Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - "time farmers sta...
Showing 1 - 20 of 50 results

  • Goras 5 years: Ball States president reviews time at university, looks ahead to future; Ball State University core program to change:&#...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • Center changes: First Student Center renovations to be complete in April 2009; Changes in place for Greek life: Recruitment process to&...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • Public education in Harrison County began soon after Indiana achieved statehood, when in December of 1816 the General Assembly passed an act ...

    Harrison County Schools

  • This is an issue of a prohibiton periodical based in Walkarusa, Indiana.


    Hoosier State Chronicles

  • This is an issue of The Weekly Indianian, a newspaper published for the Indiana State Grange and devoted to the interests of the patron...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue of The National Union Republican and Soldier-Labor-Rights Advocate, a periodical for the Republican Party that was published in&...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue of The National Union Soldier-Labor Advocate, a periodical for the Republican Party that was published in Terre Haute, Indi...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue of The Commercial Advocate, a Logansport business directory and index. This publication is also known as the Logansport Com...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue of The Veterans Review, a newspaper written in the interest of the soldiers of the Union.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE.33settled, when Miss Osenberg said that she wassure that it was her chair for she had held thechair many times, while...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • a room full of other peoples babies. The train¬
ing you will acquire before and during your
teaching experience is a good one ...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 14THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYClark University, Worchester, Mass.

    Ph. D. degree, 1896. 1896-1901 assistant professor zoology, Indiana University, Bloomington

    1901-1903 associateprofessor of neurology, University ofChicago, Chicago, 111.

    1903-1929, assistant professor and associate professor ofphysiology, Leland Stanford University,Palo Alto, Calif.Tilley, James M., pa Worthington

    18891891 principal schools Knightsville

    1891-1893 principal Bchools Harmony

    1893-1897 superintendent schools, ClayCity

    1897-1899 principal ward school,Brazil

    1899-1903 county superintendentschools, Clay County: 1903-1905 principal ward school, Brazil

    1905-1906 supervisor schools, Terre Haute

    1906-1916assistant superintendent schools, TerreHaute

    1916-1924 superintendent schools,Terre Haute

    1924-1930 superintendentof schools, Worthington.Waits, C. J., pa 614 Dodge St., WestLafayette

    1889-1891 principal ofschools, Prairie Creek

    1891-1892 student, Indiana University

    1892-1893principal high school, Centerville

    1893-1894 student, Indiana University

    received A. B. degree

    1894-1898 superintendent of schools, Carlisle

    1898-1899student. University of Illinois

    receivedA. M. degree

    1899-1904 head of department of mathematics, Terre HauteHigh School

    1904-1910 principal highschool, Terre Haute

    1910-1914 superintendent of public schools, Terre Haute

    1914-1930 professor of mathematics,Purdue University, West Lafayette.Wiley-Pote, Mrs. Mamie, pa 4925 ParkView Place, St. Louis, Mo.

    1928 athome and not teaching.Wilson, Charles A., ha Bainbridge

    1889-1890 principal high school, Petersburg

    1890-1891 principal of schools,Veedersburg

    1891-1894 attended Franklin College, Franklin

    1894-1897 attended McCormick Seminary, Chicago, 111.,and graduated in 1897

    1896-1910 minister, Bethany Presbyterian Church,Chicago, 111.

    lr 1911 minister, Presbyterian Church, Chanute, Kan.♦Wood, John Anderson, lr 1912, professor of psychology and pedagogy, BibleTeachers Training School,&#...

    deceased April 4, 1926.Wood, Melville Samuel, ha Princeton

    lr1916 farmer, Princeton.♦Woodward-Cozand, Mrs. Emma, nr.Woolman, Albert Jefferson, ha Urbana.111.

    1891-1893 teacher of science. SouthBend

    1893-1902 teacher of science, Duluth, Minn.

