Search Results - (( a black ((free...
Showing 1 - 20 of 2,671 results
Search Results - (( a black ((free...
Showing 1 - 20 of 2,671 results
Three people standing in a woods
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
Three people in a yard with a two story house in the background. Between two of them is a dog on a chair. A quilt is han...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
A memorandum is filed in the Knox County Court of Common Pleas. It states that John Lewis, a free black man of Knox County Indiana...
Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Three people standing in a clearing between tall trees
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
Kiwanis Magazine: The Kiwanis Club of Arvada-Jefferson, Colorado, purchased a van for use by the residents of the Colorado Lutheran Home....
Kiwanis International
Two men and one woman sit on a couch in an office.
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Collection
This is a black and white photograph of two unidentified women and a man standing in a yard in front of a wood-frame building. A...
Parke County Public Library
Black and white photograph of two men and a woman standing with a cannon outside of the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial building....
Vigo County Historical Society
Black and white photo of three unidentified men of the Merom Community sitting outside on a bench.
Merom Camp and Retreat Center, Inc.
Three people stand with the #15 Bowes Seal Fast Special after it arrives to Indianapolis by air. The car number was probably changed...
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Collection
Photograph of a woman believed to be Mrs. J. H. Cliff. The young woman is standing next to a decorated mantel with a book resting&...
Princeton Public Library
James a Negro, Morris a Mulatto, both living at Governor William Harrison’s home are subpoenaed to come to the February 1805, General ...
Knox County Public Library
Video testimonial about the African American Notables collection with JC Barnett III. Barnett is a local artist, and he is the financial aid...
African American Notables
Two black and white newspaper photographs of Wiley High School being torn down. Printed on top of the photos of Wiley are two written...
Educational Heritage Association
Fillis aka Philis is ordered to come before the Court of the Knox County Court of General Quarter Sessions on August 5, 1802. She ...
Knox County Public Library
Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community
A Negro man by the name Bartlett is accused of stealing a fiddle, two shirts, a pair of overalls, a knife, twenty pounds of flour,...
Knox County Public Library
Head and shoulder pose of a young woman in a dressy black dress with a stand up collar and puffy sleeves. Her hair is pulled ...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
Photograph of a Black Raspberry Bush taken in iPhone 6s.
Through the Lens of a Wabash Valley Girl
A black and white photograph of people sitting behind a table surrounded by papers and flags with a line of people on the other si...
Yellow Trail Museum