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THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY83cie 1914-1915 taught Cle Elum, Washington 1915-1916 taught in Seattle,Wash. lr 1916.Benham, George G., pa Pulaski 1909-1910 assistant principal, Clay City 1910-1912 principal, Franklin county 1912-1913 ward principal, Granite City,111. 1913-1915 principal, Kempton 1915-1916 principal, Jackson township, Tippecanoe county, West Point Post Office 1917-1919 RFD Attico 1919-1920 Wellscounty high school 1920-1922 Cayugahigh school 1922-1924 Benton countyschools 1924-1929 principal of Pulaskitownship high school, Pulaski.Boone, Faye, pa Gary 1909-1911 teacher in grades, Carlisle 1911-1912 attended Colorado Teachers College 1912-1914 critic teacher, Central State Norman School, Edmond, Okla. 1914-1916critic teacher, training school, Evansville: 1916-1917 home on account of illness 1917-1929 living in Gary.Boyle, Cleave H., nr.Brown-Childs, Mrs. Jessie M., pa 1216Monterey St., Alhambra, Calif. 1909-1910 teacher in city schools, Diamond 1910-1911 teacher in city schools, TerreHaute 1911 married Will P. Child? 1911-1929 homekeeper in Alhambra,Calif.Brumfield, Walter B., pa Converse 1909-1915 superintendent, Matthews 1915-1918 principal Economy 1918-1919 extension department at Purdue university 1919 1920 vocational training, Forest 1920-1922 principal at Kirkland 1922-1923 Sweetser High School 1923-1927principal high school, Sweetser 1927-1929-principal of Converse High School.Bundy, Edward O., pa 502 Iowa Building,Sioux City, la. 1909-1928 engaged inteaching and further study on the Pacific Coast taught commercial law andcivics in Sioux City high school, workedout an LL. B. degree at University ofOregon and a masters degree in politicalscience at the University of California for the past several years, practicinglaw at Sioux City, Ia.Byers, Edward A., pa 1448 South 9thSt. Terre Haute: 1909-1916 principalFayetteville 1918-1919 principal ofOtter Creek township high school, TerreHaute 1919-1923 superintendent of Pee-atonica 1923-1927 teacher of biology,Wiley high school, Terre Haute: 1927-1929 principal of Sandison School, TerreHaute.Carr, Eurus R., nr.Clark, John Virgil, ha Henryville 1909prin., Greencastle 1909-1913 supervising prin., Albuquerque, N. M. 1913-1914student in the university of Chicago:1914-1916 superintendent of districtschool 82, Dundee, 111. lr 1916.Cohee, Claud E., la Martinsville 1909-1910 prin., high school, Hillisburg 1910-1911 prin., high school, Sweetser 1911-1915 teacher of mathematics, high school,Martinsville 1915-1924 asst. postmaster,Martinsville lr 1924.Copp-Erwin, Mrs. Georgiana, nr.Cory, James W., pa 414 8 Monroe St.,Gary taught nine years before graduation 1909-1912 principal high school,Eaton 1912-1914 superintendent schools,Lawrence 1914-1929 teacher of mathematics, Emerson school, Gary.Cunningham, Jessie Rose, pa Roach-dale. RFD 1 1903-1905 teacher ofEnglish, high school, Waveland 1905-1907 asst. prin.. high school, Worthington: 1908-1910 aast. prin., high schoolYorkville 1909 A. B. degree, IndianaState Teachers College 1910-1921 inbusiness 1921-1930 not teaching.Davis, Harry E., ha Lakeville nr.Davis, Louis R., la 6217 Ingleside Ave.,Chicago, 111. 1909-1912 operating work,sub-station department, CommonwealthEdison company. Chicago, III. 1912-1914motion study expert. Commonwealth Edison company: 1914-1916 systematizcr.Commonwealth Edison company lr 1916.Davis-Rolland, Mrs. Vella Voyle, nr.Doerschuk-Voges, Mrs. Estelle, ha 1206S. 7th St., Terre Haute 1909-1923 teacher of grades, with exception of one yearin Sarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute 1923-1929 homekeeper not teaching, married to George B. Voges attended university of Chicago summer of 1912-1913-1914.Ebbert, Bertha J., pa 1655 No. AlabamaSt., Indianapolis lr 1909-1929 teacher ofmathematics, Manual Training HighSchool, Indianapolis.Eddington, William E., pa 822 No. Salis-burg St., West Lafayette: 1929-1930 associate professor, mathematics, PurdueUniversity for complete record see Class1908.Everett, James R., la care of Universityof Colorado. Boulder. Colo. 1909-1910principal, high school, Avon 1910-1911principal high school, New Winchester 1911-1915 head department of mathematics, high school, Seymour 1928 professor mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.Fair-Hallman, Mrs. Halcie, pa 2445 5thAve., Cedar Rapids, la. tr 1909-1911teacher of grades, Connersville 1911-1912 student, Indiana university 1912-1914 ward principal, Connersville 1914-1929 married to M. S. Hallman, prin. ofhigh school. Cedar Rapids, la., not teaching, homekeeper.Faris, Oscar, nr.Ferree, Iva J., nr.Fidlar-Cornelius, Mrs. Orrelle, A. B., paUniversity of Chattanooga, Chattanooga,Tenn. 1929 married to David W. Cornelius, head of physics department, University of Chattanooga, for complete record see Class of 1907.Findley, Dorothy F., A. B., nr.Fleming, Sara Elizabeth, nr.Fox, Crawford, pa Riley 1909-1911 supt.and teacher of mathematics and physics,Walton 1911-1915 teacher of mathematics, New Castle 1916-1917 prin., highschool. New Castle 1917-1820 prin andteacher of mathematics, high school,Hillsboro 1920-1926 prin. and teacherof mathematics, high school, Kingman 1926-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute 1927-1930 prin.,high school, Rile,y.Fox, Winifield M., pa 2625 Fenwood Ave.,Terre Haute 1909-1914 teacher in highschool, Orleans, Elwood and Washington 1914-1929 lawyer, Terre Haute.Glockner, Mae, ha Lawrenceburg pa Indianapolis 1909-1911 teacher of grades,Lawrenceburg 1911-1912 student, Indiana university, graduating in 1912 1913 at home, not teaching 1913-1915teacher of Latin, high school, Rockville:1915-1916 substituted in Latin at Technical High School, Indianapolis 1916-1929 teacher of Latin, Arsenal Technical |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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