1916-1923 teacher in Perry,Sullivan and Dubois counties
1923-1929teacher of home economics and art, principal of high school, Marengo.Turner, Naomi
ha Cannelton
pa 601Garfield Ave.. Valparaiso
1914-1923 teacher, elementary grades
1923-1930critic teacher, Valparaiso University
graduate student, Indiana University.Veach, Harry L., ha Clinton
pa Ft.Wayne
1914-1917 principal, grade building, Clinton
1917-1919 student, IndianaUniversity, graduated in 1919, receivingB. S. in chemistry
1919-1921 assistantprincipal junior high school, Goshen
1921-1922 teacher general science, juniorhigh school, Logansport
1922-1929head of physics department, CentralHigh School, Ft. Wayne.Waidon, Thomas G., ha Brazil
pa 24433rd Ave., Terre Haute
1914-1916 teaching in Lost Crejk township districtschool
1916-1918 teacher of grades,Otter Creek township
1918-1921 teacherof grades, Otter Creek
1921-1922 teacher of grades, Lost Creek township
1922-1929 teacher of grades, Lincoln School,Terre Haute.V/aldrip, Cliff O., A. B., ha Stillwell
paMinonk, Illinois
1914-1915 superintendent of schools, Stillwell
1915-1916teacher of history and Latin, also principal of schools
1916-1918 principal ofschool, Stillwell
1918-1924 principal,Consolidated High School, Bourbon
1925-1930 superintendent of schools, Minonk,Illinois.Weathers, Cecil W., ha Ladoga
1914-1916 principal high schoo.I Ladoga
1915 attending Indiana LIniversity
1917in the navy for three months
1917-1918with the Nordyke & Marmon Company,Indianapolis
1918-1919 bookkeeper
1919-1923 traveling auditor. Casualty Insurance
lr 1923.Williamson, Cora M., Indianapolis
nr.Williamson, Job E.( ha Hammond
1914-1916 director of wood work in highschool, Hammond
lr 1916.Wood, Waldo Emerson, pa 138 S. WayneSt.
1914-1916 princ\ipal ofschools, Michigantown
1916-1917 student, University of Wisconsin, M. A.
1917-1922 principal of schools. Forest
1922-1927 principal of schools, Michigan-town
1927-1928 graduate work at Stanford University and of University ofCalifornia
1928-1929 vice-president,Central Normal College, Danville
1929-1930 president. Central Normal College,Danville
Ph. D. in 1930.Wright, Nora R., ha RFD 6, Sullivan
pa 632 Walnut St., Terre Haute
1906-1912 teacher rural schools, Sullivancounty
1912-1914 teacher, primarygrades, Connersville
1914-1917 teacherdepartmental English, LaPorte
1917-1919 critic teacher, Indiana State Teachers Collete Training School, TerreHaute
1919-1920 teacher, English,junior high school, Muskogee, Okla.
1920-1922 student Illinois TrainingSchool for Nurses, Chicago
graduatedAugust, 1922
1922-1930 hygiene teacher city schools, Terre Haute
B. S. Indiana State Teachers College, 1929.CLASS OF 1915Ailen, Elbert, A. B., pa 5 Blair Court,Columbia, Missouri
1915-1919 superintendent of Monroe township high schools
1919-1923 instructor in University ofMissouri
1923-1929 assistant professor,mathematics, University of Missouri
also doing research in geometry.Asbury, Eunice, ha Coalmont
1914-1915teacher of English, Hymera High School,Hymera
1915-1917 teacher of English,Coalmont High School
1917-1919 student, Indiana University
1919-1921teacher of English, State Teachers College, Bemidji, Minnesota
1921-1923 athome and not teaching
1923-1925 teacher of English, junior college. Flat River,Missouri
1925-1927 supply teacher,English department, Indiana State Teachers College for two terms of 1920
1927-1929 at home and not teaching.Bailey, Lucile E., ha 1801 N. 10th St.,Terre Haute
pa Murphysboro, Illinois
1915-1918 teacher of domestic science,Terre Haute public schools
1918-1920student, University of Illinois, B. S.
1920-1923 teacher in public schools,Terre Haute
1926-1928 teacher, publicschools, Murphysboro, Illinois.Bass, William L., A. B., ha Stendal
paNew Winchester
1911-1912 superintendent of schools, New Winchester
1912-1914 superintendent of schools, Cayuga
1914-1916 superintendent of schools,Union
1917-1918 superintendent ofschools, Earl Park
1918-1919 in theUnited States Army
1919-1920 superintendent of schools, Versailles
1920-1924superintendent of schools, Perrysville
1926-1927 student, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
1927-1929teacher, high school, Tulsa, Oklahoma
1929-1930 principal, high school, NewWinchester.Bates, Ruth B., ha New Albany
pa 96Gait St., New Albany
1915-1918 in newspaper and secretarial work
1918-1919teacher in Hanover
1919-1921 teacherin Madison
1921-1929 teacher in NewAlbany.♦Beck, Mary Elmetta, ha Hartsville
1915-1921 taught in grades, Columbus
deceased April, 1922.Beeks, Joseph W., ha Lagro
pa Wabash
1915-1917 superintendent of schools, Lin-colonville
1917-1930 superintendent ofschools, Urbana.Beeson, Benjamin P., Losantville
pa5440 University Ave., Indianapolis
1915-1916 teacher in high school, Parker
1916-1917 teacher in high school, Webster
1917-1919 teacher in high school,DeSoto
1919-1924 superintendent ofschools, Eaton
1924-1930 Indiana representative for Allyn & Bacon, Publishers.Binford, H. Emory, A. B., ha Greenfield
pa 201 S. Birchwood Ave., Louisville,Kentucky
1915-1920 teacher in Brazil
1920-1922 teacher in Shaker Heights,Cleveland, Ohio
1922-1923 teacher inWashington
1923-1924 principal, highschool, Peru
1924-1929 principal, highschool, Bloomington, A. M. Indiana University
1929-1930 director of instruction in secondary education, city schools,Louisville, Kentucky.Blackman, Clifford L., A. B., ha Marion
1916 teacher of mathematics, Port Ar- Ithur College, Port Arthur, Texas
lr 1916.Bowles, Adam L., A. B., ha Terre Haute
pa RFD 4, Brazil
1911-1914 principal.