    1902-1903 teacher of natural history, Urbana State Laboratory:1903-1912, general agent. New YorkLife Insurance Co.

    lr 1912.CLASS OF 1890•Auker, W. H., nr.Bardsley-AUen, Mrs. Harriet, taughtschool for a number of years, for sometime in the Indiana Stote ...

    reported to beliving in Akron, Ohio.Bauman, E. G., nr.Betcher, Elizabeth, pa Teachers CollegeIndianapolis

    1912-1914 teacher, Indianapolis public schools, Indianapolis

    1914-1924 teacher, Wayne State NormalSchool, Wayne, Neb.

    1924-1929 supervisor of practice and observation, Indianapolis Teachers College

    attendedIndiana University 1893

    attended University of Chicago

    received Ph. B. degree 1921

    did graduate work, IndianaUniversity 1927.Brown, Elvinettie, pa 25th and HulmanSts., Terre Haute

    taught in schools ofTerre Haute and Vigo county until retired

    now at home in Terre Haute.Burlingmeier, J. L., nr.♦Christian, Irene, nr.

    deceased 1893.Colvin, Caroline, pa Orona, Me.

    1890-1891 teacher in high school, Peru

    1891-1898 teacher high school Fort Wayne

    1902-1929 teacher University of Maine.Culver, John M., pa Evansville

    1890-1893 principal high school, Delphi

    1893-1895 student, Indiana Univeristy

    1896-1897 teacher history and English, ManualTraining High School, Indianapolis

    1897-1898 principal high school SouthBend

    1898-1900 student, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

    1900-1902 headdepartment of history, high school,Evansville

    1902-1929 supervising principal, Evansville.Cushing-Ridgley, Mrs. Bessie, ha Normal, 111.

    taught seven years before graduation

    seven years after graduation

    married Douglas Clay Ridgley

    deceasedSept. 1918.Donaghue-Thomas, Mrs. Anna

    reportedto be living in Minneapolis, Minn.

    nr.Erskine-Headen, Mrs. Anna, nr.Evans, Eugene, nr.Evans, R. F„ nr.Farquhar-Remsberg, Mrs. Belle, pa 473222nd Ave., N. E. Seattle, Wash.

    1884-1891 teaching grades, in and nearRidgeville

    1891-1929 married, not teaching, at home in Seattle, Wash.Fitzgibbon, Thomas F., ha Muncie

    superintendent of schools until 1924

    retired from superintendency and taughthistory in the Muncie Senior HighSchool until the time of his death inOct. 1926

    served for a long period ofyears as superintendent of schools, El-wood, Columbus, and Muncie

    one ofIndianas most highly revered schoolmen

    killed in an automobile accidentwhile returning from the meeting of theIndiana State Teachers Association atIndianapolis.Foltz-Eichorn, Mrs. Etta M., pa Bl...

    taught one year in Prairie Creekand Prairieton before graduation

    1890-1891 teacher in high school at Bluffton

    1891-1893 principal of high school, Bluff-ton

    1893-1894 assistant in the Latinand English departments Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1894-1929 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Judge Eichorn.Frazer, Thomas, nr.Hamer, William D., pa 1355 Guilford St.,Huntington: taught district schools,four&...

    1890-1891 principal of highschool, Negaunee, Mich.

    1891-1894teacher in high school, Huntington

    1894-1896 attending Indiana University,A. B. and LL. B.

    1896-1929 practicinglaw, Huntington.Hargrave, Mary, nr.* Harlan-Hoover, Mrs. Laura, marriedshortly after graduation to C. S. Hooverof Valparaiso

    deceased Sept. 30, 1904.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 36THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtion commission, Indianapolis.Gray, James Hite, la St. Anne, 111.

    1898-1900 principal of high school. Rock-field

    1900-1903 superintendent ofschools, Earl Park

    1903-1904 principalof high school, Union City

    1904-1905student, Indiana University, received A.B. degree

    1905-1908 principal of highschool, Rensselaer

    1908-1911 principalof high school, Huntington

    1911-1912graduate student. School of Education,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.

