1914-1915 taught Cle Elum, Washington
1915-1916 taught in Seattle,Wash.
lr 1916.Benham, George G., pa Pulaski
1909-1910 assistant principal, Clay City
1910-1912 principal, Franklin county
1912-1913 ward principal, Granite City,111.
1913-1915 principal, Kempton
1915-1916 principal, Jackson township, Tippecanoe county, West Point Post Office
1917-1919 RFD Attico
1919-1920 Wellscounty high school
1920-1922 Cayugahigh school
1922-1924 Benton countyschools
1924-1929 principal of Pulaskitownship high school, Pulaski.Boone, Faye, pa Gary
1909-1911 teacher in grades, Carlisle
1911-1912 attended Colorado Teachers College
1912-1914 critic teacher, Central State Norman School, Edmond, Okla.
1914-1916critic teacher, training school, Evansville: 1916-1917 home on account of illness
1917-1929 living in Gary.Boyle, Cleave H., nr.Brown-Childs, Mrs. Jessie M., pa 1216Monterey St., Alhambra, Calif.
1909-1910 teacher in city schools, Diamond
1910-1911 teacher in city schools, TerreHaute
1911 married Will P. Child?
1911-1929 homekeeper in Alhambra,Calif.Brumfield, Walter B., pa Converse
1909-1915 superintendent, Matthews
1915-1918 principal Economy
1918-1919 extension department at Purdue university
1919 1920 vocational training, Forest
1920-1922 principal at Kirkland
1922-1923 Sweetser High School
1923-1927principal high school, Sweetser
1927-1929-principal of Converse High School.Bundy, Edward O., pa 502 Iowa Building,Sioux City, la.
1909-1928 engaged inteaching and further study on the Pacific Coast
taught commercial law andcivics in Sioux City high school, workedout an LL. B. degree at University ofOregon and a masters degree in politic...
for the past several years, practicinglaw at Sioux City, Ia.Byers, Edward A., pa 1448 South 9thSt. Terre Haute: 1909-1916 principalFayetteville...
1918-1919 principal ofOtter Creek township high school, TerreHaute
1919-1923 superintendent of Pee-atonica
1923-1927 teacher of biology,Wiley high school, Terre Haute: 1927-1929 principal of Sandison School, TerreHaute.Carr, Eurus R., nr.Clark, John Virgil, ...
1909prin., Greencastle
1909-1913 supervising prin., Albuquerque, N. M.
1913-1914student in the university of Chicago:1914-1916 superintendent of districtschool 82, Dundee, 111.
lr 1916.Cohee, Claud E., la Martinsville
1909-1910 prin., high school, Hillisburg
1910-1911 prin., high school, Sweetser
1911-1915 teacher of mathematics, high school,Martinsville
1915-1924 asst. postmaster,Martinsville
lr 1924.Copp-Erwin, Mrs. Georgiana, nr.Cory, James W., pa 414 8 Monroe St.,Gary
taught nine years before graduation
1909-1912 principal high school,Eaton
1912-1914 superintendent schools,Lawrence
1914-1929 teacher of mathematics, Emerson school, Gary.Cunningham, Jessie Rose, pa Roach-dale. RFD 1
1903-1905 teacher ofEnglish, high school, Waveland
1905-1907 asst. prin.. high school, Worthington: 1908-1910 aast. prin., high schoolYorkville
1909 A. B. degree, IndianaState Teachers College
1910-1921 inbusiness
1921-1930 not teaching.Davis, Harry E., ha Lakeville
nr.Davis, Louis R., la 6217 Ingleside Ave.,Chicago, 111.
1909-1912 operating work,sub-station department, CommonwealthEdison company. Chicago, III.
1912-1914motion study expert. Commonwealth Edison company: 1914-1916 systematizcr.Commonwealth Edison company
lr 1916.Davis-Rolland, Mrs. Vella Voyle, nr.Doerschuk-Voges, Mrs. Estelle, ha 1206S. 7th St., Terre Haute
1909-1923 teacher of grades, with exception of one yearin Sarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute
1923-1929 homekeeper
not teaching, married to George B. Voges
attended university of Chicago summer of 1912-1913-1914.Ebbert, Bertha J., pa 1655 No. AlabamaSt., Indianapolis
lr 1909-1929 teacher ofmathematics, Manual Training HighSchool, Indianapolis.Eddington, William E., pa 822 No. Salis-burg St., West Lafayette: 1929-1930 as...
for complete record see Class1908.Everett, James R., la care of Universityof Colorado. Boulder. Colo.
1909-1910principal, high school, Avon
1910-1911principal high school, New Winchester
1911-1915 head department of mathematics, high school, Seymour
1928 professor mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.Fair-Hallman, Mrs. Halcie, pa 2445 5thAve., Cedar Rapids, la.
tr 1909-1911teacher of grades, Connersville
1911-1912 student, Indiana university
1912-1914 ward principal, Connersville
1914-1929 married to M. S. Hallman, prin. ofhigh school. Cedar Rapids, la., not teaching, homekeeper.Faris, Oscar, nr.Ferree, Iva J., nr.Fidlar-Cornelius,&...
1929 married to David W. Cornelius, head of physics department, University of Chattanooga, for complete record see Class of 1907.Findley, Dorothy ...
1909-1911 supt.and teacher of mathematics and physics,Walton
1911-1915 teacher of mathematics, New Castle
1916-1917 prin., highschool. New Castle
1917-1820 prin andteacher of mathematics, high school,Hillsboro
1920-1926 prin. and teacherof mathematics, high school, Kingman
1926-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1927-1930 prin.,high school, Rile,y.Fox, Winifield M., pa 2625 Fenwood Ave.,Terre Haute
1909-1914 teacher in highschool, Orleans, Elwood and Washington
1914-1929 lawyer, Terre Haute.Glockner, Mae, ha Lawrenceburg
pa Indianapolis
1909-1911 teacher of grades,Lawrenceburg
1911-1912 student, Indiana university, graduating in 1912
1913 at home, not teaching
1913-1915teacher of Latin, high school, Rockville:1915-1916 substituted in Latin at Technical High School, Indianapolis
1916-1929 teacher of Latin, Arsenal Technical