Search Results - (( east street st...
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Showing 1 - 17 of 17 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( east street st...
Showing 1 - 17 of 17 results

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY185onomics in Wilson Colored High School,Wilson, N. C.Amick, Clyde T., A. B., ha Elnora, paDelphi

    1930 superintendent of school,Delphi

    for complete record see classof 1909.Applegate, Earl H., B. S., pa 224 LyonSt., Cincinnati, Ohio

    1930 assistantprincipal, Cheviot Elementary School,Cincinnati, Ohio

    for complete record,see class 1921.Armstrong, Mildred, A. B., ha RFD D,Terre Haute, pa Casey, 111.

    1924-1925teacher of Latin and history, Wallace

    1926-1928 teacher of Latin and history,Bridgeton

    1929-1930 teacher of LatinCasey, 111.Arthur, Ruby L., ha Lyons

    2IG„ 1924-1928 teacher of grades, Bicknell

    1928-1930 teacher of grades, Lyons.Artman, Oran, A. B., ha Whitestown, pa5707 Dorchester Ave., Chicago

    beforegraduating taught four years in ruralschools, one year in junior high schoolat Fenwood, Mich

    1924-1925 teacher ofhistory, Lebanon High School, Lebanonand head of the department

    1925-1927graduate work in history at Universityof Chicago

    1927-1930 teacher of history and mathematics in the Chicagoschools.Asher, Floyd, B. S., Gosport

    pa 4360Jefferson St., Gary

    1924-1930 teachermechanical drawing, junior high school,Gary

    attended Columbia University sixmonths in 1926.Barass, Muriel, 2IG, ha Jasonville

    1924-1929 teacher in grades, Jasonville.Barker, Vincent, A. B., ha Connersville

    1930 teacher senior high school, Connersville

    for complete record see classof 1902.Beck, Lillian, A. B., ha Sullivan

    paSanta Barbara, Calif.

    1924-1925 teaching in Anderson township high school,Tell City

    1926-1927 teaching Gary,Ind.

    graduate work from January 1928to June in University of California

    1928-1930 teaching English high school,Santa Barbara, Calif.Brehens, Geo. Edward, B. S., ha Mt.Vernon, pa same, for complete recordsee class of 1908.B...

    pa 1011 Hartford,Lafayette

    1924-1926 teacher of grades,Mishawaka

    1926-1930 teacher of grades,Lafayette.Benedict, Helen, 2IG, ha Elwood, pa1904 South 1st St., Elwood

    1924-1925teaching at Elwood

    1926-1930 supervisor of art and penmanship at Elwood.Blair, Thelma, A. B., ha 461 South 20thSt., Terre Haute

    pa Hymera

    1924 attended summer term at State TeachersCollege

    1924-1929 teaching Union HighSchool, Dugger

    1929-1930 teacher ofEnglish, Hymera.Boyd, Lucille, 2P, ha Crown Point

    pa19 Doty St., Hammond, 1924-1929teaching in Edison School, Hammond.Brand, Harvey, A. B., ha Center Point

    pa Detroit, Mich.

    1924-1925 teachingintermediate school, Ft. Wayne

    1925-1926 teaching in South Side High School,Ft. Wayne

    1926-1930 teacher in Technical High School, Detroit, Mich.Brass-Hoffman, Mrs. Mary

    A. B., pa1421 North Walnut St., Muncie

    1923-1924 teacher, grades, Muncie

    1924-1925 teacher, English and history, highschool, Rochester

    1925-1927 teacher.grades, Muncie: 1927-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married

    attended BallTeachers College summer 1925.Breeden, Earl S., A. B., ha Tower


    1924-1929 teacher of science, manual training and history,Leavenworth High School, also principalof high school.Briethauph-Nichols, Mrs. Mabel

    2P, haOaktown

    pa 202 North Beech St.,Centralia, 111.

    1924-1925 telephone operator, Oaktown

    1925-1926 primary teacher Ft. Wayne

    1926-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married to D. M. Nichols.Brenton-Spears, Mrs. Esther, A .B., haEnglish

    1924-1927 teacher of Latin andhome economics in High School at Blackhawk

    1927-1930 teacher of Latin andhome economics in high school, PrairieCreek.Brewer, Alza A., B. S-, ha Connersville,pa 1606 Indiana Ave., Connersville...

    1923-1930 principal of junior high school,Connersville.Brill, Goldie V., A. B., ha Riley, pa 1808140th St., East Chicago

    1924-1930teaching Latin in Washington HighSchool, East Chicago.Brill, Winifred, A. B., ha Riley, pa 1808140th St., East Chicago

    1924-1930 deanof girls in Washington High School,East Chicago.Brock, Elva, 2P, ha Hymera, pa Sullivan

    1924-1929 teacher in Sullivan public schools, Sullivan.Brown-Lewsader, Mrs. Gladys, B. S., pa915 West Drive, Woodruff Place, Indianapolis

    1924-1930 teacher, home economics, Arsenal Technical High School,Indianapolis.Bryant, Jessie Lee, 2P, ha 2245 MadisonSt., Gary, pa same

    1924-1928 teachingprimary grades, Gary.Buck, Ernest A., A. B., ha Carlisle

    paNorth Terre Haute

    1924-1928 teacherin high school, Mishawaka

    1929-1930teacher of mathematics and scienceOtter Creek High School, North TerreHaute.Bullock-Burger, Mrs. Doris A., A. B.,ha Terre Haute, pa 725 Tennessee&...

    1924-1925 teacher of grades inMcKeen School, Terre Haute

    1925-1926teacher of grades, Davis Park School,Terre Haute

    1926-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married in 1926.Bundy-Ewbank, Mrs. Wilma, 2IG, haRushville

    pa 309 West First St., Rushville

    1910-1913 teaching grades, Homer

    1913-1914 teaching rural school, BeechValley, Rush county

    1914-1917 teaching rural school, Shiveleys Corner, Rushcounty

    1917-1919 teaching grades,Mays

    1919-1922 teaching grades, Greenfield, RFD Hancock county

    1922-1923teaching rural school, Alexander School,RuBhville

    1923-1928 teaching gradesand music under a supervisor in grades,Ciitleville School

    RFD 1, Rushville.Married June 11, 1925 to Clifford F.Ewbank.Burger, Earl L., B. S., ha Coal City

    pa725 Tennessee St., Gary

    1919-1920teacher of grades, Gosport

    1921-1922teacher of junior high school and seniorhigh school, Bloomington

    1922-1923teacher in high school, Waveland

    1924-1929 teacher in Emerson High School.Gary, M. A. Columbia University.Burke, Robert E., A. B., Dexter

    pa 120South LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 152THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYAsperger-Boston, Mrs. Mamie, pa Edinburg

    taught five years, grades, Burnett, Lewis and New Goshen, beforegraduation

    1918-1919 teacher, grades,Waveland

    1919-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married to Paul Boston,superintendent schools, Edinburg.Austin, Cecil, ha East Chicago

    pa EastChicago

    1019-141st St.

    taught incountry school, Lewis township. Claycounty from 1915-1916

    1919-1921teacher physical education, elementaryschool, East Chicago

    1921-1922 actingsupervisor of physical education, EastChicago

    1922-1924 teacher physical education, McKinley Junior High School,East Chicago

    1924-1927 athletic directorond coach, Roosevelt High School,


    1926 attending summer University of Illinois, coaching school

    1927attending summer National RecreationSchool, New York City

    1920-1930 physical director McKinley Junior HighSchool, East Chicago.Barr, James, H., A. B. pa 4157 No.Richmond St., Chicago, 111

    1915-1916teacher of rural schools. Stark county

    1916-1918 teacher township high school,Stark county

    1919-1920 assistant principal high school Silver Lake

    1920-1922principal Jefferson Center High School,Columbia City

    1922-1924 teacher Latin,high school, LaPorte

    1924-1930 employed at Montgomery Ward and Company, Chicago, 111.

    attended ValparaisoIniversity, 1914-1917

    attended IndianaUniversity summers of 1914-1917-1919-1923, Ph. B. in 1917 and M. A. in 1923.Beanblossom, Ward, B. S., ha Mauck-port

    pa Hillsdale

    1919-1928 principaltownship schools at Crawfordsville,Dana and Hillsdale. 1929-1930 countysuperintendent of schools, Vermillioncounty

