THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY19Young University, Provo, Utah
nowworking on Masters degree, State University of Utah.Sparks, G. R., nr.Taylor-King, Mrs. Myrtle, pa 387 East6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
taught oneyear before graduation in Princeton
1894-1896 teacher of grades, Decorah,Iowa
1896-1929 not teaching, home-keeper.Torr-Tompkins, Mrs. Clara, nr.•Troth, Will V., ha West Baden
taughtcountry schools three years before graduation
1892-1894 superintendent ofschools, Wheatland
1894-1895 superintendent of schools, Bicknell
1894-1895attending Illinois University
1895-1896tiaveled in the West
1896-1910 druggist, Orleans
1910-1925 owner of hotel.West Baden: died Oct. 29, 1926.Voris, J. H., pa Marengo
1892-1894principal at Poseyville
1894-1896 student, Indiana University, A. B. degree
1896-1903 teacher of science in highschool, Huntington
1903-1905 teacherof biology, high school, Evansville
1905-1907 principal of high school, Rochester
1907-1921 superintendent of schools,I Rockwell, Iowa
1921-1924 salesman
1924-1930 superintendent of schools,Marengo.Waldrow-Davis, Mrs. Lessa, nr.Walker, Laura Jean, ha Rosedale, RFD2: nr.Walkup, Mary Elizabeth, pa 2052 Central ...
taught five yearsin rural schools before graduation
1892-1893 ward principal, Elwood
1893-1894teacher in high school, Elwood
1894-1895 attending Indiana University
1895-1903 teacher of English, high school,Crawfordsville
1903-1910 teacher ofEnglish, Latin and botany, high school.New Ross
1910-1916 principal of highschool. New Ross
1916-1918 teacher ofLatin and history, high school, Darlington
1918-1920 teacher of English andscience, high school. New Market
1920-1929 instructor in methods and psychology, Teachers College of Indianapolis
A. M. degree, Indiana University,1903.Wallace-Allen, Mrs. Mary, la Urumia,Persia
1892-1893 grade teacher atHuntington
1893-1894 supervisor ofmusic and physical education, Huntington
1894-1897 superintendentof Armenian Girls School, Tabriz, Persia
1897 returned to America, taughtat Huntington
1898 married and went toPacific Coast, first to Portland, Ore.,and then Tillamook
1899-1900 superintendent of school, Tillamook, Ore.
1900-1902 district school at San Anselmo.Calif.
1902-1905 duties as wife andmother, also had normal classes andclasses in Y. W. C. A. in Portland andin Irrigan, Ore.
1906 taught summerschool at Stevenson, on Columbia River,below the Cascades
1907 returned toHuntington for extended visit and actedas supply until late fall
1908 moved toSouth Chicago with family, not engagedin any active school work
1911 removedwith family to Urumia, Persia
had nodirect school work, except school eachmorning for own children and this year(1916) a class in history of educationwith the seniors...
noreport since 1916.•Wark, Nathan G., ha Spencer
1892-1893 principal of schools, Monroe City
1893-1895 superintendent of schools,Kansas, 111.
1895-1897 superintendent ofschools, Watertown, S. D.
1897-1916 inreal estate and insurance business,Spencer
deceased Aug. 14, 1921.Wheeler, Lewis Elmer, nr.•Whigam, William M., la 2025 LeclaireAve. Chicago, 111.
1892-1893 taughtschool half day
1893-1903 teacher inChicago elementary schools
1903-1916teacher of physiography, Crane HighSchool
deceased.CLASS OF 1893Benham, John S, pa Batesville
1893-1900 superintendent schools, BateBVille
1900-1903 student, Indiana Universityand University of Chicago, A. B. and M.S degrees
1903-1907 county superintendent Ripley county
1907-1919 in business
1924-1929 county superintendentRiplev county, served as congressman1919-1923.Beroth, Olive, taught in the Indianapolis schools at one time, also in Anderson...
graduated from Indiana Universityin 1897
lr married and living in Utah.Bowden, W. J., pa Cambridge City
elected principal of high school, Center-ville. in 1893
1894-1896 assistant principal of high school, Salem
1896-1899principal at Metamora
1899-1901 superintendent at Brownsburg
1901-1904principal at Hagerstown
1904-1929teaching mathematics, Cambridge City.Bowman, Orange H. pa Pierceton
1893-1899 superintendent of schools Mentone
1899-1904 superintendent of schools.South Whitley
1904-1905 insurancebusiness
1905-1929 dairy farmer nearPierceton
attended Tri-State College,Angola, 1890-1891
attended DePauwUniversity, 1891-1892.Bufink-Chamberlain, Mrs, Mary, haRome City
nr.Burke, Flora, nr.Caroon, W. E., pa Santa Fe, N. M.
taught several years in Indiana, nineyears as ward principal at Crawfordsville
principal two years at Neponset,111.
1910-1913 principal of the highschool, Roswell, N. M.
1913-1916 superintendent at Clovis, N. M.
1916 chiefclerk in department of education, SantaFe
1917-1929 deputy state treasurer,Santa Fe, N. M.Carter-Mauntel, Mrs. Bertha pa Alva,Ok la.
married C. H. Mauntel, attorney,not teaching, homekeeper.Coffman, Henry N., pa Cloverdale
taughtfive years before graduation
1893-1896 student at Indiana University
1896-1905 superintendent of schools,Middletown
1905-1929 farming
A. B.Indiana University 1895
A. M. in 1896.Coltrin, Mary, pa RFD D Terre Haute
1893-1912 teacher at Huntington:1916-1916 teacher in Indian school,Promise, S. D.
1916-1917 teacher atTrail City, S. D.
1922-1925 teacher inVigo county
1927-1929 at home, notteaching.Coltrin-Keep, Mrs. Nina, nr.Davis, Elmer E., ha Dana
deceased,March, 1919.Delay, Etta Hamilton, ha Howe
1900-1907 principal of high school, La-Grange
1910-1915 principal of high