Search Results - (( file grace i w...
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Showing 101 - 120 of 205 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( file grace i w...
Showing 101 - 120 of 205 results

  • Script in upper right reads, The Winona Hotel, Winona Lake, Ind.

    A colorized image showing the side of the Wiinona Hotel that would have faced the Entrance Building.The Winona Hotel began life as the ...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Not pictured: Back: Memo in upper left reads, Winona Hotel Winona Lake Christian Assembly, Winona Lake, Indiana Home of the Worlds Grea...

    Early 1960s saw the removal of the porches and aluminum siding applied everywhere.The Winona Hotel began life as the Eagle Lake Hotel. The&#...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Not pictured: Back: Memo in upper left reads, Winona Hotel, Overlooking beautiful Winona Lake. Sixty-two carpeted and air conditioned rooms....

    A Park Ave. view of the porch removal and encasement in aluminum siding of the Winona Hotel.The Winona Hotel began life as the Eagle&#x...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Script beneath image reads, The Winona, Winona Lake, Ind.

    An early view of the Winona Hotel. The Entrance Building is on the left and the photographer is probably standing along the Pennsylvania...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Caption reads, The Winona Hotel, Winona Lake, Ind.

    The Winona Hotel often served as the conference center for business groups and denominational groups.The Winona Hotel began life as the Eagle...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Front: Script beneath image reads, Bathing Beach, Winona Lake, Ind.Back: Body of message reads, We are well, and hope you are OK b...

    1950s view of the interior of the Winona Hotel dining room. Diners on the right side of the image would have had a nice view ...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Front: Script along bottom of image reads, Winona Hotel and Lake.Back: Body of message reads, Come down and we will take a swim&#x...

    This colorized image of the Winona Hotel shows off some of its architectural features. The Entrance Building and the tracks of the Pennsylva...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Front: Script above image reads, Winona Hotel and Park, Winona Lake, Indiana.Back: Body of message reads, Dear Shirley: We are having&#...

    Human activity along the Park Ave. side of the Winona Hotel. The perspective would be looking south towards the business district.The Winona ...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Front: Script in upper right reads, Winona Hotel, Winona Lake, Ind.Back: Memo reads, Roddies home and spring board is just opposite Win...

    The writer evaluates the material culture of two of Winona Lakes famous residents. She says that Homer Rodeheaver lives on a tiny island,&#x...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Script across top of postcard reads, Winona Hotel and Entrance Building, Winona Lake, Ind.

    A good look at the back side of the Winona Hotel. The Entrance Building is to the right. The first floor rooms had access to ...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Not pictured: Back: Printed memo in upper left reads, Mahogany Panelled Lobby - Winona Hotel, Winona Lake Christian Assembly, Winona Lake,&#...

    1960s view of the lobby of the Winona Hotel in Winona Lake Indiana. Paneling, used to redecorate, covers much of the wall.The Winona Ho...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Not pictured: Back: Printed memo in upper left reads, Lovely new Dining Room in the Winona Hotel, Open the Year Around, Winona Lak...

    Note the original tile floor of the Winona Hotel Dining Room in this 1960s view.The Winona Hotel began life as the Eagle Lake Hotel.&#x...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Script in upper left reads, Winona Hotel, Winona Lake, Ind.

    A very good look at the Winona Hotel. The man would have been standing on Chestnut Street. The observation tower is present as are ...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Caption reads, Winona Hotel, Winona Lake, Ind.

    The main entrance to the Winona Hotel was the steps to the far left in this image. The other steps led to the dining room and...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Front: Script across top of postcard reads, Winona Lakes Happy Family, Tabernacle in Background, Winona Lake, Ind.Back: Body of message read...

    The writer relates that an adult swan had killed several of the cygnets in the Swan Pond. Swans are very territorial.Located between the...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Front: Script across top of postcard reads, Winona Hotel, Winona Lake, Ind.Back: Body of message reads, Dear Everyone, Having a wonderfull&#...

    The writer, using a Winona Hotel postcard, says that she has been swimming, boating and fishing, but not with worms. Most other baits s...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Front: Script beneath image reads, Driveway, Winona Lake, Ind.Back: Message reads, July 18, 08. Dear Mother: We got here today after&#x...

    The Pennsylvania Railroad Station at Winona Lake can be seen in the forefront of the Winona Hotel.The Winona Hotel began life as the Ea...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Not pictured: Back: Printed memo in upper left reads, Winona Hotel Lobby, Winona Lake Christian Assembly, Winona Lake, Indiana, Home of ...

    1960s view of the lobby of the Winona Hotel. To the right was a large common room that was outside of the dining room. To the...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Not pictured: Back: Printed memo in upper left reads, Lovely new Dining Room in the Winona Hotel, Open the Year Around, Winona Lak...

    A 1960s view of the Winona Hotel Dining Room showing the lake views. The dining room entrance is to the right next to the cash...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • Front: Script across bottom of image reads, Winona Hotel - Winona Lake, Ind. Back: Memo reads, Uncle U.S. Lidgard, July 29, 09. Ad...

    A view of the Winona Hotel. The cards sender was Ulysses S. Lidgard. He abandoned his family in Logansport and went to seek his fo...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards