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Showing 1 - 20 of 243 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( first 15 sep g...
Showing 1 - 20 of 243 results

  • X. S3. 1ST. S3.BERNARD H. SCHOCKEL.Professor Schockel has taught one year in a country school, one year at I. S. N. S. (as a ...

    graduated from the AmericanInstitute of Normal Methods, summer of 1906.For twelve years she directed the Music in the Public Schools and High...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 274THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYpa Churubusco

    1927-1928 teacher primary grades. Crown Center, Morgancounty

    1928-1929 teacher rural school,Ashland township, Morgan county

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Churubusco.White, Homer A., 2IG, pa Freedom

    1928-1980 teacher grades, five, six,Franklin township, Owen county.White, Nell G., 2IG, pa RFD 1, Paragon

    taught rural schools, Morgan county, two years

    consolidated schools, Morgan county, two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades,Monrovia.White, Sarah C, 2IG, pa 1420 SouthSt., Lafoyette

    1918-1919 teacher grades,Mt. Tom

    1919-1920 teacher grades, Colfax

    1920-1921 teacher grades No. 10

    1921-1924 teacher grodes. Octagon

    1924-1925 teocher grades, No. 10

    1925-1926 teacher grades, Ouiatenan

    1926-1927 teacher grade five, Klondike

    1927-1930 teacher grades four, five, LongloisSchool, Lafayette.Wibbeler, Benjamin H., ha Holland

    poHannibal, Ohio

    1929-1930 entered ministry, Hannibal, Ohio

    for complete record see class of 1920.Wickwire, Gladys, 2P, pa 608 Main St.,Vincennes

    taught grades, De Sotocounty, Florida

    grades, Vincennes, before graduation: 1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Vincennes.Williams, Marcus, A. B., ha PrairieCreek

    pa Clinton

    1929-1930 teacherphysics biology, physiology, Clinton.Williams, Opal Irene, 2IG, pa 617 Mulberry St., Clinton

    taught fifth grade,University, three years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades, Crom-pton Hill, Vermillion county.Willis, Fred L., B. S., ha 1920 SouthSixth St., Terre Haute

    pa 159 SheetsSt., West Lafayette

    laborotory assistant,physiology, Indiana State Teachers College before graduotion

    1929-1930 assistant in bacteriology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, and working toward Masters degree.Williamson, Jessie Florence, 2P, haRemington

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher primary grades. East Chicago

    for complete record see class of 1923.Wilson, Doris, 2P, ha Box 17, RFD E,Terre Haute

    pa 115 West Pike St.,Goshen

    1929-1930 teacher first grade,Jefferson School, Goshen.Wilson, Irene O., 2P, ha Riley

    pa Center Point

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Center Point.Windley, Ilona Anna, A. B., ha 2534North 13th St., Terre Haute

    pa Wood-burn

    taught in Darlington


    Newberry, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher music, home economics, Woodburn.Winegar, Margery E., 2IG, pa Carlisle

    1925-1930 teacher grades, Carlisle.Winkles, Dole Mae, 2P, ha Sandborn

    pa 703 River Lane, Rockford, 111.

    1929-1930 teacher first grade, Loves ParkSchool, Rockford, 111.Wittenberg, W. Winifred, B. S.. pa 826Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher commerce, Sarah Scott JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute.Wolf, Paul, B. S., pa 1631 South 9thSt., Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacherphysical education, coaching, IndianaState Teachers College Training School,Terre Haute.Wolfe, Nellie Elizabeth, 2P, ha RFD 4,Carlisle

    pa Poxton

    1919-1922 teacherrural schools, Sullivan county

    1922-1923 teacher primary grodes, Paxton

    1927-1930 teacher primary grades, Paxton.Wolff, Freda Elizabeth, A. B., ha Vallonia

    pa Staunton

    1920-1921 teacherVallonia

    1921-1922 teacher Springvicw,Nebraska

    1922-1924 teacher, Thermop-olis, Wyo.

    1925-1927 teacher Vallonia

    1927-1930 teacher English, Latin, Staunton.Wolverton, Ralph, 2IG, pa RFD 2, TerreHaute

    taught grades, Maryland School,Honey Creek township, Vigo county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teachergrades, Honey Creek township, Vigocounty.Woodcox, W. Gray, B. S., pa Garrett

    1914-1917 teacher rural schools, DeKalbcounty

    1920-1921 teacher rural schools,Van Wert county, Ohio

    1921-1924 teacher grades and high school, Butler

    1924-1929 teacher manual training ingrades and high school, Garrett

    1929-1930 teacher monual training, junior andsenior high schools, athletics, Garrett.Woodward-Scott, Mrs. Mary K., 2P., haEvansville

    pa 421% South 16th St.,Terre Haute

    192G-1929 teacher grades,Newton

    September to December, 1929teacher grades, five, six, Grandview

    1930not teaching, homekeeper, married toFrank Scott Dec. 24, 1929.Wooiard, Claire H., B. S., ha RFD 3,Brazil

    pa Eowling Green

    1926-1930teacher music English, Washingtontownship High School, Bowling Green.Wooiard, Hilda, B. S., ha RFD 3, Brazil

    pa Clinton

    taught home economics,junior high school, Clinton, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher home economics, junior high school, Clinton.Woolridge, Josephine Vietta, 2P, pa 1302West Sixth St., Bloomington

    1929-1930at home and not teaching.Wright, Dennis O., B. S., ha Cloverdale

    pa South Whitley

    taught rural schools,Putnam county, one year

    industrial arts,Bloomington. one year

    1921-1930 teacher industrial arts, mathematics, SouthWhitley.Wright, Mary Elizabeth, 21G, ha Edwardsport

    pa 210 West Ellsworth, Columbia City

    1929-1930 teacher grades,Whitley county.Wright, Nora R., B. S., ha RFD 6, Sullivan

    pa 632 Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 city school nurse, TerreHaute

    for complete record see class of1914.Yager, Lucille Clarice, B.S., pa Advance

    taught grades three months, Advance,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachermusic, Jefferson township, consolidatedschool, Boone county.Yocum, Verine Celeste, 2P, ha 109 NorthMain St., Clay City

    pa Mishawaka

    taught grades, Clay City, three years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfirst grade, Mishawaka.Young, Beatrice L., A. B., ha Riley


    1929-1930 teacher science ineighth grade, Clinton.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Indiana State bulletin describing the industrial arts and home economics programs available with supporting pictures.

    Indiana State University Archives

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYLatin, high school, North Salem

    1910-1912 principal schools, Stilesville

    1912-1914 principal Jackson High School,Randolph county

    1914-1920 teacher ofEnglish, high school, Tulsa, Okla.

    during spring term years 1910, 1911 and1912 was assistant in English, IndianaState Teachers College

    during the summer term years 1909-1910-1911-1914-1916 a student in University of Chicago

    1920-1921 teacher in Westport

    1921-1922 teacher in Moscow

    1922-1923teacher in Newberry

    1923-1924 teacherin Marengo

    lr 1924.Bourke, A. Adolphus, pa 2304 LibertyAve., Terre Haute

    1909-1911 teacher ofscience, Edinburg

    1911-1912 student,Indiana University

    1912-1916 teacher ofscience, Columbus

    A. B. degree 1914

    1916-1929 teacher in Wiley High School,Terre Haute.Brcchner, Claude H., la 1916 243 North-tic-ld. Cleveland, O.

    1908-1909 principalhigh school, Loogootee

    1909-1911 attended University of Michigan, A. B.

    1910 attended Indiana University insummer

    1910-1911 instructor ofphysics, University of Michigan

    1911-1916 teacher of physics, East TechnicalHigh School, Cleveland, O.

    lr 1916.Brewer, Nellie M., pa Whiteland

    1908-1916 teacher elementary grades, Indianapolis

    1926-1930 teacher school 15Indianapolis.♦Bryce, William R., died in October1909

    his name might rightfully be entitled to a golden star on the IndianaState Teachers College Service Flag because his death was directly due&...

    1908-1911 teacher in high school, Thorntown

    1911-1912 principal high school, Edwardsport

    1912-1914 teacher in TeachersTraining School, Evansville

    1914-1915attended Indiana University

    received A.B. degree: 1915 principal Teacher Training School, Evansville

    deceased 1920.Cadden, I. Isabelle, la 1909 Logansport

    lr 1909 teacher of Latin in high school,Logansport.Callahan, Grant, pa 1406 South NewtonSt., Sioux City, la.

    1908-1910 principalhigh school, Odon

    student, Indiana University

    1910 - 1912 superintendentschools, Dana

    1912-1913 student, Indiana University, majored in mathematics

    received A. B. degree

    1913-1917 superintendent of schools, Sharpsville

    1917-1918 principal high school, Middletown

    1918-1919 principal Selma

    1919-1924supervising principal, Muncie

    1924-1930supervising principal, Sioux City, Ia.Carpentar-Bozier, Sara Elizabeth, haCloverland

    pa Buffalo, N. Y.

    1908-1914 teacher high school and grades,Clay county

    1914-1916 student Columbia University

    1916-1918 teacher ofEnglish, Little Rock, Ark.

    1930 marriedand living in Buffalo.Carter-Seaton, Mrs. Mabelle, la Indianapolis, nr.Cauble, Christopher C, pa Mishawaka

    1908-1909 principal high school, Paragon

    1909-1913 principal high school,Clayton

    1913-1917 superintendent ofschools. Clayton

    1917-1921 principal,high school, Brazil

    1921-1930 principal,high school, Mishawaka

    A. B., IndianaUniversity, 1910

    A. M. in 1918.ChM, Ernest, nr.Chcnoweth, George E., pa 3522 Fairfield,Ft. Wayne

    1908-1910 principal highschool, Markle

    1910-1912 superintendent of schools, Swayzee

    1912-1917principal grade school, Huntington

    1917-1930 principal grade school. Ft.Wayne

    received A. B. Indiana StaleTeachers College 1629.Clerkin, Thomas, ha Whiteland

    nr.Collins, Harry O., nr.Connor, Mrs. Frances B., pa 205 South19th St., Richmond

    1908-1925 teacherin schools of Terre Haute and Vigocounty

    retired in 1925.Cromwell, Ray Risley, ha Clay City, paPeoria, 111.

    1908-1909 teacher of mathematics, high school, Kokomo

    1909-1911principal high school, Mooresville

    1911-1912 student Indiana University, A. B.

    1912-1914 teacher of mathematics highschool, Muskogee, Okla.

    1914-1915,principal of high school, Vinita, Okla.

    1916-1916, student, Columbia University,M. A.

