216THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYEnglish, Boys Junior High School, St.Petersburg, Fla.Tilson, Lowell Mason, B. S., ha 673Swan St., Terre Houte
pa some
Education: Franklin College
Westfield College, Westfield, 111.
Summer School ofMusic, Lafayette: Indianapolis Collegeof Music
Department of Music, Franklin College
B. S., Indiana State Teachers College. Experience: professor ofmusic, Westfield College
assistant, summer music Normal, Franklin College
director and teacher of music, Social Institute, Greenwood
supervisor of music,public schools, Lebanon
supervisor ofmusic, public schools, and director ofMay Festival, Connersville
professor ofmusic, Indiana State Teachers College
granted degree Doctor of Music, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, 1928.Timberman-Allen, Mrs. Aileen, A. B., ha1122 South 20th St., Terre Haute...
1926-1927 teacher, English andhistory, Borden
1927-1928 student, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute: 1928-1929 teacher, English andLatin, Farmersburg
1929-1930 notteaching, homekeeper, married June 1929to Rolland Allen.Todd-Witherspoon, Mrs. Marguerite M.,B. S., ha 1326 South 16th St., TerreHaute...
pa 2244 Wilson Ave., Chicago,111.
1926-1927 teacher, music, Bright
1927-1928 teacher, music and art, Batesville
1928, to Jan. 1929, teacher ofmusic and art, Fowler
married Jan. 2 7,1929.Toran, Augusta, 2IG, ha RFD 3, Mt.Vernon
pa 913 North 15th St., Lafayette
1927-1929 teacher, elementarygrades, Lafayette.Trogdon, Stella, A. B., ha 811 South 18thSt., Terre Haute
pa same
1909-1916primary teacher, Vermillion, 111.
192 6-1930 teacher, Montrose School, TerreHaute.Tucker-Lentz, Edith L., B. S., ha RFDB, Terre Haute
pa 1762 Flint Ave., Akron, Ohio
1923-1926 teacher commercialsubjects, Martinsville, 111.
1926-1927teacher commercial subjects, Orville,Ohio
1927-1930 married
at home
alsoteaching part time Modern BusinessSchool, Akron, Ohio.Turner, Irene M., B. S., ha 1422 Bradbury Ave., Indianapolis
pa Murphysboro, 111.
1927-1928 at home and notteaching
1928-1929 teacher, Murphysboro, 111.Tyler-Dougherty, Mrs. Helen, 2P, haMcCoysburg
pa Rensselaer
taughtthree years consolidated schools beforegraduation
1926-1927 teacher consolidated schools, Jasper county
1927-1930not teaching, homekeeper, married toWm. F. Dougherty.Van Buskirk, Louise, 2P, ha Gosport
pa Paoli
1926-1928 teacher, primarygrades, Ellettsville
1928-1930 teacherprimary grades, Paoli.Van Horn, Paris J., B. S., ha 611 North6th St., Terre Haute
pa Farmer City,111.
1926-1928 teacher science andcoaching, Farmer City, 111.
1928-1930principal schools, Farmer City, 111.Van Sickle, Bessie
2M, ha RFD D, Box4, Terre Haute
pa same
1927-1928teacher, music and art, high school,West Middletown
1928-1929, teocher,music ond art, high school, Spiceland
B. S., Indiana Stote Teachers College,Terre Houte, 1929.Vauter, Sibyl, A. B., ha Patriot
pa 130East St. Joseph St., Indianapolis
1926-1930 teacher, public schools, Indianapolis.Vititoe-Leavitt, .Mrs. .Lucy
ha TellCity
pa 429 North 3rd St., Vincennes,1924-1927 teacher, commercial subjects,high school, Edwardsport
1927-1929head, commercial department, highschool, Martinsville
1929-1930 notteaching, homekeeper: married GeorgeJ. Leavitt, June 28,1929.Vogel, Miriam, 2HE, ha Tell City
1926-1928 teacher, Tell City.Von Leer, Mrs. Mathilda R., B. S., ha508 South 21st St., Terre Haute
1926-1927 teacher, elementarygrades, Hook School, Terre Haute
1927-1930 teacher, elementary grades, Crawford School, Terre Haute.Walls-Pruitt, Mrs. Jewell Grace, A. B.,ha Birdseye
la 225 West 12th St.,Tulsa, Okla.
lr 1928 at home
marriedand not teaching.Walsh, Edith M. 2IG, ha 1300 South9th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1926-1930 teacher Harrison School, TerreHaute.Watson, Alson H., B. S., ha Bicknell
1926-1929 teacher and principal, elementary school, Evansville.Weathers, Mrs. Ella R., A. B., ha Marengo
la Liberty
1926-1928 teacherLatin and English, Liberty High School,Liberty.Weathers, Ora H., 2IG, ha 2102 Tippecanoe St., Terre Haute
pa same
lr1928 at home
married and not teaching.Webb, William Walter, A. B., ha Logansport
pa Royal Center
1926-1927 teacher manual training and physical education, Waldron
1927-1929 teacher manualtraining and physical education, Edinburg
1929-1930 teacher, manual training and physical education, high school,Roval Center.Weller, Ruby, 2IG, ha Huntington
pa378 Monroe St., Huntington
1926-1927at home, not teaching
1927-1929 teacher, grammar grades, Huntington.Weng, M. Damaras, A. B., ha 816 ThirdAve., Terre Haute
pa 520 Cedar St.,Elkhart
1926-1927 teacher, mathematicsand Latin, Oaktown
1927-1930 teacherof mathematics, Elkhart.Wirth, Ruth Naomi, 2P, ha 4702 Car-rolton Ave., Indianapolis
1926-1928teacher, Robert Browning School, Indianapolis.West, Rhea, 2P, ha Terre Haute
nr.Wharton, Flora, A. B., ha Logansport,720 East Market St.
pa same
1928-1929teacher English, Lincoln Junior HighSchool, Logansport
for complete recordsee class of 1894.Wheeler, Albert M., B. S., ha Gary
pa2266 West 10th St., Gary
1929 teacherbiology, Froebel High School, Gary
forcomplete information see class of 1901.White, Elizabeth A., A. B., ha 1243Upper 11th St., Vincennes
pa some
1926-1930 supervisor physical education, Vincennes.White, Helen M., A. B., ha Brazil
1926-1928 teacher, science, Van-Buren Township High School, Clay county.Wible, Garland, B. S., ha Farmersburg