    1912-1913 principal of high school, Mar-shalltown, Iowa

    1913 superintendent ofschools, Vinton, Iowa

    1926-1926 superintendent of schools, St. Anne, 111.

    nrsince 1926.Grover, Ella, pa 1431 First Ave., TerreHaute

    1898-1899 taught at Syracuse

    1899-1929 principal Hook School, TerreHaute.Groves, John D., pa Rome

    1898-1900teacher and principal high school, Vincennes

    1900-1929 farmer and represented Perry and Spencer counties. House ofRepresentatives, 1929 session of Legislature.♦Harman, Charles T.Harnischfeger-Strickland, Mrs....

    taught several years inGibson county before graduation

    1898-1900 teacher in city schools, OaklandCity

    1900-1928 married in 1900, athome, not teaching.Harrah, Mary, la Fort Wayne

    1898-1900 assistant in high school, Worthington

    1900-1903 teacher of Latin andEnglish, high school, Linton

    1903-1905attended Indiana University

    1905-1908principal high school, Brownstown

    1908-1910 teacher of Latin, high school,Lawrenceburg

    lr 1910 teacher of Latin,high school. Ft. Wayne.Hatton, Israel, pa Plain field, taught fiveyears after graduation from the IndianaState Teachers Colle...

    entered theministry and since that time held pastorates in Indiana cities including Reynolds,Indiana Harbor, South Bend, West TerreHaute, Indianapolis, Ros...

    now pastor of the First M. E.Church at Plainfield.Hays-Owens, Mrs. Myrtle

    pa Anaheim,Calif.

    taught one year in Worthingtonbefore graduation

    1898-1900 teacher ingrades, Kentland

    1900-1902 private instructor

    1902-1918 homekeeper andsubstitute teacher in grades, Worthington

    married in 1902 to John Owens ofthe class of 1896

    1918-1922 teacher ofEnglish and history, high school. Worthington

    1922-1928 teacher of English,Union High School, Anaheim, Calif.

    graduated from DePauw University,in 1896

    attended Indiana University,summer of 1921.Henderson, Josiah D., nr.Henderson, J. L., la LaFontaine

    1898-1901 principal schools, Wilbur

    1901-1902 principal school, Hazel wood

    1902-1904 principal Smith School, near Monrovia

    1904-1906 principal GasbergSchool, near Monrovia

    1906-1907 principal high school, Amboy

    1907-1909superintendent schools, Amboy

    1909-1913 superintendent schools. Van Buren1913-1918 superintendent schools, LaFontaine

    1918-1928 principal LibertyCenter.Himelick, R. W., pa 232 Barton Ave.,Terre Haute

    1898-1901 superintendentschools, Jonesboro

    1901-1908 superintendent schools, Monessin, Pa.

    1908-1910 student and instructor, IndianaUniversity

    received A. B. and M. A.degrees

    1910-1912 supervising principal,Indianapolis

    1912-1914 superintendentTraining School, State Normal, RiverFalls, Wis.

    1914-1916 principal Cleveland Normal School

    superintendent ofschools. Ft. Wayne for several years

    member of the State Board of Education

    now owner and manager of theHome Furniture Co., Terre Haute.Hirsbrunner, John Gottlieb, pa Clare-mont, Cal.

    1899-1901 principal gradedschools, Bloomingdale

    1901-1903 principal high school, Dana

    1904-1905 principal schools, Rosedale

    1905-1909 principal high school, Rockville

    1909-1915superintendent schools, Montezuma

    received A. B. degree Indiana University1914

    1915 supervisor Reserve townshipschools

    lr 1928 teaching Webb School,Claremont, Calif.

    Hirshbrunner, Mathilda

    pa Claremont,Calif.

    1899-1912 primary teacher, Rockville

    1912-1913 on leave of absenceaccount of health

    1913-1916 primaryteacher, Rocjcville

    1926-1928 teacher,Rockville

    1928-1930 retired and livingwith brother, John Hirshbrunner, Claremont, Calif.Hodge-Pearcy, Mrs. Carrie, ha Llano,Calif.

    nr.Hodge, James Wesley, pa Cheney,Wash.

    1898-1899 teacher in schools,Wallace, Idaho

    1899-1907 principalschools Wallace, Kellog and Moscow,Idaho

    1907-1908 student, DePauw University, Greencastle

    1909-1913 principalFranklin School, Aberdeen, Wash.

    1913-1917 county superintendent of schools.Grays Harbor county, Montesano, Wash.

