1910 director of music, San Jose,Calif.
lr 1910.Paine, Susie, nr.Pate-Elliott, Mrs. Grace, la 1904, 7004Eberhart Ave., Chicago, 111.
1904, married to John Sopher Elliott, civil engineer of Chicago, 111
lr 1904.Patrick, Clara, nr.♦Pearce, Grace, lr 1916. at home, notteaching
deceased in 1920.Pence, M. Helen, nr.Perce, Elsie C, pa Anderson
1897-1901teacher of primary grades, Anderson
1901-1902 attended University of Chicago
1902-1910 teacher of primary gradesin Anderson
attended University of Chicago summers of 1910-1912
1911-1912teacher in junior high school, Anderson
took a summer vacation in Europe 1911
1913 completed the Ph. B. degree atUniversity of Chicago
1913-1925 teacher of English in senior high schol, Anderson
1925-1926 teacher of English insenior high schol, Miami, Fla.
1926-1927 spent winter in New York City,did graduate work in Columbia University
1927-1929 teacher of English, highschool, Anderson.Phillippe, Charles A., pa Bicknell
1897-1899 superintendent of schools, Bicknell
1900-1916 engaged in grain business and farming
elected member ofBicknell school board 1911
businessmanager of Home Telephone Co.
1916-1929 manager of grain elevator, telephone plant and two farms, Bicknell.Preston, Leah, nr.♦Rader, William C, ha Hartford City
1897-1900 principal of township highschool, Yoeman
1900-1901 principal ofschools, Cross Roads
1901-1902 lifeinsurance
1902-1903 taught in Nilestownship, Delaware county
1903-1906taught seventh and eighth grades, Eaton
1906-1907 principal of school in Uniontownship
1907-1916 principal of WestSide School, Hartford City
deceasedAug. 9, 1922.Rebel, John, nr.Records, Thomas W., pa New Harmony
1897-1899 teacher of science, highschool, Rising Sun
1899-1901 studentat Indiana University
1901-1904 principal of high school, Aurora
1904-1907teacher of mathematics, high school,Evansville
1907-1911 superintendent ofschools, Liberty
1910 attended the summer term, University of Wisconsin
1911-1912 teaching fellow in physics,Indiana University
1912-1913 principalof Fairbanks School, Terre Haute
1913-1918 principal of Garfield High School,Terre Haute
1918-1923 principal ofschools, Waveland
1923-1929 superintendent of New Harmony schools.Roberts, Ruth Elizabeth, pa Warren:1897-1908 grade teacher at Rensselaer
1903-1921 grade teacher at Marion
1921-1922 spent in California
1922-1929at home, not teaching
bought a homein Warren and resided there since 1922.Roby, Ellsworth E., pa Kokomo: 189 7-1898 taught at Tipton
1898-1899 taughtin Irvington
1899-1910 county superintendent Howard county
1910-1913 citysuperintendent at West Lafayette
1913-1915 director of country school course,Oshkosh Normal, Oshkosh, Wis.
1916-1916 supervising teacher, Winnebagocounty. Wis., and teacher in OshkoshNormal School, Oshkosh, Wis.
1918-1929 teaching history, civics and economics in high school at St. Croix Falls,Wis.
at present junior high school principal, Willard Building, Kokomo.Rouls, Lydia M., nr.Sattei field, John W., la Loogootee
married to Dove Trueblood, Dec. 17,1906
deceased Jan. 23, 1908.Mugg-Scudder, Mrs. Rebecca, pa 115South Main St., Oxford, O.
taught primary work, rural and grades in variouspoints in Indiana from 1890 to 1896,before graduation
1897-1902 married,at home rearing two daughters
1902-1903 teacher at Helms rural school,Howard county, 1903-1904 teacher ofEnglish, Latin, music, high school, Mesa,Ariz.
1904-1905 at home, not teaching
1915-1917 student, Stanford Junior University, Palo Alto, California
1917-1919student, Miami University, Oxford, O.
1919-1920 student, Oxford College forWomen, Oxford, O.
1920-1923 at home,not teaching, spent three months in 1922traveling in Europe
1923-1926 studiedart Miami University and Oxford College
1923-1927 studied art at LaytonSchool of Art at Milwaukee, Wis.
1927-1929 at home, not teaching, studyingmanual training
received A. B. degree,Oxford College in 1920.♦Shepherd-McGrew, Mrs. Eleanor
deceased Oct., 1918.Shields, Harry B., pa 1126 South 17thSt., Terre Haute
1897-1899 taught atSummit Grove, Vermillion county
1899-1900 superintendent of schools, Perrys-ville
1901-1916 abstractor of title,Room 13, Court House, Terre Haute
1916-1930 not teaching, bookkeeper,Omar Rhodes Insurance and Real EstateCompany, Terre Haute.♦Stocker, Ida F., deceased
nr.Swain, Charles, pa Clarksville, Tex., RFD4
taught five years in country schoolsbefore graduation and one year in gradetown school
1897-1902 principal ofhigh school. New Lisbon
1902-1903principal of high school, Mooreland
1903-1906 Jefferson township schools,Sulphur Springs
1906-1910 taught inhigh school at Sulphur Springs
1912-1918 farming
1918-1929 rural mailcarrier, Clarksville, Tex.Swan, Flora, pa 1518 Garfield Place, Indianapolis
1897-1911 taught history andEnglish, departmental work, Lafayette
1911-1916 director of practice in history, civics and Latin in the Indianapolis schools
1927-1929 teacher inShortridge High School, Indianapolis.Tice, Soloman R., la Yorktown Heights,N. Y.
1899-1900 student at IndianaUniversity
1901-1906 high school principal, Middletown
1906-1916 missionary,C. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico
1916-1920 taught and did mission work atC. Victoria, Mexico
1920-1925 attendedBiblical Seminary in New York
1923-1925 served as pastor in U. B. Church,Jersey City, N. J.
1925-1928 serving aspastor in Friends Church at YorktownHeights. N. Y.Theibald, Jennie, nr.Van Kirk-Harsh, Mrs. Orpha E., nr.Warvel-Bowman, Mrs. Arietta, n...