Search Results - (( first lap scen...
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Showing 1 - 20 of 106 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( first lap scen...
Showing 1 - 20 of 106 results

  • 82THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYstudent, Indiana State Teachers College

    1908-1912 teacher of music, high school,Newburg

    1912-1914 student, IllinoisUniveristy, Purdue University and Indiana State Teachers College

    1914-1918teacher domestic science, Haubstadt andHope

    1918-1929 not teaching, homekeeper.Shepard, James H., la Milford

    lr 1924in the banking business, Milford.Shortridge, Annalee, pa 1204 North 13thSt., Terre Haute

    1917-i 918 teach er,high school, McCordsville

    1918-1919teacher high school, Wilkinson

    1919-1922 teacher in Terre Haute schools

    1922-1923 received M. A., University ofWisconsin

    1923-1930 teacher in McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute.Silvers, Charles W., pa Winamac

    1908-1929 principal elementary grades, LaPorte

    principal elementary and juniorhigh school, Miles City, Mont.

    principalelementary school, Bay City, Mich.

    principal high school. Shoals: principal highschool, Paoii

    teacher Logansport

    superintendent schools, Winimac

    receivedA. li. Indiana University

    resident workdone for A. M. degree

    student, University of Chicago for three summers fortwo quarters of work, Chicago, 111.Simpson, Cora Florence, la Danville

    nr.Snitz, Reuben H., pa 2007 South 8th St.,Terre Haute

    Education: A. B. IndianaSlate Teachers College

    graduate student, Columbia University

    A. M. 1928Indiana University

    teacher in rurals. hools, Huntington county

    grade schoolAndrews

    superintendent schools, Andrews

    instructor in industrial arts,Evansville

    critic te-:cher, Indiana StateTraining School

    assistant professor industrial arts, Indiana State TeachersCollege.Spear, Osmund, la Indianapolis

    1908-1909 teacher of manual training andmechanical drawing high school, Lebanon

    1909-1912 teacher of manual traininghigh school, Indianapolis

    1912-1916teacher in Technical High School, Indianapolis

    graduated Stout Institute, Men-onomie, Wis.


    graduated BradleyPolytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111. 1914

    attended University of Wisconsin summer 1916

    lr 1916.♦Spencer, Fred B. ha Bellmore

    190R-1909 superintendent schools, Bellmore

    1909-1912 studied law school, graduatedin 1912

    1912-1913 attorney at law, In-<lnn:


    deceased Oct. 18, 1913.Spice, Mary Elizabeth, pa 2303 BrownSt., Anderson

    1908-1916 primary teacher, city schools, Anderson: 1916-1929departmental work and principal, CentralAvenue School, Anderson.Starr, Eleanore Frances, la 1915 Tip...

    1908-1914 grade and department schools.New Albany

    1914-1915 A. B. IndianaUniversity

    1915 teacher of Latin andSnanish, Tipton.Tesh-Pfenning, Mrs. Hazel, pa 907South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1903-1905teacher in district schools near Elwood

    1906-1907 teacher of grades, Thorntown

    1909-1910 teacher of grades, Anderson:1911-1912 teacher of grades, Indianapolis

    1912-1917 teacher in junior andsenior high school. King Classical School,Terre Haute: 1917-1922 assistant inEnglish department, Indiana State Teachers Coll...

    1915 student,University of Chicago

    1922-1923 graduate student, Columbia University

    1924tour of Southern Europe and NorthAfrica

    192 6 tour of Northern and Central Europe

    1923-1929 assistant, in English department, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute

    summer of 1927,student, Columbia University.Trible, James Owen, pa London, Ind.

    1908-1910 principal Ft. Branch

    1922-1923 principal Fountaintown

    1923-1929principal Moral township, Shelby county,London, Indiana

    taught Latin and mathematics.Tri-nble, Mrs. Nona, nr.Irittipo, Mildred la 1912 South Pasadena, Cal.

    1908-1910 teacher of firstgrade, Noblesville

    1910-1911 did notteach

    1911-1912 teacher of first grade,Riverside, Cal.

