THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1611920-1926 principal, Otter Creek township, North Terre Haute
1926-1927 student in University of Chicago, workingon masters degree
1927-1928 fellow ofthe university, continuing studies leading to doctorate
1929 research secretaryof the laboratory schools, School of Education, University of Chicago.Rogers, Iva, 2IG, ha Knox, pa 3811Drummond St., East Chic...
taughtfrom 1916-1918 primary grades, Stillwell and from 1918 to 1919 primarygrades, Warsaw before graduation
1920-1929 teacher of primary grades, EastChicago
attended University of Chicago summers of 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924
summer term in Winona College 1926.Roesinger, Oscar Wm., B. S., ha Garypa 657 Buchanan St., Gary
1920-1930teacher Industrial arts, Gary.Ross, Emma June, 3N, ha Bainbridge, nr.Runyan-Mclntosh, Mrs. Ethel, 3N, haGoodland
pa Tulsa, Okla., 1716 SouthWorktown
1920-1923 teacher of grades,Tulsa, Okla.
1923-1929 married C. W.Mcintosh in 1923, not teaching, home-keeper.Schinnerer, Mark C, A. B., ha Riley
paBoard of Education, Cleveland, Ohio
1920-1922 principal high school, Rockville
1922-1923 student Columbia University
A. M.
1923-1927 administrationwork, Cleveland, Ohio
1927-1928 assistant director of research, public schools,Cleveland, Ohio
1928-1930 principal,Kennard Junior High School, Cleveland,Ohio.Schneider, Esther, 3N, ha Brookville, paLawrcwiceburg
taught in Dearborncounty and the city schools of Lawrenceburg before graduation
1920-1923teacher of primary grades, city schools,Lawrenceburg
attended Indiana University summers of 1913-1915
B. State Teachers College, TerreHaute, 1927.Scoggan, Lucy O., 4N, ha Bedford
1920-1923 teacher of the grades, Bedford
1923-1924 teacher junior highschool, Bedford
1924-1930 teaching public schools, Bedford.Schickel, Mrs. Alma M., A. B., ha 632Walnut St., Terre Haute
pa same
forcomplete record see class of 1903.Seath, Eleanor, 3N, ha 1429 South 9thSt., Terre Haute
nr.Sefrit, Delpha, 3N, ha Montgomery, pa907 Cottage Ave., Ft. Wayne
1920-1922 teacher of history Muncie
1922-1929 teacher of grades, Ft. Wayne
attended Indiana University, summers of1 922-1923-1924.Self, Mildred, 3N, ha 1543 South CenterSt., Terre Haute
1920-1929 teacher inpublic schools, Terre Haute.Shanner.Wendell, A. B., ha OaklandCity, la 1928 -105 West Adams St.,Chicago, 111.
lr 1928 attorney in Chicago, 111.Shireman, Lucille, 2IG, ha Martinsville.Sickbert, Amos H., 3N, ha Holland, pa111 Ladoga Ave., Evansville, taught atHo...
also Greenfield before graduation
1919-1923 teacher physical training, Greenfield
1923-1924 student StateTeachers College working for degree:1924-1929 teacher mechanical drawing inFrancis Joseph Reitz High School,Evansville.Simmons, Cora, 3N, ...
paRockville, 1920-1923 teacher grades,Mecca
1923-1924 teacher primarygrades Bellmore
1924-1929 teacher primary grades, Rockville.Singer, Goldie, 3N, ha Vallonia
pa 960North Elwood, Tulsa, Okla.
1920-1924teacher grades, Tulsa, Okla.
1924-1929teacher in junior high school, Tulsa,Okla.Smith, Hilda G., 3N, ha Walkerton
paVienna, South Dakota
lr 1924 engagedin business.Smith-Neese, Mrs. Margaret L., 3N, paLodge Grass, Montana
1920-1922 teacher in department of English, Muncie
1922-1923 teacher in department of Literature, Trinidad, Colo.
1923-1924 teacherin Rawlings, Wyo.
1924-1929 not teaching, homekeeper, married to E. R.Neese in 1924.Spencer, Gladys, A. B., ha 1634 North9th St., Terre Haute
pa 1508 60th St.,Kenosha, Wis.
1920-1924 teacher atOaktown and Waveland
1924-1929teacher in Kenosha, Wis.Stewart, Mrs. Lucile, 3N, ha 2540 ParkAve., Indianapolis
pa same
1920-1924teacher of grades, Indianapolis
1927-1929 primary critic. Teachers College,Indianapolis.Stoltz, Raleigh R., A. B., pa 409 GuswoldSt., Detroit, Mich.
ha Vallonia
1920-1923 department of research work,war department, Camp Grant, 111., Washington, Plattsburg, N. Y.
1923-1924Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company,Detroit, Mich.
1924-1929 Field supervisor of state of Michigan for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company ofNewark, N. J.
1929-1930 assistant tostate agents, Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N. J.Stout-Schaffner, Mrs. Hazel, 3N, pa 121North Dill St., Munci...
taught two yearsin Sullivan county before graduation
1920-1923 teacher of grades, Hymera
1923-1925 critic teacher
Ball TeachersCollege, Muncie: 1925-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married to Carl Schaffner,in 1925.Strickler, Robert E., A. B., ha NorthManchester...
pa 911 Locust St., St. Louis,Mo.
1915-1916 teaching in Jaspercounty
1916-1917 teaching in NorthManchester
1917-1918 teaching inLago
1918 in the United States army
1923 masters degree in education, University of Chicago
1923-1927 elementary principal, St. Louis, Mo.
1927-1929director division of records and statistics, St. Louis Public Schools, St. Louis,Mo.Summers-Monroe, Mrs. Irene, 3N, ha4048 Tireman Ave., Detroit, ...
pa412 Main St., Huntingburg
lr 1928, athome, not teaching.Surrell-Andrew, Mrs. Carrie M., B. S.,ha 1142 North 8th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1920-1924 teacher of homeeconomics, Petersburg and West TerreHaute
1925-1926 working in art department of A. Herz Store, Terre Haute
1927 teacher of home economics andEnglish, Hillsdale
1927-1930 teacher ofhome economics, King Classical School.Tierney, Edward L., A. B., ha North Vernon
1923-1927 teacher of mathematics,Miami, Ariz.
1927-1930 principal highschool, Montgomery
attended StanfordUniversity summer of 1924
attendedSouthern branch University of California summer of 1925: attended IndianaUniversity summer of 1927.