124THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYHeaton, Ruby Grace, ha Michigantown
lr 1916 teacher of grades, Frankfort.Hicks, Hugh, pa Brazil
1914-1916 supervisor of manual I ruining, city schools,Brazil
assistant in manual training inIndiana State Teachers College in summer of 1914
1916-1930 supervisor ofIndustrial arts, high school. Brazil.Huntwork, Harry G., pa 2427 S. 6th St..Terre Haute
1915-1916 teacher ofgrades. Pimento
1916-1917 principal,Cuzco
1917-1918 superintendent ofschools, Birdseye
1918-1919 employed atU. S. post office. Terre Haute
1919-1920••-■ployed in Western Union Telegraphoffice, Terre Haute
1920-1923 teacherof English and history, Glenn HighSchool: 1923-1924 principal, Blackhawk
1924-1925 teacher, Harrison townshipschool, Terre Haute
1925-1929 in research department. Commercial SolventsCorporation, Terre Haute.Hyndman, Robin Wayne, A. 15., pa 455W. Pine St., Canton, Illinois
for complete information see class of 1913.Jacnisch, Mary Louise, A. B., pa 711Park St., Terre Haute
1911-1912 teacher of mathematics in high school, W.Terre Haute
1913-1914 teacher of mathematics, history and science, Hymera
1915-1916 taught in public schools, TerreHaute: 1917-1929 teacher in GarfieldHigh School, Terre Haute.James-Grover, Mrs. Jennie M., ha Clinton...
1915-1920 teacher in city schools,Clinton
1920-1922 teacher in grades,Elkhart
1922-1929 married, not teaching, at home.Julian, Roy B., pa Redford
receivedA. B. from Butler College 1923
didgraduate work, Indiana University 1924-1925-1927, received A. M.
1915-1918principal, Oolitic schools
1918-1926principal, Southport schools
1926-1930principal, Bedford High School.Kerber-Roth, Mrs. Bessie, pa 1220 S.7th St., Terre Haute
1915-1916 supplyteacher, city schools, Terre Haute
1922-1924 teacher, Gerstmeyer Technical HighSchool, Terre Haute
1924-1929 marriedto Bernard W. Roth: supply teacher incity schools and teaching bookkeeping innight schools.Kester-Wisener, Mrs. Kathryn, A. B., pa18 ...
1918-1919 War OrdinanceDepartment, Washington
1919-1921teacher, English, Earlham College, Richmond
1921-1925 superintendent ofschools, Williamsburg
1925-1930 notteaching, homekeeper, married
M. A.,Indiana University in 1917.Kibby-DePriest, Mrs. Sue, pa 205 ElMonte Ave., El Monte, California
taughtthree years in country schools, Fayettetownship, Vigo county
one year in Helttownship, Vermillion county
one year inVermillion, Illinois
one year in OtterCreek township, Vigo county
1916-1919teacher of grades, Farmersburg
1919-1922 did not teach
1922-1923 principal,Bassett School, Los Angeles, California
1923-1929 married to H. A. DePriest, notteaching, homekeeper.Kimmel, Clara B., ha Terre Haute
nr.Kirkham, Joe, pa West Baden
1915-1922teacher and principal of Clarks Hill:1922-1924 teacher, Bruceville
1924-1927principal, Wingate
1927-1930 principal,West Baden.Koch, John, A. B., pa Manilla
1915-1918 teacher of German, high schoolColumbus
1918-1923 principal, Clarktownship high school
1923-1930 principal, Manilla.Korte-Siebcrt, Mrs. Anna, ha New Point
1915-1916 teacher in rural school, Decatur county
1916-1921 teacher ofgrades. New Point
lr 1921 not teoching,homekeeper, married.Lane, Clarence, pa Lafayette
taught inPutnam county, rural schools from 1911-1913 and in Clay township, Hamiltoncounty from 1914-1915 before graduation
1915-1916 assistant principal ofhigh school, Bellmore
1916-1918 principal of high school, Bellmore
1918-1922 principal of high school, Middle-town
1922-1924 student, Indiana University, Bloomington
1924 received A.IS. from Indiana University
1924-1930teacher of mathematics, high school, Lafayette.Lasher, Norman J., pa Seymour
beforegraduation taught country schools, Perrycounty, 1902-1906, Randolph county,1905-1906: high school, principal, Alton,Illinois, 1906-1908
1908-1909 ward principal. Greencastle
1909-1914 superintendent of schools, Williamsport
1914-1916 principal in Waveland
1916-1917principal, Otterbein
1917-1925 superintendent of schools. Gas City
1925-1930superintendent of schools, Seymour
attended Indiana University summers of1917-1928 Marion College, A. B„ 1922,Wisconsin University, summers of 1928-1926 M. A., 1928. President, IndianaStat...
1919-1921 principal, Monroe City
1921-1923 University of Chicago, Ph. B.,1922, A. M. 1923.Lemme, Clinton E., A. B., pa GrandView
1915-1916 principal, Gilboa Center High School, Remington
1916-1919principal. Mackey
1919-1920 principal,Huntingburg
1920-1926 principal, highschool, Madison, Illinois
1926-1930principal. Grand View.Lewis, Mortimer, A. B., pa Newport
1903-1904 teacher in rural school, Parkecounty
1904-1909 teacher in ruralschool, Helt township
1909-1913 teacherhigh school, Helt township
1914-1915student, Colorado State Agricultural College, Ft. Collins, Colo.
1915-1919 teacher of mathematics and science, highschool, Montmorenci
1919-1920 teacherof mathematics and science, high school,Hillsdale
1921-1928 auditor of Vermillion county
1929-1930 teacher ofmathematics and science, high school,Hillsdale.Lindley, Frederick M., A. B., ha NorthVernon
1914-1916 manual training andphysics teacher, high school, North Vernon
1916-1919 manual training teacher,city schools, St. Louis, Missouri
1919-1922 superintendent of schools, NewHarmony
1922-1923 superintendent ofschools, Manito, Illinois.Loper, William F., ha Francisco
1915-1916 superintendent of schools, Francisco
1917-1920 superintendentof schools, Grayville. Illinois
1920-1921principal, junior high school, Alton, Illinois
1921-1922 teacher, Owensville
1923-1927 superintendent of schools, Owens-