    1912 teacher first grade,South Pasadena, Cal.True-Kord, Mrs. Augusta A., pa 1814Crawford St., Terre Haute

    1908-1916teacher of primary grades, Terre Hatuecity schools

    1916-1928 teacher DavisPark School, Terre Haute

    married July3 1928 to Howard E. Kord, not teaching, homekeeper.Walter, Arthur, pa Salinas, Cal.

    1908-1909 teacher at Harlan

    1909-1916teacher at Satsap, Washington and alsoprincipal

    1917-1919 attended Lel

    ndStanford University

    1919-1929 citysuperintendent, Salinas, Calif.Warrick-Humphrey, Mrs. Mary, la RFDE, Terre Haute

    1908-1910 teacher ofelementary grades, Vigo county

    1911-1913 teacher of elementary grades,Parke county

    1913 teacher elementarygrades, Vigo county

    lr 1913.♦Washington, Benjamin L., deceasedFeb. 1911

    nr.♦Webb, Ida E., deceased June 1910

    nr.♦Weber, Grace H., ha Huntington

    nr.Whitesitt, Andrew Harmon, A. B., paPittsburg, Kans.

    1908-1911 supervisormanual training, East Chicago

    1911-1913 instructor manual training, highschool, Indianapolis

    1913-1929 head ofwoodworking department. State NormalTraining School, Pittsburg, Kans.Woodrow, Walter H„ A. B., pa 818 OakSt., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 critic teacher of science, Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School, Terre Haute

    for complete record see class 1907.Zecbiel, Chester, pa 707 Peoples BankBuilding, Indianapolis

    1909-1910 department of physiography, Anderson

    1912worked on Ph. B. University of Chicago

    1913 in law school, LTniversity of Chicago, J. D.

    1913 attorney at law, Indianapolis

    assistant to Judge Cox, IndianaSupreme Court in connection with practice

    1929 practicing law in Indianapolis.CLASS OF 1909Amick, Clyde T., pa Delphi

    1909-1918superintendent, Elnora

    1918-1924 superintendent, Sheridan

    1924-1930 superintendent, Delphi.Barker, Mrs. Mary F., pa 555 South St.,Elgin, 111.

    1910-1913 critic teacher, Tri-State College, Angola

    1913-1916 seventhgrade teacher in public schools of Chicago

    1916-1929 teaching seventh grade,Gondy School, Chicago, 111.Benedict, Phebe Clare, ha Springport

    1910-1914 department of English, Mun-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY29sity in 1911

    1920-1929 president ofUniversity of Minnesota.Combs, Anna, nr.Conley, Mary E., pa 1309 Byron St.,Huntington

    1896-1897 teacher of gradesat Dublin

    1897-1898 teacher of English, Cayuga

    1902-1929 teacher ofgrades, Huntington.Corbin-Dill, Mrs. Mary, nr.Cox-Catlin, Mrs. Zella, pa Elizabeth-town

    1892-1893 teacher country school,Winamac

    1894-1895 teacher of grades,Elizabethtdwn

    1895-1929 homekeeper

    not teaching

    received Ph. B. degreefrom Earlham College in 1894.Crowley, John, la 3265 North New Jersey St., Indianapolis, after graduationtaught in schools of...

    for past several years U. S. internalrevenue storekeeper gauger

    lr 1908.Danielson-Appleman, Mrs. Rose

    nr.Deem-Kcnnedy, Mrs. Stella, pa Greensboro

    1889-1890 teacher of grades, Rays-villc

    1890-1895 teacher of grades,Spiceland

    1895-1898 teacher of grades,Marion

    1898-1929, not teaching, home-keeper, married

    attended Indiana University, 1904-1905.Delzell, Anna L., nr.Dinwiddie-Hochhalter, Mrs. Grace, pa2129 Market St., Logansport

    1892-1893teacher in a district school, Shelby1893-1894 teacher in Eagle Creek township. Lake county

    1894-1895 teacher ingrades. Whiting

    1895-1896 graduatedfrom Indiana State Teachers College in1896: 1896-1898 teacher in grades, Attica

    1899-1929 not teaching, home-keeper

    married to John P. Hochhalter.Driver, Levi Jacob, pa Vincennes

    1896-1903 attended Indiana University, received A. B. degree

    1904-1909 principal high school, Aurora

    received A. from Indiana University in 1909

    1909-1910 superintendent of schools,Rising Sun

    1910-1920 professor of education, Central Normal College, Danville

    1920-1929 professor of science,Vincennes University, Vincennes.Duncan-Munro, Mrs. Delle, nr.Evans, Jesse F., la Clermont

    lr farming near Clermont.Ewbank, John H., pa Cayuga

    1896-1898principal grade school, Liberty township,Parke county

    1898-1900 principal gradeschool, Washington township. Parkcounty

    1900-1906 teacher in highschool, Ladoga

    1906-1908 farmer

    1908-1911 teacher district school, Parkecounty

    1911-1915 principal gradeschool, Veedersburg

    1916-1916 principalconsolidated school, Union township

    1916-1920 teacher of grades, Tangier

    1920-1921 teacher, manual training,Bloomingdale

    1921-1923 teacher highschool manual training. West Point:1923-1929 teacher high school manualtraining, Cayuga.Fisher, James A., ha Brookville

    lr 1917teacher in Franklin county.Garrott-Stout, Mrs. Helen, nr.Gemmer-Collicott, Mrs. Lydia, pa Columbus, O.

    wife of J. G. Collicott

    superintendent of city schools, Columbus,O.

    not teaching.Hadley, James W., ha Frankfort

    1896-1900 principal high school. Forest

    1902received M. D. Illinois Medical College

    1902-1903 house surgeon Illinois Hospital

    1903-1906 general practice, Ross-ville

    1906-1907 post graduate. University of Vienna

    1907-1923 specialist, eye,ear, nose and throat, Frankfort, deceased June 1923.Hagler, Oscar E., ha Buckeye

    1896-1900principal high school. Liberty Center

    1900-1902 superintendent schools Warren

    1902-1907 superintendent highschool, Keystone

    1907-1910 superintendent schools, Ossian

    1910-1911 principal high school, Liberty Center

    1911teacher of history, high school, Bluffton

    1911-1912 in life insurance business

    lr 1916 farming.Hancock, Burton M., la Indianapolis

    1896-1900 principal schools, Quincy andPatricksburg

    1900-1904 superintendentschools, Owen county

    1904-1916 withMutual Life Insurance Company of NewYork Indianapolis

    lr 1916.Hanrahan, Margaret, pa 1448 South 7th.,St., Terre Haute

    1893-1923 teacher inpublic schools of Terre Haute

    now retired and not teaching.Hardisty-Marks, Mrs. Clara, pa Harmony

    1896-1902 teacher in grades,Terre Haute

    1902-1917 not teaching,homekeeper

    married to John Marks

    1917-1918 teacher in Owens School, VanBuren township

    1918-1922 teacher ofgrades, Harmony

    1922-1929 teacher ofVan Buren Consolidated Junior HighSchool.Haughton, George, nr.Hays-Scott, Mrs. Clodia, pa 619 NorthDelaware St., Indianapolis

    1896-1904teacher of grades, Anderson

    1909-1911student, Angelus University, Los Angeles, Calif.

    1911-1914 not teaching, married and homekeeper

    1914-1916 widow,librarian at Worthington

    1916-1929saleslady in Indianapolis.Hommon, Florence, nr.Hughes, William F., pa 4025 North Meridian St., Indianapolis

    1896-1897 studentIndiana University

    1897-1899 principalhigh school, Spencer

    1899-1902 student.Indiana Medical College

    1902-1903 interne City Hospital

    1903-1906 physician

    1907-1908 student in London andVienna

    1908-1916 oculist: 1904-1916lecturer on ophthalmology, Indiana University School of Medicine: 1926-1929eye specialist, 401 Hume Mansur Bldg.,Indianapolis.Hunter,...

    nr.Huyette-Wilson, Mrs. Juaniatta, pa 847Byron St., Huntington

    lr 1928 teacherof grades, Huntington.Johnson, Nettie, nr.Kelly, Joseph E., pa Mt. Vernon: 1896-1899 superintendent schools, Plainfield

