258THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1980 teacher science, history, Maysdorf,Wyo.Bridges, William Byron, 2IG, ha Huron
pa Williamsport
1926-1926 teachergrades, Huron
1926-1929 teachergrades, Bowden and Johnson schools,Huron
1929-1930 teacher grades fiveand six, Judyville.Broadhurst, Helen M„ A. B., ha RFD B,West Terre Haute
pa Mishawaka
192 9-1930 teacher first grade, Mishawaka
for complete record see class of 1927.Broadhurst, Mabel May, 2IG, pa RFDB, Box 400 West Terre Haute
1926-1930 teacher grades five and six. SugarCreek township, Vigo county.Brown, Lois M., B. S., pa 1625 PoplarSt., Terre Houte
taught home economics, supply work, Gerstmeyer TechnicalHigh School, Terre Haute, nine monthsbefore graduation
1929-1930 teacherhome economics, Gerstmeyer TechnicalHigh School, Terre Haute.Brownson, Regina M., 2P, pa 2747 College Ave., Terre Haute
taught sevenyears. Ft. Harrison School, Harrisontownship, Vigo county, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher primary grades,Weldele School, Terre Haute.Bucher, Helen F., 2P, ha Worthington
pa Elkhart
taught grades two and three,Worthington, three years before grodu-otion
1929-1930 teacher grade two,Elkhart.Bunker, Walter L., B. S., pa 4119 Ma-gown St., Eost Chicogo
1923-1930teacher elementary grades and generalshop, Roosevelt School, East Chicago.Burge, Mrs. Thelma Watson, 2P, haNewport
1923-1930 teacher third grade,Fairview School, Clinton township, Vigocounty.Burk, Mabel F., 2IG, ha New Goshen
taught five years, Shepardsville, beforegraduation
1929-1930 teacher elementary grades, Fayette township, JacksonHill School, Vigo county.Burris, Ruth E., 2IG, ha 212 SouthGrant Ave., Crawfordsville...
pa Chalmers
1929-1930 teacher Springdale School,Chalmers.Bush, Doris, 2IG, ha 424 Second Ave.,Terre Haute
pa Trout Creek, Mich.
1929-1930 teacher elementary grades,Trout Creek, Mich.Busse, Mrs. Ora Springer, B. S., pa 816Lexington, Indianapolis
19 2 9-1 9 3 0teacher primary grades and critic, Indiana Central College, UniversityHeights, Indianapolis
for complete record see class of 1926.Butts, Ruby, 2IG, pa RFD 8, Brazil
1929-1930 teacher fourth grade. VanBuren Consolidated High School, Brazil.*Byers, Nellie Trout, 2IG, pa 1026 North9th St., Terre Haute
taught twelveyears before graduation
Oct. 6, 1929,deceased.Cantwell, Beulah M„ B. S., ha RFD 3,Vincennes
pa Oberlin, Louisiana
1929-1930 teacher music, Oberlin, Louisiana.Canup, Leah Hortense, 2P, ha RFD 5,Alexandria
pa Girard, Ohio
1919-1922teacher grades, Madison county
1922-1926 teacher grodes. Magnolia, Ohio
1926-1927 teacher grades, Irondale,Ohio
1928-1929 teacher grades, Greenville, Ohio
1929-1930 teacher penmanship, junior high school, Girard, Ohio.Caress, Charles, B. S., pa2178 CrawfordSt., Terre Haute
taught grades andprincipal of grades, Parke county, thirteen years
taught in grades, TerreHaute, seven years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher sixth grade, Greenwood School, Terre Haute.Carney, Helen Louise, 2IG, pa 932 North9th St., Terre Haute
1929-1930 at homeand not teaching.Carrette, Marjorie Irene, 2IG, ha 4034Parrish Ave., East Chicago
pa TerreHaute
1929-1930 student, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Houte.Carson, Hilda I., A. B., ha RFD 1, Box279, Terre Haute
pa Ida ville
taughtone and one-half years, Ossian, beforegraduation
1929-1930 teacher commerceand Latin, Idaville.Carter, Lee Ola, B. S., pa Leavenworth
taught rural school, Leavenworth, oneyear, elementary grades, Leavenworth,five years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher English, home economics,physical education, Leavenworth.Carter, Margaret Cathern, B. S., ha 21146th St., Port Arthur, Tex.
pa Orange,Tex.
1929-1930 teacher home economics,general science, Anderson School,Orange, Tex.Casey, Marie, B. S., ha Austin
pa Indianapolis
taught rural . school, Scottcounty, two years
high school, Austin,one and one-half years
consolidatedhigh school, Wayne county, one andone-half years
home economics, Indianapolis, five years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher domestic science, Indianapolis.Chambers, Mrs. Vivian Arnold, 2IG, paRFD 1, Washington
1929-1930 teacherelementary grades, Longfellow Consolidated School, Washington township,Washington.Chance, Mandus, B. S., pa Brookville
taught fifteen years before graduation
1929-1930 teacher mathematics, Brookville.Chandler. Leon H., 2IG, ha 418 NorthCenter St., Terre Haute
taught ruralschool, Fontanet, before graduation
1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Chapman, Byron T., 2IG, pa Williams
taught consolidated school, Mariontownship, Mitchell, three years, beforegraduation: 1929-1930 teacher gradesfive to eight, Kings Ridge, Spice Valleytownship, L...
1929-1930 demonstration work in home economics, Danville.Chenoweth, George E., A. B. pa 3522Fairfield Ave., Ft. Wayne
1929-1930elementary principal. Ft. Wayne
forcomplete record see class of 1908.Chickadaunce, Lulu M., 2IG, pa RFD 2,Farmersburg
taught elementary grades,Figg School, Prairie Creek township,Vigo county, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher primary grades, HuttonSchool, Prairie Creek township, Vigocounty.Church, Martha, A. B., ha 1028 North8th St., Terre Haute
pa Oaktown
1929-1930 teacher Latin, English, physicaleducation, Oaktown..Clark, Ruth E., B. S., pa Heltonville
taught eight years before graduation
1929-1930 teacher English, home economics, Heltonville.Clayton, Ora Douglas, B. S., pa Shelburn
1904-1912 teacher rural schools,Greene county
1912-1915 principalWard School, Linton
1915-1917 teach-