    1917-1919 director extension deportment.State Normal School, Cheney, Wash.

    1919-1921 deputy county superintendentof schools, Spokane county. Wash.

    1921-1929 principal junior high schooland instructor. State Normal School,Cheney, Wash.

    (summer quarter)

    received A. B. degree in 1926, Universityof Washington.Holton, J. W., ha Shelbyville

    1898-1900 principal schools, Ohio Falls, 1900-1902 student, Indiana University

    1902-1906 principal West Side Schools,Logansport

    1906-1911 superintendent ofschools, Sullivan, and superintendent ofschools, Shelbyville

    graduate studentColumbia University

    deceased Jan. 7,1924.Hornaday-Clark, Mrs. Lula, pa 201 EastBroadway, Danville

    1896-1898 teacherin country schools, Hendricks county

    1898-1900 teacher in grades, Tipton

    1900-1901 teacher in grades, Plainfield

    1901-1904 teacher in grades, Indianapolis

    married in 1904 to Judge JamesL. Clark

    1904-1930 not teaching

    home-keeper.Hussey, John S., pa Zionsville

    1898-1900 teacher and superintendent ofschools, Atlanta

    1900-1915 in hardwarebusiness

    1915-1916 farmed and traveled

    1916-1920 county superintendent ofschools, Boone county

    1920-1927 secretary of young peoples reading circle

    1927-1930 deputy state high school inspector.Inks, Ardelpha, pa 2800 South 7th St.,Terre Haute: 1898-1900 teacher in CruftSchool, Terre Haute...

    1900-1928 teacherin city schools

    1928-1929 not teaching.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1889 and 1891 teacher in thegrades, Princeton

    1891, married toUlysses Orange Cox

    1891-1905 lived atMankato, Minn.

    1901 graduated fromIndiana University, received A. B. degree

    1916-1921 lived in Terre Haute,actively engaged in club and civic work:1921-1930 teacher of history, SarahScott Junior High School, Terre Haute...

    1927 received A. M. degree in history,Indiana University.Miller-McNaughton, Maggie, nr.Monical, Hiram, nr.Moore, Ida B. ha Aberdeen, South Dak.

    1887-1889 principal high school, Sullivan

    1889-1893 assistant in departmentsof English and Latin, Indiana StateTeachers College

    1893-1896 student,University of Michigan

    1896-1906 preceptress and teacher of English andLatin, State Normal School, Mayville,N. D.

    1906-1916 teacher of Latin inNorthern Normal and Industrial School,Aberdeen, S. D.

    lr 1916 dean of women,head department Latin, Northern Normaland Industrial School, Aberdeen, S. D.Morrison, Florence, nr.♦Pound, Lenora, ha 1510 Sou...

    taught several years inTerre Haute schools

    deceased Jan. 1915.Powell-Randolph, Mrs. Lillie, nr.Remsberg, Charles E., la 312 RailwayExchange, Seattle, Wash.

    1889-1904attorney at law

    1904-1916 presidentFremont State Bank, Seattle, Wash.

    1916-1928, lawyer, Seattle, Wash.Simmons, John W., nr.Spangler, J. N., nr.Taylor, Mary L., ha Terre Haute

    lr1887 teacher in Harrison School, TerreHaute.♦Thompson, Lida, nr.Woodruff, Julia, nr.Yates, Alonzo, pa Littles

    a Presbyterianminister

    charges have been MonroeCity, Palmyra, Vincennes, Wheatland,Owensville and Littles.CLASS OF 1888Alexander, Marie, pa 31 Emmett St.,Evansville

    taught two years in ruralschools of Warrick county

    city schoolsof Booneville, Zionsville, Terre Hauteand Evansville

    teacher in Evansvilleschools from 1893 to time of retirementin 1923.♦Avery, Melville D., nr.Ballard-Ashmead, Mrs. Nellie, pa. Ful-lerton, Cal....

    lr 1928, not teaching, athome in Fullerton, Cal.Batman-Duncan, Mrs. Olive, pa 1401L St., Bedford

    taught for a numberof years in Bedford High School

    atpresent at home in Bedford and notteaching.Blasdel, Ambrose, ha Akron

    lr 1917farmer in Fulton county.Brouliett, Lelia, nr.♦Boring-Ehrmann, Mrs. Gertrude, haCoral Gables, Fla., 1888-1890 taught inTerre Haute schools...

