Search Results - (( ((erin blake) ...
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Showing 1 - 20 of 107 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( ((erin blake) ...
Showing 1 - 20 of 107 results

  • 144THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYmathematics, high school, Madison.Shriner, Walter O., A. B. pa 1616 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute: 1917-1919 inmilitary service ...

    1919-1920 instructor in Indiana State Teachers College and Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School during summer

    1920-1921 received A. M. MichiganUniversity

    1921-1923 taught and supervised at Shaker Heights High School,Cleveland, Ohio

    1925-1928 Ph. D. AnnArbor, Mich.

    1928-1930 head department of mathematics, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute.Smith, Mary Emma, pa RFD E Box171, Terre Haute

    1917-1918 at home

    1918-1919 teacher at Glenn School

    1919-1923 at home

    1923-1924 teacherfifth and sixth grades, Seelyville

    1924-1927 teacher Lost Creek School, TerreHaute.Stepleton-Fancboner, Mrs. Gertrude, pa1232 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111.

    1920-1922 teacher in Garfield High School,Terre Haute

    1922-1928 married Mr.Harry Fancboner

    supervisor of VillageGreen Playground, recreation departmentof Village of Wilmette in summer

    substitute teacher in physical training department and grades of Wilmette publicschools.Strasburger, Clara (Sister James Marie),pa Oldenburg: 1906-1916...

    1916-1918 attended Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, received A. B.

    1918-1920teacher of English .high school, Otter-bein

    1920-1922 teacher of grades, Academy of the Immaculate Conception,Oldenburg

    1922-1924 teacher of English, Academy of the Immaculate Conception, Oldenburg

    1924-1925 teacherof English, high school, Cincinnati, Ohio

    1925-1926 A. M. Indiana University

    1926-1929 teacher of English, Academyof the Immaculate Conception, Oldenburg.Streever-Meyer, Mrs. Bessie, A. B. la2000 South 6th St.. Terre Haute...

    1913-1915 at home

    1915 attended IndianaState Teachers College

    1917 receivedA. B. from Indiana State Teachers College

    1917-1924 married, at home

    lr1924.Stuffins, Esther, pa 328 Grant St.,Evansville

    1917-1929 teacher of ungraded or special help room for pupilswho are irregular in work, or who havebeen unable to keep up in the work&#...

    1917-1919 principal highschool and teacher of science and English, Knox

    1919-1922 teacher of chemistry, Muncie

    1922-1923 received M. A.Teachers College, Columbia University:1923-1924 teacher of chemistry, Muncie

    1924-1928 professor of chemistry.Ball Teachers College, Muncie

    1928-1929 director of research and surveys,State Board of Education, Hartford,Conn.Tormohlen, Willard, A. B. pa Gary

    forcomplete information, see class of 1914.Troutman, Luther H., A. B. pa 1203North Ninth St., Lafayette

    1917-1920teacher of physics and chemistry, Brazil

    1920-1929 teacher of physics, Jefferson High School, Lafayette.Tucker-Lehman, Mrs. Sylvia R., pa New-point

    taught in Indiana from 1910-1914

    1914-1929 homekeeper, married,not teaching.Underwood, Maude I., la 578 WesternAve., Blue Island, 111.

    lr 1928 teacher oftypewriting and shorthand, Blue Island.111.Wade-Wilson, Mrs. Hortense, ha Posey-ville

    taught three years at Wades ville,intermediate grades, before graduation

    1917-1918 teacher of grades, Muncie

    1918-1919 teacher of grades, Stewartsville

    1919-1920 attended University ofChicago

    1921-1922 critic teacher. Bowling Green, Ohio

    1922-1925 teacher ofEnglish, Evansville

    1925-1929 at home,not teaching

    received Ph. B. degreeUniversity of Chicago 1920.Wampler, Letta M., pa 108 E. PortlandAve., Vincennes

    1917-1922 teacher ofmusic and art, grades, Tulsa, Okla.

