THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1887-1889 teacher in Rockville
1889-1920 head of English department, Elkhart
1920-1921 B. A. and M. A. atIndiana University: 1921-1929 head ofEnglish department and principal ofjunior high school, Elkhart.Van Nuys, Dr. Mar...
taught in Lebanon cityschools from 1883-1893
graduated inmedicine from Northwestern Universityand since 1897 practicing in Lebanon.Voris, Peter V., pa 2024 Central Ave.,Indianapolis
since graduation superintendent of schools of several Indianacities including Fowler, Danville, Hagers-town, Versailles and others.Warrick-Williams, Mrs. Edith, nr.W...
1884-1886 superintendent of schools,Bainbridge: 1886-1916 attorney at law,Newport
1890-1894 prosecuting attorney 47th Judicial Circuit
1910-1916Judge of 47th Judicial Circuit
1916-1929 practicing law in Newport.Ashley, William H., pa Lebanon
engaged in ministry since graduation
lr 192 8minister of the gospel, First ChristianChurch, Lebanon.Bowen-Jewell, Mrs. Mary, pa 210 Robinson St., Danville, 111.
taught elementarygrades in Danville schools for a fewyears
married and has not taught since1885.Carpenter, Charles M., la 150 North HillSt., Los Angeles, Cal.
1884-1887 principal of schools, Bruceville
1887-1889student Indiana University
1889-1894superintendent city schools, Blooming-ton
1894-1898 engaged in farming,Manchester
1898-1900 in business, Indianapolis
1900-1902 taught in Sandusky
lr 1902 teacher of mathematics,high school, Los Angeles, Cal.Carson-Creswell, Mrs. Delia, nr.Champer, Maggie M-, nr.Commons-Lindley, Mrs. Mattie C, paRockville...
taught a few years in Parkcounty
now at home and not teaching
lr 1928.Cox-Sites, Mrs. Emma, nr.Cox-Dexter, Mrs. Mary, ha Rensselaer
lr 1885 not teaching: at home.Davis-Severin, Mrs. Louise, ha 4 00 West118th St., New York City, N. Y.
1884-1887 teacher in grades, Aurora
1887-1888 principal high school, Aurora
1888-1913 homekeeper. New York City.Ferris, Annette E., ha Brookston
1884-1885 teacher Newton county
1885-1888teacher Goodland
1888-1889 teacherThorntown
1889-1891 teacher Delphi
1891-1898 principal high school, Thorn-town
A. B. Indiana University 1896
1898-1899 A. M. Colorado University
1899-1902 teacher of history and German, high school, Trinidad, Colo.
1902-1908 principal Trinidad Colorado HighSchool and teacher of history
1908-1916teacher of history and English in ElMonte High School, El Monte, Calif.
1916-1917 teacher of history and German, high school, Syracuse
lr 1926 retired and living in Los Angeles.Gossett-Pickens, Mrs. Alma, nr.Hadley, Alice, nr.Hadley-Wing, Mrs. Jennie, nr.Haecker, Franklin G., ha Petroleum...
lrbusiness, Chicago, 111
deceased 1915.Westfall, Ida B., pa 3132 Broadway, Indianapolis
taught two years before graduation
1883-1885 teacher of grades,Connersville
1885-1886 not teaching
1886-1893 teacher in Sugar GroveSchool, Vigo county
1893-1896 preparing for work with the deaf
1896-1924teacher in school for the deaf, Indianapolis
1924-1929 retired and living athome.Williams-Gilmore, Mrs. Mattie, la 129South Bright Ave., Whittier, Calif.
lr1916 teacher of music, Whittier, Calif.Young-Hay, Mrs. Lola, ha Bedford
1883-1884 taught at Rochester
1884-1888 taught at Casey, 111.
1888-1893taught at Henryville
1899-1916 home-keeper, Bedford
lr 1916.OF 18841884 not teaching
living on a farm,Petroleum.Haines-Daggert, Mrs. Frank
deceased1900.Hill- McCarter, Mrs. Margaret M., pa1534 College Ave., Topeka, Kan.
1884-1887 principal high school, Rensselaer
1887-1888 teacher of English, highschool, Goshen
1888-1894 teacher ofEnglish, high school Topeka, Kan.
1901-1916 lecturer and author
1916-1929 not teaching
at home writing fiction, Topeka, Kan.Hubbard, George Colvin, ha 411 FifthAve., St. Cloud, Minn.
lr 1916 teacher of botany and geometry in State Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn.Hurst-Layne, Mrs. Clara, la 1222 SouthEmporia St., Wichita, Kan....
taught inAnderson and Greencastle from 1880-1886 and has not taught since
1886homekeeper, not teaching.Lane-Hunt, Clara A., nr.Lewis, Jessie, pa Harrogate, Tenn.
1884-1886 teacher in public schools
1886-1889 teacher in Kansas privateschool
1889-1896 teacher in State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo.
1896-1897 teacher in high school, Terre Haute
1897-1901, teacher in State NormalSchool, Mayville N. D.
1901-1904 teach-it in State Normal School, Maryville,Mo.
1904-1905 teacher in State NormalSchool, Flagstaff, Ariz.
1905-1906teacher in Texas Christian University
1906-1913 teacher in Lincoln MemorialUniversity, Harrogate, Tenn.
1913-1916teacher in public schools, Oklahoma
1915-1916 teacher in Graceland College,Lamona, Iowa
1928-1929, teacher inrural school, Harrogate, Tenn.Lindley-Cox-Galloway, Mrs. Mary, laModesto, Calif.. RFD 1, Box 386
1883-1885 teacher of eighth grade, Princeton,also teacher of composition and rhetoricin high school
1885-1887 teacher inBrooklyn during first year
had intermediate grades, and second grade andwas principal of school, teacher ofseventh and eighth grades and first-yearhigh school work
1887-1889 taughteighth and U. S. history in high school,Santa Anna Calif.
1889-1892 at home,Brooklyn
not teaching
1892 marriedJ. C. Galloway of Santa Anna, Calif.
1898-1902 taught fourth grade, SantaAnna, Calif.
1908-1916 lived on ranchat Modesto, Calif.Lindley-Jackson, Mrs. Martha A., haSylvania
lr 1911 retired from teaching