THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY13Richland township, Miami county
1910-1928 engaged in farming and as a salesman.•Daniel, Lillian, nr.♦Dowdell-Auker, Mrs. Mattie, teacher atNewport for two years after graduation...
married W. H. Auker of the class of1890: after the death of her husbandtaught several years in Vermillioncounty.Dyer, Edwin Francis, lr 1917...
1889-1890 principal schools, Pleasant-ville
1890-1891 principal schools, Lyons
1891-1892 teacher of grades and general supply work, Bloomfield
1892 married Judson A. Delay of Bicknell
1892-1927 at home, not teaching.Geckler, Martha L., la General Delivery,West End Station, Colorado Springs,Colo., 1889-1905 primary teacher, Frankfort...
1905-1916, primary teacher, Linton
1916-1928 retired, residing inColorado Springs, Colo.Henry, Mary, nr.♦Hudelson, L. R., ha Milroy
lr practicing medicine in Milroy
deceased 1905.Jaques-Dailey, Mrs. Mary, pa Rockport
1889-1891 teacher in schools, Greens-burg
1891-1897 teacher in schools,Poseyville
1897-1928, married Dr. J.M. Dailey
homekeeper, Rockport.Jennings-Wilson, Mrs. Emma, wife ofC. A. Wilson, class 1889
deceased 1889.Johnson, Mary A., ha Ladoga
1889-1SS0 teacher of grades, New Castle
1390-1892 teacher in high school, Remington
1892-1895 teacher in highschool. Lebanon: 1S95-1897 student, University of Chicago and Indiana University
1897-1901 teacher, high school,Decatur
1901-1902, student in Cincinnati
1902-1909 assistant pastor Warren, Ohio, St. Louis, Mo., and Akron,Ohio
1909-1910 teacher in high school.Ladoga
1910-1912 assistant pastorWarren, Ohio. Akron, Ohio, and St.Louis, Mo.
1912-1913 teacher in Mission School, Beckley, W. Va.
1913-1916state secretary for Womans MissionarySociety with headquarters at Ann ArborKeith-Eppstein, Mrs. Jessie, la Seattle,Wash.
1889-1892 teacher in TerreHaute
1892-1897 attended Universityof Michigan
1897-1903 teacher of Latinand Greek, Terre Haute High School
1903-1905, at home
1905-1912 teacherof Latin and Greek, Seattle BroadwayHigh School
1912-1916 head of Latindepartment, Broadway High School,Seattle, Washington.Kreke, Louis H., la 1908, Toledo, Ohio:1889-1902 principal of schools, Syracuse...
1902-1908 principal of schools, Middle-bury
lr 1908 in real estate business,Toledo, Ohio.Lahr, Frank J., pa Indianapolis, 1883-1884 teacher in country schools, Huntington
1884-1887 teacher in countryschool, Harrisburg
1887-1889 attendingIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1890-1894 principal of highschool, Shelbyville
1894-1896 attendedIndiana University Law School, Indianapolis, graduated with LL. B. degree
1896-1914 practiced law in Indianapolis
1914-1929 judge. Marion county Juvenile Court, Indianapolis.♦Law, W. C., la Starke, Fla.: 1889-1890taught school Oakland City
then entered the ministry
1890-1908 ministerat Petersburg, Bicknell, Vincennes, Eureka Springs, Ark., and Princeton: 1908-1909 missionary at Fairpont, S. D.
1909-1914 minister at Winter Haven,Fla.
1914-1916 minister at Starke, Fla.♦Lawrence, Ida M., ha Terre Haute
1889-1890 teacher in Sugar Creek township School, Terre Haute
1890-1914 didnot teach
kept house for brother
deceased Nov. 1914.McCombs, Amanda, la 463 McCombAve., South Bend
before graduationtaught in graded schools St. Josephcounty, public schools of South Bend
after graduation taught in high school,Escanaba, Mieh., high school SouthBend and high school at Martinez, Cal
retired in 1904 on account of ill health
received Ph. D. degree and graduated in1894 at Michigan University
receivedM. A. degree from Indiana University in1900
lr 1928 living in South Bend.Malsbary, Alfred E., pa 800 Brown St.,Lafayette
1890-1898 superintendent ofschools, Thorntown
1898-1901 superintendent schools, Peru
1901-1929 engaged in business in Lafayette
treasurerboard of education, city schools ofLafayette.Meyer-Wood, Mrs. Louise, pa 541 Lexington Ave., New York City, N. Y.
1889-1890 teacher literature, high school,Frankfort
1890-1891 principal highschool, Plymouth
1891-1896 teacher his-troy and literature, high school, Frankfort
1896-1897 student Indiana University, A. B., 1897
A. M. 1903
1897-1913did not teach
homekeeper and leader inliterary work in womens clubs, Frankfort, LaPorte, and Michigan City
1913-1928 teacher of religious art and architecture, Bible Teachers Training School,New York
attended University ofChicago.♦Mitchell, Dora, nr.Mitchell, Frank E., pa Oshkosh, Wis.,from time of graduation to 1892 taughtin the grades and high&...
1892 became teacher of geography in the State Normal School, St.Cloud, Minn.
graduated from IndianaUniversity with A. B. degree in 1897
1897-1929 professor of geography in theState Normal School at Oskosh, Wis.Morris, Charles E., nr.Mow, Aaron, nr.Palmer, Cornelia, nr.*Pike, Lydia E.t&...
went to Mexico as missionary and worked there until the time ofher death.♦Reiss-Dedert, Mrs. Rose, nr.Robinson-Schmidt, Mrs. Emma, pa 5874Hollywood&...
1889-1891 teacher and principal highschool, Winamac
1891-1894 teacher inMilwaukee, Wis.
1894-1898 teacher andprincipal, ward school, Helena, Mont.
1898 married to J. J. Schmidt, Helena,Mont.
1899-1901 took osteopathicphysicians course at Kirksville, Mo.
1901-1907 active practice in Danville,111.
1907-1914 active practice in Tulsa,Okla.
1914-1916 retired
lr 1928practicing osteopathy, Los Angeles, Calif.Smith, J. W., nr.Slonaker, James R., pa 334 KingsleyAve., Palo Alto, Calif.
1889-1891 superintendent of schools and principal highschool, Elroy. Wis.
1891-1893 studentUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
B. S. degree, 1893
1893-1896 student.