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Showing 1 - 20 of 688 results
Search Results - (( _ park he peop...
Showing 1 - 20 of 688 results
This is a black and white photograph of the interior of the Peoples Market in Rockville, Parke County, Indiana. Left to right are an...
Parke County Public Library
Five typed pages which contain a copy of an original owned by Mr. W.B. Woody of Indianapolis, Indiana. It describes what Parke County w...
Indiana State University Library
John Lusk is credited by many for preserving the land that became Turkey Run, Indianas second state park. He lived his entire life on...
Indiana Album
One typed page including portrait; biography of William Albert Will Hamilton, insurance executive and original owner of the Hamilton House....
WABASHP R OFIA hometown h heroes who h difference. A seriies of ttributes tto h f ib t t h have made a diff dVALLEYL E S...
Vigo County Historical Society
One typed page which talks about how Turkey Run is a favorite place for young people to become engaged as it is such a beautiful,&...
Indiana State University Library
One typed page which contains information about the location of Joseph Wrights law office. He was elected governor of Indiana in 1849....
Indiana State University Library
Sunday morning the prince spent quietly with Mr. Wong. Many local ministers felt he should have been taken to church. The issue was dis...
Postcards of Indiana the Jay Small Collection
Sunday morning the prince spent quietly with Mr. Wong. Many local ministers felt he should have been taken to church. The issue was dis...
Postcards of Indiana the Jay Small Collection
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
One typed page including photograph; biography of Paul Andrew Witty, leading child psychologist.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown heroes who have made a difference.Dr. Paul A. Wittyniversally regard...
Vigo County Historical Society
One typed page which relates a story handed down from early settlers about the death of Johnny Green. He was an Indian who lived o...
Indiana State University Library
One typed page which gives the location of the home of Joseph Cannon of Parke County, Indiana. He was a lawyer in Parke County....
Indiana State University Library
One typed page which tells where Dr. Cannon drowned in Sugar Creek in 1851 when he was attempting to cross over to see a patient....
Indiana State University Library
One typed page which recounts a tale about Sam Wheeler, an early resident of Parke County. He like to tell people he could walk th...
Indiana State University Library
Black and white photograph of a man in a white suit speaking. Two other men are laughing at what he has said. There is a Chri...
Parke County Community
One typed page which describes how a son of Christmas Dazney came back to Montezuma from Kansas to see friends and how he arrived ...
Indiana State University Library
Three typed pages which contain a description of what life was like for an early resident of Parke County, Indiana. George Marks was bo...
Indiana State University Library
View of a couple in period clothing and he is holding a wooden musical instrument called a dulcimer during the civil war re-enactment....
Parke County Community
Annette Dickeys transcribed variant of the Vanishing Hitchhiker urban legend as collected by Terri Dickey. In this account, a group of people...
Indiana State University Folklore Archives
Black and white photograph of George H. Hansel, a member of the Co. F 10th Indiana regiments as well as the Co. F 43rd Indiana...
Parke County Public Library