224THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYGrannan, Helena, 2IG, pa Loogootee
1927-1928 teacher Mt. Pleasant School,Loogootee.Gray-Robertson, Mrs. Genevieve, B. S.,ha Kirkpatrick
pa 7445 HarrisburgBlvd., Houston, Tex.
1926-1928 teacherof shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping, high school, Wingate
1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Louis M. Robertson in 1928.Gray, Ruth Anna, 2IG, pa Logansport
1927-1929 teacher rural school,Jefferson township, Cass county, Logansport.Greene, Aida, 2P, pa 406 WashingtonSt., Chesterton
1927-1929 teacher ofprimary grades, Garyton School, Portercounty.Greene, Maude, 2P, ha Chesterton.Greenwood, Anita, B. S., pa Terre Haute
1928-1929 private teacher of music,Terre Haute.Greer, Gretchen, 2IG, pa Kokomo
1927-1929 teacher of intermediate grades, Kokomo.Grimm, Edna C, B. S., pa 229 EmersonSt., Evansville
1928-1929 teacher inEnglish
departmental music in DanWertz School, Evansville.Grover, Ella, B. S., pa 1431 First Ave.,Terre Haute
1899-1900 teacher ofgrades, Syracuse
1900-1928 teacher,principal and supervising principal ofgrades, Terre Haute now at HookSchool
attended Michigan Universityand Columbia University.Gunnison, Rena R., B. S., pa Westville,111. j 1927-1930 teacher of home economics, Westville, 111.Haas-Clayp...
pa 5929 WashingtonBlvd, Milwaukee, Wis.
1927-1930 notteaching, homekeeper married to RalphClaypool
attended Oxford College, Oxford, Ohio 1922-1924.Hager, Margaret, A. B., pa 1220 South9th St., Terre Haute
1929 librarianat A. Herz, Terre Haute.Hall, Dorothy May, 2IG, pa 211 North6th St., Apt. 6, Terre Haute
1927-1928teacher in Avon School, District 58,Marshall, 111.
1928-1929 teacher of elementary grades, Terre Houte
1929-1930student, Indiana State Teachers College.Hall-McKee, Mrs. Mary E., B. S., ha1812 Lafayette Ave., Terre Haute
pa337 South Walnut, Bloomington
1919-1921 teacher of domestic science, highschool, West Terre Houte
1921-1924teacher of domestic science and chemistry, high school, Rockville
1924-1925teacher of domestic science, music andart, Shoals
1925-1927 teacher of domestic science, music and art, Hillsdale
married to C. S., McKee, Sept 10, 1927
1927-1928 student Indiana University
1928-1929 teacher, music and art, highschool, Stinesville
1929-1930 studentIndiana University, working on Mastersdegree.Hall, William C, B. S., pa 3305 South7th St., Terre Haute
1912-1918 teacher of grades, Linton township schools
1918-1919 teacher of grades, Farmersburg
1919-1920 teacher of grades.Honey Creek township school
1921-1922 teacher of grades, Greenwood
1922-1923 student, Indiana State Teachers College: 1923-1930 teacher of science, Sarah Scott Junior High School,Terre Haute.Hallett, Lacey A., 2IG, pa...
1927-1929 principal Rob Roy School,Shawnee township, Fountain county, Attica.Hammond, Hattie, B. S., pa Box 392Shelby, N. C
1927-1928 teacher ofLatin and English, Cleveland HighSchool. Shelby, N. C.Hand, Frances L., A. B., pa Oxford
1927-1930 teacher of commerce, OxfordHigh School.Hand-Elson, Mildred, A. B., pa 316 NorthTennessee St., Danville
ha 300 North23rd St., Terre Haute
1927-1928 taughtEnglish, Woodrow Wilson Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute
1929-1930 notteaching, homekeeper, married summer,1929.Hanford, Birdie M., 2IG, pa 803 NorthMain St., Sullivan
1927-1929 teacherof grades Central School, Sullivan.Hanna, Paul M., A. B., pa Jasonville
1927-1930 teocher of mathematics,Jasonville.Hansel-Wilson, Mrs. Helen, B. S., ha2401 North 9th St., Terre Haute
pa612 University Ave., Madison, Wis.
1927-1929 teacher of commercial subjects, high school, Wheatland
1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedsummer 1929 to Perry Wilson.Hardesty, Cleo, 2IG, pa Montezuma
1927-1930 teacher of grammar grades,Montezumo.Harrison, Frances E., B. S., ha 328 EastWashington St., Greensburg
pa Somerset
1922-1923 teacher Bennett Academy,Mathison, Miss.
1923-1925 teacherof home economics and art, highschool, Saratoga
1925-1928 teacher ofhome economics, high school and grades,Greensburg
1928-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, high school critic teachingand practice house supervision, ShelbyCounty High School, Columbia, Ala.
1929-1930 teacher of home economics,Somerset.Harrison, Huram P., B. S. Lawrenceburg
1926-1927 teacher of history and coach,Riley
1927-1928 assistant principal,Medora
1929-1930 teacher of historyand science, Lawrenceburg.Harrison, Mary, A. B., pa Stewartsville:1920-1921 teacher of rural school, Dearborn county
1921-1922 teacher of ruralschool, Boone county
1923-1924 teacherof grades, Jefferson county
1924-1926teacher grades, Stokes Building, Lebanon
1926-1927 student, Indiana StateTeachers College
1927-1930 teacherof English ond Latin, Stewartsville.Hart, Elizabeth, B. S., pa RFD 1, Andrews
1895-1896 teacher of rural school,Huntington county
1896-1897 teacherof grades, Warren
1912-1921 teacherof grades, art and home economics. LasVegas, N. M.
1921-1922 departmentsubstitute, grades, Tulsa, Okla.
1922-1923 teacher of home economics and art,high school. Freedom
1923-1924 teacher of home economics, physiology, history, civics, high school, Santa Rosa,N. M.
1924-1926 teacher of home economics, high school, Gallup, N. M.
1925-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College
1927-1929 teacher of English, Andrews.Hartfelter, Helena, 2P, pa 643 ChestnutSt., Terre Haute
1925-1929 teacher ofprimary grades, Voorhees School, TerreHaute.Hartman, Helen M., B. S., pa East Lan-