    A. M., Columbia UniversityTeachers College, 1929.Bolenbaugh, Alta, ha Sullivan, RFD 1,pa Bloomington, 426 E. 6th St.

    1919-1920 teacher high school, New Lebanon

    1920-1923 principal high school, NewLebanon

    1924-1929 general science injunior high school, Bloomington

    received A. B. degree from Indiana University in 1924

    finished work for Masters degree in 1927

    member of StateTeachers Association, N. E. A. IndianaAcademy of Science, Phi Beta Kappa

    Pi Lambda Theta.Boyd, Edythe G., pa 653 8th Ave., TerreHaute

    1919-1929 teacher Lange and ReaSchools, Terre Haute.Boyle, Harry H., ha Pimento

    pa Chicago,Uliniois

    1919-1920 taught GarfieldHigh School

    1920-1923 teacher CassTechnical High School, Detroit, Mich

    1926-1929 medical student in RushMedical College, Chicago, 111.Eoyle-Moye, Mrs. Marion E., ha TerreHaute

    1439 South Fourth St.

    1919-1922 teacher domestic science, highschool, Oaktown and Stewartsville

    1922-1924 housewife

    1927-1929 teaching elementary grades, Fairbanks School, TerreHaute.Briley-Stark, Mrs. Evalyn, ha Jasonville

    pa 4614 Central Ave, Indianapolis

    taught three years, grades, Wrighttownship, Greene county, before graduation

    1919-1920 teacher, Junior HighSchool, Clinton

    1920-1921 teacher,grades, Ann Arbor. Michigan

    1921-1923teacher, high school. New Augusta

    1923-1930, not teaching, home keeper.Brooking, Rollie, ha Markle, RFD 2

    pa527 South Clinton, St., Iowa City, la.

    1916-1917 teacher of grades, Huntington county

    1917-1920 principal andteacher of English, Wayne townshipHigh School, Huntington

    1920-1921teacher of English, New Haven HighSchool, Fort Wayne

    1921-1924 principalEnglish, Lake High School, Fort Wayne

    1924-1928 head of English department,Clinton High School, Clinton, la.

    1928-1929 instructor in English, WashingtonState College, Pullman, Wash.

    1929-1930 graduate assistant, English, University of Iowa

    instructor in English,Iowa State Teachers College, CedarFalls, la., summers 1927 and 1928

    attended Indiana University summer 1914,extension work 1922-1924

    attendedState University of Iowa, summers of1924-1926

    M. A. in 1926.Buckner-Pierce, Mrs. Artie, la 1923, 906Fayette Ava., Indianapolis

    lr 1923teaching in city schools, Indianapolis.Burk-Richardson, Mrs. Bernice, ha TerreHaute, 2209 Sycamore St.

    pa Louisville,Ky.

    1433 St. James Court

    1919-1920received A. B. degree

    1920-1923 teacher North Terre Haute High School

    1922-married and doing substitute teachingin Junior high school, Louisville, Ky.

    1922-1929 not teaching, homekeeper.Carter, D. H., ha Plainville

    pa Bruceville

    1910-1923 principal of highschools, Summitville, Fairmount andPlainville

    1923-1929 superintendent ofschools, Odon and Bruceville

    1929-1930graduate student Indiana State TeachersCollege.Cooprider, J. L., A. B. ha Jasonville,RFD 2

    pa Evansville

    1919-1920 teaching Scircleville

    1920-1930 teaching inCentral High School. Evansville.Craig-Martin, Mrs. Goldie, ha Darlington

    1919-1922 teacher of English andLatin, Wingate and Macy

    1922-1929,married, at home, not teaching, home-keeper

    mr 5-31-29.Demaree, Margaret, A. B. ha TerreHaute

    nr.Dow, William Alexander, A. B., ha Darlington

    pa Grand Rapids, Mich.

    320Charles St., 1919-1922 principal highschool, Greencastle and Warsaw

    1921-1923 student, Masters degree

    1923-1924 head of chemistry department,Concordia College, Moorehead, Minn.

    1924-1927 head of chemistry department, Blackburn College, Carlinville,111.