    1916-1923 principal of highschool, Anderson

    1923-1929 principal ofCentral High School, Peoria, 111.Cullins, Fay Winfield, la Bluffton


    1908-1917 proprietor of Cullinsstock farm, Bluffton

    lr 1917.Dailey, Gertrude M., pa 1427 Locust St.,Terre Haute

    1908-1928 primary teacher in Terre Haute public schools

    1929teacher in McKeen School, Terre Haute.Dannecker, Harry, la Dupont

    1908-1910teacher in the grades

    1910-1916 principal high school, 1916-1918 superintendent schools, Stilesville

    1918-1924 tooldesigner for Maxwell Motor Co.

    lr 1924.Dean, May, pa Shelbyville

    1908-1927teacher of grades, Shelbyville

    took leaveof absence 1927-1928.•Dickey, Daisy, ha Windfall

    1908-1913teacher of primary grades Elwood

    1913-1914 took domestic science course, Indiana State Teachers College

    1914-1916teacher of domestic science, Bicknell

    1916-1922 teacher of domestic science,Anderson

    1923-1924 took A. B. degreeat Indiana State Teachers College.Diggs, Elder W., pa 1908 Highland Place,Indianapolis

    1902-1904 teacher Madi-sonville, Ky.

    1906-1907 teacher LostCreek township, Vigo county

    1908-1909principal grade school, Bloomington

    1909-1910 student Howard University,Washington, D. C.

    1910-1911 student,Indiana University

    1911-1912 teacher,Rising Sun

    1913-1915 principal andteacher, English, Latin and mathematics,colored high school, Vincennes

    1915-1916 student, Indiana University, A. B.

    1916-1917 principal school 63, Indianapolis

    1917-1919 in World War, commissioned first lieutenant of infantry,served in France in 368th Infantry ofthe 92nd Division

    saw front line service from Sept. 1st to Nov. 11th

    engaged in trence warfare in Voges Mountains and the Argonne Forest offensive

    1919-1923 principal school 63, Indianapolis

    1923-1930 principal, school 42, Indianapolis

    M. A. Indiana University,June, 1930.Dinius-Van Hossen, Mrs. Essie, nr.Dodson, Lillian, pa 1120 South 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1908-1924 teacher in public schools, Terre Haute

    1924-1929teacher in Cruft School, elementarygrades, Terre Haute.Eastham-Brletenbach, Edith pa 2211 LaSalle Garden North, Detroit, Mich.

    lr1930 married to L. P. Brietenbach

    notteaching, homekeeper.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY185onomics in Wilson Colored High School,Wilson, N. C.Amick, Clyde T., A. B., ha Elnora, paDelphi

    1930 superintendent of school,Delphi

    for complete record see classof 1909.Applegate, Earl H., B. S., pa 224 LyonSt., Cincinnati, Ohio

    1930 assistantprincipal, Cheviot Elementary School,Cincinnati, Ohio

    for complete record,see class 1921.Armstrong, Mildred, A. B., ha RFD D,Terre Haute, pa Casey, 111.

    1924-1925teacher of Latin and history, Wallace

    1926-1928 teacher of Latin and history,Bridgeton

    1929-1930 teacher of LatinCasey, 111.Arthur, Ruby L., ha Lyons

    2IG„ 1924-1928 teacher of grades, Bicknell

    1928-1930 teacher of grades, Lyons.Artman, Oran, A. B., ha Whitestown, pa5707 Dorchester Ave., Chicago

    beforegraduating taught four years in ruralschools, one year in junior high schoolat Fenwood, Mich

    1924-1925 teacher ofhistory, Lebanon High School, Lebanonand head of the department

    1925-1927graduate work in history at Universityof Chicago

    1927-1930 teacher of history and mathematics in the Chicagoschools.Asher, Floyd, B. S., Gosport

    pa 4360Jefferson St., Gary

    1924-1930 teachermechanical drawing, junior high school,Gary

    attended Columbia University sixmonths in 1926.Barass, Muriel, 2IG, ha Jasonville

    1924-1929 teacher in grades, Jasonville.Barker, Vincent, A. B., ha Connersville

    1930 teacher senior high school, Connersville

    for complete record see classof 1902.Beck, Lillian, A. B., ha Sullivan

    paSanta Barbara, Calif.

    1924-1925 teaching in Anderson township high school,Tell City

    1926-1927 teaching Gary,Ind.

    graduate work from January 1928to June in University of California

    1928-1930 teaching English high school,Santa Barbara, Calif.Brehens, Geo. Edward, B. S., ha Mt.Vernon, pa same, for complete recordsee class of 1908.B...

    pa 1011 Hartford,Lafayette

    1924-1926 teacher of grades,Mishawaka

    1926-1930 teacher of grades,Lafayette.Benedict, Helen, 2IG, ha Elwood, pa1904 South 1st St., Elwood

    1924-1925teaching at Elwood

    1926-1930 supervisor of art and penmanship at Elwood.Blair, Thelma, A. B., ha 461 South 20thSt., Terre Haute

    pa Hymera

    1924 attended summer term at State TeachersCollege

    1924-1929 teaching Union HighSchool, Dugger

    1929-1930 teacher ofEnglish, Hymera.Boyd, Lucille, 2P, ha Crown Point

    pa19 Doty St., Hammond, 1924-1929teaching in Edison School, Hammond.Brand, Harvey, A. B., ha Center Point

    pa Detroit, Mich.

    1924-1925 teachingintermediate school, Ft. Wayne

    1925-1926 teaching in South Side High School,Ft. Wayne

    1926-1930 teacher in Technical High School, Detroit, Mich.Brass-Hoffman, Mrs. Mary

    A. B., pa1421 North Walnut St., Muncie

    1923-1924 teacher, grades, Muncie

    1924-1925 teacher, English and history, highschool, Rochester

    1925-1927 teacher.grades, Muncie: 1927-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married

    attended BallTeachers College summer 1925.Breeden, Earl S., A. B., ha Tower


    1924-1929 teacher of science, manual training and history,Leavenworth High School, also principalof high school.Briethauph-Nichols, Mrs. Mabel

    2P, haOaktown

    pa 202 North Beech St.,Centralia, 111.

    1924-1925 telephone operator, Oaktown

    1925-1926 primary teacher Ft. Wayne

    1926-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married to D. M. Nichols.Brenton-Spears, Mrs. Esther, A .B., haEnglish

    1924-1927 teacher of Latin andhome economics in High School at Blackhawk

    1927-1930 teacher of Latin andhome economics in high school, PrairieCreek.Brewer, Alza A., B. S-, ha Connersville,pa 1606 Indiana Ave., Connersville...

    1923-1930 principal of junior high school,Connersville.Brill, Goldie V., A. B., ha Riley, pa 1808140th St., East Chicago

    1924-1930teaching Latin in Washington HighSchool, East Chicago.Brill, Winifred, A. B., ha Riley, pa 1808140th St., East Chicago

    1924-1930 deanof girls in Washington High School,East Chicago.Brock, Elva, 2P, ha Hymera, pa Sullivan

    1924-1929 teacher in Sullivan public schools, Sullivan.Brown-Lewsader, Mrs. Gladys, B. S., pa915 West Drive, Woodruff Place, Indianapolis

    1924-1930 teacher, home economics, Arsenal Technical High School,Indianapolis.Bryant, Jessie Lee, 2P, ha 2245 MadisonSt., Gary, pa same

    1924-1928 teachingprimary grades, Gary.Buck, Ernest A., A. B., ha Carlisle

    paNorth Terre Haute

    1924-1928 teacherin high school, Mishawaka

    1929-1930teacher of mathematics and scienceOtter Creek High School, North TerreHaute.Bullock-Burger, Mrs. Doris A., A. B.,ha Terre Haute, pa 725 Tennessee&...

    1924-1925 teacher of grades inMcKeen School, Terre Haute

    1925-1926teacher of grades, Davis Park School,Terre Haute

    1926-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married in 1926.Bundy-Ewbank, Mrs. Wilma, 2IG, haRushville

    pa 309 West First St., Rushville

    1910-1913 teaching grades, Homer

    1913-1914 teaching rural school, BeechValley, Rush county

    1914-1917 teaching rural school, Shiveleys Corner, Rushcounty

    1917-1919 teaching grades,Mays

    1919-1922 teaching grades, Greenfield, RFD Hancock county

    1922-1923teaching rural school, Alexander School,RuBhville

    1923-1928 teaching gradesand music under a supervisor in grades,Ciitleville School

    RFD 1, Rushville.Married June 11, 1925 to Clifford F.Ewbank.Burger, Earl L., B. S., ha Coal City

    pa725 Tennessee St., Gary

    1919-1920teacher of grades, Gosport

    1921-1922teacher of junior high school and seniorhigh school, Bloomington

    1922-1923teacher in high school, Waveland

    1924-1929 teacher in Emerson High School.Gary, M. A. Columbia University.Burke, Robert E., A. B., Dexter

    pa 120South LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • wTHE ALUMNI DIRECTORY24::poorwill School. Fulton county, beforegraduation

    1928-1929 teacher ruralschool, Whippoorv, ill School, Fultoncounty.Havercamp, Leota Rosamund, 2 P. haTerre Haute, 3230 North lhth St.

    192*-1929 teocher of second and third grades,Harrison township, Vijro county.Hawtin, Blanche E., 2IG, ha Dugger. nr.Hayes, Mrs. Christine Drehcr, I..&...

    pa544 Harrison St.. Gary

    taught two yeasin grades, Shepherd School, Fayettetownship, Vigo county, three years NewGoshen School, Foyette township, Vigocounty and four years New ...

    1928-1930!rr home economics. Gary.Hayward-Roesch, Mis. Grace C. 2P, pa1447 Maple Ave., Terre Haute

    192S-1929 supply teacher, city schools, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 not teaching, home-1. married summer of 1929.Head, Carrie C, 210, pa Memphis, Box75

    1928-1929 substitute toucher,Charlestown

    1929-1930 teacher ofClaysburg Colored School,Charlestown.He .dice, Ralph Emerson, A. B., ha TerreHiute, 521 North Center St.

    pa NewSnlom

    tr.ught one year high school.Manilla, before graduation

    1928-rj2.iteacher history and coach high school,New Salem.Heath, Tula Clay, 2R. ha Reelsville

    1922-1927 teacher of grades, Manhattan

    1927-1928 teacher of grades,Reelsville: 1928-1929 teacher of grades,Martha Riipath School, Greencastle.Heinig. Lily June, B. S., ha Terre Tr.ute,1615 North...

    1928-1929 teacherof science and physical education, Montpelier.Helm, Frances, 2IG, ha Terre Haute.604 Eagle St.

    1928-1929 teacher ofgrades, Clark county, 111.Henderson, Edith, 2IG, ha Owensburg:1920-1923 teacher in rural school, Owencounty

    1923-1925 teacher in grades,Owensburg

    1925-1929 teacher in ruralschool, Greene county.Hephner, Thelma, 2IG, ha Fremont

    taught four years in grades at Fremont

    192S-1929 teacher of grades, Fremont.Higgins, Margaret Elizabeth, A. B., ha1719 North 9th St.. Terre Haute: paDetroit, Mich.

    taught two years in highschool, Shelburn before graduotion

    1928-1929 teocher of commerce in hi^rhschool. Winamac: 1929-1930 teacher ofcommerce, Detroit, Mich.Hine, Elizabeth V., 2M, ha Martinsville

    pa Patomac, 111.

    1928-1929 teacher music and art, grades and highschool, Potomac, 111.Hinton, Charles M., B. S.. ha Frankfort:pa Grovertown: 1928-1929 teacher ofm...

    1929-1930teacher mathematics and science Grovertown.Hitt, Elizabeth Hopper, 2IG, ha Sullivan

    1928-1929 teacher elementary grades,Prairie Creek township, Vigo county.Hixon, Katherine, B. S., pa 2609 Fen-wood Ave., Terre Haute

    1928-1929 teacher, home economics and English.Green township High School, Park county.Hochstetler, Orville C, B. S„ ha CoalCity

    1916-1917 teacher ruriil schoolnear Coal City

    1919-1920 teacher ruralschool near West Terre Haute

    1921-Jnn. to April manual training teacher,Bicknell

    1922-1921 teacher manualtraining, Donovan High School, Donovan.Ill : 1924-1921 teacher manual training.or high school. Norfolk, Va.

    191929 teacher Industrial arts, !.i<kne!l.Hockersmith, Doris, B. S., ha Lebanon

    pa Bedford

    1928-1980 teacher of his-toiy. junior high school, Bedford.Hoffman, Millie Deka, 2P, ha 913 North16th St., I.i.fayette

    1916-1920 toucherkindergarten. Lafayette

    1920-1922 teacher of p.-imary grades. Madisonvillc,Ky.

    1922-1928 teacher of primarygrades, Lafayette

    attended Purdue 1ni-versity summer I!i21 : 1928-1929 tea)of primary grades, Lincoln School, Lafayette.Holdcn, John William, B. S.. pa Brazil...

    1921*1924 teacher of one-room schoolMorgan county

    1925-1926 principalconsolidated school. Morgan county

    1928-1930 teacher of mathematics, Brazil Hi^h School.Holle, Gladys B., 2I\ ha Knimr.n

    taughtfour years, Barkley township, Jaspernty

    two years Walker township,Jasper county

    two years Union town-p, Josper county

    1928-1929 teachrprimary grades, Union township, Jos-pi r county.Holtegel, Mae, 2IG, ha Lawrenceburg:taught two years rural school

    twoyears consolidated school and one yeartown school in Dearborn county beforegraduation: 1928-1929 teacher fifth andsi>

    th grades, Gr^-endalc School, Lawrenceburg.Horn, Evan L., A. H., ha Koleen

    pa109 North 3rd St., Elkhart

    taught throeyears in grades, Koleen before graduation: 1928-1930 teacher English anddebating, Elkhart.Horn, Ivan, 2IG, ha Koleen

    taught twoyears in Clifty rural school, Koleen:1928-1929 home, not teaching

    1929-1930student Indiana State Teachers College.Hornaday, Ethel, 2IG, ha Montgom< rtaught one year in rural school

    threeyears elementary school and one yearjunior high school before graduation:1928-1929 teacher grade literature.Washington Junior High chool, Washington.Horrall,&#x...

    1928-1929 teacher of music andart, high school, Montgomery.Hortsman, Louise, 2P, ha Brownstown:1928-1929 teacher of grades, Brownstown township.Howald, Florence...

    taught five years in Posey township before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher of elementary grades, Posey township. Clay county.Howey, Bernice, B. S., ha West Point :taught home economics six years beforeg...


    1917-1927 teacher primary grades, Cass township, Dugger

    1927-1928 Btudent. Indiana State Teachers College: 192S-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, Marshall High School, 111.

    1929-1930 at home, not teaching.Huntington, Opal

    2P, ha Wheatfield:pa Williamsport: 192.1-1928 teacher primary grades, Jasper county


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 168THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYkeeping, married to Edgar N. Haskinsin 1927.Whipple, Lurlla, 2IG, ha 309 West 8thSt., Mt. Vernon

    1921-1923. teacher ofgrades, Mt. Vernon

    lr 1923.White, Robert J., 2M, ha Rockville.

    paEast Chicago

    1920-1930 supervisor ofmusic, city schools. East Chicago

    B. S.Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, 1928

    attended Indianapolis Conservatory

    Milwaukee State Normal andUniversity of Southern California.Wright, Lillian, 3N. ha RFD 6. Salem

    1921-1924 teacher of grades, LaPorte

    lr 1924.Yager, Sylvan A., B. S., ha 2227 South8th St., Terre Haute

    pa same


    B. S., Indiana State Teachers College

    graduate student of Indiana University

    experience—teacher in ruralschools, P.oone county

    department workin intermediate grades, Jamestown: Instructor in manual training, grades andhigh school, Advance

    instructor inmanual training, Areola township highschool, Areola, 111.

    1921-1930 criticteacher of industrial arts, Indiana StateTeachers College Training School

    A. M.Indiana University, 1929.Young, John James, A. B., ha 319 LeonSt., West Terre Haute

    pa 14150 Superior Road, Cleveland Heights. Ohio

    1921-1922 taught first semester at highschool, Brazil

    1922-1924 teacher in highschool, Evansville

    1927-1930 princip.ilCleveland Heights, Ohio.CLASS OF 1922Adams-Alcorn, Mrs. Hazel 2IG, haColumbus

    pa 34 0 North Colorado Ave.,Indianapolis

    taught in Bartholomewcounty as grade teacher in schools

    1922-1924 teacher in Anderson

    1924-1929 teacher in grades, Indianapolis

    attended Butler College.Allen, Harley, 2IG, pa River Vale

    taughtfive years before graduation

    1923-1926teacher of intermediate grades, Law-renceport

    1926-1929 teacher of ruralschool, Lawrence county.Allen-Scully, Mrs. Helen Aldinc, 2M, haSullivan

    pa 801 Sixth Ave., Gary

    1922-1924 teacher of music. Gory.Allen, R. Blanche, B. S., ha 418 SouthMain St., Sullivan

    pa 2332 Harrison,Oakland, Calif.

    1922-1924 teacher homeeconomics, Waveland

    1924-1926 teacherof vocational home economics, Hagerstown

    1926-1929 teaching home economics, in Durant School, Oakland, Calif.Andrew, Glenn, A. B., ha Clay City

    pa1142 North 8th St., Terre Haute

    1922-1923 principal of high school, Patricksburg

    1925-1926 teacher of English andLatin, Helt township school, Hillsdale

    1926-1928 principal of high school,Hillsdale

    1928-1929 teacher of English,Hymera

    1929-1930 teacher of EnglishFarmersburg.Archibald, Jean Marie, 3N, ha 614 South5th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1929 teacher of elementary grades, TerreHaute

    at present at Crawford School.♦Armstrong-Rowe, Mrs. Floy, A. B., ha1028 Seventh Ave., Terre Haute: 1928-1929 married and home keeper...

    deceasedJan. 16, 1929.Asher, Goldie, ha 2IG, Martinsville


    1922-1930 grades, Martinsville.Asher, Grenda, 2IG, ha Martinsville

    pasame 1922-1930 teaching Martinsville.Asher, Paul, B. S., ha Gosport

    pa 3857Broadway, Gary

    1922-1923 teacher inEast Orange, N. J., industrial arts

    1923-1927 student at I. U. School of Dentistry, D. D. S.

    1927-1929 practicingdentistry in Gary.Barrack, Rebecca, A. B., ha 515 South6th St., Terre Haute

    la same

    lr 1924teaching at Sullivan.Beecher, Eloise, 21G, ha Terre Haute

    pa1215 Maple Aye.

    Terre Haute

    taughtrural school. Point Clear, Alabama before graduation

    1922-1924 teaching ingrades, Terre Haute

    1924-1929 teaching grades in Lange School, TerreHaute

    B. S. Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute in 1929.Bennett, Edna May, A. B., ha 1208North 4th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1924 teacher of commerce in highschool at Kentland

    1926-1930 teachingin Garfield High School, Terre Haute.Bolar, Mrs. Eva, 2IG ha 2219 SpruceSt., Terre Haute

    lr 1928 at home, notteaching.Bond, Audrey, 2M, Oaktown

    pa Virginia, Minn.

    1922-1923 teacher of musicat Lyons

    1923-1924 taught at Pierson,la.

    1926-1929 taught at Virginia. Minn.Bray, Gladys, 2IG, ha Martinsville


    1922-1929 teacher of elementarygrades, Martinsville.Boots, Edwin, A. B., ha 125 North 6thSt., West Terre Haute

    pa Indianapolis

    1922-1923 departmental psychology atState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 in school, Indiana University

    1924-1927 taught science, CharlestonHigh School, Charleston, 111.J 1927-1929graduate student at Indiana UniversityMedical School.Briggs, Ruth C, A. B., ha 1909&...

    pa 74 7 North Virginia, Reno, Nev.

    1922-1924 teacher ofEnglish in high school, Lyons

    1924-1929 teacher in high school, Reno, Nev.Brewer, Alias, B. S., ha Stilesville


    1922-1923 teacher in Stilesville High School

    1923-1928 principalof Judyville

    1928-1929 teacher of industrial arts, high school, Solsberry.Broadus-Bethea, Mrs. Magdalene, 2IG, haJeffersonville: 1922-1923 teaching inHanvoer

    1923-1924 teaching in Jeffersonville township schools

    1924-1925teaching in city schools, Jeffersonville

    1925-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Brooks-Ashbaucher, Mrs. Daisy, 2IG, haBloomington

    pa 804% East 8th St.,Bloomington

    1922-1925 teacher ingrades, Washington

    1925-1930 teocherin junior high school, Bloomington.Brooks, Hazel S., 2IG, ha 704 East MainSt., Washington

    pa same

    1922-1930teacher of grades, Washington.Brough, Anna M., 2IG, ha Lyons

    pa719 Washington St., Michigan City 1922-1923 teacher of elementary grades, Lyons

    1923-1929 teacher of elementarygrades, Michigan City.Brown, Lena G., ho RFD 1. Brazil

    paFt. Woyne

    1917-1920 teaching in DickJohnson township schools, Cloy county

    1920-1921 teaching in city schools atGoshen

    1921-1927 teaching in cityschools: Fort Wayne

    1927-1929 attending Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    A. B. degree

    1929-1930 teacher

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY259er in high school, Jasonville

    1917-1930teacher manual training, physics, historyprincipal high school, Shelburn.Clearwaters, Mabel, A. IS., ha Hillsdale:pa Clinton

    1929-1930 teacher historyand geography in grades seven andeight, Clinton

    for complete record seeclass of 1918.Clehouse, Consuello W., B. S., pa 463South 17th St., Terre Haute

    1926-1927teacher art, music, Montezuma

    1927-1928 teacher art, music, Warren School,Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacher art,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute.Clinton, Eva Ethelda, 2IG, ha Montgomery

    1925-1926 teacher rural school, Taylor

    1926-1929 teacher primary grades,Raglesville

    1929-1930 teacher gradesthree and four, Epsom School, Plainville.Douse, Easten R., A. B., ha Hillsboro

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930 chemist,Sinclair Oil Refining Company, EastChicago.Cochenour, James V., B. S., pa Cloverdale

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts,physical education, Cloverdale

    for complete record see class of 1927.Cochenour, Mary C, 2IG, ha Cloverdale

    pa Quincy

    1922-1923 teacher ruralschool. Cataract

    1924-1926 teacher ruralschool, Alverson

    1926-1927 teacherrural school. Carp

    1927-1928 teachergrodes seven and eight, Quincy

    1928-1929 teacher rural school, McFarren

    1929-1930 teocher grades five and six,Quincy.Colbert, Susie, 2IG, pa 705 S. E. SecondSt., Washington

    taught three years,Washington township

    elementarygrades, Washington

    fifteen years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher sixthgrade, Washington.Collier, Doris M., 2IG, pa Dana

    1929-1930 teacher second grade, St. Bernice.Collins, Katie M., 2IG, pa Little York

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Combs, Esther Mays, 2IG, ha Koleen

    pa Richmond

    taught rural school,Greene county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher departmental work, Richmond.Combs, Virginia, B. S., ha Farmersburg

    pa Martinsville

    taught commerce,Veedersburg, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Martinsville.Cook, Eulala Guthrie, 2IG, pa 429 SixthAve., Terre Haute

    1911-1912 teacherrural grades, Daviess county

    1912-1919teacher intermediate grades, Odon

    1919-1920 teacher intermediate grades, Griffith

    1920-1929 married, at home andnot teaching

    1929-1930 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute.Cooke, Rebekah Bullington, 21G, pa 158North Fifth St., Clinton

    taught nineyears in Clinton

    Paris, Illinois and Oakland, Illinois before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades five, six, seven andeight, Smith School, Clinton.Corn well, Orville E., B. S., ho Marengo

    pa Paoli

    taught six years, Southeasttownship schools. Orange county, beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher sciencePaoli.Con-ell, Mrs. Mary Scott, 2P, ha Odon

    pa Mishawaka

    taught rural schools,Daviess county, four years

    elementarygrades, Terre Haute, four years beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, supply Mishawaka.Cor r ell, Theodore K., B. S., ha Odon:pa Mishawaka

    taught two years, Attica

    one year, Rockville

    1926-1930 teachergeneral shop, junior high school, Mishawaka.Cox, Georgia Oletha, 2IG, pa 329 EastSt., Seymour

    taught rural school, threeyears

    primary grades, three years

    principal consolidated school three years

    second grade two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher second grade,Washington School, Seymour.Craney, Louis R., B. S.. ha Cannelburg

    pa Ft. Wayne

    1925-1926 taught in Cannelburg

    1926-1927 taught in Montgomery

    1927-1929 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher physical training,Hoagland School, Fort Wayne.Cravens, Sadie, A. B., ha Scottsburg:pa 609 Sable St., Alpena, Mich.

    1929-1930 teacher departmental English,grades seven, eight, Alpena, Mich

    forcomplete record see class of 1922.Creal, Charlotte L., 2P, pa RFD 6, TerreHaute

    1923-1930 teacher first grade,Otter Creek township School, NorthTerre Haute.Creal, Estelline A., A. B., ha 1431 South7th St., Clinton

    pa Terre Haute

    1929-1930 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute.Creal, Hazel H., B. S., ha 2401 North9th St., Terre Haute

    pa Bridgeton

    taught one year before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher English, commerce, Bridge-ton.Creasey, Rosalia Henry, 2IG, pa RFD 5,Terre Haute

    1926-1930 teacher grades.Otter Creek Township School, NorthTerre Haute.Critchfield, R. Lois, B. S., pa 2800 OakSt., Terre Haute

    1925-1927 teacherChilds Park School, St. Petersburg, Fla.

    1927-1930 teacher music, English, Pimento.Criss, Fern, 2P, pa Fairbanks

    1921-1930teacher primary grades, Fairbanks.Cunningham, Edward, A. B., ha RFDVolga City, la.

    pa Carter, S. D.

    taughtfive years in grades and one year inhigh schools of South Dakota beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher science,Carter, S. D.Curless, Anna Matchett, B. S., ha Swayzee

    pa Marion

    1895-1897 teacher ruralschool. Grant county

    1897 December25, married James A. Curless (deceased)

    1898-1904 teacher rural schools andgrammar grades, Grant and Howardcounties

    1904-1922 homekeeper

    1922-1930 teacher English, Martin BootsJunior High School, Marion.Dages, Corrien, B. S., ha Loogootee

    paChicago, 111.

    1914-1919 teacher grades,Daviess county

    1919-1920 teachergrades seven and eight, Hancock county

    1921-1928 teacher junior high school,Decatur, 111.

    1929-1930 supply teocher,home economics, Chicago.Davidson, Dorothy D., B. S., ha Marshall, 111.

    pa Baraboo, Wis.

    taught commerce, Bradford, 111.

    two years

    Mt.Vernon, six years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Barbaboo,Wis.Davis, Helen Faye, 2IG, ha RFD1, Crawfordsville

    pa Dover

    1929-1930 teachergrades four and five, Jefferson Township Consolidated School, Boone county,Dover.Davies, S. F., B. S., pa 650 Glendale

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 146THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYogy, Wiley High School, Terre Haute

    1927-1929 principal Sandison School,Terre Haute

    A. M., Indiana University1928.Carpenter, Floyd F., A. B. ha Thorn-lown: pa Roosevelt High School. Dayton, Ohio

    1915-1919, principal highschool, Advance

    1919-1923, teacher of(hemistry and physics, Lebanon: 1923-1925 teacher of botany and zoology, highschool, Elkhart

    1925-1930 teacher ofchemistry and acting head departmentscience, high school, Dayton, Ohio: M. A.Indiana University.Carroll, L. Grace A. B., pa 70...

    1929 teacher, mathematics, high school

    Mew Rochelle, New York

    for completerecord see class of 1915.Chunn, Daphne, ha North FruitridgeAve., Terre Haute

    deceased 1923.Cleirwaters, Mabel, pa 658 Walnut St.,Clinton

    1911-1918 teacher, rural andcol solidated schools, Vermillion county

    1918-1923 departmental work in grades,Clinton

    1926-1929 teacher of hi.s-t >ry, Junior high school, Clinton

    A.B. Indiana State Teachers College, 1929.Connelly, Katherine, A. B., pa 1653 St.Nicholas Ave., New York City

    1918-1920 teacher in grades. West TerreHaute

    1920-1921 student, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

    1921-1922 teacher in high school, Superior,Wis.: 1922-1925 teacher in State Teachers Training Schools, Terre Haute

    1925-1926 student, Columbia University,masters degree in science

    1926-1927appointed health counsellor to the Tuberculosis Society of the Bronx, NewYork City, N. Y.

    1927-1929 teacher ofhealth work in public schools and attended Columbia University, working forPh. D. degree.Cottinfiham, Edith, pa 524 East FirstSt., ...

    1918-1924 teacher andprincipal of grades of West End School,Washington

    1924-1929 taught inBloomington.Davis, Ward B., A. B. pa 14 8 SouthMission Road, Los Angeles Calif.

    taughtone year before graduation

    191F-1919U. S. military service

    1919-1921 teacher, high school, Brazil

    1921-1924 attended University of Chicago, receivedM. S. degree: 1924-1929 associatechemist. Laboratory of Fruit and Vegetable Chemistry, Bureau of Chemistr...

    education: A. B. IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute,1918

    Toulouse 1919

    M. S. in 1922and Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1924

    assistant plant physiol., Chicago

    1923-1924 fellow biochem., Boyce ThompsonInstitute

    1924-1925 botony sociology

    sociology plant physiol., Indiana Academy Plant Physiology.Derby, Jeannette, pa 219 Miller Ave.,West Terre Haute

    1918-1930 teacherof history and social sciences, SugarCreek High School, Vigo county

    A. B.Indiana State Teachers College 1922

    attended Universities of Pennsylvania andGeorgia.Dillon, Edith, ha Terre Haute

    nr.Dinkle, Gertrude C, pa 25th and College Ave., Terre Haute

    1918-1929 teacher in Warren School, Terre Haute.Dishinger, Allison T., pa Derby

    1924-1925 teacher of history and mathematics.Derby

    1925-1926 teacher of mathematics and science, Marco

    1926-1928 principal. Marco

    1928-1929 teacher ofmathematics, Sullivan

    1929-1930 principal, Derby.Donaldson, Mamie Ruth, ha 1221 South13% St., Terre Haute

    1918-1922 teacher of primary grades, Terre Haute cityschools, Dunbar School

    1922-1929teacher of primary grades, WashingtonSchool, Terre Haute.♦Doyle, Harry M., ha Culver

    1918-1920 Ph. B. and A. M. degree fromNotre Dame

    1920-1923 attending University of Texas.Dwyer-Sippel, Frances, A. B. la 141West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111.

    1926-1928 secretary, Chicago Board of Trade

    lr 1928.Eddleman, Rachel, ha Seymour

    pa careSandusky School, Greensburg, RFD 1

    taught five years in the grades beforegraduation

    1918-1923 teacher of grades,Greensburg

    1923-1928 taught mathematics and Latin in Clinton townshiphigh school, Decatur county

    workedon extension courses for credit fromIndiana University.Edwards, Opal, pa 1449 Ohio Blvd.,Terre Haute

    1918-1930 teacher in DavisPark School, Terre Haute.Ellis, Mrs. Armentra, ha Terre Haute

    nr.Ellis, Mabel E., ha 207 Avenue 2, Attica

    1918-1920 teacher in high school, Brook

    1920-1922 at home, not teaching

    1922-1923 in Merchants State Bank, Attica

    1923-1924 at home, not teaching

    1926-1929 teacher of commercial subjects, Attica.EIrod-Bourn, Ruth A., pa Coatesville

    1918-1922 teacher of home economics,and English, Advance

    1922-1923 teacher of home economics, Linton

    1926-1929married, at home and not teaching.Flvin, Ruth, ha RFD 4, Alexandria


    1921-1922 received Ph. from University of Chicago

    1922-1923 teacher of English, Pendleton

    1923-1924 student. University of Chicago

    1924-1926 teacher in Alexandria

    1926-1927 teacher of English, Converse

    1927-1930 teacher of English, NashvilleSenior High School, Nashville.Enlow, Grace ,ha 927 South 4th St.,Terre Haute

    nr.Etchison, Grace, ha Lebanon

    1925-1929teacher of English and dean of girls,Lebanon High School.Everdon, Victor B., pa Clifford

    1918-1924 superintendent of schools, Leavenworth

    1924-1929 principal high school,Clifford

    1929-1930 teacher of historyBeiger Junior High School, Mishawaka.Fitzgerald, Louise, A. B. ha Clarks Hill

    1919-1920 teacher of Latin, Otterbein

    1920-1922 teacher of Latin and history,Clarks Hill

    1922-1924 teacher of Latinand history, Stockwell.Fox, Florence, pa 820 South 4th St.,Terre Haute

    1917-1926 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute

    1926-1929 teacherof mathematics. McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.France, Otto C, ha Oakland City

    nr.French-Ebersole, Mrs. Adelyn P., A. 3710 Leuders Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio

    1929 homekeeper, married, and supplyteacher in city schools, Cincinnati, Ohio.For complete record, see class of 1915.Gass, Grace, pa Hillsdale...


