Collection Order

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Jones, Thomas vs Jacob Minor

Jones, Thomas vs Jacob Miner

Description: An account dated July 22, 1799 to June 11, 1805 that Jacob Miner owes to Thomas Jones in the amount of 41 livres and 21 shillings. Items on the list are cash, flour, whiskey, butter, eggs, otter skin, lead, bacon, linen, nails, files, flannel, cloth, brandy, indigo, needless moccasins, combs, a hat, and a skein of silk. An account Jacob Minor has with Thomas Jones dated April 14, 1804 to April 5, 1806 the amount of $9.50 is owed on the account. Items listed are a wool hat, blankets, whiskey, bushel of potatoes, and a basin. A summons is issued for Jacob Minor to come to court the last Monday in November 1806 in a plea of trespass on the case for $400. The summons filed by Robert Buntin on 17 September 1806. On the reverse it states bail is not required and the summons is executed by Daniel Sullivan. The cost of law listed is 82 1/2 cents. Jacob Minor by his attorney, General Washington Johnston, says he does not owe the debt complained about him. That he paid the amount in question and he can verify to that fact. The deposition is signed Johnston, Attorney for the defendant. On the reverse of the document Thomas Jones per his attorney John Rice Jones says Jacob Minor did not pay the said sum. John R. Jones complains for Thomas Jones that the said Jacob Minor on 1 September 1806 in Vincennes was indebted to him $400 in damages for divers, goods, wares, and, merchandise. That he faithfully promised to pay debt but he has refused to do so. He is also indebted to Thomas Jones an additional $153.34 1/2 signed John Rice Jones, Attorney. The jury finds for the plaintiff 35 livres and 94 1/2 shillings in damages. Peter Ruby was listed as the foreman of the jury. A summons is issued for Louis Severe, George Miner and Gracie Miner to come to court the last Monday of July to give evidence on behalf of Jacob Minor. There is a $200 penalty of they fail to come to court. The Summons is witnessed by R. Buntin on 4 June 1807. On reverse it states the summons was executed July 1807 by P. Beckes, Sheriff. The cost of court is listed at $1.81 1/2. A summons is issued on October 3, 1807 asking that two Justices of the Peace in the district of St. Louis in the territory of Louisiana call before them William Prince so that he may testify under oath in this suit and send the examinations to the Knox County Court the last Monday of November 1807. The summons is signed by R. Buntin Clerk C.P.K.C. A summons is issued to Thomas Jones and Samuel McConnel to appear before the Court of Common Pleas on behalf of Thomas Jones plaintiff on a plea of trespass against Jacob Minor. The document is dated 4 December 1807 and signed by R. Buntin. The summons was executed by Samuel Hayes, Deputy with the cost of serving listed at 75 cents plus 9 cents returning for a total of 84 cents. A document showing the cost of court is filed in the amount of $24.39 plus judgement of $35.94 for a total of $60.33.
Origin: 2018-01-31
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Johnson, James; Leech, George;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Accounts -- Indiana
Blankets -- Indiana Territory
Bonds -- Indiana Territory
Brandy -- Indiana Territory
Buttons -- Indiana Territory
Costs (Law) -- Indiana Territory
Cotton fabrics -- Indiana Territory
Calico -- Indiana Territory
Complaints (Administrative procedure) -- Indiana Territory
Damages -- Indiana Territory
Depositions -- Indiana Territory
Hides and skins -- Indiana Territory
Judgments -- Indiana Territory
Jurors -- Indiana Territory
Lawyers -- Indiana Territory
Liquors -- Indiana Territory
Linen -- Indiana Territory
Merchants -- Indiana Territory
Moccasins -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Whiskey -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.