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Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( b price b ((cl...
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Susan W. Barbour,
Lessie Harrah,
Mary A. Oakey,William W. Parsons,
Mary B. Po...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Row 1 (left to right)—Marjorie Burns,Marjorie Adams, Maxine Lomax, AliceMcGuire, Patsy Netcott, Juanita Jones,Joyce Gill, Nancy Uland.Row 2—C...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed

  • …Prophecy of Seniors…FATES DECREETWENTY years have gone by, quoth Prof. RalphNoyer, principal of the Bloomington High Schooland preparatory school...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed

  • n

    Marriage applications 1882sorted by grooms nameGroomGrooms fatherGrooms motherBrideMaiden name if widowLast, First M.Last, First M.Last, First M.Last, First M.L...

    Princeton Public Library

  • ■i*ii«iiii^I.-iaL>.-.-.»At,»i,ia __H tuitfa mmMI—B—I _MCOMMERCIAL CLUBThe Bloomington High School Commercial Club was organized in ...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed

  • Ball State University psychology program ranked in top 10; President wants Congress to pay bills; Is everybody doing it?; University&#x...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • Candidates argue during debate : Audience interrupts moderator, claims she is out of order; Former student charged in scam : Woman ...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • Iraqis plan new rule : Officials meet with Americans to shape new Iraqi government; Senior ready for television debut : Andy Bechm...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • CLASS PROPHECYIt is the summer of 1973, and down the halls of old E.H.S. come the echoing voicesof Mildred Reeves and Alice Pearson as&...

    Ellettsville High School
    No subjects listed

  • @3&59(^^^©LLAMAJL4DAS23^S9Q2^aThe Class Will of 32We, the Seniors of the Class of 32, since we are about to leave th...

    Ellettsville High School
    No subjects listed

  • Lockdown : Gunman on campus causes fear, panic in some students in residence halls; Students across campus react to Ball State emergenc...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • Rev. Franklin Lahr, his wife, and his small son had to leave their home but, they did not leave Jeffersonville, Indiana, during the 193...

    Jeffersonville Township Public Library

  • United States of America attacks rebels under new campaign : Other countries have reduced troops since becoming Iraqi targets; University Po...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • A sweet collection of nursery rhymes which begin typically but where the last verse is written to be specific to Birdsell Manufacturing. Ill...

    BIRDSELL NURSERY RHYMES. IllustratedOnce on a time, Reason and RhymeJoined fortunes in a journey.By chance they came where What’s-his-nameHad called...

    Business & Industry


    1902-1904 teacher In cityschools, Indianapolis

    1904-1916 teacherof drawing, public schools, Denver, Colo.

    A. B. and A. M. Denver University1916.Neice, Herbert, nr.Nicholson-McCoy, Mrs. Ina, pa 1218South 7th St., Terre Haute

    did notteach after graduation

    1908-1929 home-keeper, married to T. T. McCoy.Oliphant, Elvin Benson, pa Indianapolis

    taught six years in grades. Pike andGibson counties, also assistant in highschool. Fort Branch, before graduation

    1902-1904 taught and attended IndianaUniversity, working on A. B. degree

    1904-1910 taught mathematics, highschool, Vincennes

    1910-1916 travelingsalesman for the Vincennes Bridge Co.

    1917-1918 auditor for Cadillac MotorCar Co., Detroit, Mich.

    also auditor forNordyke & Marmon Co., Indianapolis

    1918-1929 salesman for the Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis.Ostrander-Wagner, Mrs. Charlotte, paRFD E., Terre Haute lr 1929 married

    at home and rot teaching.Owen, Maude, nr.Parry, Lola, la Richmond

    1902-1909teacher of grades, Richmond

    1909-1911teacher of grades, Boonville

    1911teacher of grades, Richmond

    lr 1911.Payne, Charles E., nr.Phares, Espy Otto, la RFD 6, Kokomo

    1901-1905 principal Washington School,Logansport

    1905-1906 principal Jefferson School, Fort Wayne

    1906-1916superintendent schools Rock Falls, 111.

    lr 1916.Phillips, John W., pa Alexandria

    1889-1896 teacher elementary schools, Jefferson and Scott counties

    1895-1896 attended Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1896-1899 teacher elementary grades, Jefferson county

    1899-1901 elementary principal Brownsburg

    1901-1902 principal schools. Van Buren

    1902-1914 principal elementary building,Alexandria

    1913-1914 teacher of Latinand history, Battle Ground High Schooland director of music

    1914-1917 teacherof Latin and mathematics, Summit ville:1917-1920 principal of West Point HighSchool, Tippecanoe county

    1920-1921principal Chippewa High School

    1921-1922 principal Romney High School:1922-1923 principal Clarks Hill

    1923-1927 teacher of Latin and mathematicsand assistant principal Battle Ground

    1927-1929 teacher of Latin and mathematics and director of music, BattleCreek township high school,, Mt. Comfort

    received A. B. from Indiana University.♦Pierce, Jesse W., ha Clinton

    1902-1905 ward principal and teacher of history, high school Crawfordsville whiledoing junior-senior work in Wabash College from which he graduated in...

    1905-1907 newspaper reporter, TerreHaute Star, Sullivan Times, and Worchester, Massachusetts Telegram

    1907-1925 newspaper publisher. DailyClintonian, Clinton

    deceased March 1,1926.Price, Albert, nr.Rapeer, Louis Win, pa 1607 Eye St.,Washington, D. C, care of ResearchUniversity: 1897-1903 teacher highschool, ...

    1903-1904 attendedUniversity of Chicago, S. B. degree

    1904-1908 supervising principal, Minneapolis, Minn.

    1908-1910 assistant professor education. University of Washing-tan, Seattle, WaBh.

    instructor in educational administration, summer 1909,University of Minnesota

    1910-1911 instructor in Bocial science, College of theCity of New York

    1911-1914 instructorin education, psychology and logic. NewYork Training School for Teachers:instructor. College of Education, University of Illinois, Bummer&#x...

    1914-1917 head of department of education,Pennsylvania State College

    lecturedwidely in Pennsylvania and other states

    lecturer. University of Kansas, Collegeof Education, summer (tension of 1916

    instructor, department of education, University of Montana, summer session of1917

    1917-1918 president, Universityof Porto Rico, Rio Piedras

    instructor,College of Education, University ofNorth Carolina, summer session of 1918

    1918-1919 research division, rehabilitation work. Federal Board of VocationalEducational Education

    1919-1920 founded National School for Social Research,Washington, D. C.

    1920-1929 presidentResearch University, Washington, D. C.

    graduated from the Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute: 1902

    B. S. degree, University of Chicago,1904

    A. M. 1907, University of Minnesota: Ph. D 1913 Columbia Universityand Doctors Diploma in education, Teachers College: LL. D. degree, Resear...

    wentto Oklahoma after marriage

    deceasedtwo or three years ago.♦Reising, Adam, deceased April 1905

    nr.Richards, J. Parker, pa Tulsa. Oakla.

    taught twelve years in rural schools andtwo years in high school, Upland beforegraduation

    1902-1905 principal highschool, Rockport

    1905-1911 superintendent schools, Huntingburg

    1911-1913superintendent schools, Wetumka, Okla.

    1913-1929 principal ward school, Tulsa,Okla.

    1917, A. B. degree. Universityof Oklahoma

    attended University ofWashington, Seattle, Wash., summer1922

    attended University of SouthernCalifornia summer 1927.Robertson-Gundrr, Mrs. Aimee, laBrownstown

    1902-1908 traveled inMichigan with husband

    1903-1906 spentin Georgia

    1906 returned to Indiana

    lr 1906.Sandifur, Merle L., pa 1148 Sutter St.,Berkeley, Calif.: taught in districtschools in Carroll county and in highschool in Miami county&#x...

    1902-1908 teacher of Latin andmathematics in the high school at Wabash

    1919-1924 head of social sciences,Oklahoma City University, OklahomaCity, Okla.: 1924-1930 teaching Englishin the Polytechnic High School, SanFrancisco...

    A. B. DePauw University1906

    A. M. in 1913: attended summersessions University of Chicago 1919-1922: attended summer session University of California 1925.Scott-Nuding, Mrs. Alice...

    1902-1911 ward principal, Elwood: 1911-1922 supervisor ofinstruction, Elwood

    1922-1929 at homeand not teaching.|

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,&#x...

    Indiana State University Library