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1927-1928 married to GeorgeSimpson, homekeeper.Siner, Nancy Marie, A. B., ha RFD B,Terre Haute

    pa 120 West LexingtonAve., Elkhart

    1926-1930 teacher, commerce, Elkhart.Skillman, Mrs. Emma, 2IG, ha 1741Maryland St., Gary

    pa 1962 Massachusetts St., Gary

    1926-1929 teacher,public schools, Gary.Skidmore, Mabel M„ 2IG, ha 1615 7thAve., Terre Haute

    pa Coal City

    1926-1929 teacher of intermediate grades,Coal City.Skomp, Edna M., 2IG, ha Elnora

    1924-1925 teacher, district school, Elnora

    1925-1926 student Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1923-1929 notteaching, at home.Sloss, Buena Vista, A. B., ha 417% Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    pa 719 Oak St.,Evansville

    1926-1929 teacher, com-meilce, Douglass High School, Evansville.Smith, Bertha E., 2IG, ha Pekin


    1926-1930 teacher, elementarygrades, Pekin.Smith, Flora Hazel, B. S., ha f.22 NorthJefferson St., Rockville

    pa 323 North8th St., Terre Haute

    taught in Bentoncounty rural schools in Price and Granttownships

    teacher grades, Boswell, andgrades in East Chicago, before graduation

    1926-1930 teacher, Indiana StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute.Smith, Florence, 2IG, ha Loogootee


    1926-1929 teacher, intermediategrades, Barr township, Daviess county.Smith, Frances C, 2IG, ha Aurora


    1926-1929 teacher, intermediate grades, Guilford.Smith, Georgia Katherine, 2HE, haBrazil

    pa 1700 North 8th St., TerreHaute

    1926-1927 library work, Fairbanks Memorial Library, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 cashier, National Life andAccident Insurance Company, TerreHaute.Smith, Maude, 2IG, ha 921 CaliforniaSt., Columbus

    pa same

    1926-19:50teacher intermediate grades, Columbus.Smith, Onis E., 2IG, ha Sandborn, paHaubstadt

    1923-1924 teacher, ruralschools, Greene county

    1924-1925 teacher grades, Lyons

    1925-1927 teadjiergrades, Marco

    1927-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute,B. S.

    1929-1930 teacher industrial artsand mathematics, high school, Haubstadt.Smith, Virgil A, B. S., ha Marion

    pa712 West Nelson St., Marion

    1926-1930teacher, dramatics, senior high school,Marion

    A. M., State University ofIowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in 1930.Snyder, Jessie Helen, 2R, ha Rockport

    nr.Southard-Russell Marjorie, A. B., haHillsdale

    la 1128 North New JerseySt., Indianapolis

    lr 1927-1928 teacher,English and science, Unionville.Stahl, Edgar Allen, B. S„ ha 2689 Harrison Ave., Terre Haute, pa same

    1929teacher, industrial arts, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute

    for complete recordsee Class of 1915.Stanton, J. Harold, B. S., ha 624 SwanSt., Terre Haute

    pa 2532 Auburn Ave.,Cincinnati, O.

    1926-1927 teacher, Anderson township high school, Perry county

    1927-1928 teacher, high school. Dexter City, Ohio

    1928-1929 teacher, science, high school, Clinton: 1929-1930teacher, chemistry, St. Xavier HighSchool, Cincinnati, Ohio

    attended University of Wisconsin summer of 1927.Stark, Mary B., 2IG, ha RFD 1, Green-castle

    pa same

    1922-1926 taughtgrades, Brownsville and Barnard beforegraduation

    1926-1927 teacher grades,Greencastle

    1927-1928 at home and notteaching

    attended Teachers College, Indianapolis 1920-1921.Stegmoller, Alice, 2IG, ha Osgood

    paPetersburg, Ohio

    1926-1928 teacherpublic schools, Osgood

    1928-1929 teacher primary grades. East Palestine, Ohio.Stewart, Harold W., 2IA, ha 309 NorthGillespie St., Greencastle

    1927-1028teacher, industrial arts, Cambridge City

    1928-1930 teacher, industrial arts,Greencastle.Stewart, Ila Belle, 2IG, ha Seelyville

    nr.Stoelting, Edmond H., 2IG, ha Pleasant-ville

    pa 84 4 Delaware, Detroit, Mich.

    19201926 teacher elementary grades,Sullivan

    1926-1928 teacher, elementarygrades, Martinsville

    1928-1930 teachergeometry, algebra and commercial geography, Henry Ford Trade School,Highland Park, Detroit, Mich.Strain, Warren T., A. B., ha Reelsville...

    pa 115 West Suttenfield St., Ft. Wayne

    1926-1929 teacher, geography, HarmarJunior High School, Ft. Wayne.Sullivan, John M., A. B., ha 1344 FirstAve., Terre Haute

    pa Newport

    1926-1929 teacher high school, Newport.Swartz, Nellis, 2IG, ha Cromwell


    1923-1928 teacher, grades, Kimmell

    1028-1929 teacher, grades, Cromwell

    1929-1930 teacher, elementarygrades, Noble county.Tait-Tyler, Mrs. Josephine, 2P, ha 900Locust St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    lr1928 married

    at home and not teaching.Taylor, Edna B., 2IG, ha Otterbein

    pa15201 Myrtle Ave., Harvey, 111.

    1919-1926 teacher, elementary grades, Otterbein

    1926-1927 teacher, elemetnarygrades, Linden

    1927-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Otterbein

    1929-1930teacher, elementary grades, Harvey, 111.Taylor, Mary Elizabeth, 2P, ha 1028 TSt., Bedford

    taught three years beforegraduation, primary teacher, ShawswickConsolidated School, Bedford

    1926-1929teacher, primary grades, ShawswickConsolidated School, Bedford.Thomas-Tapy, Mrs. Audrey, A. B., ha331 South 18th St., Terre Haute

    pa2612 Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.

    1923-1925 teacher, history and music,New Goshen

    1926-1927 teacher historyand music, Princeton

    1927-1929 notteaching, homekeeper, married.Thomas-Butts, Cleo Gladys, 2P, pa 2700Garfield Ave., Terre Haute

    1926-1927teacher, elementary grades, Elkhart

    1927-1928 student, Indiana University

    1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Thompson, Charlotte, A. B., ha Marshall

    pa Mayfield, Mo.

    lr 1928 teacher, physical education, Mayfield College, Mayfield,Mo.Thompson, Margaret Ellen, A. B., ha Pimento

    pa 875 13th Ave., South St.Petersburg, Fla.

    1926-1929 teacher.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1927-1930 principal, high school,Shelbyville.Lover, Clarence, nr.McClanahan-Campbell, Mrs. Gladys, paPimento

    taught one year in countryschools, Vigo county

    two years in Pimento and three years in Farmersburgbefore graduation

    1915-1916 teacher ofgrades, Clinton

    1916-1917 teacher ofgrades, Muncie

    1917-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married in 1917 to Ross G.Campbell.McClerney, Adelia, pa Evansville

    taughtprimary grades at Summitville beforegraduation

    1915-1917 teacher of primary grades, Evansville

    1917-1929 criticteacher, first grade, Evansville.•McCloud-Scott, Mrs. Pearl Ethel

    1915-1916 supply teacher, high school, Amo

    1916-1917 teacher, Mooresville

    1917-1922 teacher, high school, Martinsville

    1922-1927 married, at home, not teaching

    deceased 1927.McDonald, Louise, ha Indianapolis

    nr.McElroy, Lilia Ruth, ha Evansville

    1915-1920 teacher of grades, Evansville

    1920-1924 teacher of grades, Gary

    lr 1924.McFall-Small, Mrs. Rose, A. B., 141 y2Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    for complete information, see class of 1912.McFarland, Claude O., A. B., ha Elon

    1915-1916 student, University of Chicago

    1916-1917 instructor in geologyand geography. University of Cincinnati

    summer of 1917 assistant in geographydepartment, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    lr 1917.McKeever-Jensen, Mrs. Helen F., pa 2219Crawford St., Terre Haute: 1915-1919teacher of city schools, Terre Haute

    1919-1928 not teaching, homekeeper,married to Otto Jensen.McQuinn-Ward, Mrs. Lenore Babcock, A.B., ha Toledo, Ohio

    1915-1916 director,Sandusky County Normal School, Green-spring, Ohio

    1916-1917 teacher of algebra, Greenspring, Ohio

    1917-1918county normal director

    1918-1923 received A. M. and Ph. D., University ofMichigan

    assistant in zoology department^ University of Michigan

    1922married to Henry T. Ward

    lr 1923.Mackell, James F., A. B., pa RFD A,Terre Haute

    for complete informationsee class of 1912.*Madden, Mona G., ha Princeton

    1914-1915 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1915-1918 teacher of grades, Francisco

    1918-1923 teacher of grades, Princeton

    1923-1924 did not teach because of poorhealth

    deceased.Maehling, Hildegarde, pa 1357 3rd Ave.,Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher at McKeen School, Terre Haute

    1916-192 3teacher in grades, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 critic teacher, Voorhees School,Terre Haute: 1926-1930 teacher, McLeanJunior High School, Terre Haute.Medsker, Sylvia, pa E. Lansing, Michigan, B...

    1915-1918 elementarygrades, Sullivan county

    1918-1927 teacher of home economics, high school, Sullivan county

    1927-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, Michigan State College, East1 ansing, Michigan

    received A. M.,Teachers College, Columbia University.Melton, Charles E., pa Walnut, Illinois

    1915-1917 teacher in high school, EastChicago

    1917-1918 teacher in highschool, Ottawa, Illinois

    1919-1920 Culver Military Academy, Culver

    1920-1921 teacher in high school, LcMars,Iowa: 1921-1929 superintendent ofschools. Walnut, Illinois.Melton, Monroe, A. B., pa Normal. Illinois

    for complete information, see classof 1911.Mercker, A. M., A. B„ pa 720 S. 22ndSt., Quincy, Illinois

    1915-1918 supervisor of industrial arts, high school.Peru: 1918-1929 teacher of mechanicaldrawing, high school, Quincy, Illinois.Michael, Mr. Joy E., ha&#x...


    1915-1916 supervisor ofmanual training, Bremen

    1916-1924manual training, Huntington

    1927-1929teacher of industrial arts, Huntington.Miller, Carl N., pa 1920 S. Center St..Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher in highschool, East Chicago

    1916-1930 insurance business, S. C. Miller & Sons, sixmonths in army.Moery, Otto E., A. B., pa 1421 N. 7thSt., Terre Haute

    for complete information see class of 1908.Montgomery, John E., pa DeKalk, Illinois

    1911-1915 teacher in New Winchester, Hendricks county

    1915-1917teacher in Tobinsport

    1917-1919 teacherin Arcadia

    1919-1920 teacher in Burlington, Illinois

    1920-1929 teacher inDeKalb, Illinois, student, Chicago University 1919-1921 and 1923.Mooney-Foltz, Mrs. Alma, pa 306 N. 3rdSt., Clinton

    1913-1914 teacher of grades,Clinton township schools before graduation

    1915-1916 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1917-1922 at home, not teaching

    1922-1926 teacher of grades, FairviewPark School, Clinton

    1926-1927 principal of grades, Crompton Hill, Clinton

    1927-1928 principal of Fairview School,Clinton

    attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, spring terms of 1925-1927.Moran, Dorothy, pa Bedford

    tr 1914-1919 principal, department school, Bedford

    1919-1929 principal, junior highschool, Bedford.Morrill, Clinton, A. B., pa 45 N. RitterAve., Indianapolis

    practicing law in Indianapolis

    for complete information seeclass of 1910.Mullins, Virgil R., pa 2215 S. 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1910-1911 teacher of elementary grades, Swayzee

    1911-1912student, normal school, Marion

    1912-1914 teacher of mathematics, and English, high school, Swayzee

    1914-1925superintendent of schools, Summitville

    1925-1930 director of extension, placement and alumni secretary, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    graduatestudent, Columbia University, graduatestudent, Indiana University.♦Nesbit, Grace Lois, ha 1902 N. CrossSt.. Sullivan

    1915-1916 teacher of mathematics, high school, Nashville

    1916-1918 teacher of science, East Chicago

    deceased 1918.♦Nichols, George Otha, ha Morocco

    1915-1916 superintendent of schools, Otter-bein

    1916-1918 superintendent ofschools, Pittsboro

    1918-1919 superintendent of schools, Brownsburg

    1919-1921 superintendent of schools, Morocco

    1923-1924 principal, high school, NewAugusta

    1925-1926 principal, We3t Lebanon

    1927-1928 graduate student, Indiana University

    deceased 1928.Nickels, Willard E., pa Lawrenceburg:1915-1927 superintendent of schools, Fulton

    1927-1929 principal, Bright School,

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1925-1926 teacher, manual training,Walkerton

    1926-1927 not teaching onaccount of poor health

    1927-1928 teacher industrial arts and physical education, Belen, N. M.

    1928-1929 teacherindustrial arts, Gary.Bolenbaugh, Pearl, 2IG, ha Farmersburg

    1918-1919 teacher, grades, Sullivancounty

    1920-1922 teacher grades, Hymera

    1923-1928 teacher grades, Mishawaka.Booker, Ivah A., A. B., ha Carlisle


    1925-1926 superintendentof schools, West Union

    1926-1928 attending University of Chicago, 1928-1929 ward principal, Mishawaka.Bottorf, Carrie Lee, 2IG

    ha Charles-town

    taught four years, rural school,Charlestown township, before graduation

    1925-1930 teacher grades, city schools,Charlestown.•Brandenburg, Harry

    A. B., ha Mulberry

    deceased 1925

    nr.Bramblett, Ransom, A.B., ha Diamond

    pa Fairbanks

    1925-1926 teacher Mecca

    1926-1929 principal high school, Meccaand Tangier

    1929-1930 principal Fairbanks schools

    M. A. Indiana StateTeachers College 1929.Bright, Harold, A. B., ha Marshall, 111.

    pa Martinsville, 111.

    prior to graduationtaught in Clark and Cumberland countiesin Illinois as follows: one year in ruralschool, three years in graded schools,seven ye...

    1927-1930 superintendent ofschools, Martinsville, 111.

    received Ph.B. Westfield College in 1912: graduatestudent Indiana University

    M. A. Indiana State Teachers College 1929.Bryant, William H., 2M, pa 129 M> South7th St., Terre Haute

    1895-1921 professional orchestra and band director

    1898-1899 teacher, stringed instruments, BallTeachers College

    1899-1900 teicher, music, Anderson

    1904-1905 teacher stringed and brass instruments, VincennesUniversity

    1911-1921 private teacher ofmusic, Terre Haute

    1906-1911 theatreorchestra director, Terre Haute

    1921-1930 assistant professor of music, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1926-1930 director of Terre HauteSymphony Orchestra, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 attended Syracuse University working on A. M.Buchanan, James, B. S., ha Darlington

    pa 144 West 49th St., Indianapolis

    1926-1929 teacher, industrial arts, public schools, Indianapolis.Bullington, Roy C, A. B., ha Fredericksburg

    1919-1921 teacher, grades, ruralschool, Washington county

    1921-1922principal, grades, Fredericksburg

    1924-1925 teacher, history and coach, Clear-spring schools, Mooney, Jackson county

    1926-1927 principal, high school, Rockport: 1927-1929 teacher, history, highschool, Cleveland, Ohio

    1929-1930 principal, Hardinsburg.Button, Elizabeth, 2IG, nr.Campbell, Mrs. Mary Amis, A. B., haClinton

    la Albuquerqeu, N. M.

    1925-1926 attended University of Chicago securing A. M. degree

    1926-1927 teacherWestern Springs, 111.

    1927-1928 teacher,Albuquerque. N. M.

    lr 1928.Carpentier, Harry F., A. B., ha Sullivan

    po West Lebonon: 1925-1926 teacher,Marshall, 111.

    1926-1930 principal, WestLebanon.Carpentier, Mrs. Kathryn, A. B., pa WestLebanon

    1926-1927 teacher, West Lebanon

    1927-1930 homekeeper.Carr-Jolly, Mrs. Dorothy

    B. S., ha RFD12, Box 200 L, Indianapolis

    pa 5053Grace St., Chicago, 111.

    1928-1929 proofreader, Master Reporting Company, Chicago, 111.

    for complete record see class1923.Carter, Elsie Mae, 2IG, ha Riley

    paRFD B, Terre Haute

    1925-1929 teacherelementary grades. Prairieton.Causey, Mrs. Velma, 2IG, ha Montezuma

    pa Rosedale

    1927-1929 teacher,elementary grades, Parke county.Chaney, Maude E„ 2P, ha Brazil

    1923-1925 teacher rural schools, Clay county

    1925-1926 teacher grades, Attica

    1926-1930 teacher grades, Alabama school,Brazil.Chestnut, Lulu, A. B., ha Odon

    1912-1918 teacher, grades, Daviess county

    1919-1929 teacher, Latin and home economics, high school, Epsom.Clements-Girton, Mrs. Violet, 2P, pa 808North Meridian St., Brazil

    pa same

    1918-1919 teacher in Clay county

    1919-1928 teacher, city schools, Brazil

    married summer of 1928 to Dale Girton

    1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper.Cockran, Kermit, B. S., ha 2208 North13% St., Terre Haute

    pa 201 North 6thSt., Marshall, 111.

    1925-1926 not teaching, at home

    1926-1927 teacher, scienceand girls physical education, Dugger:1927-1929 teacher, science and girlsphysical education, Marshall, 111.Colbert, Russell, A. B., ha...

    pa Washington

    1926-1927 teacher,Washington

    1927-1928 principal, highschool, Montgomery

    1928-1930 head,department of history, Washington.Cole, Mildred, B. S., ha Lawrenceburg

    pa same

    1926-1928 teacher, home economics and English, Lawrenceburg.Coleman, Mabel E., 2IG, ha Shelburn

    pa same

    1925-1929 teacher, grades,Shelburn.Combs, J. Harold, A. B., ha Koleen


    1926-1928 teacher, history.Midland

    1928-1930 teacher, history andcoach, Lakeville.Conover, Harry, B. S., ha 2230 North7th St., Terre Haute

    pa 1902 WabashAve., Terre Haute

    1925-1929 teacher,physical education and science, SarahScott Junior High School, Terre Haute.Coordes, Mary L., A. B., ha 1G24 South7th St. Terre Haute...

    pa same

    1925-1927teacher, commerce, high school, Veedersburg

    1927-1929 not teaching, at home.Cory-Callaway, Mrs. Gladys

    2IG, ha Mc-Cordsville

    pa Bowers

    1926-1927 teachergrades, Reelsville

    1927-1928 not teaching, homekeeper, married to Russell Callaway: 1928-1930 teacher of fourthgrade, Bowers.Crandall, William A., B. S., ha Dugger...

    pa 1611 First St., Bedford

    1922-1924teacher, mechanical drawing and machinewoodwork, elementary schools, Fallon,Nevada

    1924-1928 teacher, mechanicaldrawing, woodwork and electricity,Union High School, Dugger

    1928-1930teacher, vocational stone drafting andstone shop, Bedford.Cree, Glen M., A. B., ha Walton: paMishawaka

    1924-1927 teacher at Rus-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1918-1930 teacher industrial arts,mathematics, coach Worthington.Nickel, Marguerite I., 2P, ha 1340 Buckeye St., Terre Haute

    pa Brazil

    1928-1930 teacher grades one, two, ZellerSchool, Brazil.Noel, Zelpha Gladys, 2IG, pa 259 N. W.K St., Linton

    taught grade five. MainBuilding, Linton, five yeors, before graduation

    1929-1930 at home and notteaching.Obanion, Anna Louise, 2P, pa 118AVest 5th St., Madison

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades Broadway School,Madison.OBanion, Frieda Jane, 2IG, ha 205North Sheffield Ave., Indianapolis


    taught rural schools, Elwood,one year

    Indiana Masonic School,Franklin, two and one-half years

    1928-1930 teacher grades, five, six, Tipton.OBrian, Zelma Anna, 2IG, pa 220 Ogdon St., Washington

    taught elementarygrades, Bogard township, Washingtontownship, Daviess county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grade three,Longfellow School, Washington township,Daviess county.OConnell, Cecelia Ann, B. S., pa 43South 12th St., Terre Haute...

