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Showing 1 - 20 of 313 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( first campus p...
Showing 1 - 20 of 313 results

  • The May 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#x...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library


    1928-1929 teacher of grades. Claycounty.Vcrtrees, Hervie A., B. S., ha Elnora

    po Fithian, 111.

    1923-1924 taughtin high school. Mitchell

    192 1-1927taught in Solsberry High School

    1927-1928 taught in Kempton High School

    1928-1930 teacher of physics and general science and industrial arts, OokwoodTownship High School, Fithian, 111.Vinson, Cecil, B. S., pa 217 South...

    1929-1930 principol,Cruft School, Terre Haute

    for completerecord see class 1910.Voight, Margaret E., ha Terre Haute,123 South 12th St.

    1928-1929 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute.Wade, George V., B. S., ha Wadesville

    1928-1929 teacher mathematics and science, high school Bridgeton

    1929-1930employed by Budd Wheel Company, Detroit, Mich.

    attended Evansville College1924-1925.Wagner, Lloyd H., A. B., ha IndianSprings

    pa Hillsdale

    1928-1929 teacherof English, Hillsdale.Wagner, Ruth Virginia, B. S., ha Peru,280 West 7th St., 1923-1928 taught public

    schools, Peru

    1928-1929 teachercommercial work, Peru Senior HighSchool.Waldon, Jennie H., 2IG, ha Aurora:111 Mechanic St.

    1920-1922 teacher inrural school, Dearborn county

    1922-1928teacher of grades, Aurora

    1928-1930teacher of grades, Richmond.Walker, Opal, 2P, ha Scottsburg

    1928-1929 teacher grades, Grafton, III.Walker, Ruth Elinor, A. B., ha Loogootee, 404 West Wood St.

    taught oneyear in high school, Epsom, and oneyear in high school, Montgomery, before graduation

    1928-1930 teacherLatin and home economics, in highschool, Montgomery.Wall, Fred, B. S., ha Coal City

    1921-1924 taught Jefferson township

    1924-1925 taught Marion township

    1927-1928 taught high school, Dugger

    1923-1929 teacher geometry, physics and biology, Dugger.Wall, Lois B., 2P, ha Coal City

    1924-1926 teacher of all grades, Jeffersontownship, Owen county

    1926-1927 teacher of grades, Coal City

    1927-1928teacher of grades, Worthington

    1928-1930 teacher elementary grades, Put-namville.Walsh, Gertrude, B. S., ha Terre Haute,72 South 15th St.

    taught in FairviewSchool, Terre Haute, also GerstmeyerHigh School, Terre Haute, before graduation

    1928-1930 teacher English, Gerstmeyer High School, Terre Haute.Waish, Margaret A., B. S., pa 1527 OhioBlvd., Terre Haute

    nr.Walsh, Mary Lenore, A. B., ha 1527Ohio Blvd., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1928-1930 employed in office, Terre HautePure Milk Company, Terre Haute.Walters, Covart, 2IG, ha Dugger

    1923-1924 taught in rural schools, Casstownship, Sullivan county: 1924-1927taught in grade school, Sullivan county

    1927-1930 teacher of mathematics andhistory in junior high school. Fowler.Walters, Lee, 2IG, ha Cloverdale

    taughtone year at Quincy, three years at Freedom and one year at Cloverdale beforegraduation

    1928-1929 teacher in juniorhigh school, Cloverdale.Warren-McCluer, Blanche M., B. S., haMarshall

    pa 410 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass.

    taught four years in thesenior high school, Clinton, before graduation

    1924-1929 teacher and head ofhome economics high school, Clinton

    1929 married to Wilbert McCluer, research associate, applied chemistry,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Mass.Watson, Bculah, B. S., ha Terre Hau...

    1928-1929 teacher ofphysical education, Salem

    1929-1930graduate student, Indiano State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Watts, James Henry, 2IG, ha Brazil,RFD 2

    taught five years Posey township elementary schools, before graduation: 1928-1929 teacher grades, Poseytownship. Clay county.Watts, Minda James, 2IG, ha&#x...

    1923 teacher threemonths

    1926 teacher one month and1927-1928 teocher eight months beforegraduation

    1928-1929 teacher of allgrades, Dick Johnson township, Claycounty

    1929-1930 teacher of departmental art, Clinton.Waupsh, Bessie C, 2IG, ha East Chicago, 4023 Deadoe St.

    1928-1929 teacher of elementary science in grades inRiley School, East Chicago.Weaver, Edna F., 2IG, ha Kokomo, 413East Superior St.

    teacher of grades,Riley School, Kokomo, two years beforegraduation

    1928-1929 teacher of gradesRiley School, Kokomo.Webber, Viola Grace, 2P, ha Washington, West Walnut St.

    teacher in primary grades, Washington township,Washington, four years before graduation

    1928-1930 teacher first grade,Washington township.Webster, Helen Louise, B. S., ha BurnsCity

    pa French Lick

    1921-1924 teacher rural school, Martin county

    1925-1926 teacher science, Dugger

    1926-1927teacher of science ond English, Hume,111.

    1927-1928 teacher of science, Danville, 111.

    1928-1929 teacher of scienceand English, Perry county

    1929-1930teacher of science, French Lick.Weddle, Max H., 2R., ha Blackhawk

    paPimento, RFD 1

    taught three termsone in Sugar Creek township and twoin Pierson township before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher of grades, Blackhawk,Pierson township.Weedman, Sadie E., B. S., ha Bristow

    1916-1917 teacher of rural school, Clarktownship

    1917-1921 teacher of primary,Bristow School

    1921-1923 teacher ofgrades, Irvine, Ky.

    1923-1924 teacher ofClark township

    1924-1925 teacher inIrvine, Ky.

    1926-1927 teacher in Clarktownship

    1928-1929 teacher English,home economics, Rome.Welbaum, Bertram, B. S., ha Yoder, RFD1

    pa Fort Wayne

    taught two years inWilson Junior High School, Muncie

    three years in James H. Smart School,Ft. Wayne, and one year in CentralHigh School, Ft. Wayne

    before graduation

    1928-1929 mechanical drawing,Central High School, Fort Wayne.Welch, Ruth, 2P, ha Terre Haute, DavisApts., No. 5, 7th ond Sycamore Sts.

    1928-1929 teacher elementary grades,Shelburn.Weller, Dorothy, B. S., ho Bainbridge:pa Lebanon

    1922-1924 teacher musicand art in grades, New Maysville


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The April 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The May 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#x...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • 234THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY204 Worthington Apts, Ft. Wayne: 1924-1925 teacher, rural schools, IndianSprings

    1925-1926 teacher primarygrades. Burns City

    1926-1927 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1927-1929 teacher, HarmarSchool, Ft. Wayne

    1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.Wegerly-Daniels, Mrs. Naomi, 2IG, pa601 South 19th St., Lafayette, taughttwo years in Warren county and threeye...

    1927-1930 teacher of grades,city schools, Lafayette.Wellman-Dial, Mrs. Helen J., 2IG. haCloy City

    pa Box 292, Lawton, Okla.

    1924-1926 teacher grades. BowlingGreen

    1926-1927 student Indiana StateTeachers College

    1927-1928 teacher,home economics, high school, Coalmont

    1928-1930 teacher home economics. FortSill, Junior High School, Lawton, Okla.

    fi. S. Indiana State Teachers College,1928.Weils, David, B. S.. ha Montgomery

    pa Crawfordsville: 1927-1929 teacher ofmathematics, physical education, Nashville

    1929-1930 teacher mathematics,Crawfordsville.Wells, Thelma, 2IG, pa 2330 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute

    1927-1928 didnot teach

    at home.Welsheimer, Edith L., A. B., pa Gallup,ri. M.

    1928 teacher of mathematics andEnglish, junior high school, Gallup, N.M.

    for complete information, see classOf 1923.Wert, Katherine, 2IG, pa Kokomo

    1927-1930 teacher of primary work, Kokomo.Wesin, Lettie S., 2P, po 190 S. E.Third St., Linton

    1909-1913 teocher ofgrades, Linton

    1925-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College

    1927-1929at home, not teaching.West, Kathleen, 2IG, pa Coatesville

    1927-1929 teacher of grades five and six,Coatesville.Whaley-Shepherd, Mrs. Thelma K., 2P,ha Dugger

    pa 332 North Court St., Sullivan

    1922-1924 teacher of grades, Center School, Cass township, Dugger

    1924-1928 teacher of grades, Dugger

    1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married to R. M. Shepherd.Willis, Thelma, 2P, ha RFD E, TerreHaute

    pa Richmond

    1927-1928 teacherof primary grades, Seelyville

    1928-1930 teacher primary grades, Richmond.Wilson, Esther, A. B., pa Riley

    1925-1930 teacher of English, Riley.Wilson, Flora Anna, B, S., ha Wingate

    1920-1921 teacher of grades, Hillsboro

    1921-1925 teacher of grades, Mellott

    1925-1927 student, Indiano State Teachers College

    1927-1928 teacher physicaleducation, Lafayette.Wilson, Hazel, 2P, pa Clinton: 1927-1929 teacher of primary grades, Helttownship school, Clinton.Witty-Hale, Mrs. ...

    ha 921 North 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1925-1926 teacher of English, Carthage

    1927-1928 teacher ofEnglish, Toledo, 111.

    1928-1930 notteaching, homekeeper, married to DovidJones Hale.Wolf, Eva L., pa Attica

    1927-1929 teocher of intermediate grades, Attica.Wolfe, Lillian Lidikay, 2P, ha George,town

    1927-1928 teacher of primarygrades, Greenville.Wolff-Kline, Mrs. Elizabeth L., A. B., pa1921 Maplewood Place, Louisville, Ky.

    1927-1928 teacher of English and Latin,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute

    married March 3, 1929to Morris M. Kling

    not teaching, home-keeper.Wood, Ina L., B. S., ha Zionsville

    1927-1928 graduate student, Purdue University. West Lafayette

    1928-1929 did notteach

    at home because of illness.Wood, Mrs. Louise D., B. S., pa RFD D,Box 135, Terre Haute

    1904-1905 teacher of grades, Fullers Station, NewYork

    1904 graduated from CohocsTraining School, Albany Teachers College

    1905-1906 teacher of grodes, Mohawk View, New York

    1906-1914 teacher of grades, McKinley School, Schenectady, New York

    1914-1916 recreationwork, community dances, playgroundwork, mothers clubs, Schenectady, NewYork

    1915-1919 did not teach

    1919-1924 teacher in Boys Vocational School,Terre Haute

    1925-1930 teacher of socialstudies, Gerstmeyer Technical HighSchool, Terre Haute.Wray, Nina, 2P., pa 2146 Crawford St.,Terre Haute

    1911-1918 teacher in Mt.Zion School, grades, Crawfordsville

    1915supply teacher, Newmarket

    1925-1926private instructor, Rose Home, TerreHaute

    1926-1927 student, Indiana SlateTeachers College

    1927-1929 did notteach, at home.Wrightson, Katherine, B. S., pa Brazil

    1926-1927 teacher of physical education,Y. W. C. A. Crawfordsville

    1927-1930teacher of physical education, Brazil.Yegerlehner, Roscoe, B. S., pa Clay City

    1923-1925 teacher in rural school, Claycounty

    1925-1927 student, IndianaState Teachers College

    1927-1928 teacher of science, mathematics, highschool, Petersburg

    1928-1929 teacherof mathematics and science, Clay City

    graduate student, Indiana University.Zachary-Reed, Mrs. Verlee Mary, 2P, pa2917 West 60th St., Chicago, 111.

    1927-1928 teacher of elementary grades, Sullivan

    1928-1929 homekeeper, marriedto Donald Reed in 1928.Zeitler, Edna H., B. S., pa 1455 Tippecanoe St., Terre Haute

    1927-1930 notteaching, at home

    for complete recordsee class 1924.Zimmerman, Ernest L., B. S., pa 2687First Ave., Huntington, W. Va.

    1912-1916 teacher in rural schools

    1916-1917 teacher of mathematics, highschool. Burns City

    1917-1918 teacherof mathematics and science, Birdseye

    1918-1924 teacher of commerce, mathematics and science, high school, KenDavis, subdivision of Indianapolis

    1924-1927 teacher of commerce, Crawfordsville

    1927-1928 teacher in Technical High School, Indianapolis

    1928-1930 supervisor of commercial education, supervising two senior and fivejunior high schools, Huntington, W. Va.CLASS OF 1928Abrams, Charles B., 21G,&#...

    taught twoyears, Sullivan county

    four years SugarCreek township, vigo county: 1928-1930teacher grades, Whitcomb Heights,Sugar Creek township, Vigo county.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The November 1998 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • Fujitsu fi-6770 scanner with ScandAll PRO and Adobe Acrobat XI using Color, 300 dpi, 24-bit

    Explore SUSTAINABLE INDIANACelebrating Hoosier Solutions to Our Climate CrisisCELEBRATING 200 YEARS© 2016, Sustainable Indiana 2016, a project of Earth...

    Fort Wayne Area Government Information

  • The October 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of th...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • Popular song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections.

    Indiana State University Library

  • Song folios of popular music dated 1950 to 1953 from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is a part of the Historic&#...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Interview with Janice Leavell, a member of the Jeffersonville (Ind.) NAACP, office administrator at West Broadway Church of Christ in Louisv...

    Jeffersonville Township Public Library

  • A selection of commercial sheet music featuring Irving Berlin as either composer or lyricist. This part features 375 titles dating from 1907 ...

    Indiana State University Library

  • A selection of commercial sheet music featuring Irving Berlin as either composer or lyricist. This part features 375 titles dating from 1907 ...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Pieces of commercial sheet music from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,&#x...

    Indiana State University Library

  • This is an issue of The Logansport Index and Business Guide, a newspaper which indexed and listed Logansport local businesses.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • Autobiography of Ruth Tulchinsky. Ms. Tulchinsky recounts her life in Germany and immigration to the United States before World War II, her ...

    - . - •THE FOUR QUESTIONSThe Four QuestionsThe previous page shows a family Seder at a Passover festival in which themother is hiding...

    Civil Rights and African American History