    1927-1929 professor chemistry,junior college, Grand Rapids, Mich.Drane, Theresa Edith, ha Greensburg,RFD 5

    1910-1923 teacher of grades, Decatur county and Greensburg

    1926-1929teacher in high school, Princeton

    1929-1930 student, Columbia University.Duvall-Keasby, Mrs. Lois, A. B. ha Dunkirk

    1919-1924 teacher of Latin atMuncie and Dunkirk

    lr 1924.♦Eaton, Katherine.Ebbinghouse, Ada Ellen, A. B., haNorth Manchester

    pa Elkhart, 222Hickory St., 1919-1920 teacher in highschool, North Manchester

    1920-1922,teacher in junior high school, Elkhart

    1923-1930 teacher of algebra RooseveltJunior High School, Elkhart.Ehrenhardt-Snyder, Mrs. Helen Louise,A. B. ha Terre Haute, 1523 South 9thSt.

    pa Long Beach, Calif.

    1532 E. 2ndSt.

    1919-1922 teacher in Indiana State

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    one of Terre Hautesmost revered teachers

    the Sarah ScottJunior High School stands as a monument to her memory.Taylor, Mary Gale, pa 5537 ClaremontCLASS OF 1879Ave., Oakland, Cal....

    1882-1895 teacherin the high schools of Peru, Shelbyvilleand Terre Haute

    1896-1899 assistantclerk and librarian, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1899-1929 retired and residing in California.Bradshaw, Eugene B., reported living inEast Liverpool, Ohio

    no informationfound concerning his career.Boyd, Josephine, deceased 1880.Crowe, Esther, pa Kansas City, Mo.

    1881-1892 teacher in the grades andward school principal, Kansas City Mo.

    1892-1929, teacher of English literatureand psychology at the Central HighSchool, Kansas City, Mo.Dela-Bar-Swain, Mary E., taught inClinton and Rockville f...

    lived with a daughter in Cleveland,Ohio

    died summer, 1929.Grosjean, George, pa Indianapolis

    taughtin Terre Haute High School

    retiredseveral years ago.Hutzel, Samuel M., nr.Kelso, Oscar Lynn, pa 700 South 5thSt., Terre Haute

    1879-1882 principalschools, Bruceville

    1882-1884 student,Indiana University and teacher in Bedford

    1884-1885 principal high school,Anderson

    1885-1894 principal highschool, Richmond

    1894-1924 professormathematics, Indiana State Teachers College

    summers of 1897 and 1898 a student in University of Chicago

    receivedA. B. degree from Indiana University

    author of Arithmetic for High Schools,Normals and Academies

    joint authorwith Robert J. Aley of revision of Cook-Cropsey Arithmetic

    1924-1929 retiredfrom teaching

    at home.Miller-Stimson, Harriet C, nr.McCrea, Samuel Pressly, la RedwoodCity, Calif.

    lr 1905 teacher of history,civics and economics, Sequio UnionHigh School, Redwood City, Cal.Newsome-Woodard, Mrs. Ruth, ha Eliza-bethtown

    1879-1881, assistant teacherin Bloomingdale Academy

    1882-1929homekeeper, residing The AlbermarlApts. Room 6, Columbus.Studebaker, Joseph, pa Flora

    taughtthree years in country schools beforegraduation

    superintendent and principalschools at Burlington, Pittsburg, Rock-field, Burrows, Deer Creek, Camden,Flora and Delphi

    1893-1929, practicinglaw and mayor of the city. Flora.CLASS OF 1880Barnett-Coble, Mrs. Emily, nr.Cox, Wilson H., nr.Dwiggins, Lydia, ha 816 South Bran...

    1880-1885, primary gradesFowler

    1885-1887 fifth grades Lafayette

    1887-1888 first primary Oxford

    1888-1889 seventh grade Rochester

    1889-1914 first primary Marion

    1914-1915 did not teach on account of illhealth

    1915-1916 substitute teacherMarion

    deceased 1918.Furber-Swain, Mrs. Carolina, taught inKnightstown and New Castle and forsome time in one of the Normal schoolsof California

    married Captain RichardSwain of the Japanese Steamship Company and went to live in Japan

    no recent report.Fox, Charles F., ha Jefferson ville

    taught for some time in Clark countyand held a ward principalship in Jef-fersonville for several years precedinghis death which occurred Sept. 14...