    1890-1928 homeand not teaching

    deceased Sept., 1928.Brown-Mail, Mrs. Harriet, pa 1806 Ho-bart Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.

    lr 1928not teaching, at home in Los Angeles,Calif.♦Butler, Emma L., ha Goshen

    lr 1909head of English department in highschool, Goshen

    resigned Dec. 1909

    deceased Jan. 1915.Chester-Jackson, Mrs. Eva, pa 3001Chadbourne Road, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio

    lr 1928 at home and notteaching.♦Cornell, Frank, nr.Craig-Brinkerhoff, Mrs. Sallie, lr 1912in loan and insurance business, Sedan,Kan.Cunningham, Mrs. Eli...

    1888-1889critic teacher, Des Moines, la.

    1889-1892 critic teacher, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1892-1895teacher in eighth grade and high school,Paoli

    1896-1901 teacher of Englishgrammar, Illinois State Normal University, Normal, 111.

    1901-1908 professorof science and art instruction, IllinoisState Normal University, Normal, 111.

    1908-1916 at home, Bloomington, 111.

    1925-1926 homekeeper, San Diego, Cal.Davis, William J., ha 615 Pavone St.Benton Harbor, Mich.

    1888-1890, superintendent of schools, Albion

    1890-1892superintendent of schools, Port Byron,111.

    1892-1916 fruit grower, Benton Harbor, Mich.

    1927-1928, retired fruitgrower, Benton Harbor, Mich.Davidson-Wilson, Mrs. Aliie, nr.Deahl, Benjamin F., pa 305 North MainSt., Goshen

    1888-1892 superintendent ofschools, Nappanee

    1892-1894 superintendent of Nappanee Furniture Co.

    1894-1896, student, law department,University of Michigan

    1898-1902mayor of Goshen

    1896-1929, attorneyat law, Goshen.Glick-McKinney, Mrs. Mattie

    ha TerreHaute

    lr 1928 living in Terre Haute.Harris, Nellie B., pa 403 North 12thSt., Terre Haute

    1888-1923 teacher,city schools, Terre Haute

    1923-1926teacher Sandison School, Terre Haute

    1926-1930 not teaching, homekeeper.Harter-Templeton, Mrs. Carrie, nr.Hawkins, Mary, taught in high schoolof Danville, 111. for many years.Hawtin-Atwood. Mrs. Em...

    ha Lewis

    1888-1890superintendent of schools, Lebanon, Ky.

    1890-1891 supcrintnedent of schools, Le-Mars, la.

    1891-1894 in life insurancebusiness

    1894-1895 superintendent public schools, Collinsville, 111.

    1895-1896ward principal, Columbus

    1897-1898superintendent of schools, Clay City

    1899-1916 storekeeper and gauger UnitedStates Internal Revenue Service, 7thDistrict of Indiana

    died February6, 1922.Love, Nellie, nr.Lytle, John R., ha Terre Haute

    1889-1890 teacher, North Vernon

    1891-1892principal, Lafayette School

    1893-1896writer on St. Louis paper

    1897-1901 athome

    1902-1905 kept accounts in storage house, Chicago, 111

    taught a whilein Otter Creek township

    lr since 1916.not teaching.Mavity-Cunningham, Mrs. Elizabeth, pa1325 East Washington St., Bloomington,111.

    taught in Des Moines, la., Peru, Indiana State Teachers College and Illinois41GS21

