Search Results - (( a fire ((books...
Showing 1 - 20 of 904 results
Search Results - (( a fire ((books...
Showing 1 - 20 of 904 results
Photograph of men getting on a fire truck during Sesquicentennial celebration. Card catalog reads: Men getting on fire truck during New Alba...
New Albany Historic Photograph Archive
Many bedtime stories that start like this end in disaster. In the above picture, Harold Armstrong, with a cigaret in one hand, reads to...
Fire Fighter Photographs
One of the many school assemblies held by the Fort Wayne Fire Prevention Bureau during Fire Prevention Week. Photo is from a Fire Preve...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Girl Scouts Rewarded for Fire Prevention Work. William E. Morton, executive vice-president of the Anthony Wayne Bank, left, is shown above as...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Addressing Cub Scouts and their parents on Fire Prevention during Fire Prevention Week. Fireman Edward Feller standing on left end of picture....
Fire Fighter Photographs
Fire Prevention Poster entries for 1949 Poster Contest. Fort Wayne Fire Chief Edward Cy Uebelhoer looks at one of the posters. Contest award...
Fire Fighter Photographs
This is a volume about Indianas fire service in wartime, covering 1941 to 1944, and a history of State Fire Marshal Department, covering...
Indiana State Agency Documents
Broadside from the Grain Dealers National Mutual Fire Insurance Co. advising people to prevent chimney fires by making repairs during the summer....
Indiana State Library Broadsides Collection
Fire Prevention Schooling was held at industries. This one was at General Electric Plant during Fire Prevention Week, October 8 to 14, 1950....
Fire Fighter Photographs
Cannon company firing a 105th mm howitzer at Camp Atterbury, Indiana during World War II (No. 346 B). The company included (left...
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
Whats in a cup? Second place winner in the 1-2 years old group of the Baby Flame Contest held during Fire Prevention Week, October...
Fire Fighter Photographs
A lady to the last. 3rd place winner in 2-3 years old group. Kay Lee Wollman, three-year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. K. L. ...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Can I trust him, Mom? 3rd place winner 1 month - 1 year group. L-R: Captain George Hood, Chief of Fire Prevention Bureau, Mot...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Wheres them judges? 2nd place winner one month - one year old is Donald E. Lewis Jr. L-R: Donald, Mrs. Donald E. Lewis, Capta...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,...
Indiana State University Library
One of the silver tongued orators from a Fort Wayne High School speaks to the Kiwanis Club during Fire Prevention Week. Photo is from...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Winners in the Fisher Til One No Smoking in Bed Contest held during Fire Prevention Week, October 7th to 13th, 1951. Contest was sponso...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Baby Flame Contest Winner in the one month to a year old group is Richard Alan Scranton, 10 months old. L-R: Captain George Hood,&...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Look me over judge. One of the many contestants in the Baby Flame Contest during Fire Prevention Week, October 9th to 15th, 1949. Photo...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Baby Flame Contest Winners. 1st place for 1-2 years old. L-R: Mr. & Mrs. Paul Murman holding their twin daughters, Marilyn Lou and&...
Fire Fighter Photographs