    1929-1930teacher primary grades, Sandison School,Terre Haute

    for complete record seeclass of 1927OConnell, Nell M., B. S., pa 48 South12th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher fourth grade, Davis Park School,Terre Haute

    for complete record seeclass of 1915.OConnor, Nora, B. S., pa Montgomery

    1911-1930 teacher grades, English, highschool, Barr township, Daviess county.Overpeck, Frances L., B. S., ha Rosedale

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930 teacher physical education, Roosevelt HighSchool, East Chicago

    for complete record see class of 1923.Overpeck, Lester Paul, 2IG, pa NorthTerre Haute

    1925-1930 teacher elementary grades, Burnett.Owen, Pearl Thompson, 2IG, pa 506South 6th St., Terre Haute

    1914-1926teacher grades, Evansville

    1926-1929student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 not teaching,homekeeper.Paddock, Harriett L., pa 430 North Center St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute.Parker, Frank E., B. S., ha Amo


    1929-1930 teacher mathematics, physics, physical education, Idaville.Park, Lilburn Foster, B. S., ha Dexter

    pa Elizabeth

    taught rural schools. Perrycounty three years

    1927-1930 teachermathematics, history, Elizabeth.Parks, Allen, A. B., pa 1428 South 13%St., Terre Haute

    1924-1930 teacherLatin, history, Booker T. WashingtonSchool, Terre Haute.Parks, Grace I., 2IG, pa 920 East 6thSt., Huntingburg

    taught rural schools,Dubois county, two years before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher intermediategrades, Huntingburg.Parks, Ophelia, A. B„ ha 1428 South13% St., Terre Haute

    pa Orangeburg

    S. C.

    1929-1930 teacher commerce,South Carolina A and M College, Orangeburg, S. C.Patton, Madeline, A. B., pa Oakland, 111.

    taught rural Bchools, Edgar county, Illinois, two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Oakland, 111.Payne, Thirza Lelia, B. S., pa RFD 6,Brazil

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching

    for complete record see classof 1926.Pay ton, William E., 2IG, pa 205 NorthFirst St., Clinton

    1929-1930 teachergrades, Scots School, Clinton township,Vermillion county.Peckham, Ruth, 2R, Lucerne

    1926-1930teacher primary grades, Lucerne.Persinger, George Carl, B. S., ha Merom

    pa Culver

    1929-1930 teacher commerceCulver Military Academy, Culver.Peter, Agnes Philomena, 2IG, pa RFD1,Tell City

    taught rural schools, Anderson township, Perry county, five years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherelementary grades, Anderson township.Perry county.Pfeifer, Edna M., 2P, pa RFD 10, Lafayette

    1926-1930 teacher primarygrades, Montmorenci.Pfeifer, Louise M. C, 2IG, pa West Lebanon

    taught grades, Warren county,two years, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher grades three, four, Marshfield.Phillips, Jessie Mae, 21G, pa 407 VanBuren St., Gary

    1929-1930 teacher elementary grades, Gary.Pierce, Teenie Marie, 2IG, pa RFD 3,Box 392, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacher grades, Honey Creek township, Vigocounty.Pigg, Dolan B., B. S., ha RFD 3, Sullivan

    pa Mitchell

    1928-1929 teacher industrial arts, Wiley High School, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts,Mitchell. _Pittman, Audrey Dorsett, A. B., pa RFD3, Cloverdale

    1924-1927 teacher ruralgrades, Williams School, Potomas, 111.

    1927-1929 student Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 athome and not teaching.Pleitz, Janet, 2P, pa 1008 South 7th St.,Terre Houte

    1929-1930 teacher firstgrade, Indiana State Teachers CollegeTraining School, Terre Haute.Plumb, Kathryn R.. pa 721 South Franklin, Brazil

    taught rural grades, Conway,Michigan, one year

    1927-1930 teachergrades two, three, Brazil.Poindexter, Mary L.t B. S., ha BurnsCity

    pa Flora

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Flora.Porter, Alfred Raymond, A. B. ha 621South 2nd St., Terre Haute

    pa Evansville- 1925-1928 science, Latin, Douglass High School, Evansville

    1928-1929teacher science, Latin, Lincoln HighSchool, Evansville

    1929-1930 teacherchemistry, biology, band, orchestra, Lincoln High School, Evansville.Pound, Frances lino, 2IG, RFD 1, Pimento

    pa Blackhawk

    taught ruralgrades, Pierson township, Vigo county,one year, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher intermediate grades, Blackhawk.Powell, Frances Kathryn, 2IG, pa RFD9, LaPorte

    1926-1930 teacher fourthgrade, Rolling Prairie, LaPorte county.Prather, Arline, B. S., ha Ashmore, 111.

    pa Martinsville, 111.

    1929-1930 teachercommerce, music, Martinsville, 111.Price, Iva M., B. S„ pa 200 South Mc-Ilroy Ave., West Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher home economics. WestTerre Haute

    for complete record seeclass of 1917.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1924-1927 taught in South Bend

    1927-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College

    1929-1930 at home and notteaching.Bauer, Annabelle, 2IG, pa 1100 PoplarSt., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 at home andnot teaching.Baur, Mary E„ A. B., ha 1101 South16th St., Terre Haute

    pa Highland Park,111.

    1929-1930 teacher departmentalwork in English and history Elm Plowjunior High School, Highland Park, 111.Baxter, Albert Lawrence, B. S., ha 2335Garfield&#x...

    pa Culver

    1929-1930 teacher science and EnglishCulver.Beasley, Etta M., 2R., pa RFD 3, Linton

    taught three years in Stockton township,Greene county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades four and five, Glen-burn School, Stockton township, Greenecountv.Bcauchamp, Mary L., A. B., ha RFD B,West Terre Haute...

    taught home economics, English, New Goshen, two yearsbefore graduation

    1929-1930 teacherhome economics, English, Newport.Beckwith, Hildred, B. S., RFD 1, Box75 Linton

    pa Wapakoneta, Ohio

    1913-1918 teacher rural school

    1918-1928teacher in high school, Midland

    1928-1930 teacher industrial arts, Blume HighSchool, Wapakoneta, Ohio.Beckwith, Opal D., 2P, ha 329 N. E. 6thSt., Linton

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Indiana State Teachers CollegeTraining School, Terre Haute.Beecher, Eloise, B. S., pa 1216 MapleAve., Terre Haute...

    1929-1930 teacherprimary grades, Lange School, TerreHaute

    for complete record see class of1922.Belger, Mary M., B. S., pa 202 Atchin-son Ave., Whiting

    taught rural andconsolidated schools, LaPorte county, tenyears

    fifth grade, South Bend, one year

    elementray grades, Whiting, ten years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher departmental work, junior high school,Whiting.Benefield, Vera, 2P., pa Dugger

    1926-1930 teacher primary grades, Casstownship, Dugger.Bennett, Alice, 2R, pa Shelburn

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Bennington, Dortha M., 2IG, pa Plainville

    1929-1930 teacher -fourth grade,Plainville.Bichart, Bertha, A. B., pa 708 KennairdAve., Ft. Wayne

    1929-1930 teacher elementary grades and departmental history, junior high school, Ft. Wayne

    forcomplete record see class of 1910.Bihl, Ethel Levida, 2P, pa 3724 HemlockSt., East Chicago

    1929-1930 teachergrade two, East Chicago.Billman, Jeanette L., B. S., ha Sullivan

    pa Graysville

    1929-1930 teacher English, music, home economics, Graysville.Black, Edna Burbridge, 2IG, pa RFD 5,Terre Haute

    1913-1930 teacher elementary grades, Otter Creek township, Vigocounty.Blackmore, Nellie Jane, B. S., ha Bloomfield

    pa Terre Haute

    1924-1926 teacherprimary grades, Scotland

    1926-1927teacher primary grades, Mineral

    1929-1930 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute.Bledsoe, Charles Phillip, B. S., ha 510Hulman St., Terre Haute

    pa 216 EastNinth St., Cincinnati, Ohio, IndustrialArts department. Board of EducationBuilding

    1928-1930 teacher industrialarts grades, Cincinnati, Ohio.Bledsoe, Ruth Bedilia, 2R, pa Linton

    taught elementary grades, Stocktontownship, Greene county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades

    ,Stockton township, Greene county.Blemker, Irene E., B. S., ha 205 SouthJackson St., Huntingburg

    pa Dugger

    1928-1930 teacher commerce. UnionHigh School, Dugger.Blickenstaff, Isabelle, 2P, ha Delphi


    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Burrows.Blouch, Esther Irene, A. B., ha 1532South Sth St., Terre Haute

    pa Newberry

    1929-1930 teacher music andhome economics, high school, Newberry.Boatman, Maude Delp, 2R, pa RFD B,West Terre Haute

    taught ten yearsbefore graduation

    1929-1930 teaqherprimary grades, Fayette township, Vigocounty.Bolden, Isabel, 2P, ha 130 Buckeye St.,North Vernon

    pa Wayside, Maryland

    1929-1930 teacher rural grades. Wayside, Md.Bonta, Harriett J., 2P, pa Edinburg

    1929-1930 teacher first grades, Edinburg.Boomler, Marion E., 2IG, pa CenterPoint

    taught one year, elementarygrades, Linden School, Nible, Montana,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherprimary grades, Saline City.Boone, Abbie H., 2IG, ha Laconia

    paBeech Grove

    taught elementary gradesfive years before graduation

    1929-1930teacher sixth grade, Beech Grove.Boone, Lawrence, B. S., ha Laconia

    pa Hammond

    taught two years in ruralschool, Harrison county

    one year elementary grades, Sherman, Ohio

    1925-1930 teacher mathematics and coaching.Junior high school, Hammond.Boyce, Mary Lake, 2P, pa RFD 2, Clinton

    1918-1928 . taught primary grades

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Boyer, Theresa, B. S., ha 2234 Washington Ave., Terre Haute

    pa Evansville

    1928-1929 teacher commerce, Covington

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Evansville.Boyll, Samuel John, 2IG, pa RFD 2,Terre Haute

    1926-1930 teacher elementary grades, Honey Creek township,Vigo county.Bramblette, Ransom, M. A., pa Fairbanks

    1929-1930 principal and teacherhistory, Fairbanks

    for complete recordsee class of 1925.Brazzell, Elva R., 2IG, pa RFD F, Box424, Terre Haute

    taught sixth grade,Riley, one year

    rural grades, Elm Grove,Lost Creek township, one year, beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher departmental work, Maryland School, HoneyCreek township, Vigo county.Brceden, Loren L., B. S., ha Corydon

    pa 617 West Fourth St., Bicknell

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Bicknell.Brenton, Ralph, B. S., pa 1518 South10th St., Terre Haute

    taught twoyears, Richmond

    five years, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher mechanical drawing,Wiley High School, Terre Haute.Bricker, Harold E., A. B., ha Warsaw

    pa Maysdorf, Wyo.

    taught one yeur,rural high school, Maysdorf, Wyo.


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY273taught grades, Shelburn and Chippewa,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachermusic, art, Leavenworth.Trueblood, Flossie May, 2P, pa RFD 1.Salem

    taught grades, eight years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher ruralgrades, Salem.Tuck, Katherine Lennis, B. S., pa 622Couth 5th St., Clinton

    1928-1930 teacher commerce, Clinton.Tucker, Ancel, B. S., pa Riley

    taughtgrades, Riley township, Vigo county,three years

    grades, Honey Creek township, Vigo county, two years, beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher industrialarts, biology, Riley.Tuell, Mary E., 2R, pa Evans Landing

    taught rural schools, Harrison county,three years before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher rural school, Evans Landing.Tryon, Iva L., 2P, pa Riley

    1927-1930teacher first grade, Riley.Uland, Mrs. Ella McCoy, B. S ha Bloomfield

    pa Scotland

    1929-1930 teachermusic, art, home economics, healthessentials, Scotland

    for complete recordssee class of 1916.Upthegrove, Ethel David, B. S., ha 624Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute

    pa Winston-Salem, N. C.J 1929-1930 teacher English, Winston-Salem, N. C.

    for complete record see class of 1928.Utterback, Zena, B. S.. pa 4801 For-seythe Ave., East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher seventh grade, East Chicago

    for complete record see class of 1922.Van Arsdall, Mildred L., B. S, pa Hymera

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Van Huss, Murdell, B. S., ha Rockville

    pa Plymouth, 111.