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY19Young University, Provo, Utah

    nowworking on Masters degree, State University of Utah.Sparks, G. R., nr.Taylor-King, Mrs. Myrtle, pa 387 East6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

    taught oneyear before graduation in Princeton

    1894-1896 teacher of grades, Decorah,Iowa

    1896-1929 not teaching, home-keeper.Torr-Tompkins, Mrs. Clara, nr.•Troth, Will V., ha West Baden

    taughtcountry schools three years before graduation

    1892-1894 superintendent ofschools, Wheatland

    1894-1895 superintendent of schools, Bicknell

    1894-1895attending Illinois University

    1895-1896tiaveled in the West

    1896-1910 druggist, Orleans

    1910-1925 owner of hotel.West Baden: died Oct. 29, 1926.Voris, J. H., pa Marengo

    1892-1894principal at Poseyville

    1894-1896 student, Indiana University, A. B. degree

    1896-1903 teacher of science in highschool, Huntington

    1903-1905 teacherof biology, high school, Evansville

    1905-1907 principal of high school, Rochester

    1907-1921 superintendent of schools,I Rockwell, Iowa

    1921-1924 salesman

    1924-1930 superintendent of schools,Marengo.Waldrow-Davis, Mrs. Lessa, nr.Walker, Laura Jean, ha Rosedale, RFD2: nr.Walkup, Mary Elizabeth, pa 2052 Central ...

    taught five yearsin rural schools before graduation

    1892-1893 ward principal, Elwood

    1893-1894teacher in high school, Elwood

    1894-1895 attending Indiana University

    1895-1903 teacher of English, high school,Crawfordsville

    1903-1910 teacher ofEnglish, Latin and botany, high school.New Ross

    1910-1916 principal of highschool. New Ross

    1916-1918 teacher ofLatin and history, high school, Darlington

    1918-1920 teacher of English andscience, high school. New Market

    1920-1929 instructor in methods and psychology, Teachers College of Indianapolis

    A. M. degree, Indiana University,1903.Wallace-Allen, Mrs. Mary, la Urumia,Persia

    1892-1893 grade teacher atHuntington

    1893-1894 supervisor ofmusic and physical education, Huntington

    1894-1897 superintendentof Armenian Girls School, Tabriz, Persia

    1897 returned to America, taughtat Huntington

    1898 married and went toPacific Coast, first to Portland, Ore.,and then Tillamook

    1899-1900 superintendent of school, Tillamook, Ore.

    1900-1902 district school at San Anselmo.Calif.

    1902-1905 duties as wife andmother, also had normal classes andclasses in Y. W. C. A. in Portland andin Irrigan, Ore.

    1906 taught summerschool at Stevenson, on Columbia River,below the Cascades

    1907 returned toHuntington for extended visit and actedas supply until late fall

    1908 moved toSouth Chicago with family, not engagedin any active school work

    1911 removedwith family to Urumia, Persia

    had nodirect school work, except school eachmorning for own children and this year(1916) a class in history of educationwith the seniors...

    noreport since 1916.•Wark, Nathan G., ha Spencer

    1892-1893 principal of schools, Monroe City

    1893-1895 superintendent of schools,Kansas, 111.

    1895-1897 superintendent ofschools, Watertown, S. D.

    1897-1916 inreal estate and insurance business,Spencer

    deceased Aug. 14, 1921.Wheeler, Lewis Elmer, nr.•Whigam, William M., la 2025 LeclaireAve. Chicago, 111.

    1892-1893 taughtschool half day

    1893-1903 teacher inChicago elementary schools

    1903-1916teacher of physiography, Crane HighSchool

    deceased.CLASS OF 1893Benham, John S, pa Batesville

    1893-1900 superintendent schools, BateBVille

    1900-1903 student, Indiana Universityand University of Chicago, A. B. and M.S degrees

    1903-1907 county superintendent Ripley county

    1907-1919 in business

    1924-1929 county superintendentRiplev county, served as congressman1919-1923.Beroth, Olive, taught in the Indianapolis schools at one time, also in Anderson...

    graduated from Indiana Universityin 1897

    lr married and living in Utah.Bowden, W. J., pa Cambridge City

    elected principal of high school, Center-ville. in 1893

    1894-1896 assistant principal of high school, Salem

    1896-1899principal at Metamora

    1899-1901 superintendent at Brownsburg

    1901-1904principal at Hagerstown

    1904-1929teaching mathematics, Cambridge City.Bowman, Orange H. pa Pierceton

    1893-1899 superintendent of schools Mentone

    1899-1904 superintendent of schools.South Whitley

    1904-1905 insurancebusiness

    1905-1929 dairy farmer nearPierceton

    attended Tri-State College,Angola, 1890-1891

    attended DePauwUniversity, 1891-1892.Bufink-Chamberlain, Mrs, Mary, haRome City

    nr.Burke, Flora, nr.Caroon, W. E., pa Santa Fe, N. M.

    taught several years in Indiana, nineyears as ward principal at Crawfordsville

    principal two years at Neponset,111.

