
Description: THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYLatin, high school, North Salem
1910-1912 principal schools, Stilesville
1912-1914 principal Jackson High School,Randolph county
1914-1920 teacher ofEnglish, high school, Tulsa, Okla.
during spring term years 1910, 1911 and1912 was assistant in English, IndianaState Teachers College
during the summer term years 1909-1910-1911-1914-1916 a student in University of Chicago
1920-1921 teacher in Westport
1921-1922 teacher in Moscow
1922-1923teacher in Newberry
1923-1924 teacherin Marengo
lr 1924.Bourke, A. Adolphus, pa 2304 LibertyAve., Terre Haute
1909-1911 teacher ofscience, Edinburg
1911-1912 student,Indiana University
1912-1916 teacher ofscience, Columbus
A. B. degree 1914
1916-1929 teacher in Wiley High School,Terre Haute.Brcchner, Claude H., la 1916 243 North-tic-ld. Cleveland, O.
1908-1909 principalhigh school, Loogootee
1909-1911 attended University of Michigan, A. B.
1910 attended Indiana University insummer
1910-1911 instructor ofphysics, University of Michigan
1911-1916 teacher of physics, East TechnicalHigh School, Cleveland, O.
lr 1916.Brewer, Nellie M., pa Whiteland
1908-1916 teacher elementary grades, Indianapolis
1926-1930 teacher school 15Indianapolis.♦Bryce, William R., died in October1909
his name might rightfully be entitled to a golden star on the IndianaState Teachers College Service Flag because his death was directly due to hismititary activities.♦Burton, Ethel R., ha Sandborn
1908-1911 teacher in high school, Thorntown
1911-1912 principal high school, Edwardsport
1912-1914 teacher in TeachersTraining School, Evansville
1914-1915attended Indiana University
received A.B. degree: 1915 principal Teacher Training School, Evansville
deceased 1920.Cadden, I. Isabelle, la 1909 Logansport
lr 1909 teacher of Latin in high school,Logansport.Callahan, Grant, pa 1406 South NewtonSt., Sioux City, la.
1908-1910 principalhigh school, Odon
student, Indiana University
1910 - 1912 superintendentschools, Dana
1912-1913 student, Indiana University, majored in mathematics
received A. B. degree
1913-1917 superintendent of schools, Sharpsville
1917-1918 principal high school, Middletown
1918-1919 principal Selma
1919-1924supervising principal, Muncie
1924-1930supervising principal, Sioux City, Ia.Carpentar-Bozier, Sara Elizabeth, haCloverland
pa Buffalo, N. Y.
1908-1914 teacher high school and grades,Clay county
1914-1916 student Columbia University
1916-1918 teacher ofEnglish, Little Rock, Ark.
1930 marriedand living in Buffalo.Carter-Seaton, Mrs. Mabelle, la Indianapolis, nr.Cauble, Christopher C, pa Mishawaka
1908-1909 principal high school, Paragon
1909-1913 principal high school,Clayton
1913-1917 superintendent ofschools. Clayton
1917-1921 principal,high school, Brazil
1921-1930 principal,high school, Mishawaka
A. B., IndianaUniversity, 1910
A. M. in 1918.ChM, Ernest, nr.Chcnoweth, George E., pa 3522 Fairfield,Ft. Wayne
1908-1910 principal highschool, Markle
1910-1912 superintendent of schools, Swayzee
1912-1917principal grade school, Huntington
1917-1930 principal grade school. Ft.Wayne
received A. B. Indiana StaleTeachers College 1629.Clerkin, Thomas, ha Whiteland
nr.Collins, Harry O., nr.Connor, Mrs. Frances B., pa 205 South19th St., Richmond
1908-1925 teacherin schools of Terre Haute and Vigocounty
retired in 1925.Cromwell, Ray Risley, ha Clay City, paPeoria, 111.
1908-1909 teacher of mathematics, high school, Kokomo
1909-1911principal high school, Mooresville
1911-1912 student Indiana University, A. B.
1912-1914 teacher of mathematics highschool, Muskogee, Okla.
1914-1915,principal of high school, Vinita, Okla.
1916-1916, student, Columbia University,M. A.
1916-1923 principal of highschool, Anderson
1923-1929 principal ofCentral High School, Peoria, 111.Cullins, Fay Winfield, la Bluffton
1908-1917 proprietor of Cullinsstock farm, Bluffton
lr 1917.Dailey, Gertrude M., pa 1427 Locust St.,Terre Haute
1908-1928 primary teacher in Terre Haute public schools
1929teacher in McKeen School, Terre Haute.Dannecker, Harry, la Dupont
1908-1910teacher in the grades
1910-1916 principal high school, 1916-1918 superintendent schools, Stilesville
1918-1924 tooldesigner for Maxwell Motor Co.
lr 1924.Dean, May, pa Shelbyville
1908-1927teacher of grades, Shelbyville
took leaveof absence 1927-1928.•Dickey, Daisy, ha Windfall
1908-1913teacher of primary grades Elwood
1913-1914 took domestic science course, Indiana State Teachers College
1914-1916teacher of domestic science, Bicknell
1916-1922 teacher of domestic science,Anderson
1923-1924 took A. B. degreeat Indiana State Teachers College.Diggs, Elder W., pa 1908 Highland Place,Indianapolis
1902-1904 teacher Madi-sonville, Ky.
1906-1907 teacher LostCreek township, Vigo county
1908-1909principal grade school, Bloomington
1909-1910 student Howard University,Washington, D. C.
1910-1911 student,Indiana University
1911-1912 teacher,Rising Sun
1913-1915 principal andteacher, English, Latin and mathematics,colored high school, Vincennes
1915-1916 student, Indiana University, A. B.
1916-1917 principal school 63, Indianapolis
1917-1919 in World War, commissioned first lieutenant of infantry,served in France in 368th Infantry ofthe 92nd Division
saw front line service from Sept. 1st to Nov. 11th
engaged in trence warfare in Voges Mountains and the Argonne Forest offensive
1919-1923 principal school 63, Indianapolis
1923-1930 principal, school 42, Indianapolis
M. A. Indiana University,June, 1930.Dinius-Van Hossen, Mrs. Essie, nr.Dodson, Lillian, pa 1120 South 7th St.,Terre Haute
1908-1924 teacher in public schools, Terre Haute
1924-1929teacher in Cruft School, elementarygrades, Terre Haute.Eastham-Brletenbach, Edith pa 2211 LaSalle Garden North, Detroit, Mich.
lr1930 married to L. P. Brietenbach
notteaching, homekeeper.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.