THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY157er of home economics, high school, Martinsville.Bailey-Barnett, Mrs. Mary A., 2IG, paHymera
1916-1926 teacher of grades,Hymera
1926-1929 married in June,1926 to Raymond Barnett
not teaching, bookeeper for Hymera Auto SalesCompany, Hymera.Baker, Georgia, A. B. ha Crowfordsville,pa B-l Sunset Apts, W. First St., Dayton, Ohio...
1920-1924 teacher of Frenchand Latin, high school, Oxford
1924-1926 teacher in Oakwood High School,Dayton, Ohio
A. M. degree Universityof Wisconsin, 1925.Barnett, Lillian Ruth, 3N, ha Brazil, 801Depot St., 1921-1923 teacher in districtschool, Vigo county: 1923-1...
lr 1924.Barr, Clarence, A. B. ha RFD F, TerreHaute
pa Laramie, Wyo.
1920-1922principal, Tangier
1922-1923 student atUniversity of Chicago
1923-1929 professor of mathematics in University ofWyoming, Laramie, Wyo.Bass, Golda M., 3N, ha Frankfort
1920-1929 teacher of grades, Frankfort.Beadles, Elmer, A. B., ha Patoka, paPatoka
1913-1919 principal, Otwell
1919-1923 principal Winslow
1923-1928principal Patoka
1928-1930 principalElnora.Beecher-Taylor, Mrs. Kathryn
2IG, ha1215 Maple Ave., Terre Haute
1920-1925 teacher grades, city schools, TerreHaute
1920-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married to Fred Taylor.Bennett, Adam G., 4N, ha West TerreHaute
pa 1110 W. Church St., Urbana, 111.
1920-1929 teacher industrialarts, high school, Urbana, 111.Binning, Ilene, B. S., ha Terre Haute, pa339 North 13th St., Terre Haute
1920-1922 teacher of Latin and music in highschool at Cory and Coesse
1922-1923teacher of grades, Terre Haute
1923-1929 teacher of music, McLean JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute.Bishop, Maude E., A. B.. pa 1707 South9th St., Terre Haute
1913-1914 teacherof grades, Helt township
1914-1924teacher of grades Montrose School,Terre Haute
1924-1929 teacher in McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute.Bobson, Juanita Jewell, 2IG, ha 2209Tippecanoe St., Terre Haute.Bolton, Florence H., A. B....
1920-1921 teacher ofliterature, high school, West TerreHaute
1921-1923 teacher literature,Concannon High School
1923-1925 athome, account ill health
1926-1927 attending Indiana State Teachers College
1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Bolton, Helen C, nr
A. B.Brill, Harry C, A. B., ha Cory
pa 401South Pennsylvania Ave., Belleville,111.
1920-1921 teacher high school,Cory
1921-1929 teacher of Wood shops,Belleville township high school.Brocksmith, Charlotte, 3N, ha Vincennes,pa Indianapolis, 560 Udell St., 1920-1924teacher of grad...
1924-1929teacher in city schools, Indianapolis.Brown, Helena, A. B., ha Poseyville
1920-1921 teacher of Latin and English,Decker
1921-1924 teacher of Latin andEnglish, Wadesville
1926-1927 attending University of Chicago
1927-1929at home, not teaching.Burgess-Engles, Mrs. Helen, 3N, ha 910Third Ave., Terre Haute
1920-1921teacher in McGee, Arkansas for fourmonths
1920, married and not teaching
at home in Terre Haute
playgroundwork in summer of 1920
lr 1920.Caldwell, Arvil G., A. B., ha Windfall, paMurphysboro, 111.
1920-1922 principalhigh school, Farmington, 111.
1922-1927principal high school, Canton, 111.
1927-1930 principal high school, Murphysboro,111.Chappelle, Beulah, 3N, ha 815 North7th t., Terre Haute
1920-1929 notteaching, homekeeper.Clements, Leo P., A. B.. ha Plainville:pa 615 Van Tress St., Washington
forcomplete record see class of 1917.Copagc, Cecile J„ 3N, ha 2216 North13th St., Terre Haute
pa 735 Obispo,Long Beach, Calif.
1920-1929 teacherof drawing and penmanship, LongBeach, Calif.Crawford, Minnie, A. B. ha Owens ville
pa Ann Arbor, Mich, 718 Monroe St.,for complete record see elass of 1916.Crodian, Jesse Paul, 3N, B. S., ha Peru:pa 312 East 5th S...
1923-1925teacher industrial arts, Bainbridge
1926-1929 principal senior high school, Peru.Cummings, Amber, A. B., ha Goodland
1921-1922 teacher State Teachers College Training School, Terre Haute
1922-1923 clerk Ayres Store, Indianapolis
lr 1923.Curtis, Ernest, 3N, ha Cromwell, paTefft
1923-1924 teacher of mathematicsand science, Ft. Wayne
1926-1927teacher in Leesburg
1927-1928 principalLeesburg
1928-1930 principal, Tefft.Damm, Mabel M., 3N, ha Cannelton
1920-1921 teacher of domestic science,Cannelton
1921-1929 principal highschool, teacher of domestic science andEnglish, Cannelton.Daniel-Bridges, Mrs. Bessie, 3N, ha Huron
pa 1515-23 St., Bedford
1915-1918teacher of grades, Huron
1918-1924teacher of English and commerce highschool, Huron
1924-1926 teacher ofEnglish and commerce high school, Hel-tonville
1926-1927 teacher of Englishand commerce, high school, Shoals
1927-1929 teacher of English and commerce, Williams High School, Bedford.Davis, Elizabeth, 4N, ha Clinton
1919-1924 commercial teacher, Hammond.DeHority, Grace, 4N, ha Elwood
1920-1922 principal junior highschool, Elwood
1922-1929 dean of women, Ball Teachers College, Muncie.Dome, Maude, 3N, ha New Salisbury:pa Indianapolis 1314 Pleasant St
1920-1929 teaching grades, Indianapolis.Downing, Dallas I., A. B., ha Brazil
pa Covington
1920-1922 teacher ofscience and vocational arts, Effingham,Kansas
1922-1926 head of science department, high school, Brazil
1926-1928 principal Van Buren townshipschools, Brazil
1929-1930 superintendent of schools, Covington
M. A. Teachers College, Columbia University.Elliott, belle, 3N, ha New Albany, 1837East Spring St.
lr 1923 teacher of primary grades Elkhart.Elmore, Jennie M., 3N, pa 29189 Louisiana Ave., St. Louis Mo.
1929-1930 Mc-Kinney School, St. Louis, Mo.
for complete record see class of 192 3.