180THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYJakle-Gray, Mrs. Margaret, A. B., pa1331 South 5th St., Terre Haute
teacherin Jefferson township High School, CoalCity
1923-1924 teacher of music, artand home economics in the high school,Dana
1924-1926 teacher of home economics in the high school, Paris, 111. J1926-1929 teacher in the Cruft School,open air room, Terre Haute.James, Grac...
1923-1924 teacher of mathematics in the highschool, Prairieton
1925-1930 teachingdepartmental mathematics, Clinton.Jeffers, Fred O., A. B., pa 1705 North16th St., Terre Haute
1922-1923 teacher in Clinton
1923-1925 principal ButlerHigh School, Butler
1925-1926 principalof the high school, Seymour
1926-1928student at Indiana University School ofLaw, LL. B.
1928-1930 practicing lawin Terre Haute.Johnson, Fern, 2IG
ha Elnora
1925-1930 teacher of English and science, Elnora.Jones, Bonnie J., 2IG
pa 531 OakleySt., Evansville
1922-1929 teacher ofgrade work, Evansville.Jones, Charles C, A. B., pa Rossville
1911-1914 principal of the school, Forest
1915-1927 principal of the school,Scircleville
1927-1930 principal ofschool, Rossville.Jones, Gertrude, 2IG
ha 1412 EighthAve., Terre Haute
1923-1929 teacherof fi,th grade, Warren School, TerreHaute.Jones, Harry A., A. B., ha Salem
1923-1926 teacher of history in the highschool, Shelbyville
1926-1930 in wholesale gasoline and oil business, Salem.Jones, Martha June, 2IG, ha 1400 South11% St., Terre Haute
1926-1927 teacher in the public schools, Terre Haute
1927-1930 teacher of the fifth grade inthe Deming School, Terre Haute.Jordan, Bculah, A. B., pa Box 125 Warren
1924-1927 teacher in the townshiphigh school, Hanchen Settlement, ElPaso, Tex.
1927-1929 teacher in theWarren High School.Keefer, Margaret, 2IG, ho 801 TaylorSt., Attica
pa East Chicago
1923-1928tecaher of the elementary grades, EastChicago.Keller, Thelma, B. S., ha 1603 CollegeAve., Terre Haute
1923-1927 teacher ofcommerce in the high school, UnionCity
1927-1930 at home, not teaching.Kenny, Grace, 2IG, pa 1627 Broadway,Logansport
1923-1929 teacher of elementary grades, in the city schools,Logansport.Kinsey, Clarence V., A. B., pa 81 SouthSixth St., Beech Grove
1923-1925 principal of the high school, Birdseye
1925-1929 teacher of mathematics, BeechGrove.Kirk, Harry, A. B., pa State Departmentof Public Instruction, Indianapolis
forcomplete information, see class of 1916.Knarzer-Quinlan, Mrs. Marie, 2IG, ha569 Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Ky.
1926-1929 married
not teaching, athome.Koenig, Irma H., 2IG, ha 1023 EastQuimby St., South Bend
1923-1929teacher of elementary grodes, SouthBend.Kausbeck, Earl, A. B., pa 2111 NorthSt., Bedford
1923-1924 principal andteacher in the high school, Troy
1925-1926 principal Tippecanoe
19,26-1927principal New Amsterdam
1927-1930teacher of social studies, Needmore HighSchool, Bedford
RFD 3.Kunkel, Clara, 2IG, pa 321 East 8th St.,Jasper
taught rural school in Bain-bridge township, Dubois county, and twoterms in the Jasper public schools before graduation
1923-1929 teacher ofgrades, Jasper.Laatz, Perdita, 2PE, ha 1428 North 7thSt., Terre Haute
1923-1924 teacherSarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute
1926-1930 teacher of physicaleducation, Gerstmeyer Technical HighSchool, Terre Haute.Launurum, Jeannette, A. B., ha 619South Sth St., Terre Haute
1923-1924teacher at North Crystal Lake, 111.
1924-1926 teacher of Latin and historyand assistant principal, Perrysville
1926-li,27 teacher of history and civicsin the high school, D::nville, 111.
1928-1929 teacher of history, Wiley HighSchool. Terre Haute.Lane, Hazel, ZIG, pa 1306 East Main St.,Rich..,ond
1926-1929 Uacher of homeeconomics, Test Junior High SchoolRich::i nd.Lane, Pearl M., 2Mus., ha Watestown
lr 1927 teacher of music and art in thehigh school, Monrovia.Lapping, Helen, 2IG, ha Hardinsburg
1923-1924 teacher of primary work,Hardinsburg
lr 1924.Lee, Glenna Watkins, 2IG
ha Carthage
1922-1923 teacher of grades, Evansville
1923-1924 teacher of grades, Grandview
1924-1929 teacher of grades, Carthage.Lemon, Beulah, 2IG, pa Oaktown
taughtten years, grades, Oaktown, beforegraduation
1923-1930 teacher of historyand geography, Junior high school Oaktown.Lewis, Lora A., B. S., pa 202 Kent Ave.,Terre Haute
1929-1930 supervisor ofhome economics, city schools, TerreHaute
for complete record see class of1912.Linton, Gertrude, 2IG, ha Brazil
1926-1929 teacher in the public schools, Brazil.McBrien-Ringer, Mrs. Ruth, B. S., paFarmersburg
1929-1930 married, notteaching, homekeeper
for complete record see class of 1922.McClellan, Hazel, 2IG, pa 725 NorthPennsylvania, Indianapolis
1923-1924teacher of grades, Anderson
1924-1929teacher of grades, Indianapolis.McCormick, Albert T., 2IG, pa 1805 Indiana Ave., Connersville
1923-1924 principal of a ward building, Vincennes
1924-1929 principal of a ward building,Connersville.McKinley, Marguerite, B. S., pa Garrett, 1923-1925 teacher of home economics, Brazil
1927-1929 teacher ofhome economics, Garrett.McMickens, Mary L., 2IG ha 1107Griffin St., New Albany
1926-1929teacher in the city schools. Gary.Mainard-Reeder, Mrs. Mae Blossom, A.B., ha 6613 East Washington, Apt. 4,Indianapolis
pa Ceredo, W. Va. 1923-1924 teacher of mathematics and Latinin the high school, Prairie Creek
1924-1929 teacher of mathematics and Latin,Clinton
1929-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, morried to Fred N. Reeder
attended Indiana University, summer 192G.Malone, Blanche, 2IG, ha Dana