    1929-1930 teacherphysics, biology, Plymouth, 111.Van Kirk, Ruby Geraldine, B. S., pa 127South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher piano, Fairbanks School, TerreHaute.Van Scoyoc, Roland L., B. S., ha 642Romig St., Lafayette

    pa Williamsport

    taught two years, Clarks Hill

    threeyears, Williamsport, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher history, civics, Williamsport.Van Sickle, Bessie L., B. S., pa RFD D,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    for complete record see class 1926.Van Trees, Mary E., 2IG, pa Paoli

    1927-1930 teacher rural school, Poali.Vaughn, Margaret, A. B., ha WaldenApartments, 10, Terre Haute

    pa Lov-ington. 111.

    cadet teacher, Indiana StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute, two terms, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher music, Lovington,111.Vaught, Mrs. Eula Reid, 2P, pa 2238First Ave., Terre Haute

    1925-1928 teacher grades, Clinton township, Vermillion county

    1928-1930 at home ond notteaching.Veller, Marie R., 2IG. pa 212 West 7thSt., Bicknell

    1924-1930 teacher departmental work, Bicknell.Vician, Stephen E., B. S. ha 818 PoplarSt., Terre Haute

    pa Angola

    1928-1929teacher industrial arts, Junior highSchool, Clinton

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts, commercial arithmetic,Angolo.Vickers, Helen E., 2R, ha Burns City

    pa Ragles ville

    taught grades. BurnsCity, three years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Rag-glesville.Vickers, Lester, B. S. ha Burns City

    pa Cambridge City

    1927-1930 teacherindustrial arts, science, coaching, Cambridge City

    1927-1.930 teacher industrialarts, science, coaching, Cambridge City.Wable, Letha, 2IG, pa 115 3 LafayetteAve. .Torre Haute

    taught one years before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfourth grade, Hook School, Terre Haute.Wade, Eunice, 2IG, pa Wadesville

    taught rural schools, Robinson township,three years, rural school, Posey county

    grades, Center township, Posey county,two years, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher intermediate grades, Wadesville.Wade, Mary E., 2P, pa Wadesville

    1929-19 30 at home and not teaching.Walker, Louise Ada, 2IG, pa 4227 For-sythe Ave., East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher reading, fourth grade, LincolnSchool, Indiana Harbor, East Chicago.Wall, Irene Stewart, 2P, ha Carlisle

    paVilla Park, 111.

    taught forty-sevenmonths, Villa Park, Illinois

    elementaryprincipal, one year, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, VillaPark, 111.Walters, Violet Ruby., 2IG, ha RFD 7,Sullivan

    pa Dugger

    taught rural school,Cass township, Sullivan county, oneyear

    1927-1930 teacher fifth grade,Dugger.Wampler, Letta M., B. S., pa 108 EastPortland Ave., Vincennes

    1929-1930teacher home economics, Vincennes

    forcomplete record see class of 1917.Warden, Mrs. Texie Tribble, A. B., ha4101 Hemlock St., East Chicago

    pa 133Burley Ave., Chicago, 111.

    1929-1930teacher primary grades, Henry ClaySchool, Chicago, 111.

    for complete recordsee class of 1923.Warner, Josephine I., 2P, pa 1441 South7th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacherprimary grades, Terre Haute.Warrick, Mary Adolade, B. S., ha Jasonville

    pa Frankfort

    taught in BrickConsolidated School, Bicknell and highschool, Edwardsport, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher music, art, Jacksontownship High School, Frankfort.Waters, Forest G., 2IG, ha RFD 2, Holton

    pa New Marion

    taught five years,Ripley county, one year, Jennings county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades seven, eight, New Marion.Weaver, Esther Hedges, A. B., ha 1301North Ninth St., Terre Haute

    pa Bedford

    1919-1920 teacher Fontanet

    1920-1921 teacher Farmersburg

    1921-1930teacher mathematics, junior high school,Bedford.Webb, Margaret, 2IG, pa RFD 1, WestTerre Haute

    taught grades, Toadhop,West Terre Haute, one year

    grades,Petry-Fayette township, West TerreHaute, one year, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, SugarCreek township, West Terre Haute.Welton, Byron R., 2IG, ha RFD 2, Bicknell

    pa Bruceville

    1927-1929 teachergrades, Aliceville

    1929-1930 teachersixth grade, Bruceville.West, Iona Allen, 2IG, ha 3124 NorthThirteenth St., Terre Haute

    pa Hammond

    1929-1930 teacher fifth grade.Gene Stratton Porter School, Hammond.Wheeler, Mae, 2P, ha RFD 2, Paragon

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 256THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYYoung, Evelyn, B. S., ha Brazil

    pa Kokomo

    1928-1930 teacher physical education, Kokomo.Young, Naomi, 2IG, ha 760 West 26thSt., Indianapolis

    pa Preston, Mr.

    1928-1929 teacher elementary grades, Preston,Md.CLASS OF 1929Acher, Virginia Pate, B. S., pa 2337 College Ave., Terre Haute

    1919-1923 statepresident of Indiana Child-Welfare Association

    1924-1930 state historian Parent-Teacher Association

    author of History of Parent-Teacher Association ofIndiana

    1926-1930 director for MentalHygiene of Indiana

    1925-1928 memberboard of education, Terre Haute, president, 1927

    1927-1929 member board ofdirectors, Womans Department Club,Terre Haute

    1921-1930 member boardand vice-president of Community Fundof Terre Haute

    1929-1930 homekeeper,wife of Rudolph A. Acher, professor ofeducation, Indiana State Teachers College.Adams, Viola Ross, B. S., pa 1940 North10th St., ...

    supervising principal, Lyford, Parke county

    taught English, Rankin School, Terre Haute

    taughtrural schools twelve years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher English, physiology, geography, social studies andsupervising principal, Rankin School,Terre Haute.Adams, Willis L., B. S., ha Sandborn...


    1923-1925 teacher ruralschool, Stafford township, Greene county

    1926-1927 teacher grades five andsix, Marco

    1927-1928 teacher highschool, Hardinsburg

    1928-1930 teacherindustrial arts, health, biology, Greentown. i -»i|Aders, Oral Madison, B. S., pa Montezuma

    taught one year in rural school

    seven years in high school, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts,general science, social science, Montezuma.Albright, Harold, B. S., ha Colfax


    1929 spring term, teacherphysical education, Indiana State Teachers College Training School

    1929-1930teacher physical education, mathematics,Graysville.Allais, Irene Adele, A. B., pa 426 WillowSt., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 at homeand not teaching.Allen, Thelma Angeline, 2IG, ha RFD 1,Independence

    pa Winthrop

    taughtgrades five, six, seven and eight twoyears, Hedrick, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades five, six, seven andeight, Winthrop.Allison, Katherine, 2P, pa RFD 2, Washington

    1927-1928 teacher grades,Daviess county

    1928-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Veale township, Daviess county.Anderson, Mrs. Thelma I. Miller, 2P, haShelburn

    1922-1928 teacher primarygrades, Sullivan county

    1928-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1929 deceased.Andrews, Christine, 2R, pa West Lebanon

    1927-1930 teacher elementary grades,Warren county.Apple, Zelma, 2IG, pa Paoli

    1927-1930teacher rural schools, Paoli township,Paoli.Arbuckle, Lloyd, 2IG, pa Scottsburg

    taught rural schools, Scott county,three years before graduation

    1929-1930teacher elementary grades, Scottsburg.Armstrong, Opal, 2IG, pa Boonville

    1926-1930 teacher rural school, Boonetownship, Warrick county.Armstrong, Ruby Mae, 2IG„ pa Riley

    taught one year in Riley township, Vigocounty, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher grades five and six, Blackhawk.Arndt, Mrs. Easter D., 2IG, pa Kingsbury

    taught rural school, Hill Grove,LaPorte county, three years

    elementarygrades, Union township, LaPorte county,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachergrades seven and eight, LaPorte county.Arthur, Milton W., 2IG, pa RFD 5,Washington

    1929-1980 teacher gradeseven, Longfellow School, Washingtontownship, Daviess county.Artis, Chester A., 2IG, ha 1120 NorthKennedy St., Kokomo

    1929-1930 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute.Asbury, Alice, 2IG, ha 318% South4th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher grades three and four, Cruft School,Terre Haute.Ash, Margaret C, 2IG, ha Loogootee

    1927-1930 teacher elementary grades,Perry township, Martin county.Ashby, Ora Lee, 2IG, pa Cass

    1927-1928teacher elementary grades, CenterSchool, Cass township, Sullivan county

    1928-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 athome and not teaching.Ashmead, Eleanor L., B. S., pa RFD 6,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher home economics, Von Buren High School, Brazil.Badger, Mildred Loray, 2IG, ha 1612South 9th St., Terre Haute

    pa LaPorte

    1929-1930 teacher departmental grades,LaPorte.Bailey, Hazel Violet, 2IG, ha RFD 2,Farmersburg

    pa Wheeler, 111.

    1926-1928 teacher elementary grades, PrairieCreek, Vigo county

    1928-1929 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 teacher grades, Wheeler, 111.Bailey, Ormand M., 2IG, ha Williamsport

    1925-1930 elementary principaland teacher of grades, Liberty township, Warren county.Baldwin, Edward C, B. S., pa St. Paul1921-1922 teacher rural school,&#...

    1922-1924 teacher grades andelementary principal, Groveland

    1924-1925 teacher, grades and principal,Shannondale

    1925-1930 teacher commerce, St. Paul.Bales, Florence, 2P, pa Fairbanks

    taughtprimary grades, Fairbanks

    rural school,Scott City, before graduation

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Ball, Laura A., 2P, pa RFD A, Rosedale:1927-1930 teacher first grade, Lyford.Bannon, Jessie, 2IG, pa Box ...

    taught one year in rural schoolond one year in grades school beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades,Seelyville.Barlow, Lenore E., B. S., pa 121 FordiceSt., Lebanon

    1921-1923 taught inEvansville

    1923-1924 taught in Ander-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    Clark County Collections
    No subjects listed

  • Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Commencement Program

    ~-Institute of TechnologyOne Hundred and Thirty-ThirdCommencementMay 28, 2011One Hundred and Thirty-ThirdCommencementofRose-HolmanInstitute of Technology11 a.m., May 28,&...

    Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library