1927-1930 teacher, science andcoaching, Hanna.Fitzsimmons, Joy, B. S., ha 1343 GrandAve., Terre Haute
1926-1929. teacher,sewing, McLean Junior High School,Terre Haute
graduate student, JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, Md.Fleenor, Virgil, B. S., ha Kokomo
pa1614 South Armstrong St., Kokomo
1926-1929 vocational director, publicschools, Kokomo.Fleming, Mrs. Helen Helms, 2IG, haCarlisle
pa 615 South Division St.,Guthrie, Oklahoma
1927-1928 teacher,Guthrie, Okla.
1928-1930 at home ondnot teaching.Fleming, James Lucian, 2IG, ha Carlisle
pa 615 Division St., Guthrie, Okla.
1911-1917 teacher elementary grades, Sullivan county
1917-1923 teacher grades,Sullivan county
1917-1923 teachergrades, New Lebanon
1928-1930 principal Cotteral Junior High School, Guthrie, Okla.
B. S. Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute. 1928.Fleming, Myrtle, 2IG, ha 133 West 4thAve., Denver, Colo.
pa Bridgeton
taughtnine years, Upland and Matthews beforegraduation
1926-1929 teacher, Matthews
1929-1980 teacher Latin, English, Bridgeton
A. B. Indiana StateTeachers College, 1929.Foster, Mary L., 2IG, ha Seymour
1926-1929 teacher, elementarygrades, Seymour.Frakes, Clark John, A. B., ha PrairieCreek
pa Cleveland, Ohio
1921-1923teacher elementary grades, Vigo county
1926-1929 teacher of commerce, Marion,111.
1929-1930 teacher, commerce, Cleveland, Ohio.Freedman, Sarah, 2IG, ha 324 Ohio Ave.,Whiting
pa Dexter, Mich.
1926-1929,teacher city schools, Dexter, Mich.Friedman, Minnie, 2P, ha 220 South 5thSt., Terre Haute
pa same
1926-1930teacher primary grades, Rankin School,Vigo county.Fromme, Carl H., B. S., ha 1819 South7th St., Terre Haute
pa 1855 East 87thSt., Cleveland, Ohio
1926-1930 teachercommerce, Cleveland, Ohio.Fulkerson, Charles V., 2IG, ha Clay City
pa same
1926-1929 teacher elementarygrades, Clay City.Fuqua, Blanche, A. B., ha Vermillion,111.
pa 430 North Center St., TerreHaute
1930 primary supervisor, TerreHaute
for complete record see class of1901.Gardner, Raymond E., A. B., ha 2234Washington Ave., Terre Haute
paBaltimore, Md.
1926-1927 science teacher, Sarah Scott Junior High School,Terre Haute
1927-1929 graduate student, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.Gallagher, Gertrude, B. S., ha 86 0 NorthHamilton Ave., Indianapolis
pa same
1926-1929 dietitian and instructor, St.Vincents Hospital, Indianapolis.Carretson, Walter C, B. S., ha 810North 14% St., Terre Haute
pa same
1929-1930 principal McLean Junior HighSchool, for complete information seeclass of 1895.Garwood, Nina Isabelle, ha 2701 Fen-wood Ave., Terre Haute...
pa same
1926-1930 teacher Fairview School, TerreHaute.Geary-McColly, Mrs. Beulah
2IG: haFair Oaks
pa same
1921-1923 teacher.grades, Rensselaer
1923-1930 teacher,grades. Fair Oaks.Geddis, Rollie R., A. B., ha Scotland
pa Marshall, 111.
1925-1927 assistantprincipal high school, Scotland
1927-1930 principal high school, Marshall,111.Gilmore, Sylvia A., 2IG, ha RFD 2,Wheatland
teacher rural school, Harrison township, Knox county, three yearsbefore graduation
1927-1930 teachergrades, Monroe City
2P, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.Ginder, Paul L., 2IG, ha Loogootee
1926-1930 teacher, elementary grades, Montgomery.Gookins-Olts, Mrs. Mildred
2IG, haGreensburg
pa 220 East 63rd St., Tacoma, Washington
taught four years,before graduation
1926-1930 teacherjunior high school, Orting, Washington
attended College of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, fall semester of 1925.Gordon, Edith, 2P, ha Huntington
1926-1930 teacher, Huntington.Goshorn, Lela, 2IG, ha Clay City
pa110 South Spring St., Mishawaka
1926-1930 teacher elementary grades, Mishawaka.Goshorn, Wenonah, 2IG, ha Clay City
pa 110 South Spring St., Mishawaka
1926-1930 teacher, elementary grades,Mishawaka.Graff, Anna M., B. S., ha 1434 South3rd St., Terre Haute
pa Monterey
1-930 at home and not teaching
forcomplete record see class 1924.Greene, Pearl, 2IG, ha Chesterton
pa3832 Hemlock St., Indiana Harbor
1926-1929 teacher grades, public schools, Indiana Harbor.Green, Vern, A. B., ha Riley
pa same
1926-1930 teacher, mathematics, RileyHigh School, Riley.Greer, Richard, 2IG, ha Rosedale
1925-1929 teacher, grammargrades, Rosedale.Gregory, Bertha Ferguson, Mrs., 2IG, hoClayton
pa same
lr 1928, teacher,Clayton.Griffith, Mary Virginia, 2P, ha 1836North 7th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1926-1930 teacher primary grades,Terre Haute.Grogan, Catherine, 2P, ha Whiting
nr.Grove, Mrs. Clema Thomas, B. S-, ha2520 Deming St., Terre Haute
pa same
1922-1923 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1923-1925 notteaching, at home
1925-1926 teacher,commerce, Worthington
19 2 6-1930teacher, commerce, Oaktown.Hall, Clyde A., B. S., ha 1207 McCor-mick, Evansville
pa West Terre Haute
1926-1929 teacher science, West TerreHaute High School.Hammersley-Russell, Beatrice, 2M, haDugger
pa 621 Poplar St., Terre Haute
1926-1927 teacher in Bollaire, Tex.
1927-1929 not teaching, homekeeper,married to Vaughn Russel.Hamilton, Trella A., 2IG, ha Fontanet
pa same
1926-1929 teacher grades,Fontanet.Hargis, Bryan M., B. S., ha Bicknell
1929 teacher industrial arts, high school,Tulsa, Okla.
for complete record seeclass of 1920.Hargis, Wardie C, A. B., ha 626 ElmSt., Terre Haute! pa same
1926-1927teacher Latin and English, Hymera
1927-1928 teacher, Latin and English,