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Search Results - (( a from ((books...
Showing 1 - 20 of 2,229 results
The third collection in a series of zines from JUSTARIP Press dealing with the early history of women in baseball, aviation, racing, and...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
A narrative poem illustrated with Pati Scobeys copper etchings (including one on a fold-out page) relief rolled and printed on Rives He...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
The view from a hilltop in Indiana. There is a fence near the top of the hill with a forest of barren trees in the distance--...
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
Imam Michael Saahir during a book signing for his book From Dusk to Dawn His Legacy Lives: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, A Social ...
Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community
During the three years while she was earning her MFA in Book Arts from the University of Alabama, Ellen Knudson each week left her ...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
Medium/Materials: Book, bandages, text on transparency, quote by Euripides; memory box. Holland-born, Massachusetts-based mixed media artist Merike Va...
The quote by Euripides, one of the great tragedians of classical Athens, expresses my feelings about why I joined the Al-Mutanabbi Street Co...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
Alan Goebes, age 7, reading the book People of the Snow by Wanda Tolboom while dabbing sweat from his forehead with a tissue during...
Indiana Album
From left: unknown, Bob Angle (in truck), Hershel Angle, Ernistine Angle, Tibby Walker, Bert Green, owners Ed Thies and Bill Green....
Indiana Album
Photo collected by Greg Wright for his book, More of Prince Town: A Pictorial History of Princeton, Indiana. The information for the ph...
Indiana Album
Uncovered near 716-718 East Broadway Street.Photo collected by Greg Wright for his book, More of Prince Town: A Pictorial History of Princet...
Indiana Album
Photo collected by Greg Wright for his book, More of Prince Town: A Pictorial History of Princeton, Indiana. The information for the ph...
Indiana Album
Correspondence, speeches, and other documents sent to and from Will H. Hays during September 1937. Born in Sullivan, Indiana in 1879, Hays s...
Will H. Hays Collection
Hays, Will H. (Will Harrison), 1879-1954
Politics and government
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854-)
Motion picture industry
more ...
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America
Allport, Fayette, W., 1893-1957
Galeazzi, Enrico Pietro, 1896-1986
American Red Cross
Ball, George A. (George Alexander), 1862-1955
Lasker, Albert Davis, 1880-1952
RKO Radio Pictures
less ...
Indiana Governor Henry Schricker looking at the camera, while Helen Whitcomb converses with Colonel Welton M. Modisette at Camp Atterbury, Indiana...
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
One typed page including photograph; biography of Paul Andrew Witty, leading child psychologist.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown heroes who have made a difference.Dr. Paul A. Wittyniversally regard...
Vigo County Historical Society
An 11-stanza poem written by John A. Botts and dated June 12, 1863. The poem relates the movement and actions of Company C, 59th I...
Indiana State Library Manuscripts Small Collections
Lieutenant William A. Goodloe arrived back at Camp Atterbury, Indiana after spending 22 months stationed in Iceland with a task force to pro...
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
Original Broadside: Al-Mutanabbi Street Broadsides Arthur and Mata Jaffe Center for Book Arts at the FAU Libraries
Letterpress with linoleum print. Edition of 20.This broadside is from the collection of a historic suite of hand-printed literary broadsides which...
Hawk Devouring a Pigeon was printed at the Harry Smith Print Shop during the Naropa Institute Summer Writing Program in Boulder, Colorado in...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
Richards thanks Dorsey for the picture book. Richards is spending Christmas in the hospital with the flu.This letter is part of a large ...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Richardson tells Dorsey that with the new training system they do not have much time to write. He has made three trips up north an...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence