142THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYgrades in a Georgetown township school
1919-1929 not teaching
at home, home-keeper.Meyer, Herbert L. A. B. pa 603 Ridge-wood Ave., N. S. Pittsburg, Pa.
taughtsix years before graduation
1917-1929teacher of manual training, Pittsburg,Pa.
attended University of Pittsburg1922 to 1925
attended University ofWisconsin 1925.Miller, Bertha, ha RFD 1, Worthington
nr.Miller, Earl, ha Cory
pa 1324 WestDayton St., Madison, Wis.
1906-1907teacher rural and graded schools. Clayand Vermillion counties
1917-1919United States Army
1919-1921 teacher,algebra and history, senior high school,Dixon, 111.
1921-1922 principal highschool, Marshall
1922-1927 teacher,mathematics and biology, senior highschool, Richmond
1927-1930 studentUniversity of Wisconsin, M. A. 1928,Ph. D., 1930.Millspaugh, Hershel B., A. B. pa Evansville
taught one year in New Harmonybefore graduation
1922-1925 did notteach
1925-1929 teacher in Evansville.♦Monroe, Katherine B., ha 630 GilbertAve., Terre Haute
lr 1917 teacher ofgrades, Dunbar School, Terre Haute, deceased.Moon, Gertrude, pa 306 West Blvd.,Elkhart
taught primary grades in Bowling Green and in the rural schools ofWashington township, Clay county before graduation
1917-1920 teacher ofgrades, Elkhort
1920-1930 teacher Central Junior High School, Elkhart
attended Columbia University, summer of1922 and Indiana University summersof 1921, 1923, 1926, and «1927.Morgan, Glenn ,A. B. 559 South 5th St.,C...
1914-1916 teacher of mathematics in high school, Oblong, 111.
1916-1917 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, received A. B.
1917-1918 teacher of mathematics, township high school,Sidell, 111.
1918-1924 teacher mathematics, Clinton
1926-1928 teacher ofgrades, Clinton.Mullins, Edna B., pa 2215 South 7thSt., Terre Haute
1913-1915 teacher ofelementary grades, Swayzee
1915-1925teacher of domestic science and music,Summitville: 1925-1930 teacher of homeeconomics, Sarah Scott Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute
attended IndianaUniversity 1926, received A. M.
graduate student. University of Chicago 1926
summer instructor, Hampton Institute,Hampton, Va. 1929.Musselman, Paul, pa 1733 Hillman St.,Youngstown, Ohio
taught 1910-1916in Camden schools before graduation
1917-1918 superintendent schools andteacher of mathematics, high school,Camden
1918-1920 teacher mathematics,high school, Bradford, Pa.
1920-1929teacher mathematics, South High School,Youngstown, Ohio
attended ManchesterCollege from 1922-1924, during summersessions
attended Indiana University1913-1914.Nehf-Hastings, Mrs. Helen L., A. B. paWashington
supervisor of music, artand domestic science in grades and highschool, Whitestown
not teaching, homekeeper in Washington.Nicholson, Mayme, la 215 East 11th St.,Washington
1917-1918 teacher of read-ing junior high school, Washington
1918-1919 part time teacher and stenographer, Washington, D. C.
1919-1920secretary of quartermaster corps, Washington, D. C. and Chicago, 111.
1920-1921 tutored war veterans in commercialsubjects
lr 1921.Noblitt, Ivan E., pa 1446 Locust St.,Terre Haute
1917-1918 teacher of history and science, high school, English
1918-1919 entered military service
1919-1920 teacher in North Websterpublic schools
1920-1922 principal highschool, Walkerton
1922-1929 principalhigh school, West Terre Haute.Noel, Nona, A. B. ha Terre Haute
lr1916.ONeal, Rose H., pa 320 W. 8th St.,Gary
1913-1917 teacher country schools,Martin and Daviess counties
1917-1925teacher of grades, Jefferson School,Gary
1925-1929 principal James Whit-comb Riley School, Gary
enrolled in extension classes in Gary 1925-1927.Orr-New, Mrs. Leah Marie, pa Elkhart
1917-1921 teacher of primary work, Elkhart
1921-1929 substitute teacher, Elkhart.Ossenberg, June, pa 139 East WalnutSt., Martinsville
1917-1922 teacher ofscience in Decatur High School, Decatur
1922-1923 attended Indiana University
1923-1925 teacher of science,Decatur High School
1925-1929 teacherof science, Martinsville High School.Overton, Helen, pa 2308 Ashmead Place,Washington, D. C.
taught Center township, Howard county, Kokomo, 1913-1916 before graduation
1917-1919teacher of grades, Kokomo
1923-1929government service. Bureau of InternalRevenue, Washington, D. C.♦Overpeck, Garnet, ha Rosedale
lr 1917 teacher of 4th grade, MuncieInd.Overpeck, Julia, pa Peru
1917-1918teacher of departmental work, Tangier
1918-1924 teacher of English and Latin,High School, Parke county
1925-1927teacher of English and Latin, Blooming-dale
1927-1928 teacher of English andLatin, Peru.Paige-Roll. Mrs. Mary H., A. B. pa 506Osborne St., Terre Haute
1917-1929teacher in Terre Haute Schools
nowcafeteria manager, Gerstmeyer TechnicalHigh School
received M. S., ColumbiaUniversity.Parker, Ethel Lee A. B. pa 336 LindenWalk, Lexington, Ky.
1913-1914 teacher of grades, Mooresville
1914-1916teacher of arithmetic and home economics, Clinton
1916-1918 teacher ofhome economics, Brazil
1918-1921teacher of home economics, Indiana StateTeachers College
1921-1922 student,Columbia University
1922-1924 director of home economics, Winona, Minn.
1924-1927 head of department, home economics, Womens College, University ofDelaware, Newark, Del.
1927-1928 National Research Council Fellow of Parental Education and Child Development,Columbia University, Merrill PalmerSchool of Homemaking in Detroit andUni...
1928-1929 professor of home economics education. College of Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.Partenheimer, Lydia, pa 401 Second St.,...