    1880-1901 teacher inschools of Connersville

    1901-1909 teacher in grades, Anderson

    1909-1912 caredfor an invalid sister

    deceased 1912.♦Gentry, Ruth, ha Stilesville

    1894-1902instructor mathematics, Vassar College,Poughkeepsie, New York

    1902-1909 incharge of private school for girls,Poughkeepsie, New York

    1909-1917 retired from school activities on accountof ill health, engaged in real estatewith trips abroad

    deceased in 1917

    Ph. B. University of Michigan 1890

    Ph. D. Bryn Mawr College 1894.Goodykoontz, Joseph, nr.Kemp, Ell wood Wads worth, pa 517%Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    1880-1881principal high school, Franklin

    1881-1882 superintendent of schools, Franklin

    1882-1883 .assistant grammar andmathematics, Indiana State Teachers College

    1883-1885, student, Harvard University

    1885-1888 assistant in history,Indiana State Teachers College

    188S-1913 head of department Americanhistory, Indiana State Teachers College

    1913-1914 student, Sorbonne University, Paris

    retired 1914

    now livingin Terre Haute.King-Warren, Mrs. Mary E., nr.Lawrence, Clova A., pa 1629 ChestnutSt., Terre Haute

    taught in elementarygrades until retiring in 1925

    spentmost of this time as a teacher of elementary grades in city of Terre Haute.♦Mail, William R., ha Terre Haute

    1881-1882 principal schools, Edwardsport

    1882-1883 principal schools, Clinton

    1883-1885 graduate student. Philadelphia Dental College and Hospital ofOral Surgery

    1885-1904 practiced den-tristy, Terre Haute

    1904-1920 movedto California and practiced dentistry

    died January 21, 1920.Mitchell, Commodore P., pa 616 OakdaleDrive, Fort Wayne

    taught in thecounty schools for three years beforegraduation

    1898-1929 in business.♦Mitchell-Van Duyn, Mrs. Malissa, haMonroeville

    deceased Feb. 27, 1925

    taught in country schools in Vermillioncounty for six years.Thompkins, Arnold, brilliant scholar,teacher, lecturer and author

    was professor of literature in Indiana StateTeachers College, member of faculty ofDePauw University and University ofIllinois, president of Illinois State&...

    at time of hisdeath was president of the Cook CountyNormal, Chicago, 111

    author of several

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 28THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYteacher of music, history and drawing,eighth grade, Frankfort

    1899-1929 notteaching, homekeeper

    married Nov, 29,1899

    graduated from Taylor University1887.Welsh, Gertrude, lr 1916 principal ofward school, Aberdeen, Wash.Willoughby, George E., pa Gosport 1890-1893 teacher in...

    1893-1894 teacher in schools,Elwood

    1894-1895 graduate, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute:1895-1898 principal of schools, Newport

    1898-1899 instructor in Vincennes University

    1899-1900 instructor in MooresHill College

    1890-1905 student in Indiana Medical College

    1905-1929 practicing medicine, Gosport.Wilson, Harry Bruce, ha Frankfort

    paWashington, D. C.

    principal of highschool at Salem

    1898-1902 superintendent of schools, Salem

    1902-1907 superintendent of schools, Franklin

    1907-1913 superintendent of schools, Decatur,111.

    1913-1918 superintendent of schools,Topeka, Kan

    1918-1928 superintendentof schools, Berkley, Calif.

    1929 directorof Junior Red Cross, Washington, D. C.Whitkamper, John W., ha Elwood, RFD3

    pa same

    taught three years beforegraduation

    attended Central NormalCollege, Danville one year

    1896-1897student Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky.

    studying for the ministry

    1897 began preaching

    1899 married Jennie Harmon and went to Moscow, Idaho under the direction of the AmericanChristian Missionary Society

    1903 accepted pastorate of the McMinville, Oregon Christian Church

    1905 returned toElwood and since that time living onfarm and serving as pastor for a number of rural churches.Young, E. M., nr.Young, U....

    1895-1896 principal of schools, Laketon

    1896-1897 principal of Chester township,Wabash county schools

    1897-1898 student at Manchester College

    1898-1899principal of high school, Roann

    1899-1903 superintendent of township schools,Idaville

    1903-1907 principal of wardschool, North Manchester

    1907-1908superintendent of schools, Somerset

    1908-1909 principal of schools, Churu-busco

    1909-1910 superintendent ofschools, Churubusco

    1910-1912 superintendent of schools, Converse

    1929teacher of history in high school. NorthManchester.CLASS OF 1896Adair-Strong, Mrs. Josephine T., pa 220North 21st St., Terre Haute

    1896-1919teacher in grades, Thompson School,Terre Haute: 1919-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married to W. S. Strong.Alldredge, Henry D„ pa Vail on&#...

    1896-1897 principal school, Charlottsville

    1897-1901 principal school, Vallonia:1902-1904 principal school, Toxola,Okla.

    1904-1905 principal school Hollis,Okla.

    1905-1906 principal school, Tex-ola, Okla.

    1906-1929 cashier, ValloniaState Bank, Vallonia.Andi ews-Brumfield, Mrs. Elsie, la Spencer

    lr 1921 music teacher, Spencer.Archibald, William Wiley, pa 614 South5th St., Terre Haute: 1896-1910 teacherin schools, Terre Haute

    1910-1913 principal Voorhees School

    1913-1925 princi-par McKeen School

    1925-1930 teacherin McLean Junior High School.Arritt, May, nr.♦Ballard, John E., nr.♦Barrett, Etta, ha Greenfield

    1896-1898teacher of fifth grade Alexandria: 1898-1900 teacher of fifth grade, San Jacinto,Calif.

    1900-1904 teacher of departmentalEnglish, Greenfield

    1904-1905 teacherof fifth grade, Pocatello, Idaho

    1905-1910 teacher of science and English, highschool, Greenfield

    1916 deceased, L03Angeles, Calif.Bonsall, Mabel, pa Bemidji, Minn.

    1896-1898 teacher of grades, Edinburg

    1901graduated from Indiana University

    1902-1904 teacher in the Philippine Normal

    joint author of Philippine Arithmetic

    1904-1916 taught in schools ofAnderson, Alexandria, Marion, Franklin,New Albany, and Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1912-1919 assistant principal Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School

    1919-1930teacher of mathematics. Bemidji., Minnesota State Teachers College, Bemidji,Minn.Boyd, Walter C, nr.♦Brooks, John H., ha Greenfield

    1897-1898 teacher in Bringhurst

    1898 married Margaret Isabel Miller of Morgancounty, a former teacher and student,Indiana State Teachers College

    1898-1913 engaged in monument business,Greenfield

    died March 1, 1913.Carmack, Jennie, nr.Chilton-Hull, Mrs. Catherine, nr.Christen, Edward S., pa Burnetts ville

    1897-1898 teacher in high school, Geneva

    1898-1910 principal of schools ofHymera, Monmouth, Lawrence and Cutler

    1910-1914 teacher in school of Decatur

    1914-1925 county superintendentof schools

    1925-1928 principal of school,Burnettsville.Church, Mary E., nr.Clark, Fannie E., ha Dublin, nr.

    deceased summer of 1896.Claybaugh, Anna Margaret, pa Apt. 301,1433 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis

    taught Latin in Frankfort HighSchool for some time

    attended University of Chicago and completed the workfor Ph. B. degree

    for the past severalyears teacher of Latin in the ShortridgeHigh School, Indianapolis.Coate, David Orland, pa 410 OrchardPlace, LaCrosse, Wis....

    1899-1905 principal high school, Shelbyville

    1905-1909head department English, Mankato,Minn.

    1909-1916 head of departmentof English, LaCrosse State Normal, LaCrosse, Wis.

    1917-1929 head of department of English, LaCrosse State Normal.Coffman, Dr. Lotus D., pa 1115 EastRiver Road, Minneapolis, Minn.

    1896-1905 principal and superintendentschools, Salem

    1905-1907 superintendent Connersville: 1907-1909 supervisorTraining School, Charleston, 111.

    1909-1911 attended Columbia University

    1911-1912 supervisor Training School,Charleston, 111.

    1912-1915 professor education. University of Illinois

    1915-1920 dean College of Education, University of Minnesota

    received A. B. degree, Indiana University in 1896

    A. 1910

    Ph. D from Columbia Univer-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The October 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of th...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The September 2000 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of ...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The October 2000 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of th...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • Fujitsu fi-6770 scanner with ScandAll PRO and Adobe Acrobat XI using Color, 300 dpi, 24-bit

    Explore SUSTAINABLE INDIANACelebrating Hoosier Solutions to Our Climate CrisisCELEBRATING 200 YEARS© 2016, Sustainable Indiana 2016, a project of Earth...

    Fort Wayne Area Government Information

  • The September 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of ...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • Pieces of commercial sheet music from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These...

    Indiana State University Library

  • Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,&#x...

    Indiana State University Library