    1899-1908 superintendent schools, NewHarmony

    1908 became engaged in thebanking business and was secretary ofthe Peoples Bank and Trust Company

    served for a number of years as a member of the board of trustees of the Indiana State Teachers College

    now president of First National Bank, Mt. Vernon.Kemp-McClure, Mrs. Lillian, la Frankfort

    nr.Kessel, William H., pa 1637 South 5thSt., Terre Haute

    1896-1897 teacher ofgrades and high school, Prairie Creek

    1897-1900 teacher of grades, TerreHaute

    1900-1929 teacher Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute

    attended Western

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY55stitute, Brooklyn, New York

    1913-1914student, Columbia University

    receiveddepartmental certificate from TeachersCollege, Columbia University 1914

    1915-1916 extension worker in home economics

    1916 appointed director, domesticscience, LaPorte county

    lr 1916.Wisely, Nellie J„ la 1918, 2521 West40th St., Minneapolis, Minn.

    1902-1904teacher of grades, Huntington

    1902-1911 teacher of grades, Oak Park, 111.

    1911-1918 teacher of grades, Minneapolis, Minn.

    lr 1918.Wissler, William O., pa Richmond

    1902-1904 teacher in high school, CambridgeCity

    1904-1909 teacher in publicschools, Richmond

    1909-1911 principalhigh school, Madison

    1911-1916 headof history department, Richmond

    1916-1924 superintendent schools, Hagers-town

    1924-1929 teacher of history. Dennis Junior High School, Richmond.Woodward, Edward T., pa 2340 CollegeAve., Indianapolis

    taught in schools ofMorgan county from 1894-1900 beforegraduation

    1902-1904 ward principal,Brazil

    1904-1906 principal high school,Thorntown

    1907-1911 superintendentschools, Thorntown

    1911-1913 withreal estate firm, Martinsville

    1913-1927with First National Bank, Martinsville

    1927-1929 business and general work,Indiana and Florida: attended IndianaUniversity 1895, Chicago Universityspring of 1895 and summer of 1909 andVorhees&#x...

    1903-1904 attended University of Chicago

    1904-1910 teacher in grades, Indianapolis

    1910-1929 married to Mr. FredW. Kassebaum, Jr.

    not teaching, home-keeper

    took extension work in ButlerUniversity during two winters whileteaching.♦Beste, Alma, ha Mount Vernon

    deceased August 1908

    taught in IndianaState Teachers Training School until herdeath.Boyer-Fisher, Mrs. Bertha, pa Wapakon-eta, O.

    1903-1905 taught in the schoolsof Terre Haute

    1905-1929 married toCarl D. Fisher

    not teaching, home-keeper.Brooks, Ellwood E., pa Salem

    1903-1904 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Rensselaer

    1905-1906 student,Indiana University working on A.

    1907-1911 taught science inCentral High School, Madison, Wis.

    1911-1912 doing industrial work

    1912-1913 did graduate work at Cornell University

    1913-1921 industrial chemistBoston, Mass.

    1921-1929 principal highschool, Salem.Brown-Kelley, Mrs. Faith, pa 2123 North10th St., Terre Haute

    1903-1904 teacherof grades, Terre Haute

    1904-1905 student, Indiana University

    1905-1906teacher of grades, Terre Haute

    1906-1907 teacher of Latin, high school,Rensselaer

    1907-1909 teacher of Latin,Wiley High School, Terre Haute

    married to Chester Y. Kelley in 190D

    teaching Latin for past several years in Garfield High School.Bulleitt-Briscoe, Mrs. Harriet, pa Mississippi A and M College Campus, A andM Colle...

    1901-1902 teacher in ruralschools, Harrison county

    1903-1004teacher of grades, Middletown

    1905-1906 teacher of grades. New Albany

    1906-1913 teacher of grammar grades.New Albany

    1913-1920 supervisor penmanship and physical training. New Albany

    married to H. Gibbons, in 1920

    1924-1928 taught grade3 in New Albanyafter death of Mr. Gibbons, in 1924

    married to Dr. Charles F. Briscoe, bacteriologist at Mississippi A and M College in 1927

    since then not teaching,at home on the Mississippi A and M. College Campus

    attended summer terms,Zanirian College, Columbus, O.