    1922-1923 did not teach, at home

    1923-1924 teacher of home economics, Decker

    1924-1929 teacher of home economics, Vincennes

    1929 received B. S. Indiana State Teachers College.Ward, Esther E., pa 221 West 7th St.,Gary

    1906-1908 teacher of rural school.Liberty township, Hendricks county

    1909-1911 teacher of primary school,Belleville

    1911-1916 teacher primaryschool, Clayton before graduation

    1917-1924 teacher primary grades, Gary

    1924-1929 first primary, Froebel School,Gary.Warner, Winifred Louise, A. B. pa 1441South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1917-1921teacher of Latin and mathematics, highschool, Mooney

    1921-1928 teacher ofmathematics, Wiley High School, TerreHaute.Wells, May E„ la 613 First St., Huntington

    1917-1918 ticket agent, WabashRailway, Huntington

    1918-1923 withIndiana Pipe Line company

    1923-1924secretarial course, Pierce BusinessSchool, Philadelphia, Pa.

    lr 1924.Wheeler, Wm. H. ,A. B. pa Taylorville,111.

    1917-1927 principal Theodore Roosevelt High School, Alton, 111.

    1927-1930principal high school, Taylorville, 111.Wible, Clara R., ha RFD A, Terre Haute

    nr.Wiley, Edith W., ha RFD 8, Lebanon

    taught in township schools, Boonecounty 1915-1917 before graduation

    1917-1919 teacher of grades, Lebanon:1919-1921 teacher of grades, Jamestown

    1921-1929 teacher of mathematics,junior high school, Shelbyville.Williams, Helen L., A. B. ha 1424 South7th St., Terre Haute

    lr 1928 married,not teaching

    homekeeper.Wilson, Arthur W., pa Paoli

    1916-1917principal, Coal Bluff

    1917-1918 teacherof history and athletics, Hutchinson,Kan.

    1919-1920 teacher of history andscience, Hutchinson, Kans.

    1920-1921teacher of history and science, Lapel

    1921-1924 superintendent Paoli

    1924-1925 agent for Compton & Company

    1925-1928 principal Mitchell SeniorHigh School

    1928-1929 county superintendent, Orange county, Paoli.Wisely, Catherine Esther, pa 1318 North6th St., Terre Haute

    1917-1924 teacherat Sarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute

    1924-1925 teacher of home economics, Toledo. Ohio

    1925-1929 teacher at Rea School, Terre Haute.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 148THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYpa 15 North Water St., Peru

    1918-1928did not teach after graduation, marriedto Hugh Lawrence in 1918, homekeeper.♦Jewell, Andrew, ha Wins low

    deceased.Jewell, Claude D., pa 409% SwcetbriarSt., Pittsburg, Pa.

    taught three yearsbefore graduation

    1918-1919 teacher inhigh school, Linton township

    1919-1920 teacher in high school, TerreHaute

    1920-1922 teacher in high school,Covington

    1922-1924 teacher of manualtraining and mechanical drawing, highschool, Pittsburg, Pa.

    1924-1929 teacher of mathematics, high school, Pittsburg, Pa.

    attended Pittsburg Universityat various times during the years of1920-1928.Jones, Miss Frankie Irene, pa 104 FirstSt., LaPorte

    1918-1919 teacher of English, Montpelier High School, Montpelier

    1919-1924 teacher of history, BicknellHigh School, Bicknell

    1924-1929 teacherof history, LaPorte High School.Jones-Knox, Mrs. Mabel, A. B. ha TerreHaute

    1918-1921 teacher of mathematics, Lynn

    1921-1924 married to Mr.Harry W. Knox

    not teaching, at homein Marietta, O.

    lr 1924.Kantz-Hungerford, Maude, A. B. haWorthington

    lr 1921 married to OtisHungerford.Kassemeyer-Powers, Mrs. Anna D., paCherry St., Lyons, New York

    taughtgrades from 1914-1916 in Lost Creektownship, Vigo county and 1916-1917grades. Lost Creek township, beforegraduation

    1917-1918 teacher of grades,public schools, Muncie

    1918-1919 teacher of grades, public schools, TerreHaute

    1919 married to Whitney S.Powers

    1919-1930 at home, not teaching.Kearns, Grace, pa 1421 South CenterSt., Terre Haute

    1918-1929 teacher ofelementray grades, Terre Haute publicschools.Keith, Ruth, pa Shelbyville

    1918-1924teacher in junior high school, Shelbyville

    1924-1929 teacher of mathematics,high school, Shelbyville

    received A., University of Michigan 1924.Kelso, Cecil, ha Seymour

    1918-1922principal at Montezuma

    deceased.Kerr, George L., pa 303 North ForestAve., Brazil 1921-1922 with Oil RefiningPlant, Lawrenceville: 1922-1923 Merchant, Bridgeton

    1923-1930 teacher ofmathematics, high school, Brazil.Kern, Mae, A. B. ha West Terre Haute

