236THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtought two years in rural schools ofHarrison county before graduation
1928-1929 teacher rural school, Harrison county.Barker, Vance, 2IG, ha Crawfordsville
taught two years at BrownsValley, before graduation
1928-1929teocher of grades Youngs Chapel, Crawfordsville.Barnes, Mary M., B. S., ha Jessup
1928-1929 teacher of home economics, Kingman
1929-1930 teacher of home economics, Hymera.Barrowman, Gladys L. 2R, ha TerreHaute
2706 College Ave.
1928-1929 athome, not teaching.Barrowman, Margaret L., A. B., ha 2706College Ave., Terre Haute
1928-1929teacher Latin, English and home economics, high school, Raub.Boss, John Allen T., 2IG, ha Dayton
1926-1927 teacher grades 4-6 ElstonSchool, Lafayette
1927-1929 teachergrade 6, Dayton School.Bauer, Lillian B., 2P, ha Lafayette,RFD H
teacher Crown Point, beforegraduation
1928-1930 teacher of grades,Lafayette.Bauer, Louise A. 2P, ha Lofayette, RFDH
teacher at Lafayette before graduation: 1928-1929 teacher of grades Lafayette.Beach, Helen E., B. S., ha Wolcott-ville
pa Spencer
teacher countryschool
Bicknell High School four years,Avilla High School one year, and Middle-town High School five years beforegraduation
1928-1930 teacher of homeeconomics, Spencer.Bcal, Ersel
2IG, ha Tower
pa English
1922-1924 teacher rural schools, Crawford county
1924-1929 teacher grades,Leavenworth
1929-1930 teacher gradesEnglish
attended Oakland City Collegein 1924 and 1929.Beasley, Lois Kathryn. B. S., ha 427South 7th St., Terre Haute
1928-1929teacher of music, National Park Seminary, Washington. D. C.
1929-1930 giving full time to study of piano.Beatty, Ellen E., 2IG, ha Clinton
taught five years at Fairview Pork,Clinton township before graduation
1928teacher of grades, New Goshen.Beck, Lydia Greenlee, B. S., ha Fillmore
pa Goshen
taught in Hendricks countyrural school, Marion township, Hancockcounty, Mt. Comfort, before graduation
1928-1930 at home, not teaching.Beckwith, Ethel M., 2P, ha Linton. 329N. E. 6th St.
taught five years in thegrades at College Hill School, Linton
1928-1929 teacher of grades, CollegeHill. Linton.Belcher, Carl J. B. S., ha Pilot Knob
pa Frankfort. RFD 5: taught one yearin the graded schools of Crawford county and three years, Jackson High School,Clinton county before grad...
1928-1929 teacher of schools, Clinton county.Bell, Eleanor A. 2IG, ha Terre Haute,2321 Spruce St.
1928-1929 at home andnot teaching.Bennett, Cynthia, 2IG, ha Rosedale
taught two years at Lyford, before graduation
1928-1929 teacher ofgeography and physiology in the grades,Lyford, Parke county.Bernhardt, Ethel L., 2IG. ha Brazil,RFD 14, Box 13
1928-1930 teachergrades. Van Cleave School, Perry township Clay county.Bernhardt, Myrtle, 2IG, ha Brazil
RFD14, Box 131
taught five years in two-room school in Perry county beforegraduation
1928-1930 teacher grades.Center Point.Berry, Alice Lee, 2IG, ha Indianapolis:616 West 13th St.
1928-1929 teacherelementary grades, Mt. Pleasant School,Chestertown, Md.Bietto, Mary, 2IG, ha Bicknell
1928-1930 teacher of elementary grades,Bicknell.Birden, Lowell, A. B.
ha Sheridan, RFD1
pa Kirklin
1921-1925 teacher ruralschools. Sugar Creek township, Clinton
1925-192S teacher in high school, mathematics, Sugar Creek Consolidated, Kirklin
1928-1929 principal of Sugar CreekConsolidated Schools, Kirklin.Bishop-Spencer, Mrs. Geneva M., 2P, pa1634 North 9th St., Terre Haute
haTerre Haute, 502 North Center St.
1928-1927 teacher grades, Elkhart
1929-1S30 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Blue, V/ilson C, B. S., ha Eminence
paCloverdale, RFD 3
taught four yearsPutnam county and six years Morgancounty before graduation
1928-1930teacher Latin and science in senior highschool, Eminence.Eoberg, Edith, 2IG, ha Lafayette
taught five years in primary grades before graduation
1928-1929 teacher Wea.township consolidated school, Tippecanoe county
1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Lafayette.Eohannon, Helen C. 2P, ha Terre Haute
832 South 17th St.
taught ten yearsHarrison township, Vigo county beforegraduation
1928-1930 teacher firstgrade, Thornton School, Vigo county.Bolinger, Dorothy Jean, 2A, ha TerreTerre Haute, 1904 North 10th St.
1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Bonifield, Leta, B. S., ha Danville
la508 South 1st St., Knoxville, la.
1916-1922 teacher grades, Marion county, la.
1922-1924 teacher music, SergeantsBluff, la.
1924-1926 teacher music.First Liberty, la.: 1926-1927 supervisor music, consolidated district, Aurora,Minn.
1927-1928 teacher music. Central Normal College, Danville.Bosch, Marguerite, 2P, ha 516 Washington St. Henderson, Ky.
pa Ladoga
1928-1930 teacher in grades, Ladoga.Bossom, Ethel, B. S., ha Terre Haute,1633 South 3rd St.
1928-1930 teacherof civics and vocational information,Sarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute: for complete information, seeclass 1905.Boston, Sarah, 2IG,...
teacherthree years in rural schools, one yearin sixth grade and one year in eighthgrade. before graduation
1928-1929teacher of eighth grade, Coalmont.Bourne, Olive, 2P, ha Coatesville: paNorth Salem: 1929-1930 teacher grades,North Salem
for complete record seeclass 1923.Bovenschen, Ruth H., 2IG, ha Linton:RFD 1 : taught in Greene county ruralschools one year
teacher of third,fourth and fifth grades at Vicksburg,three years
teacher in Greene county,Midland, one year before graduation
1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Bowen, Donald Christopher, B. S.: haCarlisle
pa Franklin
1928-1930 teacher