    1913-1915 Ohio State University, summer1915

    Battle Creek, Mich., 1914.Bunce-Peters, Mrs. Carrie, la 819 LorelAve., Chicago, 111.

    lr 1911 homekeeper,Chicago, 111.Carpenter-Butsch, Mrs. Margaret 341Richmond Ave., Buffalo N. Y.

    1903-1904teacher grades, Elwood

    1904-1905 teacher grades, Terre Haute

    Married Dr. J.L. Butsch in 1903

    1905-1926 not teaching, homekeeper

    1926-1930 manager ofWomens Club, Buffalo, N. Y.Cushing, Wm. Seneca, pa 4712 SimpsonAve., Cincinnati, O.

    1903-1904 principalhigh school, Centerville

    1904-1905superintendent, Ossian

    1905-1906 student, Indiana University

    1906-1907physics, mathematics, Sullivan

    1907-1909 grade principal, Huntington

    1909-1911 student, Bradley Polytechnic Institute .Peoria, 111.

    1911-1919 teachingindustrial arts, Madisonville High School,Cincinnati, O.

    1919-1920, A. B. IndianaUniversity

    1920-1929 teaching mathematics, general science, Withrow HighSchool, Cincinnati, O.Dodson-Neyhouse, Mrs. Bertha, pa 2705South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1903-1911teacher of public schools, Indianapolis

    1911-1912 teacher in high school, Poscy-ville

    1912-1913 homekeeper, Poseyville

    1913-1929 teacher of grades, FairviewAnnex, Terre Haute

    married A. R. Ney-house 1911.Ducnweg, Julia H., pa 1314 South 7 thSt., Terre Haute

    1903-1913 taughtin public schools, Terre Haute

    1913-1930 assistant supervisor of art, publicschools, Terre Haute.Foust, Lois C, pa United States Veterans Hospital, 89, Rutland Heights,Mass.

    1904-1906 teacher in Kentiand

    1907-1909 taught grades, North Judson:1910-1916 principal high school, NorthJudson

    1926-1929 teacher, RutlandHeights, Mass.Ford, Alva H. pa 10G21 Hathaway Ave.,Cleveland, O.

    taught five years in ruralschools, Sullivan county, before graduation

    1905-1907 superintendent schools,New Market

    1907-1909 student WabashCollege, A. B. and A. M.

    1909-1915 instructor mathematics, Western ReserveUniversity, Cleveland, O.

    1915-1930 instructor mathematics, city Bchools,Cleveland, Ohio

    extension courses inCleveland Normal School

    graduateUniversity of Chicago, five quarters.♦Freeman, Gertrude, ha 402 WestThompson St., Sullivan


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections, published from&#...

    Indiana State University Library

  • A selection of commercial sheet music featuring Irving Berlin as either composer or lyricist. This part features 375 titles dating from 1907 ...

    Indiana State University Library

  • A selection of commercial sheet music featuring Irving Berlin as either composer or lyricist. This part features 375 titles dating from 1907 ...

    Indiana State University Library

  • The Precinct Committeeman was a Democratic Party newspaper from Marion County, Indiana. The collection includes September 7 to October 23, 1934....

    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • An employee newsletter

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 3, No. 4 APRIL, 1951Premiere Showing ofFilm AttractsOliver2,000 PeopleMcCord Named NPAFarm Equipment DirectorVANDALIA, ILL.- Adverse weath ...

    Business & Industry

  • This is the first issue of The Greencastle Eagle, a newspaper published in Greencastle, Indiana.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • An employee newsletter.

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 3-A·A. KING McCORDIii:J .M....r..(. n. ,,,. r..t.l.Elected ExecutiveVice PresidentCHICAGO, ILL., March 28. - Theelection...

    Business & Industry

  • The July 2001 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • This is an issue of The Veterans Review, a newspaper written in the interest of the soldiers of the Union.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • The January 1998 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of th...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The September 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of ...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • The June 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • An employee newsletter

    MI RRORONE CARLOADTO MEMPHISthe2. OLIYER0MIRROR • MAY, 1951theOLIVER0MIRRORVOLUME 3 No. 5Published at Chicago, Ill., by and for themembers of the&#x...

    Business & Industry

  • This is an issue of The National Union Republican and Soldier-Labor-Rights Advocate, a periodical for the Republican Party that was published in&...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection