., ha RFD 3, Sullivan

    pa Mitchell

    1928-1929 teacher industrial arts, Wiley High School, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts,Mitchell. _Pittman, Audrey Dorsett, A. B., pa RFD3, Cloverdale

    1924-1927 teacher ruralgrades, Williams School, Potomas, 111.

    1927-1929 student Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 athome and not teaching.Pleitz, Janet, 2P, pa 1008 South 7th St.,Terre Houte

    1929-1930 teacher firstgrade, Indiana State Teachers CollegeTraining School, Terre Haute.Plumb, Kathryn R.. pa 721 South Franklin, Brazil

    taught rural grades, Conway,Michigan, one year

    1927-1930 teachergrades two, three, Brazil.Poindexter, Mary L.t B. S., ha BurnsCity

    pa Flora

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Flora.Porter, Alfred Raymond, A. B. ha 621South 2nd St., Terre Haute

    pa Evansville- 1925-1928 science, Latin, Douglass High School, Evansville

    1928-1929teacher science, Latin, Lincoln HighSchool, Evansville

    1929-1930 teacherchemistry, biology, band, orchestra, Lincoln High School, Evansville.Pound, Frances lino, 2IG, RFD 1, Pimento

    pa Blackhawk

    taught ruralgrades, Pierson township, Vigo county,one year, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher intermediate grades, Blackhawk.Powell, Frances Kathryn, 2IG, pa RFD9, LaPorte

    1926-1930 teacher fourthgrade, Rolling Prairie, LaPorte county.Prather, Arline, B. S., ha Ashmore, 111.

    pa Martinsville, 111.

    1929-1930 teachercommerce, music, Martinsville, 111.Price, Iva M., B. S„ pa 200 South Mc-Ilroy Ave., West Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher home economics. WestTerre Haute

    for complete record seeclass of 1917.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1925-1929 principal, Ft.Harrison School, Terre Haute.Nicoson-Miller, Mrs. Anna, 2IG, ha Center Point

    pa 205 West Market St.,Spencer

    taught one year before graduation

    1925-1927 teacher, grades, CenterPoint

    1927-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married.Nonte, Theresia, 2IG

    ha Loogootete

    1926-1928 teacher public schools, Loogootee.OHara, Honora

    2P, ha Tipton

    1925-1929, teacher .primary grades, publicschools, Gary.Overpeck, Julia, A. B., ha Rockville


    1928-1929 teacher, English andLatin, Peru

    for complete record seeclass of 1917.Payne, Lucille

    A. B., ha Bridgeton

    pa412 West Mishawaka Ave., Mishawaka

    1917-1919 teacher of grades, Parkecounty

    1919-1921 teacher grades, Newport

    1921-1924 teacher English, juniorhigh school, Bedford

    1924-1929 teacherEnglish, high school, Mishawaka.Payne Melvy, A B., ha RFD 6 Brazil

    pa same

    1925-1928 teacher, mathematics and Latin, Oaktown

    1929-1930teacher, Latin and mathematics, VanBuren Township High School, Brazil.Peachee, Lula E., 2IG, ha Coal City


    1924-1929 at home, not teaching,Coal City.Pederson, Myrtle Louise, 2IG, ha CoalCity

    nr.Peter, Edward, A. B., ha Tell City


    1925-1926 teacher, mathematicsand science, Perry county

    1926-1927principal Guilford .Dearborn county

    1927-1929 teacher, mathematics and science, Tell City.Pickett, Easdale, B. S., ha Holton

    paNew Marion

    1925-1928 principal highschool, Holton

    1928-1930 principalNew Marion Schools.Plummer, Marguerite

    B. S., ha Mays

    pa 29 Warren St., Hammond

    1925-1928 teacher Technical High School,Hammond.Poppe-Croft, Mrs. Elsa A., 2IG, haJasonville

    pa same

    1925-1926 teacher,grades, Jasonville

    1926-1929 at home,not teaching.Porter, Margaret D., 2M, ha 627 South2nd St., Terre Haute

    1925-1929 teachermusic, public schools, Gary.Potter, Kathryn, 2P, ha Marshall, 111.

    1925-1929 teacher, grades, Paris, 111.

    attended college, Findlay, Ohio, from1923-1924.Price, Anne L., A. B., 23 West ParkSt., Brazil

    pa same

    1929 teacher, English, Brazil

    for complete record see classof 1911.Puckett, Cecil, B. S., ha Jasonville


    1925-1928 head, commercialdepartment, high school, Rushville

    1928-1930 head, commercial department,Shelbyville.Quebbleman, Jessie Mae, A. B., ha Corydon

    pa same

    1925-1926 teacher, homeeconomics and English, Bedford

    1926-1927 teacher, home economics and English, Alfordsville

    1927-1929 teacher,home economics and English, Corydon.Rawlings, Pauline, 2IG, ha Marshall

    1921-1922 teacher grades, Lyford

    1922-1923 teacher, grades, Coloma

    1923-1927 teacher, grades, Newport

    1927-1928 teacher, departmental music andreading, Richmond

    1928-1929 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    attended Colorado University1926.Rhind-Sanford, Mrs. Thelma Irene

    AB., ha 1460 South 18th St., Terre Haute

    pa 3400 Erie Ave., Apt 5, Cincinnati,Ohio

    1925-1926 teacher, English, Dale

    1926-1928 teacher, English, Gory

    1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Otis Sanford.Richards, Edgar E., B. S„ ha 2324Cleveland Ave., Terre Haute

    pa Covington

    taught one year in rural schooland one year in high school, Covington,before graduation

    1925-1930 teacher,science and manual training, high school,Covington

    attended Chicago Universitysummer of 1926

    attended Indiana University summer of 1929.Richards, Walter W., B. S., ha 2324Cleveland Ave., Terre Haute

    1920-1926teacher, science and physical education,Hanna

    1926-1929 principal schools, Mel-lot

    1929-1930 county superintendent ofschools. Fountain county.Richey, Marie N. Mrs. A. B., ha 669Swan St., Terre Haute

    pa 5514 Black-stone Ave., Chicago, 111.

    1925-1928teacher commerce in high school, Martinsville.Richey, Russell, B. S., ha 1738 South9th St., Terre Haute

    pa 4110 GrandAve., East Chicago

    1925-1926 teacher,science, high school, Marco

    1927-1929Opportunity teacher, city schools, EastChicago.Riggs, Reba Galena, B. S., ha Sullivan

    pa Linton

    1925-1929 teacher, commerce,Linton.Rinchard Samuel R., A. B., Edinburg

    1910 taught district school in Marioncounty

    1911-1914 principal Broad Ripple grade school

    1915 principal, school,Indianapolis

    1916 finished school year atMooresville

    1917 principal grade school,Ilroad Ripple

    1918 in U. S. Army untilDecember

    finished year at HopewellHigh School

    1919-1920 principal ofHope High School

    1921 teacher, mathematics, Edinburg High School andcoached athletics

    1922-1929 principal,high school and teacher of mathematics,Edinburg.Ringham, Thomas

    B. S., ha RFD 30,Lynnville, pa Evansville

    1912-1916teacher, manual training, Gary

    1916-1924 Lynnville

    1924-1928 principalschools, Lynnville

    1928-1930 teacher,,industrial arts, Evansville.Robertson, Elizabeth, 2IG

    nr.Rohm, Guy

    A. B., ha Rockville

    pa Woodburn

    1925-1926 teacher, mathematics and manual training, Parker

    1926-1927 teacher, physics, Latin andphysical geography. Spartanburg

    1927-1929 teacher, physics, Latin, physicalgeography and English, Freedom

    1929-1930 teacher, Latin ond science, Wood-burn.Rohm-Hollingsworth, Mrs. Mary, 2P, pa512 South Center St., Terre Haute

    cadet teacher, spring term, 1927 in Indiana State TJeochers College TrainingSchool, Terre Haute

    taught first summer term of 1927, Indiona State TeachersCollege

    1927-1929 teacher primary education, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1917-1918 Virginia College,Roanoke, Va.

    1918-1921 attended DePauw University, received A. B. degree

    1923-1925 attended Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.

    Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.-- Thomas Merton, Trappist monk (1915-1968)Sister Marianne McGriffin pa...

    Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana


    1927-1928 married to GeorgeSimpson, homekeeper.Siner, Nancy Marie, A. B., ha RFD B,Terre Haute

    pa 120 West LexingtonAve., Elkhart

    1926-1930 teacher, commerce, Elkhart.Skillman, Mrs. Emma, 2IG, ha 1741Maryland St., Gary

    pa 1962 Massachusetts St., Gary

    1926-1929 teacher,public schools, Gary.Skidmore, Mabel M„ 2IG, ha 1615 7thAve., Terre Haute

    pa Coal City

    1926-1929 teacher of intermediate grades,Coal City.Skomp, Edna M., 2IG, ha Elnora

    1924-1925 teacher, district school, Elnora

    1925-1926 student Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1923-1929 notteaching, at home.Sloss, Buena Vista, A. B., ha 417% Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    pa 719 Oak St.,Evansville

    1926-1929 teacher, com-meilce, Douglass High School, Evansville.Smith, Bertha E., 2IG, ha Pekin


    1926-1930 teacher, elementarygrades, Pekin.Smith, Flora Hazel, B. S., ha f.22 NorthJefferson St., Rockville

    pa 323 North8th St., Terre Haute

    taught in Bentoncounty rural schools in Price and Granttownships

    teacher grades, Boswell, andgrades in East Chicago, before graduation

    1926-1930 teacher, Indiana StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute.Smith, Florence, 2IG, ha Loogootee


    1926-1929 teacher, intermediategrades, Barr township, Daviess county.Smith, Frances C, 2IG, ha Aurora


    1926-1929 teacher, intermediate grades, Guilford.Smith, Georgia Katherine, 2HE, haBrazil

    pa 1700 North 8th St., TerreHaute

    1926-1927 library work, Fairbanks Memorial Library, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 cashier, National Life andAccident Insurance Company, TerreHaute.Smith, Maude, 2IG, ha 921 CaliforniaSt., Columbus

    pa same

    1926-19:50teacher intermediate grades, Columbus.Smith, Onis E., 2IG, ha Sandborn, paHaubstadt

    1923-1924 teacher, ruralschools, Greene county

    1924-1925 teacher grades, Lyons

    1925-1927 teadjiergrades, Marco

    1927-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute,B. S.

    1929-1930 teacher industrial artsand mathematics, high school, Haubstadt.Smith, Virgil A, B. S., ha Marion

    pa712 West Nelson St., Marion

    1926-1930teacher, dramatics, senior high school,Marion

    A. M., State University ofIowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in 1930.Snyder, Jessie Helen, 2R, ha Rockport

    nr.Southard-Russell Marjorie, A. B., haHillsdale

    la 1128 North New JerseySt., Indianapolis

    lr 1927-1928 teacher,English and science, Unionville.Stahl, Edgar Allen, B. S„ ha 2689 Harrison Ave., Terre Haute, pa same

    1929teacher, industrial arts, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute

    for complete recordsee Class of 1915.Stanton, J. Harold, B. S., ha 624 SwanSt., Terre Haute

    pa 2532 Auburn Ave.,Cincinnati, O.

    1926-1927 teacher, Anderson township high school, Perry county

    1927-1928 teacher, high school. Dexter City, Ohio

    1928-1929 teacher, science, high school, Clinton: 1929-1930teacher, chemistry, St. Xavier HighSchool, Cincinnati, Ohio

    attended University of Wisconsin summer of 1927.Stark, Mary B., 2IG, ha RFD 1, Green-castle

    pa same

    1922-1926 taughtgrades, Brownsville and Barnard beforegraduation

    1926-1927 teacher grades,Greencastle

    1927-1928 at home and notteaching

    attended Teachers College, Indianapolis 1920-1921.Stegmoller, Alice, 2IG, ha Osgood

    paPetersburg, Ohio

    1926-1928 teacherpublic schools, Osgood

    1928-1929 teacher primary grades. East Palestine, Ohio.Stewart, Harold W., 2IA, ha 309 NorthGillespie St., Greencastle

    1927-1028teacher, industrial arts, Cambridge City

    1928-1930 teacher, industrial arts,Greencastle.Stewart, Ila Belle, 2IG, ha Seelyville

    nr.Stoelting, Edmond H., 2IG, ha Pleasant-ville

    pa 84 4 Delaware, Detroit, Mich.

    19201926 teacher elementary grades,Sullivan

    1926-1928 teacher, elementarygrades, Martinsville

    1928-1930 teachergeometry, algebra and commercial geography, Henry Ford Trade School,Highland Park, Detroit, Mich.Strain, Warren T., A. B., ha Reelsville...

    pa 115 West Suttenfield St., Ft. Wayne

    1926-1929 teacher, geography, HarmarJunior High School, Ft. Wayne.Sullivan, John M., A. B., ha 1344 FirstAve., Terre Haute

    pa Newport

    1926-1929 teacher high school, Newport.Swartz, Nellis, 2IG, ha Cromwell


    1923-1928 teacher, grades, Kimmell

    1028-1929 teacher, grades, Cromwell

    1929-1930 teacher, elementarygrades, Noble county.Tait-Tyler, Mrs. Josephine, 2P, ha 900Locust St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    lr1928 married

    at home and not teaching.Taylor, Edna B., 2IG, ha Otterbein

    pa15201 Myrtle Ave., Harvey, 111.

    1919-1926 teacher, elementary grades, Otterbein

    1926-1927 teacher, elemetnarygrades, Linden

    1927-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Otterbein

    1929-1930teacher, elementary grades, Harvey, 111.Taylor, Mary Elizabeth, 2P, ha 1028 TSt., Bedford

    taught three years beforegraduation, primary teacher, ShawswickConsolidated School, Bedford

    1926-1929teacher, primary grades, ShawswickConsolidated School, Bedford.Thomas-Tapy, Mrs. Audrey, A. B., ha331 South 18th St., Terre Haute

    pa2612 Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

    1923-1925 teacher, history and music,New Goshen

    1926-1927 teacher historyand music, Princeton

    1927-1929 notteaching, homekeeper, married.Thomas-Butts, Cleo Gladys, 2P, pa 2700Garfield Ave., Terre Haute

    1926-1927teacher, elementary grades, Elkhart

    1927-1928 student, Indiana University

    1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Thompson, Charlotte, A. B., ha Marshall

    pa Mayfield, Mo.

    lr 1928 teacher, physical education, Mayfield College, Mayfield,Mo.Thompson, Margaret Ellen, A. B., ha Pimento

    pa 875 13th Ave., South St.Petersburg, Fla.

    1926-1929 teacher.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Songbooks from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is apart of the Historic Music Collections. These are collections of songs&...

    Indiana State University Library