1917-1927 taught in Huntingburg public schools, third and second grade work
1927-1928 at home
not teaching.Pate, Agnes J., pa Ft. Wayne
1917-1920 teacher of English and domesticscience, high school, Ridgeville
1920-1921 teacher of English and domesticscience, high school, Jasonville
1921-1923 student, Indiana University
1923-1929 teacher of English, Central HighSchool, Ft. Wayne.Patterson, E. A., pa 8570 Lowell Ave.,Indianapolis
1917-1919 teacher of algebra, manual training and agriculture,New Goshen
1919-1920 principal highschool, North Terre Haute
1921-1924teacher of public schools, Indianapolis
1924-1929 teacher of industrial arts,Manual Training High School, Indianapolis.Patterson-Domer, Mrs. Myrtle, pa 350W. 91 St., Los Angeles, Calif.
1916-1918 teacher of grades, Deming School,Terre Haute
1918-1928 teacher of art,sixth grade, Gardner Street School, Hollywood, Cal.
extension work toward B.A. University of California.Peck, Florence G., la 500 North 6th St..Attica
lr 1912-1924 taught primarygrades, Attica.Perry, Marjorie Anita, la Indianapolis
1917-1920 teacher of history in Hillsboro High School
1920-1921 teacherof history, Portland
1921-1922 teacherof history, Cannonsville, Pa.
1922-1923attended Iowa University, worked for A.B
1923-1924 principal high school,Aurelia
1924-1927 teacher of literature and geography, Indianapolis.Ponsler, Rolla, A. B. pa Flatrock
1923-1924 principal high school, Tunnelton
1925-1928 principal Flat Rock townshipschools, Flat Rock.Pope, Charles, A. B. ha Newcastle
nr.Price, Iva M., pa 200 South McllroyAve., West Terre Hautij
1917-1930teacher home economics, high school,West Terre Haute
B. S. Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.Pugh, Helen L., A. B. pa 1107 South7th St., Terre Haute
1917-1919 teacherin high school, Dana
1919-1929 teacherin commercial department, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute.Ray, Ethel M., pa 1221 South 9th St.,Terre Haute
1917-1918 teacher of English and history, high school, Fontanet
1918-1919 teacher in Nevins townshipconsolidated schools
1919-1922 teacherin grades, Terre Haute
1922-1929 teacher of history, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute
received B. S.from Indiana State Teachers College in1923.Reavis-Hamilton, Mrs. Mary Edna
pa Daleville, RFD 1
taughteight years before graduation
1917-1918 teacher, Latin and English highschool, Bruceville
1918-1919 teacher,grades, Mount Summit
1919-1920 teacher English and history, high school,Middletown
1920-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married Mendal L. Hamilton in 1920 and living on a farm inDelaware county.Reece-Dryden, Mrs. Mary Naomi
paWirt, taught three years before graduation
1918-1914 teacher, Clinton
1914-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.Reed, Bonnie B., ha RFD C, TerreHaute
lr 1917 teacher of domestic science. Pimento.Reynolds-OIsen, Ruth Irene, pa 621Pennsylvania St., Jeffersonville
1917-1918 supply teacher, grades, city schools,Terre Haute
1918-1921 teacher, Montrose School, Terre Haute
1921-1924teacher, Davis Park School, Terre Haute
1924-1929 homekeeper, not teaching.Richardson, Rosalie, A. B. pa Dale
1901-1902 taught grades, New Harmony
1902-1905 taught grades, Anderson:1906-1915 taught German, grades ondhigh school. Tell City
1920-1929 teacher of music, art, domestic science, highschool. Dale.Rinkard, Samuel R., pa Edinburgh
1910-1911 tought district school in Marioncounty
1911-1914 principal Broad Ripple grade school
1915-1916 principal ofSchool 6 at 46th and Central Ave., Indianapolis
1916-1917 taught part of theyear at Mooresville
1917-1918 principalBroad Ripple grade school
1918 inUnited States army and taught part ofyear at Hopewell High School
1919-1920 principal Hopewell High School
1921-1922 taught mathematics in Edinburg High School and coached athletics
1922-1929 principal Edinburg HighSchool and teacher of mathematics.Rochelle, Charles Edward, A. B. 2723East Indiana Ave., Evansville
1917-1918principal Rockville public school forcolored children and teacher of literature, American history, commercial geography and algebra
1919-1920 teacherin public schools, Terre Haute
1920-1922 dean of Florida Memorial College,Love Oak. Fla.
1922-1929 teacher ofhistory and geography, Fred DouglasHigh School, Evansville.RoJohn-Watkins, Mrs. Anna, pa 1146Lake Ave., Whiting
1916-1922 teacherin grades and junior high school, Whiting
1922-1929 at home, not teaching.Root-Taylor, Mrs. Nellie, pa 466 W HihMontpelier
1917-1919 traveled
1917-1919 teacher of grades, Montpelier
1919-1923 married, not teaching
1923-1929 teacher of English, high school,Montpelier.Roscoe, Alma Alice, pa 651 Skinner Bldg.Seattle, Wash.
1917 traveled
1917-1919 teacher of history, Blackhawk HighSchool
1919-1923 teacher in Fayettetownship high school
1923-1924 onstage in New York City
1924-1930 intheatrical business, private booker.Rosenmand-Grubb, Mrs. Ella G., pa 3210Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis
1916-1917teacher of English and opportunity classat Owensville: 1917-1918 ward principalMadison
1918-1920 teacher in department of mathematics, Connersville
1920-1929 department of mathematics,Indianapolis.Schmitz-Rvan, Mrs. Rose M., pa 1227South 7th St., Terre Haute
1917-1924teacher of grades, city schools, TerreHaute
1924-1929 not teaching, home-keeper, married to John Ryan.Schuck, Cecelia, pa 550 Crescent St.,N. E. Grand Rapids, Mich.
lr 1928 instructor. Grand Rapids junior college.Grand Rapids, Mich.: see class 1922.Senour, Alfred C, A. B. pa 4133 Ivy St.,East Chicago...
for complete information.Bee class of 1914.Shipman, Gladys Elizabeth, la 417 W.Second St., Madison
lr 1924 teacher of