    1910-1912 teacher of rural schools

    1912-1916 at home caring for invalidmother

    1916-1917 teacher of Englishand Latin, high school, Hamilton

    1917-1918 attended State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1918-1919 teacher of Latin,and history, high school, Versailles

    1919-1920 teacher of Latin, history andEnglish, high school, Mecca

    1921-1922teacher, Latin and English, high schoolUpland

    1922-1923 teacher of Latin andhistory, Warterloo

    1923-1929 not teaching, attended a private business collegeand interested in other lines of work.Kint, Erma L., pa Fort Wayne

    taughtcountry schools in Clear Lake township, primary grades and seventh gradein Angola city schools before graduation

    1918-1920 teacher of grades, Angola

    1920-1921 teacher of grades, LaPorte

    1921-1929 teacher of grades. Ft. Wayne

    attended Indiana University, summerterms of 1925-1926-1927 and the firstsemester of 1929

    will receive A. B. degree in January.Kunce, Walter C, la Genoa, O., 1916-1924 superintendent of schools, Antwerp, O.

    1924-1928 superintendent ofschools, Genoa, Ohio.Lamb, Alia B.( pa Tobinsport

    1918-1920principal Tobinsport High School, Tobinsport

    1920-1922 teacher of Englishand physical geography, high school, GasCity

    1922-1924 assistant principal, Harrison township school, Lucerne

    1924-1926 principal high school, Tobinsport

    1926-1929 assistant principal, Tobinsport.Lamb, Zoe, A. B. pa Gary

    lr 1928teacher in Gary public schools, Gary.Lane, Clara V., pa 1316 South 11th St.,Terre Haute

    1917-1929 teacher ofgrade work, Fairbanks School, TerreHaute.Laughlin, Lester, A. B. ha Koleen

    1919-1921 teacher, Owensburg High School,Owensburg

    1921-192.1 teacher of mathematics. Cayuga High School

    1923-1924 principal high school, Orleans

    1924-1927 principal high school, Oolitic

    1927-1929 principal Orleans High School,Orleans.Leeka, Columbus O, pa Cowan

    1918-1920 principal Stony Creek, Parker

    1920-1923 principal, Mooreland

    1923-1924 principal, Mt. Summit

    1926-1927principal, Cowan

    1927-1928 principal,Oakville

    1928-1929 teocher of Algebra and geometry. Cowan, Delawarecounty.Lingle, David G., la Washington, D. C,lr 1928 in aviation service.Logsdon-Hayward, Mrs. Lu...

    1918-1929 supply teacher

    at home, Las Animas, Colo.Lotze, Amanda L., A. B. pa 1115 South17th St., Terre Haute

    1918-1929 principal, Montrose elementary schools,Terre Haute

    B. S. Indiana State Teachers College, 1928.Mc Williams, Izelia, la 510 South Darling St., Angola

    1917-1918 teocher ofgrades, Goshen

    1918-1920 teacher inTri-State College, Angola

    1920-1924seventh grade critic teacher, Angolo

    lr 1924.Macy, Carlos B., A. B. ha Poseyville1912-1916 superintendent of schools,Cynthiana

    1916-1917 superintendent ofschools, Poseyville: 1918-1919 superintendent of schools, Carlisle

    1919-1920superintendent of schools, New Harmony

    1920-1930 superintendent schools,Bremen.Madden-Woolard, Irene, ha 520 NorthCenter St., Terre Haute

    pa 1442 NorthBenton Way, Los Angeles, Calif.

    1918-1919 teacher in high school, Wabash

    1919-1920 teacher in high school, Clinton

    1920-1929 married, living in California.Mason, Marietta, pa 122 East KruzanSt., Brazil

    1918-1921 art supervisor,Spencer

    1921-1922 art supervisor, Indianapolis

    1922-1929 art supervisor, Brazil.Maxam, Corliss R., A. B. pa State HouseIndianapolis

    1913-1914 superintendentschools, Marengo

    1914-1918 superintendent schools, Stewartsville

    1918-1921principal, Gaston

    1921-1924 principalSelma schools

    1926-1927 principal,Summitville

    1927-1930 director teacher

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • A newsletter issued by the South Bend Turnverein, begun in September, 1937.

    Sec. 562, P. L. & R.SOUTH BEND TURNERVol. IIIMEMBERSThe officers of 1940 feel honored tobe entrusted with the guidance of theSouth Bend ...

    Local History

  • The December 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library