    1910-1913 principal of the highschool, Roswell, N. M.

    1913-1916 superintendent at Clovis, N. M.

    1916 chiefclerk in department of education, SantaFe

    1917-1929 deputy state treasurer,Santa Fe, N. M.Carter-Mauntel, Mrs. Bertha pa Alva,Ok la.

    married C. H. Mauntel, attorney,not teaching, homekeeper.Coffman, Henry N., pa Cloverdale

    taughtfive years before graduation

    1893-1896 student at Indiana University

    1896-1905 superintendent of schools,Middletown

    1905-1929 farming

    A. B.Indiana University 1895

    A. M. in 1896.Coltrin, Mary, pa RFD D Terre Haute

    1893-1912 teacher at Huntington:1916-1916 teacher in Indian school,Promise, S. D.

    1916-1917 teacher atTrail City, S. D.

    1922-1925 teacher inVigo county

    1927-1929 at home, notteaching.Coltrin-Keep, Mrs. Nina, nr.Davis, Elmer E., ha Dana

    deceased,March, 1919.Delay, Etta Hamilton, ha Howe

    1900-1907 principal of high school, La-Grange

    1910-1915 principal of high

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 48THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtice of law in Terre Haute

    1927-1930judge of circuit court, Terre Haute.Johnson, Lafayette M., pa New Castle

    taught school from 1894 to 1899 beforegraduation

    1901-1902 principal ofschools, Lewisville

    1902-1903 teacherof grades, Knightstown

    1903-1909 insurance agent

    1909-1926 city clerk ofNew Castle

    1926-1929 in insurancebusiness. New Castle.Johnson, Thomas F., pa Dale

    lr 1928farmer.Keever, Elizabeth, nr.Kelly, Chester Y., pa 2123 North 10thSt., Terre Haute

    1901-1902 teacher ineighth grade and high school, Paragon

    1902-1903 student, Indiana University

    1903-1906 student. University of Michigan

    1906-1930 attorney at law, TerreHaute

    A. B. Indiana University 1903

    LL. B. degree. University of Michigan1906.Kiefe, Josephine, la 667 Third Ave.,Terre Haute

    1894-1923 teacher of public schools, Terre Haute.King, Estelle, la 1916-1815 College Ave.,Indianapolis

    1901-1916 teacher in public schools, Indianapolis

    teacher of departmental reading at school 16

    lr1916.Kirby, Elizabeth, pa 6021 Bellfontaine,Indianapolis

    1901-1902 teacher ofgrades, Linton

    1902-1906 teacher in Indiana Girls School, Clermont

    1906-1913teacher of grades, Indianapolis

    1913-1929 principal of elementary school, Indianapolis

    attended Columbia Universityfour summer terms

    University of Chicago one summer term

    extension workfrom Butler and Indiana University.Krick-Parrish, Mrs .Nellie M., pa Monroe

    1901-1903 teacher of grades, public schools, Decatur

    1903-1906 teacherof grades six, seven and eight, publicschools, Huntington


    at homeand not teaching

    1927-1929 teacher ofpublic schools, Monroe.Lenhart, Linneaus A., nr.McCloskey, Richard C, pa 1212 NorthMansfield Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

    1902-1903 principal, Riley

    1903-1906 princi-cal of Harrison township school. SugarGrove: 1907 University of Chicago, B.S. degree

    1911, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, 111.

    1911-1912, laboratory assistant and researchin physiology, University of Chicago

    instructor in materia medica and animal work in Northwestern

    assistantsurgeon. Swift and Company, UnionStock Yards, Chicago, 111.

    1912-1913house surgeon hospital, Ogden, Utah

    1913-1914 charge of construction hospital. Southern Pacific Railroad, Oregon

    1914-1929 private practice, Los Angeles,Calif.: clinical lecturer in diseases ofchest at county hospital for Universityof California and for University...

    was instructor in chemistry at Indiana State Teachers Collegefor a short time.McCarver, Daniel M., pa Bruceville

    1910-1913 superintendent of schools,Kent

    1913-1918 principal, Edwardsport

    1918-1923 principal in Lyons, Sandborn,Carlisle and superintendent in Corona,New Mex.

    1927-1929 retired, living atBruceville.Markley, Charles H., la Zanesville

    lrprincipal of Lafayette township.Mason, Lam ma, la 1916-228 West 16thSt., Indianapolis

    lr 1916 teacher ofgrades, Indianapois.Meredith-Sparks, Mrs. Margaret, pa 617South Center St., Terre Haute

    taughttwo years in Terre Haute before graduation

    1901-1904 taught in Terre Haute

    1904-1929 married to Ralph Sparks, notteaching, homekeeper.Morris, Charles E., la 4642 Russell Ave.,Los Angeles, Cal.

    1889-1892 principalhigh school, Salem

    1892-1893 principalhigh school, Vincennes

    1893-1897 superintendent schools Salem

    1899 receivedA. B. degree Indiana University

    1899-1900 graduate student, Cornell University

    1901-1904 principal high school,Vincennes

    1905-1908 teacher and headLatin department high school, Richmond

    1908-1909 assistant professor EnglishOccidental College, Los Angeles, Calif.

    1909-1911 principal high school, SantaMonica, Calif.

    1911-1912 teacher highschool, Los Angeles, Calif.

    1912 teacher of logic and philosophy, high school,Los Angeles, also junior college, lr 1912.Norris-McClosky, Mrs. Etta, pa 1212North Mansfield Ave., L...

    taught two terms in Boonecounty

    1901-1902 teacher in Blackhawk,Vigo county

    1902-1904 teacher in CoalBluff, Vigo county

    1904-1924 not teaching, homekeeper, married

    1924-1925 attending University of California at LosAngeles

    1925 attending University ofSouthern California, M. A. degree in education

    1925-1929 substitute teacher inhigh school in Los Angeles.♦Norton-Mavor, Mrs. Caroline, nr.ODell, Edna, nr.Packard, Edgar, pa Kent State NormalCollege, K...

    taught schools inCass county

    1888-1892 principal ofschools. Young America

    1892-1893teacher of reading, departmental, Logansport

    1893-1897 teacher of English, highschool, Winamac

    1897-1904 directorpedagogy seminary, Onarga, 111.

    1904-1906 head of English, State NormalSchool, River Falls, Wis.

    1906-1909principal county Normal School, Berlin,Wis.

    1909-1914 head of rural education, State Normal University, Normal111.

    1914-1918 lecturer in France, armyY M. C. A.

    1918-1919 head of ruraleducation, State Normal School, LaCrosse, Wis.

    1919-1929 head of Englishdepartment, Kent State Normal College,Kent, Ohio

    received A. B. degree, University of Illinois, 1926.Roehm, Alfred Isaac, pa Nashville, Tenn.

    1901-1904 principal, high school, Roann

    1905 principal, high schol, Cannel-ton

    1906 A. B. Indiana University, 1908A. M.

    1908-1910 University of Leip-sic

    1910 Ph. D., University of Chicago

    1910-1916 head of department of German, Wisconsin State Normal School,Oshkosh, Wis.

    1927-1929 director ofextension division, Peabody College,Nashville, Tenn.Richardson, Rosalie, pa Dale

    1901-1902teocher of grades, New Harmony

    1902-1905 teacher of grades, Anderson

    1906-1915 teacher of German, grades and highschool. Tell City

    1917 received A. B.degree, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1920-1929 teacher ofmusic, art, domestic science, high school.Dale.Schmidt-Karmire, Mrs. J. Adah, pa 204Park Ave., Fulton, Ky.

    1901-1905 teach-

    Indiana State University Archives
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  • Follow the rhythm of bandA solid three year formation, a new format, and a lot of support between theclasses made the school year a...

    Bloomington High School South
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